COMP61411 Exercises
COMP61411 Exercises Week 1
Week 1 Exercise 1
The first thing to do is to get some familiarity with Mathematica and its notebooks. If you are in a CS lab,
make sure that you have some earphones. (N.B. The lab does not provide earphones, so use your own.)
Make sure you are in a Windows environment. (The labs for this course use a Windows installation of
Mathematica. However these exercise notes have been prepared using a linux installation of Mathematica,
so be alert for minor user interface differences.)
Go to . Find the ‘LEARNING & SUPPORT’ menu, and go to ‘Videos &
Screencasts’ under ‘Learning’. There are many videos there, but two in particular are worth viewing. Watch
‘Hands-on Start to Mathematica’ which is on the front page. Also watch ‘Mathematica Basics’ which is on the
‘Getting Started with Mathematica’ page from the ‘Main Channels’ menu on the right. These will give you a
good grounding in working with Mathematica. You can see the duration of these tutorials displayed with the
title. If you work with Mathematica alongside the tutorials, as they recommend, it will obviously take longer.
Most of the other videos are too specialised to be worth watching at the beginning.
The suggested way of working is as follows. Download the ‘Answer Notebook’ from the ‘General Resources’
part of the course website, or
from Blackboard to your own filestore and save. In the title, change MyName to your actual name, change
MyRegNumber to your actual registration number. When you start work on an exercise, use a scratch notebook
of your own (and save it regularly as you work). It is probably advisable to break your working into Mathe-
matica sessions which are not too long, to use different scratch notebooks for different blocks of work, and to
restart Mathematica regularly — this stops the internal state of Mathematica from getting cluttered with old
information. Feel free to make extensive use of the Mathematica Help system (e.g. there have been some minor
changes in the names of some Mathematica functions compared with what is stated below; find their correct
names via Help). When you have got the exercise working as you wish, copy and paste the relevant parts into
your Answer Notebook, add some accompanying text to make the content clear, and save. To submit work as
required below, create a pdf of your Answer Notebook, and submit both the notebook and the pdf according
to the instructions provided in Blackboard.
Submission deadlines are described later in this document. LATE SUBMISSION INCURS A PENALTY.
Week 1 Exercise 2
Download the notebook called ‘van Tilborg’s Cryptology Notebook (Updated)’ from the COMP61411.Info
website or Blackboard. This is a (rather large) notebook, that as well as being a notebook, is a textbook on
cryptology — though one that dates back to 2000; many new things have happened since then. Open it, and
open a scratch notebook too. Copy the CaesarCipher definition from Section 2.1.1 into your scratch note-
book. Shift-Enter it to cause evaluation of the definition. Try CaesarCipher[“abcdefg”,3] and see that
it comes out as “defghij”. Try the Table[CaesarCipher[…]…] example at the end of Section
2.1.1 in your scratch notebook and see that it comes out OK. Introduce1 ciphertext as in that example un-
less you have already done so beforehand. Now introduce Manipulate[CaesarCipher[ciphertext,
n],n,1,26,1]. You can enjoy playing with the controls for a while. Save and close your notebook. Re-
open it. One of two things now happens. One possibility is that everything is OK — you can manipulate the
Manipulate applet as before and it behaves as previously. A second possibility is that the Manipulate
1From now on, by ‘introduce’ I mean ‘type or copy/paste it into your notebook and Shift-Enter it’.
applet has died in some sense, since it does not respond to manipulation, and instead of displaying the answer
to the decryption problem, it just shows some of the CaesarCipher internal details. In such a case, go to
the the ‘Evaluation’ menu and click ‘Evaluate Notebook’ — this will bring the notebook back to life.
Week 1 Exercise 3
We are going to play with some aspects of a mini-Enigma. Unfortunately Mathematica isn’t very good at
manipulating letters (i.e. “a”,”b”,”c”,…,”z”) in as flexible a way as we would like, so we use code
numbers for letters instead, so “a”<->1,”b”<->2,”c”<->3,…,”z”<->26.
Download the ‘PracticalHints.txt’ file from the COMP61411.Info website or Blackboard. This contains
various helpful items in text form which you can just copy and paste into Mathematica notebooks. Introduce
RotI — it is the definition of the permutation (on letter codes) of Enigma rotor I, as in the lecture notes.
To help you visualise what is going on, introduce Graph[RotI,VertexLabels->”Name”]. Introduce
RotIinv — it is the inverse of the rotor I permutation, but is incomplete — you must complete it in the
obvious way. (The Graph[…] that you just created should help you.)
Introduce lettercodes (completing the missing bits, obviously). Now you can test your rotors. Intro-
If all is well, you should get the value of lettercodes back. You can try RotIinv and RotI the other
way round too if you wish.
Introduce RefB — it is the definition of the (involutive) permutation of Enigma reflector B, as in the lec-
ture notes. You have to expand the definition in detail — the first swap has been written out explicitly as a pair
of replacements, and you must do the rest yourself. With lettercodes, you can test your reflector. Introduce
Since RefB is an involution, you should get the value of lettercodes back.
A one-rotor Enigma passes a letter through the rotor, through the reflector, and back through the rotor. See
what happens to all the individual letters by introducing
Table[Replace[Replace[Replace[x,RotI],RefB],RotIinv],{x,1,26,1}] (1)
which cycles through all the lettercodes using the iterator {x,1,26,1}.
Examine the output. It should be an involution once more. Work out all the pairs that are being swapped
and introduce EnigmaGuts as the set of replacements that express these. In PracticalHints.txt you will find
something to get you started.
Produce a table of the permutations of all the letters by introducing
Table[ReplaceAll[x,EnigmaGuts],x,1,26,1] (2)
which again cycles through all the lettercodes using the iterator {x,1,26,1}.
Enigma works by not only permuting letters as we have seen, but my moving the rotors too. To allow for
this, from PracticalHints.txt, introduce the Enigma1 function
Enigma1[x ,n ] := Mod[((ReplaceAll[Mod[x+n,26,1],EnigmaGuts])-n),26,1]
You see that it takes lettercode x, displaces it by n, applies the EnigmaGuts permutation to it, and displaces
it back (i.e. by -n this time). (N.B. We are modelling an Enigma without a plugboard, for reasons that should
be clear from the lectures.)
For future reference, remember the notation (which you have seen in CaesarCipher already): x and n
are the formal parameters, referred to as x and n on the right hand side of the definition, and := is definitional
equality, which says “don’t evaluate this right now, but remember it for the future, when I supply some actual
parameters for x and n ”.
Check what happens to the letter “a” when various displacements are applied by introducing
Table[Enigma1[1,n],{n,0,25,1}] (3)
which cycles through the various permutations of the code of “a” using the iterator {n,0,25,1} —note that
this starts at 0 and goes up to 25, unlike the lettercodes which run from 1 to 26— this is so that the
undisplaced rotor position occurs at the beginning of the list.
As ever, Enigma permutations are involutions, so that decryption is the same process as encryption. There-
fore if you apply Enigma1 to one of the encryptions just performed along with the correct displacement, you
should get back the code for the letter “a”. Try one or two cases.
Now systematise the preceding by combining all the cases into one expression. You will need an ex-
pression of the form MapThread[Enigma1,list1,list2], as in PracticalHints.txt. Figure out how
MapThread works by consulting the help system. Figure out what list1 and list2 need to be, to recover
the code for “a” in every instance.
Week 1 Hand In
Copy and save (and neatly comment) the following into your Answer Notebook (10 marks total):
Q1 the table expression, marked (1) above, that defines the behaviour of the one-rotor machine, and its output;
Q2 the list of pairs swapped by the one-rotor machine, as revealed in the preceding output (write a list of pairs);
Q3 the EnigmaGuts permutation derived from the preceding output (write it out as a permutation);
Q4 the table expression, marked (2) above, and its output;
Q5 the table expression, marked (3) above, and its output;
Q6 the MapThread expression and its output.
(The Answer Notebook and pdf for the Exercises for Week 1 and Week 2 should be uploaded to Black-
board no later than the end of Friday of Week 3.)
COMP61411 Exercises Week 2
Week 2 Exercise 1
The week 1 exercises built a one rotor Enigma that could encipher a single lettercode at an arbitrary displace-
ment. This week we build up to a more complete machine, culminating in a mini Turing Bombe.
Create EnigmaMachine[text ,key ]:=… by using the MapThread expression from week 1, but
using a list of displacements generated from a starting value key , using Table and Length. (Hint: what
function of the iterator do you need to apply the Table function to, and what is it that you need the Length
Since decryption is the same as encryption, you can test your EnigmaMachine definition. First evaluate
EnigmaMachine[{1,2,3,4,5},28] (to see that you encrypt {1,2,3,4,5} to something sensible)
and then evaluate EnigmaMachine[EnigmaMachine[{1,2,3,4,5},28],28]. If you have done this
right, it should not matter that the key is bigger than 25 (only its value mod 26 counts). Verify that if you use
different keys for encryption and decryption, you don’t get back the original text.
The ciphertext {17,4,14,6,17,3,4,23,8,8,19,3,1,24,22,11,6,22,15} is believed to con-
tain a crib for the plaintext {1,3,4,23,9,2,12,8}, (the latter being the encoding into lettercodes of that
well-known word “acdwiblh”). Both are in PracticalHints.txt. Find the location of the crib and
the length of the crib cycle. (If there is more than one crib, use the first.) What are the distances of the members
of the crib cycle from the start of the plaintext? At this point, since there are only 26 different keys, it would
be trivial to find the key by exhaustive search; but let’s pretend that this is not the case.
Since Bombes work by following the fate of one letter through a crib cycle, it will be enough to use the
previous Enigma1[x,n] function in building the Bombe. For simplicity we will build a special purpose
Bombe that is hardwired to the length of the crib cycle. For simplicity, introduce cyfrag, the fragment of the
cyphertext that aligns with the cribbed plaintext. Introduce
Bombe[plain ,cyfrag ,k ] := …
part of whose definition is in PracticalHints.txt, and such that it has hardwired into it the correct number of,
and displacements for, the plain/cipher text matches for the crib you found, programmed following the scheme
suggested in PracticalHints.txt.
Run through all the possible keys by introducing
What is the key setting for the start position of the cribbed plaintext? Working backwards, what is the key
setting for the start position of the ciphertext? Test your conclusion by deciphering the whole ciphertext with
your derived key, using your EnigmaMachine built earlier. At this point you should see the cribbed plain-
text at the relevant point in the middle of it. You can now re-encrypt the whole plaintext to recover the whole
Week 2 Hand In
Copy and save (or where appropriate just write) neatly commented, the following into your Answer Notebook
(10 marks total):
Q1 the definition of EnigmaMachine ;
Q2 the evaluations of EnigmaMachine[{1,2,3,4,5},28] and of
EnigmaMachine[EnigmaMachine[{1,2,3,4,5},28],28] ;
Q3 the location of the start of the crib (within the plaintext), and the number of elements in the crib cycle;
Q4 the distances of the members of the crib cycle from the start of the plaintext;
Q5 the key setting revealed by the Bombe for the start of the cribbed plaintext, and the Bombe expression;
Q6 the key setting for the start of the whole cyphertext;
Q7 the decryption of the whole cyphertext.
Save your Answer Notebook containing the material for weeks 1 and 2, and generate a pdf from it.
(The Answer Notebook and pdf for the Exercises for Week 1 and Week 2 should be uploaded to Black-
board no later than the end of Friday of Week 3.)
When you have done the above, go to,
where the last link in the ‘Chapter 5 — Advanced Encryption Standard’ section is a really nice animation of
the workings of AES. Watch it to improve your understanding of AES.
COMP61411 Exercises Week 3
Week 3 Exercise 1
This week we explore techniques related to RSA public key cryptography. Open the ‘van Tilborg’ note-
book, and go to Appendix A. Work through from the beginning, familiarising yourself with the functions
discussed there by going through the examples presented, and by trying some examples of your own. In par-
ticular you should become familiar with IntegerQ, Divisors, Prime, PrimeQ, PrimePi, GCD, LCM,
FactorInteger, ExtendedGCD. The rest of A.2 can then be skipped.
Continue from A.3, familiarising yourself with Mod, EulerPhi, DivisSum, CoPrimeQ, CoPrimes.
(N.B. some syntactic aspects have changed since the original printed book, but are corrected online.) Exper-
iment with Euler’s Theorem, as in the example directly following Theorem A.14. Experiment with examples
of your own, including both some cases where m and a are coprime, and some cases where they are not (to
see what happens) — cases in which m=123… and a=111… (with both strings of digits being of equal
length) are fun. By identifying a fairly big example, in which both m and a are at least six digits long, notice
the difference in the computation time needed to evaluate Mod[a^EulerPhi[m],m] and the time needed
to evaluate PowerMod[a,EulerPhi[m],m] (which is mathematically the same thing) — the PowerMod
form utilises optimisations built in to Mathematica for such calculations, and should always be used in prefer-
ence to the Mod form.
Go on to check out Fermat’s Little Theorem in the same way. Check that EulerPhi indeed gives the
number of coprimes by comparing its output to the Length of the list generated by CoPrimes, as suggested
at the end of Section A.3.2. In Section A.3.3 check out the ExtendedGCD function by recombining the
multipliers generated by ExtendedGCD with the two original numbers in order to yield the GCD given by
Experiment with the Chinese Remainder Theorem as described in Section A.3.4. Note that the function
mentioned in Section A.3.4, ChineseRemainderTheorem, is now defunct, and has been replaced by
function ChineseRemainder in the current version of Mathematica. (Moreover you are no longer required
to read in any additional package since ChineseRemainder is now built in to the Mathematica core.)
Choosing the mutually coprime moduli 13, 29, 64, determine the three basis numbers u1, u2, u3, that leave
remainders {1,0,0}, {0,1,0}, {0,0,1}, as done in the book. Check that ChineseRemainder acting
on {10,5,7} yields the same number as 10u1 ` 5u2 ` 7u3 mod 13 ˚ 29 ˚ 64.
Week 3 Exercise 2
Turn to Chapter 8 of the book. At the beginning there is some material introducing functions like PowerList
and entities like GF[p] which you might like to explore (although they are not needed for this week’s exer-
cises). For this you will need to read in the FiniteFields package. See PracticalHints.txt for the precise
syntax. Again, this has changed from that in the printed book though the online notebook version has been
Turn to Section 8.1.2 on Diffie-Hellman key exchange. Work through Example 8.5 (Part 1). Using the
function Prime[k], which returns the k’th prime number, choose a fairly large prime (say six to ten digits
long). Using your prime, invent a Diffie-Hellman example of your own. Ensure that the primitive element
and exponents chosen are large enough that the PowerMod function needs to calculate at least one modulus
Go to Section 8.2.1 on the ElGamal public key cryptosystem. Work through Example 8.5 (Part 2). Using the
large prime from the previous task, invent an ElGamal example of your own. Again, ensure that all operations
using PowerMod need to calculate at least one modulus operation.
Continue on to the ElGamal public key signature scheme. Work through Example 8.5 (Part 3). Using your
large prime, invent a suitable example of your own.
Week 3 Exercise 3
Turn to Chapter 9 of the book. At the beginning there is some material that revises parts of Appendix A. Go
through this if you feel it will help you. In Section 9.1.2 the basic tools of RSA cryptography are set up. Work
through these. Section 9.1.3 covers the use of RSA for privacy. Work through this, including the use of the
Chinese Remainder Theorem for decryption. Section 9.1.4 briefly discusses the use of RSA for signatures.
Familiarise yourself with this.
Now find two reasonably large primes of your own. Set up the RSA scheme using those. Choose an ex-
ample to encrypt, and work out the details of RSA encryption and decryption for it. Choose an example to
sign, and work out the details of RSA signing and verification for it. Finally, read Section 9.1.5 about securely
signing excrypted messages. Set up a scheme in which Alice and Bob each have two RSA public/private key
pairs such that one can be used for signing, and the other for encrypting. Choose a message for Alice to encrypt
and sign, work through the details, and show how Bob can both decrypt the ciphertext and convince himself
that it definitely came from Alice.
Week 3 Hand In
Copy and save (or where appropriate just write) neatly commented, the following into your Answer Notebook
(10 marks total):
Q1 two worked examples of Euler’s Theorem including all the details (i.e. m, a, EulerPhi[m], PowerMod
[a,EulerPhi[m],m]) — one where the numbers are fairly small and one where the numbers are bigger;
Q2 an example of the working of ExtendedGCD, showing that recombining the multipliers with the two
original numbers yields the GCD;
Q3 an example of the working of ChineseRemainder using moduli 13, 29, 64, determining u1, u2, u3,
and checking that ChineseRemainder acting on {10,5,7} yields the same as 10u1 ` 5u2 ` 7u3
mod 13 ˚ 29 ˚ 64;
Q4 the details of your Diffie-Hellman key exchange example;
Q5 the details of your ElGamal public key cryptosystem example;
Q6 the details of your ElGamal public key signature example;
Q7 the details of RSA encryption and decryption starting from your own primes;
Q8 the details of securely encrypting and signing a message from Alice to Bob, including the verification at
Bob’s end.
(The Answer Notebook and pdf for the Exercises for Week 3, Week 4 and Week 5 should be uploaded to
Blackboard no later than the end of Friday of Week 6.)
COMP61411 Exercises Week 4
Week 4 Exercise 1
This week we explore Elliptic Curve cryptography.
We start with elliptic curves over the reals. Open the ‘van Tilborg’ notebook, and go to Chapter 10. Go
to Section 10.2 and work through, displaying some elliptic curves over the reals. Note that the syntax for
doing this has changed from the van Tilborg notebook. You no longer use ImplicitPlot. Instead you use
ContourPlot. PracticalHints.txt shows the necessary syntax for this for the elliptic curve y2 “ x3 ´ 5x` 3
over the reals — make sure you include the space between the 5 and the x to indicate multiplication. Note that
ContourPlot has a lot of options, which you are welcome to make use of. You can explore these using the
Help system if you wish.
Now add in the Epilog->Line[{{-3,4},{4,-3}}] option, and watch what happens as the coeffi-
cient of x in the equation varies between ´5 and ´3. You can do this using a suitable Manipulate[…],
which you should design. The lectures and notes talk about straight lines intersecting elliptic curves in three
places. What happens with the given Epilog when the coefficient of x is ´3? Why?
Try the NSolve example that follows, showing that it can find all the numerical solutions for the intersec-
tion of the line and the curve. Such intersections are an ingredient in the addition of points on elliptic curves
over the reals, but they are not the whole story. Skip the rest of Section 10.2 for now, and go to Section 10.3,
which explores addition of points on elliptic curves over the reals. Do the first example using ContourPlot
and a suitable range for y, but omitting the Epilog completely. Now paste in the first Line from the Epilog
and re-evaluate. Now paste in the second Line from the book and re-evaluate. Continue by pasting in succes-
sive elements of the Epilog (the various Text elements) and re-evaluate each time to see the final picture
build up. This picture illustrates the addition of two distinct points in an elliptic curve over the reals. The
second example illustrates the addition of a point to itself. Do that in the same way as the previous exam-
ple. As a third example, repeat the first example, but letting the first Line be {{-3,-2},{4,4}} instead of
{{-3,-2},{4,5}}. Having drawn the first Line, experiment with the placement of the second (vertical)
Line so that it intersects the curve and the first Line in the right way. Finally, experiment with the placement
of a bullet so that it is reasonably close to the place that represents the addition of the two points of intersection
of the first Line with the curve. Elliptic curves over the reals are not used in cryptography, but as you can see,
they are at least easy to visualise, and they provide a jumping off point for elliptic curves over various kinds of
Galois field.
Week 4 Exercise 2
Now we move on to elliptic curves over a simple prime field Zp. Go back to Section 10.1, and work through
the examples from the beginning. Additionally, try the Table example without the enclosing Flatten to see
how the Solve systematically works through the various values of x in the given range, one by one. (Because
we are working with a simple prime, the Mathematica Mod function and its close relatives (such as specifying a
Modulus in other functions) are all we need to perform the necessary calculations.) When you get to Example
10.1 involving a Galois field of a higher prime power, skip it; we will return to this later.
Go to Section 10.2 and pick up just after the NSolve example done earlier. Do the Solve example that
finds the points of intersection of the line y “ x – 1 with the y2 “ x3 ´ 5x ` 3 elliptic curve when working
over Z11. Example 10.2 shows another approach to finding the points of intersection. Go through it. Now
construct a similar example of your own. How do you do this, given that an arbitrarily chosen straight line
through the curve will intersect it in non-integer points? The answer is to exploit the fact —to be illustrated
shortly— that any two points on the curve can be ‘added’ to give a third point, even when we work over a
Galois field. Above, we tabulated all the points on the y2 “ x3 ´ 5x ` 3 elliptic curve when working over
Z11. Go back to that table, pick two distinct points on the curve from the table, and work out the straight line
that runs through them as follows. Introduce InterpolatingPolynomial[{{x1,y1},{x2,y2}},t],
where {x1,y1} and {x2,y2} are the two points that you chose, and t is either a fresh variable, or one that
you have Cleared for reuse here. The output will be a linear expression for a line through the two selected
points, which you can Simplify and/or Expand if you wish. Now that you have a suitable linear equation,
rerun the Solve example that finds its points of intersection with the y2 “ x3 ´ 5x ` 3 elliptic curve when
working over Z11 (make sure you Clear any variables needed that you have used before, or else you will get
Now go to Section 10.3, just after Theorem 10.2, where you will find a Module called EllipticAdd that
automates the addition of points on elliptic curves. There are a number of cases, depending on the relationship
between the two input points, and whether either of them is the point at infinity, as in Definition 10.2 in the
book. (You will see that the body of the Module is just a big Which statement — Mathematica-speak for
a switch statement.) Introduce the version of EllipticAdd from PracticalHints.txt (where the concrete
syntax has been fixed so that it will copy and paste without errors). Confirm that some of the examples
immediately following the definition of EllipticAdd check out. Going back to the intersection problem for
the two points that you chose on the y2 “ x3 ´ 5x ` 3 elliptic curve working over Z11, add them using the
EllipticAdd function. What is the relationship of the answer you get now to the answer you got before?
The van Tilborg notebook next examines the order of the point {9,4} in the curve y2 “ x3 ` 6x ` 3 over
Z11. Confirm this calculation.
Finally we get to do a little cryptography with this stuff. We will do the elliptic curve analogue of Diffie-
Hellman key exchange. In Diffie-Hellman using ‘RSA-style’ tools, the two secrets are exponents of a pre-
viously agreed element, whose values are hard to discern from a calculated exponential because the discrete
logarithm problem is hard in a simple prime field. In elliptic curve Diffie-Hellman, the two secrets are multi-
ples of a previously agreed element, whose values are hard to discern from a calculated scalar multiple because
scalar division in an elliptic curve is hard. Go to Section 10.4. Near the beginning there is some material on
scalar multiplication of a quantity via repeated additions and doublings. Make sure this is clear to you. Go
to Example 10.6. It confirms that {121,517} lies on the curve y2 “ x3 ` 100×2 ` 10x ` 1 over Z863.
Then it confirms that the order of {121,517} is 432. It does so by introducing a recursive function that
calculates repeated doublings of {121,517} and puts them in the list P[i]. Make sure you follow this. You
should confirm the results by introducing a Table containing the doublings of {121,517}, working out the
IntegerDigits of 432, and combining the relevant entries from the Table using EllipticAdd. Now
complete the Diffie-Hellman protocol by deriving QAlice, QBob, QA, QB, as in the example. Check that you
get the same answer for QA and QB. Repeat the whole derivation with a primitive element of the elliptic curve
y2 “ x3 ` 100×2 ` 10x ` 1 over Z863 of your own choice. Thus you should: tabulate a range of points on
the curve as you did above (you don’t need to go all the way to 863); pick a point on the curve; check that its
order is not too small (check up to order 10, that will be enough — finding the order of an element is in general
hard); then complete the Diffie-Hellman protocol as previously.
Week 4 Exercise 3
Finally we get to the real thing . . . elliptic curve cryptography over Galois fields of non-trivial extension degree.
This exercise is worth 2 marks (in case you end up thinking it’s just not worth all the trouble). It’s probably
best to begin by closing down Mathematica and restarting it, and working in a fresh notebook.
Introduce the FiniteFields package. Introduce z16 = GF[2,4]. This names the Galois field of
characteristic 2 with extension degree 4 as z16. Introduce FullForm[%] to see the full details. Introduce
FieldIrreducible[z16,x]. This displays the irreducible polynomial with respect to which all the cal-
culations in z16 are performed. Note how the coefficients of the polynomial match up with the entries of
the list included in the output to the preceding FullForm command; that’s what that list in FullForm[%]
is for. Introduce Characteristic[z16] and ExtensionDegree[z16] and FieldSize[z16] to
confirm what you know already. Introduce dd = z16[{0,0,1,1}], a non-zero element of the field (ob-
viously, it corresponds to the polynomial x2 ` x3). Introduce dd+dd and dd-dd to illustrate that addition
and subtraction in any field of characteristic 2 amount to the same thing, and that adding/subtracting anything
to/from itself always gives zero. Introduce ee = z16[{1,1,0,0}]. Introduce dd ee and dd/ee to show
that multiplication and division work in Galois fields of higher extension degree. Tabulate powers of dd from
0 to 15. Then tabulate them from 0 to 30. See that the same values just cycle round again once you go past 15.
Now we turn to elliptic curves over this stuff. In the previous exercise, the form of the elliptic curve
equation mentioned only y on the left hand side, and only x on the right hand side. Although we didn’t have
to do it, this meant that one way of finding a solution in a finite field was to separately tabulate the left hand
side and right hand side formulae separately, to find a common value, and then to try and get usable values
of x and y that way. In the present context, the form of the elliptic curve equation that we must work with is
y2 `xy “ x3 `a x2 `c. Note that this involves both x and y on the left hand side, so the previously suggested
technique for searching for a solution will not work. At this juncture, inspired by our previous experience
regarding addition and subtraction, we realise that if x and y are equal, then y2 ` xy must evaluate to zero. So
if we can find a value of x such that the right hand side, x3 ` a x2 ` c, evaluates to zero, then if we set y to
the same thing, we get a solution to the equation. Set c to 0 and set a to ee. Now tabulate (dd^n)^3 + ee
(dd^n)^2 for values of n say from 0 to 15. Do you see a value of zero in there? What power of dd does it
correspond to? Set both x and y to this power of dd. Evaluate both y^2 + x y and x^3 + ee x^2 to
check that they are both zero, and that a solution to the equation (with parameters ee for a and 0 for c) has
indeed been found.
We need to be able to add points on the curve. For this introduce Z2mEllipticAdd from Practical-
Hints.txt. Also, clear P, initialise P[0] to the point {x,y}, set a and c, and define the P[i ] function, all as
done in PracticalHints.txt. Now we can just follow the steps taken in the earlier exercise and do Diffie-Hellman
on this stuff.
Set PDoubles to be the output of a tabulation of values of P[n]with n ranging from 0 to 31. Set QAlice
to be the sum of PDoubles[[3]] and PDoubles[[1]]. Set QBob to be the sum of PDoubles[[4]]
and PDoubles[[2]]. What multiples of {x,y} do these correspond to? What calculation with QAlice
does Bob have to do in order to derive Bob’s version of the common key QB? Do the calculation. What cal-
culation with QBob does Alice have to do in order to derive Alice’s version of the common key QA? Do the
calculation. Do QA and QB agree?
Week 4 Hand In
Copy and save (or where appropriate just write) neatly commented, the following into your Answer Notebook
(10 marks total):
Q1 the ContourPlot and its output for the y2 “ x3 ´ 5x ` 3 elliptic curve example from Section 10.2,
including the Epilog->Line, as the coefficient of x varies from -5 to -3;
Q2 an answer to the question about straight lines intersecting elliptic curves in three places;
Q3 the ContourPlot and its output for the example of addition of two points on a curve over the reals,
where the first line is given by {{-3,-2},{4,4}} and including the bullet that represents the answer;
Q4 the Table example (without the enclosing Flatten) that runs through the points of the y2 “ x3 ´5x`3
elliptic curve over Z11;
Q5 the Solve example that finds the points of intersection of the straight line you chose with the
y2 “ x3 ´ 5x ` 3 elliptic curve over Z11;
Q6 the result of EllipticAdd with the curve y2 “ x3 ´ 5x ` 3 and the points defining the straight line you
chose for the previous question, and the relationship between the answer here and the previous answer;
Q7 the Table containing the first 10-20 doublings of {121,517}, the IntegerDigits of 432, and the
confirmation that the relevant combination of these via EllipticAdd yields the point at infinity;
Q8 the details of the Diffie-Hellman protocol starting from the primitive element that you chose, including:
proving that the point lies on the curve y2 “ x3 ` 100×2 ` 10x ` 1 over Z863, deriving QAlice, QBob,
QA, QB, as in the example, confirming that QA and QB are equal;
… and for the last 2 marks …
Q9 the preliminary calculations with finite fields of characteristic 2 with non-trivial extension degree, including
the basic manipulations with dd and ee, and including the tabulation of powers of dd;
Q10 the derivation of the solution of y2 ` xy “ x3 ` a x2 ` c for the given parameters, and including the
tabulation of PDoubles;
Q11 the derivation of the Diffie-Hellman protocol for the case cited.
(The Answer Notebook and pdf for the Exercises for Week 3, Week 4 and Week 5 should be uploaded to
Blackboard no later than the end of Friday of Week 6.)
COMP61411 Exercises Week 5
Week 5 Exercise 1
This week we build a simple emulation of the behaviour of the quantum key exchange protocols given in the
lectures. This will be done via fairly straightforward functional programs in Mathematica acting on sequences
of random bits.
First we do the Bennett and Brassard BB84 QKD protocol. We code the R and D bases using 0 and 1. Us-
ing Table and Random[Integer], set AliceBasis to a random list of 0 and 1 of length 40. Similarly
set AliceData and BobBasis to random lists of 0 and 1 of length 40. To model Bob’s measurements of the
data, set BobData to a list of 0 and 1 of length 40, such that at each position, if AliceBasis and BobBasis
are equal, then BobData agrees with AliceData, else is random. To model the exchange of basis informa-
tion, set EqualBases to 1 at each position where AliceBasis equals BobBasis, and 0 otherwise. Using
a For loop and Append, set AgreedDataAlice to be the sublist of Alice’s data selected on positions where
EqualBases equals 1. Similarly, set AgreedDataBob to be the sublist of Bob’s data selected on positions
where EqualBases equals 1. Output AgreedDataAlice and AgreedDataBob. Using another For
loop and Random[Integer], partition AgreedDataAlice and AgreedDataBob into the set of agreed
key bits and the set of agreed check bits: AgreedKeyAlice, AgreedKeyBob, CheckDigitsAlice,
CheckDigitsBob, and output these four sequences.
Next we do a similar job on the Bennett B92 QKD protocol. We code the R and D bases using 0 and
1. Using Table and Random[Integer], set AliceBasis to a random list of 0 and 1 of length 40.
Since in B92, the basis for transmission is chosen according to the data, set AliceBasis to be a copy of
AliceData. Set BobBasis to be a random list of 0 and 1 of length 40. To model Bob’s measurements
of the data, set BobData to a list of 0 and 1 of length 40, such that at each position, if AliceBasis and
BobBasis are equal, then BobData agrees with AliceData, else is random. To model the determination
of which data has been reliably received, set ReliableData to 1 at each position where, according to the
information given in the notes, Bob can make a reliable decision about the bit that Alice sent, setting it to 0
otherwise. As previously, using a For loop and Append, set AgreedDataAlice to be the sublist of Alice’s
data selected on those positions in which ReliableData equals 1. Similarly, set AgreedDataBob to be
the sublist of Bob’s data selected on positions where ReliableData equals 1. Output AgreedDataAlice
and AgreedDataBob. Using another For loop and Random[Integer], partition AgreedDataAlice
and AgreedDataBob into the set of agreed key bits and the set of agreed check bits: AgreedKeyAlice,
AgreedKeyBob, CheckDigitsAlice, CheckDigitsBob, and output these four sequences.
Finally, we do the Eckert E91 QKD protocol. We code the R and D bases using 0 and 1 as before. This
time there is going to be an evesdropper, Eve. To make the various effects show up more clearly, it is better to
make the various lists longer, so throughout this experiment, use lists of length 60 or even 80. As before, using
Table and Random[Integer], set AliceBasis and BobBasis to random lists of 0 and 1. To model
the data positions that Eve interferes with, set EvesDrop to a random list of 0 and 1. To model the exchange
of basis information, set EqualBases to 1 at each position where AliceBasis equals BobBasis, and 0
otherwise. Since we know in advance when Eve will be evesdropping, set ReliableData to a table with 1
at each position where EqualBases is 1 and EvesDrop is 0. Now we model the measurement of entangled
states. When the entangled data (which we do not represent, we only model its measurement) is not interfered
with, Alice and Bob measure a random bit, but always the same random bit. When there is interference, the bits
measured by Alice and Bob are uncorrelated random bits. Using a For loop, set AliceData and BobData
to lists of random bits which must be the same at each position where ReliableData is 1. (Hint: Mathemat-
ica allows assignments of the form x = y = val, which sets both x and y to val.) Output AliceData
and BobData, and see that they are not the same in general. Set AgreedDataAlice to be the sublist of
Alice’s data selected on those positions in which EqualBases is 1. Similarly, set AgreedDataBob to be
the sublist of Bob’s data selected on positions where EqualBases is 1. Output AgreedDataAlice and
AgreedKeyBob, and see that they are not the same in general because of Eve’s interference. As in the pre-
vious exercise, partition AgreedDataAlice and AgreedDataBob into the sets of agreed key and check
bits: AgreedKeyAlice, AgreedKeyBob, CheckDigitsAlice, CheckDigitsBob, and output these
four sequences. What do you see?
Week 5 Hand In
Copy and save (or where appropriate just write) neatly commented, the following into your Answer Notebook
(10 marks total):
Q1 the programs and outputs produced for your simulation of the BB84 QKD protocol, namely: AliceBasis
AliceData, BobBasis, BobData, EqualBases, AgreedDataAlice, AgreedDataBob, (the
code that produces, and the values of) AgreedKeyAlice, AgreedDataBob, CheckDigitsAlice,
CheckDigitsBob ;
Q2 the programs and outputs produced for your simulation of the B 92 QKD protocol, namely: AliceData,
AliceBasis, BobBasis, BobData, AgreedDataAlice, AgreedDataBob, (code etc., needed
for) AgreedKeyAlice, AgreedKeyBob, CheckDigitsAlice, CheckDigitsBob ;
Q3 the programs and outputs produced for your simulation of the E91 QKD protocol, namely: AliceBasis,
BobBasis, EvesDrop, EqualBases, ReliableData, AliceData, BobData, AgreedData
Alice, AgreedDataBob, AgreedKeyAlice, AgreedKeyBob, CheckDigitsAlice, Check
DigitsBob, and your comments about the last four pieces of data (lose a mark for no comment).
Save your Answer Notebook containing the material for weeks 3, 4 and 5, and generate a pdf from it.
(The Answer Notebook and pdf for the Exercises for Week 3, Week 4 and Week 5 should be uploaded to
Blackboard no later than the end of Friday of Week 6.)