interpreter tweaks
mhe authored 1 hour ago 6.46 KB
Recall our concrete syntax in BNF notation:
Program ::= Identifier := Expr; — assignment
| { [Program] } — block
| while (Expr) Program — whileStatement
| If (Expr) Program — ifStatement
| If (Expr) Program else Program
Expr ::= Expr1 | Expr1 OrOp Expr — lowest precedence
Expr1 ::= Expr2 | Expr2 AndOp Expr1
Expr2 ::= Expr3 | Expr3 EqOp Expr2
Expr3 ::= Expr4 | Expr4 CompOp Expr3
Expr4 ::= Expr5 | Expr5 AddOp Expr4
Expr5 ::= Expr6 | Expr6 MulOp Expr5
Expr6 ::= Expr7 | NotOp Expr6
Expr7 ::= Constant | Identifier | (Expr) — highest precedence
OrOp ::= ||
AndOp ::= &&
EqOp ::= ==
CompOp ::= <= | < | >= | >
AddOp ::= + | –
MulOp ::= * | / | %
NotOp ::= !
The following is a direct translation of BNF to monadic parsing combinators:
module Parser where
import Data.Char
import Control.Monad
import AbstractSyntax
import Parsing
The function program parses a program according to the above BNF definition. The result is a Program tree in the Parser monad:
program :: Parser Program
Similarly, the various expr functions below parse expressions, with an expression tree in the Parser monad:
expr, expr1, expr2, expr3, expr4, expr5, expr6, expr7 :: Parser Expr
And the following parse and return Expr constructors:
orOp, andOp, eqOp, compOp, addOp, mulOp, notOp :: Parser ([Expr] -> Expr)
Based on the BNF production rule for programs, we define:
program =
<|> block
<|> whileStatement
<|> ifStatement
where the functions assignment , block , whileStatement and ifStatement are defined below. The production rule for assignments is
Identifier := Expr; , which we translate as follows to monadic parsing:
assignment =
i <- identif symbol ":=" e <- expr symbol ";" return (i := e) This works as follows: We parse an identifier with identif (defined below), which is bound to the variable i . We then parse the string ":=" . We then parse an expression with expr , which is bound to the variable e . We then parse the string ";" . We finally return the program tree i := e . The production rule for blocks is { [Program] } (a list of programs enclosed in curly braces): block = do symbol "{" ps <- many program symbol "}" return (Block ps) The function many , applied to the function program , parses a list of programs. It is predefined in the type class Alternative (see the monadic parsing lecture notes, the textbook or hoogle). This works because the type constructor Parser is in the Alternative type class. The production rule for while-statements is while (Expr) Program : whileStatement = do symbol "while" symbol "(" e <- expr symbol ")" p <- program return (While e p) The production rule for if-statements is If (Expr) Program | If (Expr) Program else Program This becomes, in factorized form: ifStatement = do symbol "if" symbol "(" e <- expr symbol ")" p1 <- program ((do symbol "else" p2 <- program return (IfElse e p1 p2)) <|>
(return (If e p1)))
That is:
Parse “if” and then “(” and then an expression e and then “)” and then a program p1 .
Then parse one of
“else” and then a program p2 (then return the tree IfElse e p1 p2 ), or
nothing (then return the tree If e p1 ).
The following function is used in order to implement parsing of BNF definitions of the form
expr := expr’ | expr’ op expr
in factorized form:
binExpr :: Parser e -> Parser ([e] -> e) -> Parser e -> Parser e
binExpr expr’ op expr =
e’ <- expr' ((do o <- op e <- expr return (o [e',e])) <|>
return e’)
Then the definitions of expressions become:
expr = binExpr expr1 orOp expr
expr1 = binExpr expr2 andOp expr1
expr2 = binExpr expr3 eqOp expr2
expr3 = binExpr expr4 compOp expr3
expr4 = binExpr expr5 addOp expr4
expr5 = binExpr expr6 mulOp expr5
expr6 = expr7
op <- notOp e <- expr6 return (op [e]) expr7 = constant <|> do
i <- identif return (Var i) <|> do
symbol “(”
e <- expr symbol ")" return e The above use the following helper functions: parseOp :: String -> OpName -> Parser ([Expr] -> Expr)
parseOp s op = do
symbol s
return (Op op)
orOp = parseOp “||” Or
andOp = parseOp “&&” And
eqOp = parseOp “==” Eq
compOp = parseOp “<=" Leq <|> parseOp “<" Less <|> parseOp “>=” Geq
<|> parseOp “>” Greater
addOp = parseOp “+” Add
<|> parseOp “-” Sub
mulOp = parseOp “*” Mul
<|> parseOp “/” Div
<|> parseOp “%” Mod
notOp = parseOp “!” Not
This is to parse numerical constants:
constant :: Parser Expr
constant = do
n <- integer return (Constant(toInteger n)) Notice that integer (defined in the textbook code Parsing.hs) parses an Int rather than an Integer , and this is why we need the type cast toInteger . This is to parse identifiers, which are defined like in the textbook but excluding our keywords: keywords = ["if", "else", "while"] identif :: Parser String identif = do cs <- token identifier guard (not (elem cs keywords)) return cs Parsing a program can cause an error: parseProgram :: String -> Program
parseProgram xs = case parse program xs of
[(p , [])] -> p
[(_ , s)] -> error (“syntax: unparsed string ” ++ s)
_ -> error “syntax: failed to parse program”
There is no error when we get a singleton list (unambiguous parsing) consisting of a pair (p,[]) where p is a program syntax tree and where []
indicates that there was nothing left unparsed after the program.
Next: Interpreter