CS计算机代考程序代写 ER 1. All random variables in the following questions are defined on a probability space

1. All random variables in the following questions are defined on a probability space
(Ω,F , P ), and G denotes a σ-algebra contained in F .

(a) Let X and Y be random variables such that E|X| < ∞. Define precisely the conditional expectations E(X|G) and E(X|Y ). [7 marks] (b) Let X be a random variable with finite second moment, and consider R = X − E(X|G), the difference between the “true value” of X and the “predicted value” of X based on the “information” G. Compute ER and E(R|G). Show that ER2 = EX2 − EZ2, where Z = E(X|G). [7 marks] (c) Let X be a random variable with finite second moment, and let L2(G) denote the space of G-measurable random variables with finite second moment. Show that Z = E(X|G) minimises the mean square distance of X from L2(G), i.e., E(X − Z)2 = min{E(X − Y )2 : Y ∈ L2(G)}. [6 marks] (d) Let X1 and X2 be independent identically distributed random variables such that E|X1| = E|X2| <∞. Set X̄ = (X1 +X2)/2, and determine E(αX1 + (1− α)X2|X̄) as a function of X̄ for any constant α ∈ R. [Hint: You may use without proof that due to symmetry, E(X1|X̄) = E(X2|X̄).] [5 marks] 2. We want to model the evolution of the instantaneous interest rate by an Itô process r = (rt)t≥0 satisfying following conditions: (i) r0 = 4 and 3 ≤ rt ≤ 5 almost surely for all t ≥ 0; (ii) Ert = 4 for all t ≥ 0; (iii) E(|rt − 4|2) ≤ 1/200 for all t ≥ 0. The solution r of the stochastic differential equation drt = 100(4− rt) dt+ (|rt − 5||rt − 3|)1/2 dWt, r0 = 4 is suggested as a suitable model, where W = (Wt)t≥0 is a Wiener process. (a) State precisely a comparison theorem for SDEs, and applying it to suitable SDEs, show that property (i) holds for the solution r. [12 marks] (b) Prove that r satisfies property (ii). [6 marks] (c) Setting Yt := rt − 4 and using Itô’s formula, write an expression for the stochastic differential of e100tYt. Hence, estimating E(|e100tYt|2), or otherwise, deduce that r satisfies property (iii). [7 marks] 3. Consider the standard Black-Scholes market with bond price Bt = e rt and stock price St = S0 exp(αt+ σWt) at time t ∈ [0, T ], where W is a Wiener process, α is any constant, and S0 and σ are positive constants. Let f be a nonnegative function on R satisfying the polynomial growth condition, and denote by A0 and B0 the prices at time t = 0 of an American type option with pay-off process (f(St))t∈[0,T ] and a European type option with pay-off f(ST ) at maturity T , respectively. (a) Using appropriate formulas define precisely the prices A0 and B0, and hence show that A0 ≥ B0. [7 marks] (b) State precisely the Main Theorem on Pricing European Type Options, and hence show that the replicating strategy (ψ∗t , ϕ ∗ t )t∈[0,T ] for the European type option with pay-off f(ST ) is a hedging strategy for the American type option with pay-off process (f(St))t∈[0,T ] if and only if e−r(T−t)EQ (f(ST )|Ft) ≥ f(St) for every t ∈ [0, T ], where Q is the risk neutral probability measure. [7 marks] (c) Assume that f is a convex function such that f(0) = 0. Then show that λf(x) ≥ f(λx) for every x ∈ R and λ ∈ [0, 1], and hence using Part (b) prove that the replicating strategy (ψ∗t , ϕ ∗ t )t∈[0,T ] for the European type option with pay-off f(ST ) is a hedging strategy for the American type option with pay-off process (f(St))t∈[0,T ]. [7 marks] (d) Prove that if f is convex such that f(0) = 0 then A0 = B0. [4 marks] 4. Consider again the Black-Scholes market with bond and stock prices as in Question 3. We want to compute the price V at t = 0 of the European type option with payoff h := { L if maxt∈[0,T ] St ≥ K 0 otherwise } at expiry date T , where L > 0 and K > 0 are some constants.

(a) Using the main theorem on pricing European options, show that

V = Le−rTP

t∈[0,T ]

(Wt + at) ≥ b

where a := r
− 1

σ, b := σ−1 ln(K/S0).

[7 marks]

(b) State precisely the Girsanov theorem.

[6 marks]

(c) Using Girsanov’s theorem show that

V = Le−rTE
1[maxt∈[0,T ]Wt≥b]e

aWT− 12a

where a and b are the constants defined in Part (a).

[7 marks]

(d) Denote the event [maxt≤T Wt ≥ b,WT ≤ x] byBx. Knowing that, due to the reflection
principle for the Wiener process W ,

P (Bx) =

P (WT ≥ 2b− x) if x < b P (WT ≥ b)− P (WT ≥ x) if x ≥ b } , find a function g such that P (Bx) = ∫ x −∞ g(y) dy for every x ∈ (−∞,∞). [3 marks] (e) Deduce from Parts (c) and (d) that V = C ∫ ∞ b ( ea(2b−y) + eay ) e− y2 2T dy, with C := Le−(r+ 1 2 a2)T/ √ 2πT , a = r σ − 1 2 σ and b := σ−1 ln(K/S0). You may use without proof the following fact: If A ∈ F is an event and X is a random variable such that P (A ∩ [X ≤ x]) = ∫ x −∞ g(y) dy, for all x ∈ (−∞,∞) with a function g, then for every non-negative function f E ( 1Af(X) ) = ∫ ∞ −∞ f(x)g(x) dx. [2 marks] END PAPER Solution 1. (a) (i) Z := E(X|G) is a G-measurable random variable such that E(Z1G) = E(X1G) for every G ∈ G. (ii) E(X|Y ) = E(X|σ(Y )) where σ(Y ) is the σ- algebra generated by Y . [7 marks] (b) (i) ER = E(X − E(X|G)) = EX − EE(X|G) = EX − EX = 0, (ii) E(R|G) = E(X − E(X|G|G) = E(X|G)− E(X|G) = 0 (iii) Notice that E(XZ) = EE(XZ|G) = EZ2. Hence ER2 = E(X − Z)2 = EX2 − 2E(XZ) + EZ2 = EX2 − EZ2. [7 marks] (c) E(X−Y )2 = E(X−Z+Z−Y )2 = E(X−Z)2+2E{(X−Z)(Z−Y )}+E(Z−Y )2. Notice that E{(X−Z)(Z−Y )} = EE ((X − Z)(Z − Y )|G) = E ((Z − Y )E (X − Z|G)) = 0. Consequently, E(X − Y )2 = E(X − Z + Z − Y )2 = E(X − Z)2 + E(Z − Y )2 ≥ E(X − Z)2, which proves the statement since Z ∈ L2(G). [6 marks] (d) By symmetry E(X1|X̄) = E(X2|X̄). Hence E(Xi|X̄) = 1 2 {E(X1|X̄) + (X2|X̄)} = E(X̄|X̄) = X̄ for i = 1, 2. Consequently, E(αX1 + (1−α)X2|X̄) = αE(X1|X̄) + (1−α)E(X2|X̄) = αX̄+ (1−α)X̄ = X̄. [5 marks] 2. (a) Comparison Theorem: Consider the SDEs dXt = b(t,Xt) dt+ σ(t,Xt) dWt, X0 = ξ dYt = B(t, Yt) dt+ σ(t, Yt) dWt, Y0 = η, such that the conditions of the existence and uniqueness theorem for both equations hold. Assume moreover that ξ ≤ η (a.s.), and b(t, x) ≤ B(t, x) for all t ∈ [0, T ], x ∈ (−∞,∞). Then almost surely Xt ≤ Yt for all t ∈ [0, T ]. Applying this theorem with ξ := 3, b(t, x) := 400(3− x), σ(t, x) := √ |x− 5||x− 3| and η := 4, B(t, x) := 400(4− x), we get that rt = Yt ≥ Xt = 3. Applying the comparison theorem with η := 5, B(t, x) := 400(5− x), σ(t, x) := √ |x− 5||x− 3|, and ξ := 4, b(t, x) := 400(4− x), we get that almost surely rt = Xt ≤ Yt = 5. [12 marks] (b) By definition r satisfies the equation rt = 4 + ∫ t 0 100(4− rs) ds+ ∫ t 0 √ |rs − 5||rs − 3| dWs. Taking expectation in both sides, for mt := Ert we get mt = 4 + ∫ t 0 400(4−ms) ds, by noticing that E ∫ t 0 √ |rs − 5||rs − 3| dWs = 0, since E ∫ t 0 |rs − 5||rs − 3| ds ≤ t <∞. Hence clearly Ert = mt = 4 for all t ≥ 0. [7 marks] (c) By Itô’s formula for Yt := rt − 4 we have d(e100tYt) = e 100t √ |Y 2t − 1| dWt, Y0 = 0, which means e100tYt = ∫ t 0 e100s √ |Y 2s − 1| dWs. Hence by Itô’s identity E|e100tYt|2 = E ∫ t 0 e200s|Y 2s − 1| ds ≤ 1 200 (e200t − 1) ≤ 1 200 e200t, by taking into account 0 ≤ Y 2s ≤ 1, which gives E|rt − 4|2 ≤ 1200 . [6 marks] (3) (a) The payoff is h = L1{maxt≤T St≥K}. By the Main Theorem on Pricing European Type Options V = e−rTEQh = Le −rTEQ1{maxt≤T St≥K} = Le −rTQ ( max t≤T St ≥ K ) , where Q is the risk neutral probability measure. Since St = S0 exp(σW̃t + (r − 1 2 σ2)t) with a Wiener process (W̃t)t∈[0,T ] under Q, and exp(x) is increasing in x,[ max t≤T St ≥ K ] = [ max t≤T (σW̃t + (r − 1 2 σ2)t) ≥ ln K S0 ] = [ max t≤T (W̃t + at) ≥ σ−1 ln K S0 ] = [ max t≤T (W̃t + at) ≥ b ] with a := r σ − 1 2 σ, b := σ−1 ln(K/S0). Hence V = Le−rTQ ( max t∈[0,T ] (W̃t + at) ≥ b ) = Le−rTP ( max t∈[0,T ] (Wt + at) ≥ b ) . [7 marks] (b) Girsanov’s theorem: Let W = (Wt)t∈[0,T ] be a Wiener with respect to (Ft)t≥0 on a probability space (Ω,F , P ) with a filtration (Ft)t≥0. Consider the process Xt := Wt + ∫ t 0 bs ds, t ∈ [0, T ], where (bt)t∈[0,T ] ∈ S([0, T ]). Set γT = exp ( − ∫ T 0 bt dWt − 1 2 ∫ T 0 b2t dt ) , and define the measure Q by dQ = γT dP . Assume that EγT = 1. Then Q is a probability measure, and under Q the process (Xt)t∈[0,T ] is a Wiener martingale with respect to (Ft)t≥0. [6 marks] (c) Set γ := exp(−aWT − 12a 2T ) and define the measure Q by dQ = γ dP . Then Eγ = e− 1 2 a2TEe−aWT = 1. Hence by Girsanov’s theoremQ is a probability measure and underQ the process Vt := Wt + at, t ∈ [0, T ] is a Wiener process. Therefore P ( max t∈[0,T ] (Wt + at) ≥ b ) = P ( max t∈[0,T ] Vt ≥ b ) = EQ(1maxt∈[0,T ] Vt≥bγ −1). Notice that γ−1 = exp(aWT + 1 2 a2T ) = exp(aVT − 12a 2T ). Hence P ( max t∈[0,T ] (Wt+at) ≥ b ) = EQ(1maxt≤T Vt≥be aVT− 12a 2T ) = E(1maxt≤T Wt≥be aWT− 12a 2T ). Consequently, V = Le−rTE ( 1maxt≤T Wt≥be aWT− 12a 2T ) . [7 marks] (d) Since d dx P (Bx) =   1√ 2πT e− (2b−x)2 2T if x < b 1√ 2πT e− x2 2T if x ≥ b   =: g(x) is nonnegative and continuous at every x ∈ R such that ∫∞ ∞ g(x) dx <∞, P (Bx) = ∫ x −∞ g(y) dy for all x ∈ (∞,∞). [3 marks] (i) From (c) and (d) V = Le−rT √ 2πT ∫ ∞ −∞ eax− 1 2 a2Tg(x) dx = C {∫ b −∞ eaxe− (2b−x)2 2T dx+ ∫ ∞ b eaxe− x2 2T dx } with C := Le −rT √ 2πT e− 1 2 a2T = Le −(r+1 2 a2)T √ 2πT . By the change of variable z := 2b− x∫ b −∞ eaxe− (2b−x)2 2T dx = ∫ ∞ b ea(2b−z)e− z2 2T dz. Thus V = C ∫ ∞ b ( ea(2b−x) + eax ) e− x2 2T dx. [2 marks]