CS计算机代考程序代写 import math

import math
import sys
import time
import metapy
import pytoml

def load_ranker(cfg_file):
Use this function to return the Ranker object to evaluate,
The parameter to this function, cfg_file, is the path to a
configuration file used to load the index.
return metapy.index.OkapiBM25()

if __name__ == ‘__main__’:
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
print(“Usage: {} config.toml”.format(sys.argv[0]))

cfg = sys.argv[1]
print(‘Building or loading index…’)
idx = metapy.index.make_inverted_index(cfg)
ranker = load_ranker(cfg)
ev = metapy.index.IREval(cfg)

with open(cfg, ‘r’) as fin:
cfg_d = pytoml.load(fin)

query_cfg = cfg_d[‘query-runner’]
if query_cfg is None:
print(“query-runner table needed in {}”.format(cfg))

start_time = time.time()
top_k = 10
query_path = query_cfg.get(‘query-path’, ‘queries.txt’)
query_start = query_cfg.get(‘query-id-start’, 0)

query = metapy.index.Document()
ndcg = 0.0
num_queries = 0

print(‘Running queries’)
with open(query_path) as query_file:
for query_num, line in enumerate(query_file):
results = ranker.score(idx, query, top_k)
ndcg += ev.ndcg(results, query_start + query_num, top_k)
ndcg= ndcg / num_queries

print(“NDCG@{}: {}”.format(top_k, ndcg))
print(“Elapsed: {} seconds”.format(round(time.time() – start_time, 4)))