CS计算机代考程序代写 data structure Java COMP2511


Iterator Pattern

Prepared by
Dr. Ashesh Mahidadia

Iterator Pattern: Intent and Motivation

v The intent of the Iterator design pattern is to:

“Provide a way to access the elements of an aggregate object sequentially without

exposing its underlying representation.” [GoF]

v Exposing representation details of an aggregate breaks its encapsulation.

v Problem to address:

How can the elements of an aggregate object be accessed and traversed without

exposing its underlying representation?

v “But you probably don’t want to bloat the List [Aggregate] interface with operations for

different traversals, even if you could anticipate the ones you will need.” [GoF, p257]

COMP2511: Generics, Collections, Iterator 2

Iterator Pattern: Possible Solution

v Encapsulate the access and traversal of an
aggregate in a separate Iterator object.

v Clients request an Iterator object from an
aggregate (say by calling createIterator()) and use
it to access and traverse the aggregate.

v Define an interface for accessing and traversing the
elements of an aggregate object
(next(), hasNext()).

v Define classes (Iterator1,…) that implement the
Iterator interface.

COMP2511: Generics, Collections, Iterator 3

Iterator Pattern: Possible Solution

v An iterator is usually implemented as inner class of an aggregate class. This enables the
iterator to access the internal data structures of the aggregate.

v New access and traversal operations can be added by defining new iterators.
For example, traversing back-to-front: previous(), hasPrevious().

v An aggregate provides an interface for creating an iterator (createIterator()).

v Clients can use different Iterator objects to access and traverse an aggregate object in
different ways.

v Multiple traversals can be in progress on the same aggregate object (simultaneous
traversals). However, need to consider concurrent usage issues!

COMP2511: Generics, Collections, Iterator 4

Iterator Pattern: Java Collection Framework

The Java Collections Framework provides,

v a general purpose iterator

next(), hasNext(), remove()

v an extended listIterator

next(), hasNext(), previous(), hasPrevious(), remove(), ….

COMP2511: Generics, Collections, Iterator 5

Custom Iterator

COMP2511: Generics, Collections, Iterator 6

Using or forwarding an iterator method from
a collection (i.e. Hashtable, ArrayList, etc.)

Implement Iterator interface, and provide the
required methods (and more if required).

Read the
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Demo: Iterator Pattern

Demo …

COMP2511: Generics, Collections, Iterator 7


COMP2511: Generics, Collections, Iterator 8