CS计算机代考程序代写 Java flex cache COMP2511


Creational Pattern:
Singleton Pattern

Prepared by
Dr. Ashesh Mahidadia

Creational Patterns
Creational patterns provide various object creation mechanisms, which increase
flexibility and reuse of existing code.

v Factory Method
o provides an interface for creating objects in a superclass,

but allows subclasses to alter the type of objects that will be created.
v Abstract Factory

o let users produce families of related objects
without specifying their concrete classes.

v Singleton
o Let users ensure that a class has only one instance,

while providing a global access point to this instance.
v Builder

o let users construct complex objects step by step. The pattern allows users to
produce different types and representations of an object using the same
construction code.

COMP2511: Creational Design Patterns 2

Singleton Pattern

3COMP2511: Creational Design Patterns

Singleton Pattern
Intent: Singleton is a creational design pattern that lets you ensure that a class has
only one instance, while providing a global access point to this instance.

Problem: A client wants to,
v ensure that a class has just a single instance, and
v provide a global access point to that instance
All implementations of the Singleton have these two steps in common:
v Make the default constructor private, to prevent other objects from using the new operator

with the Singleton class.
v Create a static creation method that acts as a constructor. Under the hood, this method calls the

private constructor to create an object and saves it in a static field. All following calls to this
method return the cached object.

v If your code has access to the Singleton class, then it’s able to call the Singleton’s static method.

v Whenever Singleton’s static method is called, the same object is always returned.
COMP2511: Creational Design Patterns 4

Singleton: Structure

v The Singleton class declares the static

method getInstance (1) that returns the

same instance of its own class.

v The Singleton’s constructor should be

hidden from the client code.

v Calling the getInstance (1) method

should be the only way of getting the

Singleton object.

COMP2511: Creational Design Patterns 5

Singleton: How to Implement
v Add a private static field to the class for storing the singleton instance.

v Declare a public static creation method for getting the singleton instance.

v Implement “lazy initialization” inside the static method.
o It should create a new object on its first call and put it into the static field.
o The method should always return that instance on all subsequent calls.

v Make the constructor of the class private.
o The static method of the class will still be able to call the constructor, but not the

other objects.

v In a client, call singleton’s static creation method to access the object.

Example in Java (MUST read):

COMP2511: Creational Design Patterns 6


Singleton Pattern

For more information, read:

COMP2511: Creational Design Patterns 7



COMP2511: Creational Design Patterns 8