CS计算机代考程序代写 assembly Q2. (12 pts) Parity-Bit Adding Program

Q2. (12 pts) Parity-Bit Adding Program
Write a program in 68K assembly code that adds an odd parity to each ASCII character. Your code must satisfy the following specifications:
1. Define the following 64 characters in the SRC address.
SRC: DC.B ‘Computing and Software Systems, University of Washington Bothell’
1. Define the 64-byte space.
DST: DC.B 64
1. Read each of the 64 characters, (i.e., each byte) into D0, check the number of 1s in it, set 1 to the MSB with “ORI.B #$80, D0” to create an odd parity, and save it to the 64-byte space defined above.
1. You need to use ROL.B to count the number 1s in D0. Check with SCS.B if a carry occurs. For this purpose use D1.
1. Use D0 – D4 as well as A0 – A1 registers as follows:
D0: reads the next character from SRC.
D1: checks with “SCS.B D1” if a carry was generated
D2: counts the number of 1s of the character D0 has.
D3: counts down from 64 to 0, (i.e., used for a loop to read the 64 characters).
D4: counts down from 8 to 0, (i.e., used for a loop to examine the lowest 8 bits in D0).
A0: points to the next character to read into D0
A1: points to the next space to write the character (with/without a parity) from D0
1. You also need to use “LSR.B #1, D2” to check if the number of 1s in D2 is even.

ORG $1000
START: ; first instruction of program
MOVEA #SRC, A0 ; A0: points to the next charcater to read into D0
MOVEA #DST, A1 ; A1: points to the space to write D0’s content
* Put program code here
SIMHALT ; halt simulator
* Put variables and constants here
DC.B ‘Computing and Software Systems, University of Washington Bothell’ ;64 bytes
DS.B 64
END START ; last line of source

Submit the followings:
1. Attach the source file (.X68) (If no source file, then you got zero point for this question)
1. Test your program and report the result with your user input. Capture the images of output window and memory view to support your results.