CS计算机代考程序代写 1


Semester 1, 2021/22

• Form of solution. Your solution to the assignment should take the form of a report. It
should be prepared using LaTex, MS Word or other word-processing software. Relevant
computer code must be included in the report.

• Length. Reports should be around 4 pages in length.

• Use of English. Answers that are difficult to follow because of poor use of English might lose
marks, so it is important to read through your work carefully before handing it in.

• Figures and tables. These are usually necessary to present the results of empirical work
clearly. If you include figures and tables in your report, the discussion of their contents should
be contained in the main text and not in captions. Please ensure that figures are easy to
interpret and use clear labelling and legends.

• Software problems. You should be able to conduct the empirical part of this question by
starting with the code examples we have discussed in the course and then adapting them. It is
your own responsibility to get R code to run and to learn how to interpret the results of
different functions and packages.

• Plagiarism and collusion. Failure to reference work that has been obtained from other sources
or to copy the words and/or code of another student is plagiarism and if detected, this will be
reported to the School’s Discipline Committee. If a student is found guilty of plagiarism, the
penalty could involve voiding the course.
Students must never give hard or soft copies of their coursework reports or code to another
student. Students must always refuse any request from another student for a copy of their
report and/or code.
Sharing a coursework report and/or code with another student is collusion, and if detected,
this will be reported to the School’s Discipline Committee. If found guilty of collusion, the
penalty could involve voiding the course.

• Feedback.We will endeavour to provide feedback (both verbally in sessions and in writing on
Canvas) within 21 days of submission. Please contact the lecturers for individual feedback on
particular questions.

Purpose of the assignment

The purpose of the assignment is to:

• demonstrate good knowledge, understanding and application of R related to statistical



• find creative solutions/arguments based on specialist knowledge in Statistics;

• relate findings in a coherent well-argued text that is professionally presented and also
employs material beyond what was presented in class.

Assessment criteria

Broadly, the assessment criteria are as follows

70% or higher (A grade)


• structures assignment effectively to facilitate development of argument.


• displays extensive, detailed and secure knowledge and understanding of the subject

• applies mathematical methods fully accurately to support and develop argument

• demonstrates clear knowledge and understanding of qualitative and quantitative aspects
of the question.


• engages directly with the question and appreciates wider implications and context

• presents a clear, coherent and persuasive argument based on correct mathematics

• displays independence or originality of judgment.


• uses fluent and accurate prose

• very good standard of presentation.

60-69% (B grade)


• structures assignment to facilitate development of argument.


• displays extensive and secure knowledge and understanding of the subject

• applies mathematical methods mostly accurately to support and develop argument


• demonstrates sound understanding and knowledge of qualitative and quantitative aspects
of the question.


• engages critically with the question and displays appreciation of the wider implications
and context

• presents and develops ideas logically and persuasively

• demonstrates some independence of judgment and initiative.


• uses clear and generally accurate prose

• good standard of presentation.

50-59% (C grade)


• broadly structures assignment but organisation of ideas and evidence is sometimes
determined by material rather than by the need to develop and support a logical argument.


• displays sound and largely accurate knowledge and understanding of subject

• applies mathematical methods to support and develop argument but there are issues
concerning the accuracy of results and the applicability of ideas

• demonstrates limited understanding and knowledge of qualitative and quantitative
aspects of the question.


• displays understanding of the questions set but may lack sustained focus and appreciation
of the wider context

• states ideas but may not develop them sufficiently or order them in a logical sequence.


• prose conveys meaning but lacks sophistication needed to present ideas persuasively

• expression may be clumsy with narrow vocabulary and spelling or grammar errors

• adequate standard of presentation.


Assignment guidelines
General information:
You may make use of all R functions that have been provided in the computer lab sessions, plus
standard R functions and any that you might have developed yourself. However, when you write
up your assignment, you should explain what you have done by making reference to the
underlying statistics.

You may lose marks if you use other R functions, that have not been used in the class, without
further explanation.
Your report must be written independently of other students in your class and all programming
work must be your own individual work.
The following aspects will be considered for marking:

• R coding, calculations, suitability of plots;

• comments, discussion and interpretation of results;

• clarity of writing and general mathematical exposition;

• giving detailed answers, with appropriate explanations and good structure.


• Write up your results in clear English.

• Use clear mathematical formulae to define any distribution, statistical quantity or
property that you are analysing. If these are unclear you will lose marks.

• Reread everything you write to look for vagueness, ambiguity, and illogical reasoning.
This means taking a step back from the detailed analysis.

• Define clearly all of the assumptions that you are using.

Purpose of the assignment
Assessment criteria
Assignment guidelines