package client
// CS 161 Project 2
// You MUST NOT change these default imports. ANY additional imports
// may break the autograder!
import (
userlib “”
// Likewise, useful for debugging, etc.
// Useful for string mainpulation.
// Useful for formatting strings (e.g. `fmt.Sprintf`).
// Want to import errors.
// Optional. You can remove the “_” there, but please do not touch
// anything else within the import bracket.
_ “strconv”
// This serves two purposes:
// a) It shows you some useful primitives, and
// b) it suppresses warnings for items not being imported.
// This function can be safely deleted!
func someUsefulThings() {
// Creates a random UUID
f := userlib.UUIDNew()
userlib.DebugMsg(“UUID as string:%v”, f.String())
// Example of writing over a byte of f
f[0] = 10
userlib.DebugMsg(“UUID as string:%v”, f.String())
// Takes a sequence of bytes and renders as hex
h := hex.EncodeToString([]byte(“fubar”))
userlib.DebugMsg(“The hex: %v”, h)
// Marshals data into a JSON representation
// Works well with Go structures!
d, _ := userlib.Marshal(f)
userlib.DebugMsg(“The json data: %v”, string(d))
var g userlib.UUID
userlib.Unmarshal(d, &g)
userlib.DebugMsg(“Unmashaled data %v”, g.String())
// errors.New(…) creates an error type!
userlib.DebugMsg(“Creation of error %v”, errors.New(strings.ToTitle(“This is an error”)))
// Generate a random private/public keypair.
// The “_” indicates that we don’t check for the error case here.
var pk userlib.PKEEncKey
var sk userlib.PKEDecKey
pk, sk, _ = userlib.PKEKeyGen()
userlib.DebugMsg(“Key is %v, %v”, pk, sk)
// Useful for string interpolation.
_ = fmt.Sprintf(“%s_%d”, “file”, 1)
// User is the structure definition for a user record.
type User struct {
Username string
// You can add other fields here if you want…
// Note for JSON to marshal/unmarshal, the fields need to
// be public (start with a capital letter)
func InitUser(username string, password string) (userdataptr *User, err error) {
var userdata User
// TODO: This is a toy implementation.
userdata.Username = username
return &userdata, nil
func GetUser(username string, password string) (userdataptr *User, err error) {
var userdata User
userdataptr = &userdata
return userdataptr, nil
func (userdata *User) StoreFile(filename string, content []byte) (err error) {
// TODO: This is a toy implementation.
storageKey, _ := userlib.UUIDFromBytes([]byte(filename + userdata.Username))
jsonData, _ := userlib.Marshal(content)
userlib.DatastoreSet(storageKey, jsonData)
func (userdata *User) AppendToFile(filename string, content []byte) error {
return nil
func (userdata *User) LoadFile(filename string) (content []byte, err error) {
// TODO: This is a toy implementation.
storageKey, _ := userlib.UUIDFromBytes([]byte(filename + userdata.Username))
dataJSON, ok := userlib.DatastoreGet(storageKey)
if !ok {
return nil, errors.New(strings.ToTitle(“File not found!”))
userlib.Unmarshal(dataJSON, &content)
return content, nil
func (userdata *User) CreateInvitation(filename string, recipientUsername string) (
invitationPtr userlib.UUID, err error) {
func (userdata *User) AcceptInvitation(senderUsername string, invitationPtr userlib.UUID, filename string) error {
return nil
func (userdata *User) RevokeAccess(filename string, recipientUsername string) error {
return nil