CS计算机代考程序代写 algorithm comp3530 final exam (s2, 2021)

comp3530 final exam (s2, 2021)

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Duration: 2h30m
Reading time: 10 mins

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FULL NAME: _______________________________

SID: _______________________________


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Etc etc etc

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Computer Science

Semester 2 – Practice, 2021

comp3530 Discrete Optimization

EXAM WRITING TIME: 2 hours and 30 minutes
READING TIME: 10 minutes

This is a restricted open book exam: Handwritten notes, printed notes, and
textbooks are allowed.
All submitted work must be done individually without consulting someone
else’s help, in accordance with the University’s “Academic Dishonesty and
Plagiarism” policies.


Type your answers in your text editor (Latex, Word, etc.) and convert it into a
pdf file.

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Start by typing you student ID at the top of the first page of your submission.
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comp3530 final exam (s2, 2021)

Problem 1. Consider the following linear program:

minimize 2×1 − 3×2

subject to x1 − 2×2 ≥ 7
2×1 + 4×2 ≥ 1

x1 ≥ 0
x2 free

Your task is to derive its dual.

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comp3530 final exam (s2, 2021)

Problem 2. Let G = (V, E) be an undirected graph. For a given pair of vertices
s, t ∈ V, let P be the set of simple s-t paths in G. Consider the following linear
programming formulation for finding the maximum number of edge disjoint paths
from s to t:

maximize ∑


subject to ∑
P∈P :e∈P

xP ≤ 1 ∀ e ∈ E

xP ≥ 0 ∀ P ∈ P

Your task is to:

Derive its dual program.a)

Design a separation oracle for the dual.b)

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(solution to Problem 2 continues here)

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comp3530 final exam (s2, 2021)

Problem 3. In the bipartite maximum edge coloring problem we are given a bipartite
graph G = (V, E). Let M be the collection of all possible matchings of G. The
objective is to partition the edge set E into a collection of matchings M1, M2, . . . , Mk ∈
M with minimum total cost, where the cost of a matching M is defined as cM =√
|M|, the maximum edge weight in M.
Consider the following linear programming relaxation of this problem:

minimize ∑


subject to ∑

xM = 1 ∀ e ∈ E

xM ≥ 0 ∀M ∈ M

Although the linear program has an exponentially number of variables, it can be
solved using the modified version of simplex that only keeps track of the current
feasible basis. Recall that in order to do that, we need a routine that tests whether
there is a non-basic variable with negative reduced cost.

Your task is to design an efficient algorithm that takes as input a feasible basis
and returns a non-basic variable with negative reduced cost or reports that there is no
such variable.

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(solution to Problem 3 continues here)

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comp3530 final exam (s2, 2021)

Problem 4. Let f : 2U → R+ be a monotone non-decreasing and submodular func-
tion. Your task is to prove the following properties:

Define a new function g : 2U → R as g(S) = log( f (S)). Assuming f (S) > 0 for
all S ⊆ U , prove that g is submodular.


Define a new function h : 2U → R+ as h(S) = 2 f (S). Prove that h need not be


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(solution to Problem 4 continues here)

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comp3530 final exam (s2, 2021)

Problem 5. Let G = (V, E) be a graph with edge weights w : E → R+ and let S ⊆ V
be a distinguished subset of vertices. Consider the problem of finding a spanning
tree T of G with minimum weight such that the vertices in S are leaves in T; in other
words, degT(u) = 1 for all u ∈ S.

Your task is to give an integral linear programming formulation for this problem:

Give an integer linear programming formulation for the problem.a)

Argue that the linear relaxation of your program is integral; that is, show that
every extreme point of the linear relaxation is integral. (You can assume inte-
grality results proved in class.)


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(solution to Problem 5 continues here)

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(exam questions end here. use the rest of the space for rough work)

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(use the rest of the space of rough work)

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(use the rest of the space of rough work)

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(use the rest of the space of rough work)

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