Novel Views on Novels:Embedding Multiple Facets of Long Texts
Novel Views on Novels:
Embedding Multiple Facets of Long Texts
Lasse Kohlmeyer
lasse. .de
Hasso Plattner Institute
University of Potsdam, Germany
Tim Repke
Hasso Plattner Institute
University of Potsdam, Germany
Ralf Krestel
ZBW Leibnitz Information Centre for
Kiel University, Germany
Novels are one of the longest document types and thus one of the
most complex types of texts. Many NLP tasks utilize document
embeddings as machine-understandable semantic representations
of documents. However, such document embeddings are optimized
for short texts, such as sentences or paragraphs. When faced with
longer texts, these models either truncate the long text or split it
sequentially into smaller chunks. We show that when applied to
a fictional novel, these traditional document embeddings fail to
capture all its facets. Complex information, such as time, place,
atmosphere, style, and plot is typically not represented adequately.
To this end, we propose lib2vec which computes and combines
multiple embedding vectors based on various facets. Instead of split-
ting the text sequentially, lib2vec splits the text semantically based
on domain-specific facets. We evaluate the semantic expressiveness
using human-assessed book comparisons as well as content-based
information retrieval tasks. The results show that our approach
outperforms state-of-the-art document embeddings for long texts.
ACM Reference Format:
Lasse Kohlmeyer, Tim Repke, and Ralf Krestel. 2021. Novel Views on Novels:
Embedding Multiple Facets of Long Texts. InWI-IAT ’21: Web Intelligence
and Intelligent Agent Technology December 14–17, 2021, Melbourne, Australia.
ACM, New York, NY, USA, 8 pages.
Reading is one of the main strategies to obtain new information.
However, the availability and the amount of information are contin-
uously growing. This is not only the case for user-generated content,
scientific papers, or news, but also for books [13, 41]. For exam-
ple, in 2019, 78 746 new books were published in Germany [28]
and 1 600 000 books were self-published in the USA in 2018 [8].
These numbers clearly illustrate the so-called information overload
problem [3, 48] which applies to book publishers and readers alike.
Automatic methods can assist human decision making, for example,
book publishers who have to select books from a large number of
submitted manuscripts by judging whether they align with their
program and potential commercial success [6].
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Machine-understandable representations of books are the basis
for such automated approaches. Numerical representations can be
used to calculate similarities between books as well as for cluster-
ing, classification, or content-based recommender systems. Modern
document embeddings are usually designed to encode shorter texts.
For example BERT [11] is limited to 512 tokens, Longformer [7],
which is designed for long sequences, is limited to 4 096 tokens,
and doc2vec has a limit of 10 000 while books may easily exceed
100 000 tokens. Furthermore, there are hardly any publications that
process the full-text of books holistically [1]. However, full-text is
one of the key characteristics of a book and should be considered
when encoding a book.
To this end, we propose lib2vec1 which embeds subsets of words
of a book individually using state-of-the-art embedding algorithms.
These subsets, which we associate with facets, represent different
angles, views, or aspects of a book. In the context of novels, which
is the focus of this study, possible facets of interest are the plot,
where and when the plot is set, the novel’s atmosphere and style.
To compute these facet embeddings, we identify words in the text
corresponding to facets and construct pseudo-documents. Each
facet embedding can be used individually for applications that
need to compare aspects of a novel. We also examine strategies to
combine facet embeddings into a single embedding vector for a
We evaluate the performance of our approach on different tasks
with multiple English and German corpora of novels and compare it
to a number of state-of-the-art embedding models. Our experiments
show that lib2vec is able to significantly outperform other models
in determining author and genre similarity as well as identifying
books belonging to the same series, such as Harry Potter sequels.
In addition, we evaluate our embedding on genre and rating pre-
diction of novels. Furthermore, we introduce the BoCo dataset with
similarities between 20 books under different aspects annotated by
81 domain experts.
Our contributions are: (1) We present lib2vec, a framework which
computes and combines multiple embedding vectors based on vari-
ous facets. Instead of splitting the text sequentially, lib2vec splits
the text semantically based on domain-specific facets. (2) lib2vec
provides memory and time-efficient computation of embedding
vectors for long texts. (3) lib2vec allows the comparison of books
with respect to different facets. (4) We compare lib2vec to competi-
tive baselines in a wide range of experiments. (5) We introduce a
new benchmark dataset to evaluate book similarities.
1Based on the Latin word for book: liber.
WI-IAT ’21, December 14–17, 2021, Melbourne, Australia Kohlmeyer, et al.
Semantically meaningful book representations are closely related
to word and document embeddings. Word embeddings, such as
word2vec [32], quickly gained popularity, as they provide a dense
vector representation for words that can be used to, e.g., calculate
the semantic similarity between words. Grayson et al. [16] apply
word2vec on 19th-century novels to investigate to which extend
quantitative literary analysis can profit from the semantic similari-
ties between word embeddings in their approach novel2vec. A big
difference to our lib2vec framework is that no novel representation
is obtained by novel2vec. However, such an encoding of a book is
calculated by Anvari and Amirkhani [4]. Their approach book2vec
uses the reading histories of users to model sequences of books
which serve as input for the word2vec algorithm. In contrast to
book2vec, lib2vec is applied on the texts of novels, which is not
dependent on user-data such as reading histories.
To utilize word embeddings in full-text applications, [25] in-
troduced paragraph embeddings for short texts. However, their
input sequence is limited and longer texts need to be truncated,
which leads to a loss of information and poor performance for
long, heterogeneous texts. Modern, transformer-based document
embedding algorithms have a much higher limit by utilizing an
internal self-attention mechanism to capture contextual informa-
tion of entire documents [9, 22, 36]. However, these models are
typically task-specific and the attention mechanism has very high
computation and memory requirements. For example, the most
recent Longformer model requires multiple powerful GPUs with
48GB RAM to cover documents of up to 32K tokens [7].
P-SIF was introduced to embed longer documents [17]. It con-
siders the topical structure of documents by concatenating word
embeddings over the topic distribution of words. P-SIF has similari-
ties to our work, since in both algorithms embeddings for a fixed
number of selected groups of words are computed. However, in
contrast to our work, only topical information of a text is utilized by
P-SIF and not other kinds of information such as style or location.
Furthermore, P-SIF is evaluated on news articles or reviews that
are much shorter than novels.
Other downsides of existing document embedding approaches
are the poor performance in classification tasks and the lack of
interpretability of the latent vector space. Both are addressed by
Unnam and Reddy [45], who utilize words with high discriminatory
power as dimension features for the latent space of documents
which improves classification performance and interpretability. We
show that by embedding multiple facets our approach addresses
these issues as well.
Multi-view learning or multi-faceted embeddings refer to the
same family of approaches and are often motivated by the poly-
semy of words [34]. Multi-faceted text embeddings often use dif-
ferent data sources. These different data sources are, e.g., utilized
to achieve a higher quality for general word embeddings [30] or
domain-specific word embeddings [39]. Thereby, embeddings of
the same word based on different data sources serve as indepen-
dent facets. The facets are combined by dimensionality reduction
based on neural networks [30] or PCA [39]. Nevertheless, a mi-
nority of works create facets from the same data source. In this
area, Neelakantan et al. [34] train embeddings that capture the
polysemy of words. Starting with the word to be embedded, the
authors cluster the surrounding context words into word sense
clusters. Afterward, they embed each of the sense clusters sepa-
rately to form the different facets. Very similarly, lib2vec uses the
same text data to form different facets. However, instead of word
embeddings, lib2vec calculates document embeddings, and instead
of word context clustering to obtain sets of words, it selects words
by leveraging annotations such as part-of-speech tags.
To create different facets of documents, other information such as
click or interaction data can be used in addition to text data [27, 42].
Thus, most text-related multi-faceted embeddings leverage facets
based on auxiliary data apart from Risch et al. [40]. To encode
book synopses, they embed three different facets: time, place, and
plot. While for the time embedding they trained a classifier that
assigns a year to each synopsis, for the location they average the
word embeddings of all location words. Only the representation
of the plot is obtained by doc2vec. In contrast, lib2vec computes
all facet embeddings in a unified way, using one and the same
document embedding algorithm, e.g., doc2vec. Instead of having to
train an additional classifier or use other external information, the
information contained in the text is leveraged. Thus, new facets can
be constructed with less effort. Another difference to Risch et al.
[40] is the selected data, as synopses are much shorter than novels
and provide other possibilities for facets.
Besides multi-faceted embeddings, there are other ways to en-
code novels. Many of these approaches are based on hand-crafted
features such as readability [35], stylometric features for author-
ship attribution [2], as well as token/type ratios, word frequencies,
or the number of female characters within a text [1]. A disadvan-
tage of hand-crafted features is that they are often very domain-
specific and are difficult to transfer to other scenarios. In contrast
to hand-crafted features, lib2vec generates different facets in an
unsupervised manner, based on annotations. While they are also
not domain-independent, they can be customized with less effort,
as only relevant annotations need to be identified.
Maharjan et al. [31] show that hand-crafted features such as char-
acter n-grams are often outperformed by neural-network-based
approaches. The authors obtain full-text representations of books
based on various strategies, e.g., feature-based or based on doc-
ument embeddings. They created a Goodreads 2 dataset which
contains annotations for success, in form of ratings, and genre.
We use this dataset for testing rating and genre classification. To
tackle the input sequence limit of document embedding algorithms,
the authors represented each sentence as the average of its word
embeddings and then fed chunks of 128 of these vectors into a
multi-layer RNN to get a representation for the whole text as a
result. In contrast, lib2vec does not apply chunking, since it leads to
a loss of information and therefore to poor quality of embeddings.
The experiment by Maharjan et al. [31] is adopted by Khalifa and
Islam [21], who created book encodings by sentence embeddings
incorporating readability scores. Again, our approach differs, be-
cause our strategy for dealing with long documents is less affected
by the loss of information when different sentence embeddings are
Embedding Multiple Facets of Long Texts WI-IAT ’21, December 14–17, 2021, Melbourne, Australia
facet word
Figure 1: Overview of processing steps of lib2vec.
Embeddings for long documents are typically realized by splitting
them into smaller parts following either a truncation-based, chunk-
based, or a facet-based strategy. Truncation-based approaches are
using only the first 𝑛 words of a text, where 𝑛 corresponds to
the input sequence limit of the embedding algorithm. Chunk-based
approaches split a text into several segments of size𝑛with𝑛 ≤ input
sequence limit. Then, each segment is embedded separately and
then combined, for example via summation. Both these strategies
loose crucial information either by ignoring large parts of the text
(truncation) or by averaging intermediate results (chunking). To
overcome these disadvantages, we propose lib2vec which follows
the idea by Risch et al. [40] and divides a text into several facets,
instead of chunks. The novel core idea of lib2vec is to split long texts
not sequentially based on document position but rather selectively
based on semantic facets
We define facets as subsets of words following semantic cate-
gories. In this work, these categories are oriented toward the per-
spectives of literary analysis such as atmosphere or style. Thereby,
each category includes certain words, for example, the style facet
includes stopwords since their usage is a good indicator for different
styles. Besides, words that appear in one facet may also appear in
another facet. Compared with truncation-based approaches, facet-
based approaches make use of more words of a text. While the
number of chunks differs for each text, the number of facets is con-
stant for any text. In addition, facets are semantically meaningful,
while chunks only provide information about the position within a
3.1 Processing Pipeline of lib2vec
Figure 1 illustrates the overall concept for our multi-faceted embed-
ding approach: identifying candidate words, constructing pseudo-
documents, and computing embeddings.
Facet Word Identification. In the first step, documents are prepro-
cessed with sentence splitting, tokenization, lemmatization, POS-
tagging, named entity recognition (NER), and semantic word dic-
tionary lookups. Each book in a corpus is annotated automatically,
using SpaCy [20], Heideltime [43], the German semantic dictio-
nary GermaNet [18, 19], and the English semantic dictionary Word-
Net [33].
Facet Extraction. In this step, words in a document are assigned to
none, one, or multiple of the facets location, time, style, atmosphere,
or plot. Additional facets can be defined based on the domain if nec-
essary. For each facet, a pseudo-document is generated containing
all assigned words.
Facet Embedding. Each pseudo-document consists of only a frac-
tion of the words of the original book. This allows to compute
facet-specific embeddings using existing document embedding ap-
proaches. We opted for using doc2vec since it has the largest input
sequence limit. In case the pseudo-document exceeds this limit, the
facet is truncated.
3.2 Facet Definitions
As described earlier, we use the tagged documents to construct
pseudo-documents for each facet. In this section, we describe in
more detail how these pseudo-documents are compiled.
Location. The location facet is based on tokens that are tagged
as geopolitical locations and buildings by SpaCy NER. Multiple
appearances of a word are kept to preserve their frequency, as inter-
mittently reappearing places may be more important to the book.
A downside of NER is, that unnamed places such as ocean, garden,
or street are not included. Thus, we use GermaNet or WordNet to
identify location descriptors.
Time. Similar to location, we use NER to construct the pseudo-
document for the time facet. Although this covers months, seasons,
or year numbers, phrases referring to historical events such as
revolutions or wars are not tagged by standard NER tools. Thus, we
again utilize GermaNet or WordNet to extend the scope to include
events and abstract time descriptors.
Style. Prior studies have shown correlations between authorship
attribution, the style of a text, and the usage of stopwords [2, 5,
44]. Following these findings, we construct the style facet based
on all stopwords found by a POS-tagger. Since stopwords appear
very frequently, we expect this pseudo-document to grow quickly.
Although this might be problematic considering sequence length
limitations of embeddings, we assume that truncated stopwords
are already present in the limited sequence and the potential loss
of information is small.
Atmosphere. Adjectives and adverbs are common linguistic indi-
cators of the atmosphere of a text since they describe the properties
of objects, people, or emotions. In addition, affective or sensual
words such as gloomy, warm, smell, or howl also have a great in-
fluence on the atmosphere [44]. In order to take these affective
and sensual words into account, we consider nouns, verbs, and
adjectives corresponding to emotions and feelings as identified by
GermaNet or WordNet.
Plot. We utilize the basic assumption that the plot of a novel
describes the actions between characters [23, 26]. Such actions are
expressed by verbs and adverbs. Thus, we construct the pseudo
document for the plot facet based on words with these POS-tags.
WI-IAT ’21, December 14–17, 2021, Melbourne, Australia Kohlmeyer, et al.
Raw. In addition, we also include a full-text facet containing the
beginning of a book without any filtering apart from the truncation
after the maximum sequence length. In contrast to other facets, the
raw facet preserves continuous text and word order which may
improve the results if the applied document embedding algorithm
can take advantage of such textual continuities.
The assignement of words to individual facets is done based on
POS- and NER-annotations. For the time and location facets, the
disambiguation is done by the named entity recognition model. For
the other facets, the POS-annotations are used. Single words may
appear in multiple facets, for example, “sunset” may be used as a
time (“before sunset”) or as a location (“Sunset Blvd”) descriptor
in the same book. We rely on state-of-the-art POS and NER tools
to correctly assign POS- and NER-tags. These tools are not per-
fect. Improving them should also boost the performance of lib2vec
3.3 Combination of Facets
In the previous sections, we described the construction of pseudo-
documents for facets. For practical reasons and in order to compare
our approach to other document embedding methods, we need to
combine the facet embeddings into a single vector. Rettig et al. [39]
cover a number of approaches of aggregating embedding vectors
for their multi-faceted word embeddings. The naïve approach to
combine facet embeddings is to use the arithmetic mean (AVG) or
an element-wise sum of the individual vectors. Gittens et al. [15]
have empirically shown that the summation of word and docu-
ment embeddings can retain aspects of two underlying embedding
vectors. Another approach is to simply concatenate facet embed-
ding vectors (CON). This has the advantage that facet embeddings
can have a different dimensionality and the information captured
by each facet is still available in the resulting vector. We also ex-
perimented with other dimensionality reduction methods, such as
autoencoders and concatenation followed by principal component
analysis, but results were worse compared to simple AVG and CON.
In this section, we provide an overview of which datasets we use for
our evaluation, how we mitigate the influence of potential biases
in our experiments, and describe the baselines we compare our
approach to.
4.1 Datasets
Key characteristics of the datasets used are provided in Table 1. The
median is reported for the average number of (unique) words per
book and the mean for the average number of books per author.
An overview of the average coverage for each facet is provided in
Table 2. The average coverage is calculated by averaging the ratio
of facet tokens and the number of total tokens per document over
the corresponding corpus.
Corpus of German-Language Fiction (CGF). The Corpus of Ger-
man Fiction by Fischer and Strötgen [14] consists of 3 219 German
prose books published between 1840 and 1930. For our series clas-
sification task, we identified 208 books that were part of a series or
Table 1: Overview of Dataset Characteristics
Dataset CGF DTA MGG BoCo
Language GER GER EN EN
# Books 3.2K 459 1K 20
# Words 204M 26M 17M 4M
# Unique Words 26M 4M 3M 198K
# Words
per Book 46K 44K 17K 145K
# Unqiue Words
per Book 7.2K 7.5K 2.8K 8.9K
# Books
per Author 5.7 2.1 2.1 1.2
# Books
per Series 2.5 3.2 – –
Table 2: Overview of Average Facet Coverage Values
Location 0.012 0.015 0.006 0.004
Time 0.007 0.006 0.010 0.009
Style 0.479 0.465 0.470 0.505
Atmosphere 0.144 0.142 0.106 0.110
Plot 0.183 0.179 0.167 0.184
Raw 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
Deutsches Text Archiv (DTA). The DTA corpus contains 765 Ger-
man works of belles-lettres published between the 16th and 20th
century [10]. We exclude texts published before 1800, as the Ger-
man language has changed significantly since then, leaving 459
texts. In this corpus, we were able to identify 176 books which are
part of a series.
Gutenberg and Genres (MGG). Maharjan et al. [31] created the
MGG corpus consisting of 1 003 full-texts of English books to eval-
uate success and genre prediction methods. It contains genre infor-
mation and binary labels of success based on Goodreads ratings. A
book is labeled successful if it has an average rating of more than
3.5 stars from at least ten people.
Book Comparison (BoCo). This dataset consists of 20 popular
English books selected from Project Gutenberg.3 We conducted a
survey with 81 participants who were asked to asses which two
books in a triplet of books are more similar with regard to when
and where they are set, as well as their atmosphere and plot. In
total, we were able to gather ratings on 527 triplets with a moderate
annotator agreement of a Fleiss’ Kappa Score of 0.55.
4.2 Removal of Possible Biases
In preliminary experiments, we saw a significant correlation be-
tween the length of a text and the similarity score for doc2vec and
average word2vec representations. Our lib2vec approach was far
less affected by the length of books. Nevertheless, to allow for a
fair comparison between approaches, we run all experiments with
books of comparable length. To exclude length as a distinguishing
feature, books are divided into three categories: short, medium, and
Embedding Multiple Facets of Long Texts WI-IAT ’21, December 14–17, 2021, Melbourne, Australia
long, with threshold values determined by quantiles of 0.33 and
0.66 of the token counts.
For experiments on identifying series of books or books by the
same author, we remove words that may provide a clear distinction.
For example, character names of a sequel may not appear in other
books and thus render identifying books of the same series a triv-
ial task. We do not explicitly identify character names in the text,
but they are removed implicitly by filtering the vocabulary based
on document frequency. We remove any words with a document
frequency below a certain threshold defined for each dataset. Al-
though this significantly reduces the size of the overall vocabulary,
document length distributions are barely affected.
4.3 Baselines
We compare lib2vec to various traditional and state-of-the-art base-
lines. As the most simple baseline, we choose a bag-of-words (BoW)
representation limited to a vocabulary size of 30 000 words. Fur-
thermore, we use standard word2vec embeddings trained on each
corpus. We calculate the arithmetic mean of all words embed-
dings in a book to get a single vector representation for the en-
tire book. In addition, we compute representations of books us-
ing doc2vec [25]. Preliminary experiments with pre-training the
doc2vec model yielded worse results, therefore we train the doc2vec
model on each corpus separately. We also use more recently pub-
lished models, namely BERT [11], RoBERTa [29], XLM [24], fine-
tuned for sentence representation by SentenceTransformers [38].
These approaches are limited by the maximum sequence length,
however Khalifa and Islam [21] have shown that the first 1,000
sentences can be sufficient to encode books. We applied the sbert
sentence transformer to the first 1000 sentences of each book and
averaged these vectors to encode each book. Further, we compare
to the partitioned word averaging model P-SIF [17] as a state-of-the-
art document embedding algorithm which is designed particularly
for long documents.
4.4 Hyper-Parameters
The lib2vec embeddings are trained using the Gensim [37] imple-
mentation of doc2vec. The following hyperparameters are chosen
for the trained embeddings by manual tuning: An embedding di-
mension of 300 is considered because this is a common choice for
word and document embeddings [39]. Besides, a preliminary exper-
iment was performed with different dimension sizes for doc2vec
on the CGF dataset. The result confirms, that a dimension size of
300 is the smallest but best performing choice for book similarity
tasks. A similar preliminary experiment was performed to obtain a
good choice for the window size which resulted in a size of 5. This
value is also suggested by Grayson et al. [16] for semantic relation-
ships. Each model is trained for 20 epochs. All non-deterministic
implementation options such as the usage of multiple workers are
disabled. For the other options, the default values are preserved.
No pre-trained models or further hyperparameter optimization are
involved to make results comparable. The same hyper-parameter
setup is used for all baselines. All experiments are executed on a
Windowsmidrangemachine with 16 GB RAM and 48 GB swap parti-
tion, an AMD Ryzen 5 3600 CPU with 12 cores, and no GPU. Table 3
Table 3: Runtime in Minutes
BoW 95 21 2 1
AVG W2V 1026 49 23 7
doc2vec 248 47 22 8
BERT 880 205 28 23
RoBERTa 1014 230 32 56
XLM 1006 192 30 104
P-SIF 95 17 6 2
lib2vec 438 13 20 1
shows the runtime in minutes each model needs for training/fine-
tuning on the various corpora. Please note, that the large models,
such as BERT, already come pre-trained. The time for this pre-
training is not considered here. Nevertheless, lib2vec is considerably
faster compared to these large models.
We evaluate our approach on various tasks: unsupervised (Subsec-
tions 5.1,5.3 and supervised (Subsection 5.4). For all experiments,
we only use the documents of each corpus to train the doc2vec em-
bedding for each facet for our approach. In contrast to models such
as BERT, which need to be trained on millions of tokens, lib2vec
achieves very good results with only a fraction of training data.
5.1 Book Similarity
As a first experiment, we use an information retrieval setting to
measure how well embeddings encode similarities of books from
the same author, same genre, and same book series. For each book,
we look at the 10 nearest neighbors based on cosine similarity in
the respective embedding space and compute precision@10 for the
three tasks (see Table 4; scores closest to upper bound are high-
lighted in bold). Note that not all datasets have series or genre
annotations and are therefore excluded from some of the experi-
ments. Given that we do not have 10 positive examples for all tasks
Table 4: Book Similarity: Precision@10 for Author, Series,
and Genre Prediction Task
Author Series Genre
BoW 0.28 0.18 0.13 0.18 0.31 0.44
AVG W2V 0.26 0.17 0.12 0.15 0.31 0.50
doc2vec 0.43 0.21 0.22 0.18 0.31 0.50
BERT 0.19 0.04 0.05 0.13 0.09 0.34
RoBERTa 0.06 0.04 0.04 0.06 0.06 0.29
XLM 0.11 0.04 0.05 0.09 0.07 0.34
P-SIF 0.31 0.17 0.14 0.17 0.30 0.52
lib2vec AVG 0.53 0.22 0.23 0.19 0.31 0.55
lib2vec CON 0.62 0.23 0.20 0.19 0.32 0.79
Upper bound 0.74 0.31 0.34 0.21 0.32 1.00
WI-IAT ’21, December 14–17, 2021, Melbourne, Australia Kohlmeyer, et al.
Figure 2: NDCG results for identifying authors in the book
similarity task using only single facets or removing single
and classes, we also report the upper bound of maximal achiev-
able precision@10. Our lib2vec embedding consistently performs
best and significantly outperforms state-of-the-art embeddings as
well as traditional vector representations. For the genre classifica-
tion task, we use the MGG corpus (the others don’t contain genre
5.2 Ablation Study
In order to quantify the importance of each facet in our book sim-
ilarity experiment, we carried out an ablation study on all three
datasets. We use the same experimental setup as described in the
previous section and measure NDCG. Results for the book similar-
ity task for authors are shown in Figure 2. Here, instead of using
all facets, we either use only one (blue) or all but one (orange) facet.
Horizontal red lines indicate the respective score when using all
facets, vertical lines are error bars based on repeated runs. Our
results show, that the location and time facets have the least influ-
ence on author similarities. As expected, the style facet on its own
is a strong identifier for authors, while removing the atmosphere
facet has the most negative effect. The plot facet on its own also
performs well, however removing it does not hurt the the results
since other facets seem to capture this information as well. There
are no statistically relevant conclusions on the influence of the raw
facet. Although some scores with only one facet (or one facet left
out) are higher than using all facets, using all available information
generally leads to more robust results.
5.3 Book Comparison
In the previous experiment, we evaluated the different embeddings
with respect to metadata associated with each book. To evaluate the
facets more directly, we created the BoCo dataset containingmanual
book similarity annotations with respect to different aspects. Each
expert rated which two books out of a set of three books are more
similar to each other with respect to when and where the story is
set (time, location), as well as their plot and atmosphere similarity.
Each triplet has multiple annotations and we use the majority vote
in cases where the annotators disagreed.
Table 5: Book Comparison: Precision of Baselines and lib2vec
on the Human-Annotated BoCo Dataset
Algorithm Location Time Plot Atmosphere AVG
BoW 0.49 0.46 0.46 0.48 0.47
AVG W2V 0.46 0.59 0.46 0.42 0.47
BERT 0.55 0.57 0.57 0.58 0.57
RoBERTa 0.45 0.39 0.49 0.50 0.47
XLM 0.43 0.36 0.47 0.41 0.42
P-SIF 0.41 0.42 0.38 0.37 0.39
lib2vec AVG 0.54 0.64 0.59 0.58 0.58
lib2vec CON 0.46 0.49 0.38 0.40 0.44
Table 6: Book Classification: Weighted F1-Scores for Classifi-
cation of High-Rated Books and Genres
Algorithm Rating Genre
Maharjan et al. [31] 0.72 –
Khalifa and Islam [21] 0.72 –
BoW 0.61 0.19
AVG W2V 0.70 0.59
doc2vec 0.71 0.56
BERT 0.70 0.49
RoBERTa 0.69 0.41
XLM 0.71 0.47
P-SIF 0.70 0.55
lib2vec AVG 0.72 0.63
lib2vec CON 0.76 0.89
Table 5 lists the precision of different models regarding the agree-
ment with human annotators. We consider only precision because
the annotations do not provide information about false negatives
which are required for recall. In order to rate the similarity, we
use the respective document embeddings and calculate the cosine
similarity between the three books in a given triplet. We then count
for how many triplets a model agrees with the human annotations.
For lib2vec, we use facet embeddings where applicable. Surpris-
ingly, traditional embeddings and even bag-of-words are able to
beat state-of-the-art transformer model P-SIF, which was especially
designed for long texts. Overall, BERT and lib2vec perform best and
yield very similar results across all facets. Also note that lib2vec
AVG outperforms lib2vec CON only on th BoCo dataset. The reason
could be that this is by far the smallest dataset with only 20 books.
5.4 Book Classification
We also evaluate the performance of different embeddings in a
document classification setting as a downstream application. The
MGG dataset [31] contains user ratings and genre information.
Only 19 out of ≈ 1000 books books have two genres assigned,
all other books only one, presumable the main genre. Books with
multiple labels are included as duplicates in the corpus and result
in the same embedding. We use the same binary classification setup
as [31] and [21], which uses the weighted F1-score to measure
performance. For a fair comparison, only the input representations
Embedding Multiple Facets of Long Texts WI-IAT ’21, December 14–17, 2021, Melbourne, Australia
Figure 3: UMAP projection of the facet plot of lib2vec trained on the MGG corpus.
are changed; the classifier and the training dataset is identical. We
train an SVM with RBF-kernel on the LitRec dataset [47] using the
different representations. The dataset contains 3 458 full-texts of
English books written by 1 109 authors from Project Gutenberg
which were rated by 35 507 users. Table 6 shows the classification
performance for rating and genre prediction (The largest values are
highlighted in bold; italic values were taken from the corresponding
publications). The classifier using our lib2vec embedding is able
to outperform all classifiers using the baseline representations as
well as the representations from related work, which are especially
tailored toward this task. More sophisticated classifiers on top of
the different representations would probably perform better. We
deliberately chose a rather simple SVM to focus on the effect that
the different representations have on the classification results.
5.5 Qualitative Evaluation
We also performed an extensive qualitative evaluation of the lib2vec
model with respect to aggregated representation and individual
facet embeddings in collaborationwith domain experts from literary
sciences. Figure 3 depicts a UMAP visualization of the embedding
space of the “plot”-facet for the MGG corpus. The different colors
indicate the genre of the novels. Although the genre information
was not given to the model as an input, the representations learned
by lib2vec for the “plot”-facet reflect different genres remarkably
well. Book plots from the same genre are embedded very close to
each other as can be seen by the colors grouping nicely in Figure 3.
Note that the plots of the detective stories are scattered across
multiple genre clusters and that, e.g., historical fiction has some
overlap with love stories.
Traditional embedding algorithms have an input sequence limit
for the efficient encoding of documents. Long texts, such as novels,
often exceed these limits. Therefore, not all available information
is used when embedding long documents, or the long documents
are split sequentially into smaller chunks. Both solutions result in
sub-optimal performance on a variety of tasks regarding long docu-
ments. We introduced lib2vec, a multi-faceted document embedding
framework that splits long documents not sequentially but seman-
tically based on domain-specific facets. It provides semantically
more meaningful document representations than truncation- or
chunk-based methods. Our approach outperforms baselines, such
as doc2vec, BERT, or P-SIF for corpora that contain large- and
medium-sized novels on classification tasks, rating prediction, and
assessing similarities.
The most interesting question for future work is how to incor-
porate additional knowledge into our model, e.g., by pre-training
and/or fine-tuning. Large language models encode semantic knowl-
edge that we aim to utilize for facet computation in the future. We
further want to test lib2vec in other domains with other facets, e.g.,
for long scientific texts, or legal documents. Also, in the literary do-
main, there are facets we didn’t explore yet, such as readability [12]
or literariness [46]. Furhter, training an end-to-end framework
sounds intriguing but it is unclear how to do this in an unsuper-
vised way, since there is no annotated data yet containing facet
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1 Introduction
2 Related Work
3 Multi-Faceted Document Embeddings
3.1 Processing Pipeline of lib2vec
3.2 Facet Definitions
3.3 Combination of Facets
4 Experimental Setup
4.1 Datasets
4.2 Removal of Possible Biases
4.3 Baselines
4.4 Hyper-Parameters
5 Evaluation
5.1 Book Similarity
5.2 Ablation Study
5.3 Book Comparison
5.4 Book Classification
5.5 Qualitative Evaluation
6 Conclusions & Future Work