CS计算机代考程序代写 Fall 2020, Assignment 2

Fall 2020, Assignment 2

By handing in your solutions, you declare that you have followed the assignment
submission instructions at the end of this assignment. ​Late policy: 10% off of the
total marks, per day late, for up to 2 days. If submitted 48 hrs or more after the
deadline, your assignment will not be accepted.

Question 1: Full 4-Bit Adder-Subtractor (25 points)

You should design your circuit using the provided template circuit

In this question, you will build a simple ​4-bit adder-subtractor​ that implements two
different functions(addition and subtraction). You must build your circuit only the basic gates
provided in the built-in library, specifically, ​AND, OR, NOT, XOR and XNOR​. You can
change the properties of these gates as necessary (e.g. you may use 3-input gates if you wish).

You will also need to use wiring, such as splitters, to organize your implementation. To
compute the objectives of this assignment, you must organize your solution into sub-circuits
using the names and labels specified below (leave the main circuit empty).

1. you will need to also edit the appearances of some sub-circuits to better organize your
solution. But, be careful not to change the sub-circuits’ names, and input/output labels
in the starter project file.

2. You are free to create additional sub-circuits with custom appearances and then use
them in the starter sub-circuits. The sub-circuits for the main objectives, and in some
cases the inputs and outputs, are already set up for you in the starter project file. Make
sure that you are filling the starter project and its corresponding sub-circuits.

(A) Warm-up (5 points)
Implement a one-bit full adder in the “​Add_1Bit​” sub-circuit that takes​ A, B​ and Cin
as single-bit inputs and produces the ​Sum​ and ​Carry-out (Cout)​ functions as outputs.
Note that the sub-circuit appearance has already been created for you in the starter
code, where Sum is labelled S for short.

(B) Build a 4-bit adder/subtractor (20 points)
You are given the starter sub-circuit (“​Add_Sub_4Bits​”) which you will build on,
according to the instructions below.

– You already have implemented a 1-bit adder in the sub-circuit “Add_1Bit”.
Implement a ​4-bit adder-subtractor​ in “​Add_Sub_4Bits​” by using four
instances of “​Add_1Bit​” and additional circuitry. ​(15 points)

Note that there is a control input signal, “Add_Sub”. Whenever it is asserted to
’0’, the circuit (“​Add_Sub_4Bits​”) should perform 4-bit addition (A + B).
Whenever it is set to ’1’, the circuit should perform binary subtraction (A – B).
In both cases the result should be on the output “R”. Note that the inputs are
both 2’s complement numbers.

– Also, your implementation must be able to handle overflow and zero ​(5 points)

→When overflow happens in the operation (add/sub), the “Overflow” output
signal, in your circuit, should be asserted to ’1’; otherwise, it should be ’0’
→​When the result (“R”) is all zeros, “0000”, the “Zero” output signal should be
asserted to ’1’; otherwise, it should be ’0’.

– As example, if A = +1 = 0001, B = -7 = 1001, and we perform the addition operation,
then R = -6 = 1010, Overflow = 0, and Zero = 0.

Question 2: 16 Nibble RAM (50 points)
You should design your circuit in the provided template circuit file
In this question, you will build a simple 16 Nibble RAM that implements two different
functions (read and write). A Nibble is a group of 4 bits. You must build your circuit in the
logisim-evolution using only the basic gates provided in the built-in library, specifically,
AND, OR, NOT, XOR, XNOR, and D flip-flops.

You may set the properties on these gates as you wish, such as changing the number of
inputs, or the number of data bits. However, you must implement your solution in the starter
project template we have provided, following the instructions below. You must organize your
solution into sub-circuits using the names and labels specified below (leave the main circuit

1. You will need to edit the appearances of some sub-circuits to better organize your
solution. But, be careful not to change the sub-circuits’ names, and input/output labels
in the starter project file!

2. You are free to create additional sub-circuits with custom appearances as you see fit
and then use them in the starter sub-circuits. Be sure to use the starter project
sub-circuits though.

3. Do not use more complicated built-in modules from the logisim-evolution library
(such as Mux, Decoder, Registers, Counters, RAM, etc).​ If you need any such
functionality you should implement it by yourself (preferably in subcircuits).

(A) Build a 4-bit register (nibble) (15 points):

Implement the nibble (4 bit) register using flip-flops. The corresponding starter subcircuit
(nibble) is provided, with proper input /output ports. Your circuit should perform read and
write operations in one clock cycle, as follows. When writing is enabled (​Read_Write = 1​,
and ​En = 1​), the value of Data should be saved in the flip-flops.

This value should appear in the ​Nibble_Out​ within one clock cycle. However, if ​En = 0​, no
write operation should be performed. In other words, the last value of Nibble should be
presented as ​Nibble_Out.

When ​Read_Write = 0​ the value of the Nibble should be observed on the ​Nibble_Out​ no
matter what the value of​ En ​is. You may add a Clock source in the nibble circuit to check/test
its functionality. Do not forget to remove it later. Eventually, Nibble will receive its Clock
signal from the higher module (16-nibble RAM).

(B) Build a 16-nibble RAM (35 points):

Here you will use the nibble register you build in part A.​ You must use the starter
sub-circuit (“​RAM_16_Nibbles​”) and add additional circuitry, to implement the following

– Your circuit should perform read and write operations in one clock cycle. In other
words, if we want to read from ​RAM​ (​Read_Write​ = 0), with the next Clock tick, the
value of the nibble that the address bits indicate should be observed in ​RAM_Out​.

– Your RAM circuit should read a 4-bit piece of data as input and set this as the value
of the nibble that is defined by the address bits. For example, if Data = 1000 and
Address = 0011, then in the next Clock cycle the value of 4th nibble of the RAM
should become 1000, and also this value should be displayed on the output.

– The entire circuit should have just one single Clock signal, that is located in the
RAM_16_Nibbles module.​ If the nibble module requires a Clock signal to work
properly, pass the Clock signal from ​RAM_16_Nibbles​ to the Nibble sub-circuit as
an input.