CS计算机代考程序代写 database c# assembly C# Classes

C# Classes

C# Programming

Quincy College

Fall 2021

Robert I. Pitts

 Controlling access to classes and members

 Creating code libraries

 Indexers

 Object initializers and anonymous objects

 Structures and nullable types

 LINQ (Language-Integrated Query)

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 May restrict set accessor for property, or
remove accessor altogether

 const: only give value when list variable
◦ const variables are implicitly static

 readonly: cannot change instance variable
after constructor (mark all to make immutable)

 internal: accessible in same assembly, not
outside assembly (default for classes)
◦ Assembly: program (.exe) or code library (.dll)

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 Classes usable by many projects belong in library

1. New Project > Class Library (.NET Framework)

2. Add public class
◦ May have non-public supporting classes

3. Place in own namespace

4. Compile to dynamically-linked library (.dll)

5. Refer to library in application
◦ Project > Add reference… > Browse

6. Add using directive for library namespace

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 May access instance variable or non-static
method in class via the this reference
public Rect(double width, double height)

this.width = width;
this.height = height;


◦ Avoids instance variable/parameter conflicts

 Also, to call one constructor from another
public Rect(double len) // a square

: this(len, len)

{ }

◦ Called “constructor initializer”

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 Can give array-like indexing to class
public double this[int index]

set {
if (index == 0)
width = value;

else if (index == 1)
height = value;


Rect rect1 = new Rect(6.7);
rect1[0] = 5.6;

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Type of indexType stores/gives

 Constructors limit how can initialize objects
Student stud1 = new Student(id1);

 To give values to other instance variables, use
properties later
stud1.Name = “Jones,Bart”;

stud1.Gpa = 3.0;

 Object initializer is concise way to do both
Student stud1 = new Student(id1) {

Name = “Jones,Bart”, Gpa = 3.0


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 Initializer syntax allows objects without explicit class
(“anonymous type”)

 Use var since no data type can be provided
var stud1 = new {

Id = id1,

Name = “Jones,Bart”,

Gpa = 3.0


 All properties public and immutable

 ToString() shows property values

 Equals() compares all property values

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no class name listed

 Use class for type of data in another class
◦ Called composition (“has-a” relationship)
◦ Limited to public interface (“services”) of class

 Add operations with extension method
static class StudentExtensions
public static bool InternQual(

this Student stud)
return stud.Gpa >= 3.0;


 Usage: stud1.InternQual();

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write as static
method in static
top-level class

 Classes are reference types
class Coord


private int x, y;

// c-tor


Coord pos = new Coord(10, 20);

 Structures (struct) like class but value types

◦ Question: if change class
above to struct?

◦ Answer: object stored in variable

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x: 10

y: 20


x: 10

y: 20

 Value can store null if made nullable
◦ Add question mark (?) to end of data type

 Examples:
DateTime? when = new DateTime(…);

int? z = -1;

z = null; // assign null for int

 Properties:
z.HasValue // not null (bool)?

z.Value // value if not null

 Accessing Value property when variable holds null
causes exception

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 Must determine that nullable type is not null before
using Value
int? z = 5;

int y;

 Check HasValue property via if
if (z.HasValue)

y = z.Value;

 Test directly against null (conditional operator, ?:)
y = z != null ? z.Value : 0;

 Use C# null coalescing operator (??)
y = z ?? 0; // if not null, value of z, else 0

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 Enumeration values not always mutually exclusive
enum BookFormat
NoFormat = 0,


 May assign multiple use bitwise logical operators
BookFormat format = BookFormat.HardCopy;

◦ Useful ops: OR (|), AND (&), NOT (~), XOR (^)

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HardCopy = 1,
PaperBack = 2

= BookFormat.HardCopy

| BookFormat.PaperBack;

PaperBack = 2,
Parchment = 4 // powers of 2

 Query different sources of data (array, database)
using SQL-like syntax

 Example:
DateTime[] meetings = …

var afternoonMeetings =

from value in meetings

where value.Hour > 12

orderby value.DayOfWeek

select value;

May then iterate through results via foreach

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Takes on each
item’s value

 Place reusable code in dynamic link library (.dll)

 Use this to call other constructors, add
subscripting (indexer), extend methods

 For anonymous class, list properties after new

 Structures are like classes, but are value types

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 Adding extra element to array so that start with
index 1

 Abstract data type (ADT): Information
hiding/data abstraction

 Class View and Object Browser

 Garbage collection and destructors

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