CS计算机代考程序代写 mips /*************************************************************************************|

| 1. YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO SHARE/PUBLISH YOUR CODE (e.g., post on piazza or online)|
| 2. Only alter the source code of mipssim.c |
| 3. Do not add any other .c files nor alter mipssim.h, parser.h, definitions.h or |
| memory_hierarchy.c |
| 4. Do not include any other library files |
| —————–DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE!!!!—————————————-|
#pragma once

#include #include


size_t getline(char ** restrict linep, size_t * restrict linecapp, FILE * restrict stream);

#define WORD_SIZE 4 // Bytes
#define REGISTER_NUM 32
#define MEMORY_WORD_NUM (1024 * 1024)

#define COMMENT_PREFIX ‘#’

/// Number String to long long int
static inline bool safe_str_to_llong(const char *str, long long int *ret_long)
// reset errno to 0 before call
errno = 0;

// call to strtoll assigning return to number
char *end_ptr;
long long int number = strtoll(str, &end_ptr, 10);

// test return to number and errno values
if (str == end_ptr)
printf (” number : %lld invalid (no digits found, 0 returned)\n”, number);
else if (errno == ERANGE && number == LLONG_MIN)
printf (” number : %lld invalid (underflow occurred)\n”, number);
else if (errno == ERANGE && number == LLONG_MAX)
printf (” number : %lld invalid (overflow occurred)\n”, number);
else if (errno != 0 && number == 0)
printf (” number : %lld invalid (unspecified error occurred)\n”, number);
assert(errno == 0);
*ret_long = number;
return true;

return false;

/// Token Identifiers
static inline bool is_comment(const char *str){
return str[0] == COMMENT_PREFIX ? true : false;

static inline bool is_number(char* str)
char *end_ptr;
const char *n_ptr = str;

// call to strtoll assigning return to number
strtoll(str, &end_ptr, 10);

return n_ptr != end_ptr ? true : false;

static inline bool is_long_within_bounds(char *str, long int l_bound, long int u_bound)
long long int num;
if(is_number(str) && safe_str_to_llong(str, &num))
return num >= l_bound && num <= u_bound ? true : false; return false; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Conversion between str <--> binary & prints
// prints the bits_to_print (least significant bits of a byte)
static inline void print_binary_32bit_or_less_lsb(uint32_t b, uint8_t bits_to_print)
assert(bits_to_print <= 32); uint8_t iter = 0; for(uint32_t i = 0x80000000; i != 0; i >>= 1){
if(bits_to_print >= 32 – iter)
printf(“%c”, (b & i) ? ‘1’ : ‘0’);

static inline void print_uint32_bin_array(uint32_t *array, uint16_t array_size_to_print)
for(int i = 0; i < array_size_to_print; ++i){ print_binary_32bit_or_less_lsb(array[i], 32); printf("\n"); } } // gets a string of 0's and 1's and converts it to binary up to 32 bits and set's it to *bin static inline void str_to_bin(char* str, uint32_t *bin) { *bin = 0; assert(strlen(str) < 33); for(int i = 0; i < strlen(str); ++i){ char c = str[i]; (*bin) <<= 1; if(c == '1'){ (*bin)++; } else{ assert(c == '0' && "String contains chars other than 0 and 1"); } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// File parser(s) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Parses a line of 32 chars w/ 0's and 1's and returns it in binary static inline uint32_t per_line_binary_parser(char *line) { uint32_t instr = 0; line[32] = '\0'; // replace \n with \0 str_to_bin(line, &instr); return instr; } static inline uint32_t per_line_decimal_parser(char *line) { long long int value; safe_str_to_llong(line, &value); int32_t value_32bit = value; uint32_t instr; memcpy(&instr, &value_32bit, sizeof(int32_t)); return instr; } typedef uint32_t (per_line_parser)(char*);// static inline int iterate_file(uint32_t *array_to_fill, char* instr_file_path, per_line_parser per_line_func, uint32_t max_slots_to_init) { char *line = NULL; size_t len = 0; // printf("Loading instructions from file:\n - %s\n", instr_file_path); FILE* fp = fopen(instr_file_path, "r"); if (fp == NULL){ printf("File: %s not found, parser is exiting \n", instr_file_path); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } int i = 0; while (getline(&line, &len, fp) != -1) { if(is_comment(line)) continue; array_to_fill[i] = per_line_func(line); i++; assert(i < max_slots_to_init && "Tried to initialized more than available slots"); } fclose(fp); if (line != NULL){ free(line); } return i; }