CS计算机代考程序代写 HW2 Solution Notes

HW2 Solution Notes

class Course:

• Constructor needs 3 instance attributes to initialize course id, name and number of

def __eq__(self, other):

1. Check if other is an instance of Course, if it is, check if self.cid == other.cid and
return accordingly

2. If other is not a Course object, return False

class Catalog:

• Constructor needs 1 instance attributes to initialize courseOfferings

def addCourse(self, cid, cname, credits):
1. Check if cid in self.courseOfferings, if it is then return ‘Course already added’

2. Otherwise, create a Course object using cid, cname and credit and add it as a
value of the key cid in the courseOffering dictionary

To remove, repeat step 1 from add, and if the key is in the dictionary, use pop() or del to

remove the item from the dictionary

class Semester:

• Constructor needs 2 instance attributes to initialize sem_num and courses

def __str__(self):
if self.courses=={}:

return ‘No courses’
Otherwise, use ‘,’.join(list of keys) to build the output string

def addCourse(self, course):

# Note that course is a Course object, so it gives you access to cid, name and # of credits
1. Check if course.cid in self.courses, if it is not, add the course to the dictionary,

where the key is the cid and the value the course object

def totalCredits(self):

1. Set total to 0
2. For each course in self.courses increase total by


class Loan:

• Constructor needs 2 instance attributes to initialize amount and loan_id. Note that
loan_id calls __loanID in the constructor to initialize that value

def __loanID(self):

return random.randint(10000, 99999)

class Person:

• Constructor needs 2 instance attributes to initialize name and __ssn

def __eq__(self, other):
1. Check if other is an instance of Person, Student or Staff, if it is, check if

self.get_ssn() == other.get_ssn() and return accordingly
2. If other is not a Course object, return False

class Staff(Person):

• Constructor needs super().__init__(name, ssn) to initialize attributes from the parent
class and another instance attribute to initialize supervisor

def id(self):

name_list = self.name.split()
initials = name_list[0][0]+ name_list[1][0]
return ‘905’ + initials.lower() + self.get_ssn()[-4:]

def applyHold(self, student):
# Note: Student class has an attribute to handle holds and active status

return ‘Completed!’

class Student(Person):

• Constructor needs super().__init__(name, ssn) to initialize attributes from the parent
class and attributes to initialize year, semesters dictionary, hold status, active status and
student’s account. Note that a StudentAccount object is created during instantiation, so
account calls __createStudentAccount

def registerSemester(self):

1. Check that both active is True and hold is False
2. Create a Semester object and add it into the dictionary. The key and semester

number can be computed as the length of the dictionary+1

3. Update year attribute

def enrollCourse(self, cid, catalog, semester):
#catalog is a Catalog object, and using cid, we can access the Course objected to add

them into the courses list in the Semester object
1. Check that both active is True and hold is False

2. Get the course object from the catalog, catalog.courseOfferings[cid]
3. Add that course in to the Semester object. The semester object already has a method

to do that, use it. self.semesters[semester].addCourse(course object from 2)

4. Charge the student’s account. Note that account is an instance of Student account, so
you can use the chargeAccount method. You can get the number of credit from the

object you retrieved from 2)

def dropCourse(self, cid):

1. Check that both active is True and hold is False
2. Set sem_num = number of elements in self.semesters

3. Get the semester object from the dictionary using the key from (2)
4. Using the object from (3), access the courses attribute,

self.semesters[semester].courses, to find the Course with the same cid.

5. Use self.semesters[semester].dropCourse(course object from 4) to remove the course
from the Semester object

def getLoan(self, amount):

1. Check that active is True

2. Loan applies to the most recent semester, which you can retrieve using
len(self.semesters) as a key

3. Similar to using addCourse and dropCourse, you can use the Semester object to use
the isFullTime method.

4. If isFullTime returns True, create the Loan object using amount and add it to the loans

dictionary attribute of the student’s account, using the id as key.

class StudentAccount:

• Price per credit can change at any time for all students, so it must be a class attribute

• Constructor needs to initialize attributes for student, a balance=0 and a loans dictionary

def makePayment(self, amount):

Subtract amount from self.balance