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#reader(lib “htdp-intermediate-lambda-reader.ss” “lang”)((modname e2p1-starter) (read-case-sensitive #t) (teachpacks ()) (htdp-settings #(#t constructor repeating-decimal #f #t none #f () #f)))
; == Exam 2, Problem 1 ==
; TODO #1: design the function pair-then-smash that takes two lists (assumed to be the same
; length), performs one function on each pair from the two lists (the first from each list,
; then the second, …), and then applies another function that takes the list of pairwise
; results and produces a final outcome.
; For example, consider the following parallel lists of strings and natural numbers…
(define L1 (list “a” “bb” “cccc”))
(define L2 (list 1 2 3))
; now consider the following function that determines if the length of a supplied string
; is equal to a supplied number…
(define (fp1 s n)
(= (string-length s) n))
; applying this pairwise across L1 and L2 means (fp1 “a” 1), then (fp1 “bb” 2), …
; and producing a result list…
(define PAIR-12 (list #true #true #false))
; so then consider the following function that asks if all the results are true…
(define (fs1 l)
(andmap identity l))
; producing an overall answer (#false) that, in fact, one of the strings length is NOT
; equal to its corresponding number.
; For another example, consider the result of adding each pairwise element of L2
; with itself…
(define PAIR-22 (list 2 4 6))
; and then take the product of this resulting list…
(define (fs2 l)
(foldr * 1 l))
; producing the answer of 48.
; For clarity, these examples have been supplied as the following tests;
; you can create additional tests but are not required to do so.
(pair-then-smash L1 L2 fp1 fs1)
(pair-then-smash L2 L2 + fs2)
; and for good measure…
(pair-then-smash ‘() ‘() fp1 fs1)
(pair-then-smash ‘() ‘() + fs2)
; Note: you may choose to implement the function with list abstractions, template(s), or a
; combination; any well-designed design can receive full credit.
; pair-then-smash : (X Y Z R) [List-of X] [List-of Y] [X Y -> Z] [[List-of Z] -> R] -> R
; performs an abstracted inner product of two lists
(define (pair-then-smash l1 l2 fp fs)
(fs (map fp l1 l2)))
(define (pair-then-smash-v2 l1 l2 fp fs)
(local [; mymap2 : (X Y Z) [List-of X] [List-of Y] -> [List-of Z]
; maps the supplied lists using the pair function
(define (mymap2 lox loy)
[(empty? lox) ‘()]
[(cons? lox)
(fp (first lox) (first loy))
(mymap2 (rest lox) (rest loy)))]))]
(fs (mymap2 l1 l2))))
; TODO #2: using pair-then-smash, design the function palindrome? that accepts a list
; and determines if its elements are the same (via a supplied equality predicate) forward
; and backwards. Example tests have been included for clarity; you can create additional
; tests but are not required to do so. As with the previous problem, you are free to design
; your function (well) as you see fit as long as it is making effective use of the
; pair-then-smash abstraction.
; palindrome? : (X) [List-of X] [X X -> Boolean] -> Boolean
; are the elements in the list the same forward and back?
(palindrome? ‘() =)
(palindrome? (list 1 2) =)
(palindrome? (list 1 2 2 1) =)
(palindrome? (list 1 2 3 2 1) =)
(palindrome? (explode “level”) string=?)
(palindrome? (explode “howdy!”) string=?)
(explode “howdy”)
(λ (s1 s2) (boolean=? (string=? s1 “w”) (string=? s2 “w”))))
(define (palindrome? l eq?)
(pair-then-smash l (reverse l) eq? fs1))