Loans and savings
Eric Martin, CSE, UNSW
COMP9021 Principles of Programming
[1]: from math import log10
from numbers import Real
1 Borrowing or saving money
We consider the situation where Jane has an initial sum of S0 in her account, and at regular
intervals, adds to that account a positive or negative amount (so in effect, adds to or removes
money from that account), say ∆, with an interest of r applying to the time period between two
successive operations. For i a strictly positive integer, let Si denote the sum in Jane’s account after
i time periods. Then we have for all i ∈ N:
Si = S0(1 + r)
i +∆Σi−1j=0(1 + r)
j (1)
as we immediately verify by induction: (1) trivially holds for i = 0, and given i ∈ N, if (1) holds
for i then
Si+1 = Si(1 + r) + ∆
S0(1 + r)
i +∆Σi−1j=0(1 + r)
(1 + r) + ∆
= S0(1 + r)
i+1 +∆Σij=1(1 + r)
j +∆
= S0(1 + r)
i+1 +∆Σij=0(1 + r)
1.1 Saving
In the case of an investment, then ∆ is equal to S0 and operations happen once a year. Assuming
that after N years, Jane can close her account and decides to do so, then she would not add the
last amount of ∆, so the final amount, the sum eventually available to her, say S, would be:
S = SN −∆ = ∆(1 + r)N +∆ΣN−1j=0 (1 + r)
j −∆ = ∆ΣNj=1(1 + r)
j =
(1 + r)N+1 − (1 + r)
We therefore have the following equations:
• S = ∆
(1 + r)N+1 − (1 + r)
• ∆ =
(1 + r)N+1 − (1 + r)
• N =
+ (1 + r)
log10(1 + r)
− 1
1.2 Borrowing
In the case of a loan over N years, the operations happen once a month, and the final sum eventually
becomes 0:
0 = S12N = S0(1 + r)
12N +∆Σ
j=0 (1 + r)
j = S0(1 + r)
12N +
(1 + r)12N − 1
We therefore have the following equations:
• S0 = −
(1 + r)12N − 1
r(1 + r)12N
• ∆ = −
S0(1 + r)
(1 + r)12N − 1
• N =
12 log10(1 + r)
1.3 Effective interest rate
Let R be the annual interest rate. First a period, year, semester, quarter or month, is chosen.
Let d be 1, 2, 4 or 12, respectively (note that 1, 2, 4 and 12 are the number of years, semesters,
quarters and months in a year, respectively). The interest rate is first reduced to R/d and declared
to be the interest for the chosen period, that is, the interest that has to be paid at the end of that
period. This corresponds to an effective interest rate for the year, say R̃, equal to (1 +R/d)d − 1,
which corresponds to an effective interest rate for the month equal to the number R̂ such that
(1 + R̂)12 = 1 + R̃, yielding R̂ = (1 + R̃)
12 − 1.
• For savings, r = R̃, which is all the more advantageous to Jane that d is larger.
• For loans, r = R̂, which is all the more advantageous to Jane that d is smaller.
2 Design and implementation
Let us create three classes, Account, Loan and Savings, the last two being subclasses of the first
one since a loan account and a savings account are particular kinds of accounts. We define a few
strings as class attributes to, at any time, let objects created from those classes keep track of what
is known and what is unknown. More precisely:
• The interest will have to be fixed to a stricly positive floating point number when the object
is created.
• The reference period, year, semester, quarter or month, will have to be fixed when the object
is created too.
• The term amount, that is, the sum of money that is credited every year if the account is a
savings account and that is debited every month if the account is a loan account, can be set
or not to some value at any time, including when the object is created.
• The duration, that is, the number of years the account will remain open, and whose balance
has to be equal to 0 at closure time in case the account is a loan account, can be set or not
to some value at any time, including when the object is created.
• The initial sum only makes sense for a loan account; it is the sum of money that is borrowed
when the account is opened. It can be set or not to some value at any time, including when
the object is created.
• The final sum only makes sense for a savings account; it is the sum of money that is available
when the account is closed. It can be set or not to some value at any time, including when
the object is created.
In any circumstance, including when the object is created, at least one of the parameters whose
value can not be set should not be set; in case there is only one such parameter, then that parameter
will be computed from all others.
We also define as a class attribute a dictionary for the number of months that make up each of the
possible periods:
[2]: class Account:
INTEREST = ‘interest’
REFERENCE_PERIOD = ‘reference_period’
TERM_AMOUNT = ‘term_amount’
DURATION = ‘duration’
INITIAL_SUM = ‘initial_sum’
FINAL_SUM = ‘final_sum’
nb_in_year = {‘year’ : 1, ‘semester’ : 2, ‘quarter’ : 4, ‘month’ : 12}
class Savings(Account):
class Loan(Account):
If we create an object account of type Account, then account.INTEREST is first looked for as an
object attribute and not found, then looked for as an Account attribute and found. If we create
an object loan of type Loan, then loan.INTEREST is first looked for as an object attribute and
not found, then looked for as a Loan attribute and not found, then looked for as an Account
attribute and found. Later, we will see methods of the Loan and Savings classes that refer to
Account.INTEREST rather than to self.INTEREST; that way, they will find ‘interest’ directly
in the parent class rather than indirectly, exploring from the object to the own class and from the
own class to the parent class:
[3]: account = Account()
loan = Loan()
[3]: ‘interest’
[3]: ‘interest’
[3]: ‘interest’
Let us create a particular kind of exception, to raise for the case where all of the parameters that
can optionally be set are provided some nonzero value, leaving no unknown:
[4]: class NoUnknownException(Exception):
Durations are expected to be integers, while interests, term amounts, initial sums and final sums
are expected to be either floating point numbers or integers. To check the latter, the Real class
from the numbers module is useful:
[5]: isinstance(1, int), isinstance(1, float), isinstance(1, Real)
isinstance(1., int), isinstance(1., float), isinstance(1., Real)
[5]: (True, False, True)
[5]: (False, True, True)
Let us define an Account method, check_type(), to check whether the value of an attribute of an
object of type Account (which could therefore be more precisely of type Loan or Savings), is of
the expected type:
[6]: class Account(Account):
def check_type(self, parameter, parameter_name, valid_type):
if not isinstance(parameter, valid_type):
raise TypeError(f'{parameter_name} should be of type {valid_type}’)
class Savings(Account):
class Loan(Account):
[7]: loan = Loan()
loan._interest = 0.08
# Returns None
loan.check_type(loan._interest, Account.INTEREST, Real)
loan._interest = ‘0.08’
# Raises a TypeError exception
loan.check_type(loan._interest, Account.INTEREST, Real)
TypeError Traceback (most recent call␣
5 loan._interest = ‘0.08’
6 # Raises a TypeError exception
—-> 7 loan.check_type(loan._interest, Account.INTEREST, Real)
↪→parameter_name, valid_type)
2 def check_type(self, parameter, parameter_name, valid_type):
3 if not isinstance(parameter, valid_type):
—-> 4 raise TypeError(f'{parameter_name} should be of type␣
6 class Savings(Account):
TypeError: interest should be of type
The builtin setattr() function allows one to set an object’s attribute to some value via a variable
name (a string) rather than via a variable. This will prove useful to let a method set the value of
some attribute, determined as a string, only known at run time:
[8]: account = Account()
account._interest = 0.08
setattr(account, ‘_duration’, 20)
[8]: {‘_interest’: 0.08, ‘_duration’: 20}
Let us define an Account method, set_parameter(), to set an attribute of an object of type
Account (which could therefore be more precisely of type Loan or Savings) to some value, which
in case it is not equal to 0, is imposed to be positive, except for the term amount of a Loan object
that should be negative (to be debited from the account). In case the attribute has been set to a
nonzero value, then the method will remove its name from the set of unknown parameters, making
sure that the set does not become empty; otherwise, a NoUnknownException will be raised:
[9]: class Account(Account):
def set_parameter(self, parameter, parameter_name, sign):
if parameter * sign < 0:
raise ValueError(f'{parameter_name} should be of opposite sign')
if parameter:
if parameter_name in self._unknowns:
if len(self._unknowns) == 1:
raise NoUnknownException(f'{parameter_name} is the only '
'unknown parameter'
setattr(self, '_' + parameter_name, parameter)
class Savings(Account):
class Loan(Account):
[10]: loan = Loan()
loan._unknowns = {Account.INITIAL_SUM, Account.TERM_AMOUNT, Account.DURATION}
loan.set_parameter(836.44, Account.TERM_AMOUNT, -1)
ValueError Traceback (most recent call␣
1 loan = Loan()
2 loan._unknowns = {Account.INITIAL_SUM, Account.TERM_AMOUNT, Account.
—-> 3 loan.set_parameter(836.44, Account.TERM_AMOUNT, -1)
↪→parameter_name, sign)
2 def set_parameter(self, parameter, parameter_name, sign):
3 if parameter * sign < 0:
----> 4 raise ValueError(f'{parameter_name} should be of␣
↪→opposite sign’)
5 if parameter:
6 if parameter_name in self._unknowns:
ValueError: term_amount should be of opposite sign
[11]: loan = Loan()
loan._unknowns = {Account.INITIAL_SUM, Account.TERM_AMOUNT, Account.DURATION}
loan.set_parameter(-836.44, Account.TERM_AMOUNT, -1)
loan.set_parameter(20, Account.DURATION, 1)
[11]: {‘_unknowns’: {‘initial_sum’}, ‘_term_amount’: -836.44, ‘_duration’: 20}
[12]: loan = Loan()
loan._unknowns = {Account.INITIAL_SUM, Account.TERM_AMOUNT, Account.DURATION}
loan.set_parameter(-836.44, Account.TERM_AMOUNT, -1)
loan.set_parameter(20, Account.DURATION, 1)
loan.set_parameter(100000, Account.INITIAL_SUM, 1)
NoUnknownException Traceback (most recent call␣
3 loan.set_parameter(-836.44, Account.TERM_AMOUNT, -1)
4 loan.set_parameter(20, Account.DURATION, 1)
—-> 5 loan.set_parameter(100000, Account.INITIAL_SUM, 1)
↪→parameter_name, sign)
6 if parameter_name in self._unknowns:
7 if len(self._unknowns) == 1:
—-> 8 raise NoUnknownException(f'{parameter_name} is␣
↪→the only ‘
9 ‘unknown parameter’
10 )
NoUnknownException: initial_sum is the only unknown parameter
Let us bundle the check_type() and set_parameter() methods of the Account class into a
check_and_set_parameter() method:
[13]: class Account(Account):
def check_and_set_parameter(self, parameter, parameter_name, valid_types,
self.check_type(parameter, parameter_name, valid_types)
self.set_parameter(parameter, parameter_name, sign)
class Savings(Account):
class Loan(Account):
[14]: savings = Savings()
savings._unknowns = {Account.TERM_AMOUNT, Account.FINAL_SUM, Account.DURATION}
savings.check_and_set_parameter(1000, Account.TERM_AMOUNT, Real, 1)
savings.check_and_set_parameter(1000, Account.DURATION, int, 1)
[14]: {‘_unknowns’: {‘final_sum’}, ‘_term_amount’: 1000, ‘_duration’: 1000}
Let us add to Account two methods, set_interest() and set_reference_period(), to fix the
values of the interest and the reference period, respectively. As those have to be set at object
creation and should not be modified afterwards, it is not appropriate to use set_parameter().
We can still make use of check_type() to check that the interest is a strictly positive real value;
checking that the reference value is one of ‘year’, ‘semester’, ‘quarter’ or ‘month’ can be done
Let us also add to Account a method, set_effective_interest(), to compute the effective in-
terest from the interest and the reference period.
Finally, let us add to Acccount two methods, set_term_amount() and set_duration(), to set or
change or remove (by assigning 0) the values of the term amount and the duration, respectively.
Given an object of type Savings, say savings, a call such as savings.set_term_amount(1000)
would look for set_term_amount() first unsuccessfully as an attribute of savings, then unsuccess-
fully as an attribute of Savings, and finally successfully as an attribute of Account. In the body of
set_term_amount(), the statement isinstance(self, Savings), with self referring to savings
would then evaluate to True (and so 2 * isinstance(self, Savings) – 1 would evaluate to 1,
whereas it would evaluate to -1 if self was referring to an object of type Loan):
[15]: class Account(Account):
def set_interest(self, interest):
self.check_type(interest, Account.INTEREST, Real)
if interest == 0:
raise ValueError(‘Interest should not be 0’)
if interest < 0:
raise ValueError('Interest should not be negative')
self._interest = interest
def set_reference_period(self, reference_period):
if reference_period not in Account.nb_in_year:
raise ValueError('Reference period should be one of '
self._reference_period = reference_period
def set_effective_interest(self):
self.effective_interest =\
((1 + self._interest / Account.nb_in_year[self._reference_period]
) ** Account.nb_in_year[self._reference_period] - 1
def set_term_amount(self, term_amount):
# An amount added to Savings account, and deducted from a Loans
# account.
self.check_and_set_parameter(term_amount, Account.TERM_AMOUNT, Real,
2 * isinstance(self, Savings) - 1
def set_duration(self, duration):
self.check_and_set_parameter(duration, Account.DURATION, int, 1)
class Savings(Account):
def set_final_sum(self, final_sum):
self.check_and_set_parameter(final_sum, Account.FINAL_SUM, Real, 1)
class Loan(Account):
def set_initial_sum(self, initial_sum):
self.check_and_set_parameter(initial_sum, Account.INITIAL_SUM, Real, 1)
[16]: savings = Savings()
savings._unknowns = {Account.TERM_AMOUNT, Account.FINAL_SUM, Account.DURATION}
[16]: {'_unknowns': {'term_amount'},
'_interest': 0.08,
'_reference_period': 'year',
'_duration': 25,
'effective_interest': 0.08000000000000007,
'_final_sum': 78954.42}
[17]: loan = Loan()
loan._unknowns = {Account.INITIAL_SUM, Account.TERM_AMOUNT, Account.DURATION}
[17]: {'_unknowns': {'term_amount'},
'_interest': 0.08,
'_reference_period': 'year',
'_duration': 25,
'effective_interest': 0.08000000000000007,
'_initial_sum': 100000}
We do not want the user to change the value of the interest, but it is wishful thinking:
[18]: loan._interest = 0.25
[18]: {'_unknowns': {'term_amount'},
'_interest': 0.25,
'_reference_period': 'year',
'_duration': 25,
'effective_interest': 0.08000000000000007,
'_initial_sum': 100000}
We can’t prevent the user to change the value of _interest. But we can define a new variable,
interest, and use the @property decorator to let the user access its value (the property is defined
to just retrieve the value of _interest and present it to the user as the value of interest), without
the user being able to modify that value via the name interest. So interest is part of the public
interface while _interest is not. If they have access to the source code then users can see the name
_interest, understand its purpose, not restrict themselves to the public interface, and modify the
value of _interest. But without looking at the implementation, users are not aware of the existence
of _interest; they can only see and understand the purpose of interest, access its value when
needed, but never change it. The same can be done with the _reference_period attribute, letting
the @property decorator introduce a read only attribute reference_period:
[19]: class Account(Account):
def interest(self):
return self._interest
def reference_period(self):
return self._reference_period
class Savings(Account, Savings):
class Loan(Account, Loan):
[20]: savings = Savings()
savings.interest = 0.25
[20]: 0.08
AttributeError Traceback (most recent call␣
4 savings.interest
—-> 5 savings.interest = 0.25
AttributeError: can’t set attribute
[21]: loan = Loan()
loan.reference_period = ‘quarter’
[21]: ‘month’
AttributeError Traceback (most recent call␣
4 loan.reference_period
—-> 5 loan.reference_period = ‘quarter’
AttributeError: can’t set attribute
Let us add a @property decorator to the Account, Savings and Loan classes to create new at-
tributes: term_amount and duration (in Account), final_sum (in Savings) and initial_sum
(in Loan), that again just retrieve the value of the corresponding attribute with a leading under-
score. If that was all we did, then these four names would, like interest and reference_period,
refer to read only attributes. Rather, let us complement term_amount, duration, final_sum
and initial_sum with the @term_amount.setter, @duration.setter, @final_sum.setter and
@initial_sum.setter decorators, respectively. Their bodies make up the code to execute when as-
signments to term_amount, duration, final_sum or initial_sum, respectively, are requested. As
expected, the code includes corresponding assignments to _term_amount, _duration, _final_sum
or _initial_sum, respectively. But other tasks can also be performed. Here, in all four cases,
we call an Account method, update(), that just prints out a message; that function will later be
reimplemented for purposes more useful to our problem:
[22]: class Account(Account):
def term_amount(self):
return self._term_amount
def term_amount(self, term_amount):
def duration(self):
return self._duration
def duration(self, duration):
def update(self):
print(‘I set or changed the value of at least one attribute!’)
class Savings(Account, Savings):
def final_sum(self):
return self._final_sum
def final_sum(self, final_sum):
class Loan(Account, Loan):
def initial_sum(self):
return self._initial_sum
def initial_sum(self, initial_sum):
[23]: savings = Savings()
savings._unknowns = {Account.TERM_AMOUNT, Account.FINAL_SUM, Account.DURATION}
savings.final_sum = 0
savings.term_amount = 1000
I set or changed the value of at least one attribute!
[23]: 0
I set or changed the value of at least one attribute!
[23]: 1000
[24]: loan = Loan()
loan._unknowns = {Account.INITIAL_SUM, Account.TERM_AMOUNT, Account.DURATION}
loan.initial_sum = 0
loan.duration = 20
I set or changed the value of at least one attribute!
[24]: 0
I set or changed the value of at least one attribute!
[24]: 20
Let us define the __init__() methods of Account, Savings and Loans to automatically,
at object creation, set the values of the _unknowns, _interest, _reference_period and
effective_interest attributes, and possibly set some but not all of the following attributes:
_duration, _term_amount, _final_sum for objects of type Savings, and _initial_sum for objects
of type Loan. The call to __super__() as the first statement in the body of the __init__() method
of the Savings and Loan classes (with interest, reference_period, term_amount, duration,
final_sum for Savings, and initial_sum for Loan as keyword only arguments, with default val-
ues for all except interest) allows one to first execute the __init__() method of the Account
class. The next two statements in the bodies of the __init__() methods of the Savings and Loan
classes complete object initialisation with what is specific to Savings and Loan objects, respec-
tively. The last statement in the bodies of these methods calls the update() method, which is still
to be reimplemented:
[25]: class Account(Account):
def __init__(self, *, interest, reference_period, term_amount, duration):
# We will remove INITIAL_SUM from _unknowns when dealing with an
# object of class Savings, and remove FINAL_SUM from _unknowns
# when dealing with an object of class Loan.
self._unknowns = {Account.INITIAL_SUM, Account.TERM_AMOUNT,
class Savings(Account, Savings):
# term_amount is a yearly deposit
def __init__(self, *, interest, reference_period=’year’, term_amount=0,
duration=0, final_sum=0
super().__init__(interest=interest, reference_period=reference_period,
term_amount=term_amount, duration=duration
class Loan(Account, Loan):
# term_amount is a monthly repayment
def __init__(self, *, interest, reference_period=’year’, term_amount=0,
duration=0, initial_sum=0
super().__init__(interest=interest, reference_period=reference_period,
term_amount=term_amount, duration=duration
[26]: savings = Savings(interest=0.08, duration=25, final_sum=78954.42)
I set or changed the value of at least one attribute!
[26]: {‘_unknowns’: {‘term_amount’},
‘_interest’: 0.08,
‘_reference_period’: ‘year’,
‘effective_interest’: 0.08000000000000007,
‘_term_amount’: 0,
‘_duration’: 25,
‘_final_sum’: 78954.42}
[27]: loan = Loan(interest=0.08, duration=25, initial_sum=100000)
I set or changed the value of at least one attribute!
[27]: {‘_unknowns’: {‘term_amount’},
‘_interest’: 0.08,
‘_reference_period’: ‘year’,
‘effective_interest’: 0.08000000000000007,
‘_term_amount’: 0,
‘_duration’: 25,
‘_initial_sum’: 100000}
Let us complete the implementation of all three classes. In Account, we reimplement update() so
that at object creation, as well as every time the value of an attribute is changed, the following
• The interest and the reference period are displayed.
• In case exactly one attribute amongst term_amount, duration and final_sum (for Savings
object) or initial_sum (for Loan objects) is not set, then that attribute is computed by a
call to a method, solve(), that determines the value of that attribute from the values of all
others, thanks to one of the equations that have been established in Sections Section 1.1 and
Section 1.2.
• For a Loan object, the borrowed sum is either unknown, which is then explicitly mentioned,
or its value is displayed.
• The yearly deposit for a Savings object, the monthly repayments for a Loan object, are either
unknown, which is then explicitly reported, or their values are displayed.
• For a Savings object, the sum that is available at the end is either unknown, which is then
explicitly mentioned, or its value is displayed.
• The duration of the savings or the loan is either unknown, which is then explicitly reported,
or its value is displayed.
When looking for attributes, the class C an object belongs to is explored before the classes C
derives from. In particular, an object of type Savings or Loan finds update() in Account, the
parent class, and when executing update(), solve is found in Savings or Loan, respectively, the
object’s own class.
Note that in the body of the solve() method (with respect to its implementation both in
the Savings class and in the Loan class), the right hand sides of the assignments make use of
self.duration and self.term_amount (as well as self.final_sum for the version in Savings,
and self.initial_sum for the version in Loan), whereas they could more directly make use of
self._duration, self._term_amount, self._final_sum and self._initial_sum, respectively.
The left hand sides of the assignments, on the other hand, do refer to the underlined versions of
the attributes, and have to do so. Indeed, if they referred to the nonunderlined versions of the
attributes, then the setter part of the property decorators would have to be executed, resulting
in either:
• the NoUnknownException being triggered, or
• update() being called recursively forever (that is, until the recursion stacks overflows).
[28]: class Account(Account):
def update(self):
all_known = self.solve()
print(f’Annual interest:\t {float(self.interest * 100):.2f}%’)
print(‘Reference period:\t’, self.reference_period)
if isinstance(self, Loan):
if all_known or Account.INITIAL_SUM not in self._unknowns:
print(f’Sum borrowed:\t\t {float(self.initial_sum):.2f}’)
print(‘Sum borrowed:\t\t Unknown’)
if all_known or Account.TERM_AMOUNT not in self._unknowns:
if isinstance(self, Savings):
print(f’Yearly deposits:\t {float(self.term_amount):.2f}’)
print(f’Monthly repayments:\t {float(self.term_amount):.2f}’)
if isinstance(self, Savings):
print(‘Yearly deposits:\t Unknown’)
print(‘Monthly repayments:\t Unknown’)
if isinstance(self, Savings):
if all_known or Account.FINAL_SUM not in self._unknowns:
print(f’Available sum:\t\t {float(self.final_sum):.2f}’)
print(‘Available sum:\t\t Unknown’)
if all_known or Account.DURATION not in self._unknowns:
print(‘Duration (in years):\t’, round(self.duration))
print(‘Duration (in years):\t Unknown’)
class Savings(Account, Savings):
def solve(self):
if len(self._unknowns) != 1:
return False
if Account.FINAL_SUM in self._unknowns:
self._final_sum = self.term_amount / self.effective_interest\
* ((1 + self.effective_interest)
** (self.duration + 1) – 1
– self.effective_interest
elif Account.TERM_AMOUNT in self._unknowns:
self._term_amount = self.final_sum * self.effective_interest\
/ ((1 + self.effective_interest)
** (self.duration + 1) – 1
– self.effective_interest
self._duration = log10(self.final_sum * self.effective_interest
/ self.term_amount
+ (1 + self.effective_interest)
) / log10(1 + self.effective_interest) – 1
return True
class Loan(Account, Loan):
def solve(self):
if len(self._unknowns) != 1:
return False
monthly_interest = (1 + self.effective_interest) ** (1 / 12) – 1
if Account.INITIAL_SUM in self._unknowns:
self._initial_sum = -self.term_amount\
* ((1 + monthly_interest)
** (12 * self.duration) – 1
) / monthly_interest\
/ (1 + monthly_interest)\
** (12 * self.duration)
elif Account.TERM_AMOUNT in self._unknowns:
self._term_amount = -self.initial_sum * (1 + monthly_interest)\
** (12 * self.duration)\
* monthly_interest\
/ ((1 + monthly_interest)
** (12 * self.duration) – 1
self._duration = log10(self.term_amount / (monthly_interest
* self.initial_sum
+ self.term_amount
) / (12 * log10(1 + monthly_interest))
return True
[29]: savings = Savings(term_amount=1000, interest=0.08, duration=25)
savings.term_amount = 0
savings.final_sum = 78954.42
savings.duration = 0
savings.term_amount = 1000.00
Annual interest: 8.00%
Reference period: year
Yearly deposits: 1000.00
Available sum: 78954.42
Duration (in years): 25
Annual interest: 8.00%
Reference period: year
Yearly deposits: Unknown
Available sum: Unknown
Duration (in years): 25
Annual interest: 8.00%
Reference period: year
Yearly deposits: 1000.00
Available sum: 78954.42
Duration (in years): 25
Annual interest: 8.00%
Reference period: year
Yearly deposits: Unknown
Available sum: 78954.42
Duration (in years): Unknown
Annual interest: 8.00%
Reference period: year
Yearly deposits: 1000.00
Available sum: 78954.42
Duration (in years): 25
[30]: loan = Loan(initial_sum=100000, interest=0.08, duration=20,
loan.initial_sum = 0
loan.term_amount = -836.44
loan.duration = 0
loan.initial_sum = 100000.0
Annual interest: 8.00%
Reference period: month
Sum borrowed: 100000.00
Monthly repayments: -836.44
Duration (in years): 20
Annual interest: 8.00%
Reference period: month
Sum borrowed: Unknown
Monthly repayments: Unknown
Duration (in years): 20
Annual interest: 8.00%
Reference period: month
Sum borrowed: 99999.99
Monthly repayments: -836.44
Duration (in years): 20
Annual interest: 8.00%
Reference period: month
Sum borrowed: Unknown
Monthly repayments: -836.44
Duration (in years): Unknown
Annual interest: 8.00%
Reference period: month
Sum borrowed: 100000.00
Monthly repayments: -836.44
Duration (in years): 20
Borrowing or saving money
Effective interest rate
Design and implementation