Microsoft PowerPoint – 08_debug-converted.pptx
gdb (GNU Debugger)
◆ Debuggers are programs which allow you to execute
your program in a controlled manner, so you can look
inside your program to find a bug.
◆ gdb is a reasonably sophisticated text based debugger.
It can let you:
– Start your program, specifying anything that might affect
its behavior.
– Make your program stop on specified conditions.
– Examine what has happened, when your program has
– Change things in your program, so you can experiment with
correcting the effects of one bug and go on to learn about
gdb [prog] [core|procID]
◆ GDB is invoked with the shell command gdb.
◆ Once started,it reads commands from the terminal until
you tell it to exit with the GDB command quit.
– The most usual way to start GDB is with one argument or
two, specifying an executable program as the argument:
obelix[4] > gdb program
– You can also start with both an executable program and a
core file specified:
obelix[5] > gdb program core
– You can, instead, specify a process ID as a second
argument, if you want to debug a running process:
obelix[6] > gdb program 1234
would attach GDB to process 1234
Compiling with the –g Option
◆ To use gdb best, compile your program with:
gcc –g –c my_math.c
gcc –g –c sample.c
gcc –o sample my_math.o sample.o
gcc –o sample -g my_math.c sample.c
◆ That is, you should make sure that –g option is used to
generate the .o files.
– This option tells the compiler to insert more information about
data types, etc., so the debugger gets a better understanding
of it.
◆ You should also use –Wall option for all the warnings.
Common Commands for gdb
◆ Here are some of the most frequently needed GDB
b(reak) [file:]function Set a breakpoint at function (in file).
b(reak) [file:]line_num Set a breakpoint at line_num (in file).
r(un) [arglist] Start program (with arglist, if specified).
bt or where Backtrace: display the program stack; especially
useful to find where your program crashed or
dumped core.
print expr
x address_expr
display expr
Examine the memory at address_expr.
Display the value of an expression.
Display the value of an expression each time the
program stops.
Common Commands for gdb
◆ Here are some of the most frequently needed GDB
c Continue running your program (after
stopping, e.g. at a breakpoint).
Execute next program line (after
stopping); step over any function calls in
the line.
Execute next program line (after
stopping); step into any function calls in the line.
l(ist) [file:]line_num
l(ist) [file:]function
print the source code at line_num (in file).
print the source code of function (in file).
f(rame) [num] Select and print a stack frame.
help [name]
Show information about GDB command name,
or general information about using GDB.
Exit from GDB.
More on GDB x command
◆ General form: x/FMT ADDRESS
ADDRESS: an expression for the memory address to examine
FMT: a repeat count followed by
a format letter and
a size letter.
Common format letters: x(hex), t(binary), d(decimal),
u(unsigned decimal), f(float), c(char), s(string)
Size letters: b(byte), h(halfword), w(word), g(giant, 8 bytes)
◆ Suppose that i is an integer of 4 bytes
– x/1dw &i will print the decimal number stored at &i
– x/4tb &i will print the 4 bytes of the binary representation of
the number stored at &i