CS计算机代考程序代写 Java junit /**

* The class TestDemo is used to illustrates how JUnit can be used to
* test Java programs. In particular, JUnit is used for the automated
* grading of your laboratories in ITI 1121/1521.
* @author Marcel Turcotte (marcel. )
* @version Sun Jan 12 11:00:40 2020

import org.junit.AfterClass;
import org.junit.Rule;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.rules.Timeout;

import static org.junit.Assert.*;

public class TestDemo {

* We impose a limit on the execution time. This is to ensure that
* tests complete rapidly even if there is an infinite loop in the
* solution provided by the student.

public Timeout globalTimeout = Timeout.seconds(1); // 1 seconds max per method tested

private static double grade = 0.0;

* This method is ran after the execution of all the tests. It
* displays the grade for this particular series of tests.

public static void afterClass() {


System.out.println(“Grade for Demo (out of possible 1.0): ” + grade);



* Calls the method sum with the values 0 and 0. If method returns
* 0, as expected, then the student gets 0.25 point.

public void testSum00() {

assertEquals(0, Demo.sum(0,0));

grade += 0.25;


* Calls the method sum with the values 3 and 7. If method returns
* 7, as expected, then the student gets 0.25 point.

public void testSum34() {

assertEquals(7, Demo.sum(3,4));

grade += 0.25;


* Calls the method swap with the reference of an array containing
* the values 0 and 1, in that order. If the method swap was
* implemented correctly, after a call to swap, values[0] would
* now contain 1, whereas values[1] would contain the value 0. For
* this demo, the method swap has not been implemented correctly
* to illustrate what happens when a test fails.

public void testSwap() {

int[] values;
values = new int[] {0,1};


assertEquals(1, values[0]);

grade += 0.25;

assertEquals(0, values[1]);

grade += 0.25;


* This is the main method of our test. When executing “java
* TestDemo” on the command line, the Java Virtual Machine is
* looking for a method main.
* @param the reference of an array of strings containing all the
* arguments passed on the command line (not used here).q

public static void main(String[] args) {




// Expected output:
// > java TestDemo
// Running TestDemo
// ******************************************************************
// Grade for Demo (out of possible 1.0): 0.5
// ******************************************************************
// Number of tests run: 3
// Number of tests that failed: 1
// List of failed tests:
// testSwap(TestDemo): expected:<1> but was:<0>
// at TestDemo.testSwap(TestDemo.java:61)