CS计算机代考程序代写 AI algorithm CSE 101 Homework 5

CSE 101 Homework 5

Winter 2021

This homework is due on gradescope Friday February 26th at 11:59pm pacific time. Remember to justify
your work even if the problem does not explicitly say so. Writing your solutions in LATEXis recommend
though not required.

Question 1 (Minimum Spanning Subgraph, 30 points). When introducing the Minimum Spanning Tree
problem, we considered the problem of finding the least costly set of edges that connects a graph G. We
showed that if the edge weights are all non-negative that these edges would necessarily form a tree. However,
if negative edge weights are allowed, this no longer needs to be the case. Give an algorithm that given a
weighted, undirected graph G, provides a subset S of edges so that any vertex in G can be reached from any
other using only edges in S and so that subject to this, the total weight of S is as small as possible. For full
credit, your algorithm should run in time O(|V | log(|V |) + |E|) or better.

Solution 1.

First, we define a contraction of a graph G = (V,E) relative to an edge e = (u, v). The contraction of
G relative to edge e is a new graph G′ = (V ′, E′) where V ′ = V − {u, v} ∪ {w} and E′ = E − e. For every
x ∈ V , let x′ be the corresponding vertex in V ′(corresponding vertex for u, v is w). x′ is incident on an edge
e′ ∈ E′ iff the corresponding edge e is incident on x. Continuing this way, we can generate the contraction
of a graph relative to a set of edges as well.
The basic idea is to generate an contraction of the original graph relative to all the negative edges. This
will result in a graph with only positive edges. In the original graph, along with the negative edges, a set of
non-negative edges will connect the graph iff the corresponding set of non-negative edges in the contracted
graph connects all the vertices in the contracted graph. Therefore, in the contracted graph, we must pick
out the minimum weight edges to connect all the vertices, a.k.a. the Minimum Spanning Tree. For this, we
can use the Prim’s algorithm.

Pseudocode: Let S be the set of edges in the Minimum Spanning Subgraph.

1. Add all the negative edges in the original graph G to the set S.

2. Contract the original graph G relative to the negative edges. Let the contracted graph be Gc.

3. Use the Prim’s algorithm to find the Minimum Spanning Tree of Gc.

4. Add the edges in the MST of Gc to S.

5. Return S

For the proof of correctness, note that the Minimum Spanning Subgraph must have all the negative edges.
This can be proved by contradiction. Say, there exists a Minimum Spanning Subgraph, S′, which does not
include some negative edge. Then we can add this negative edge to S′ to get a new spanning subgraph with
lower weight, thus implying that the S′ wasn’t the Minimum Spanning Subgraph to start with. Therefore,
we first include all the negative edges in the set S. In the resulting contraction graph, the MST will give
the minimum weight Spanning Tree which will connect the connected components induced by the negative
edges in the original graph. Thus, the algorithm is correct.

The time complexity of generating the contraction graph is O(|E|) and the time complexity of running
the Prim’s algorithm is O(|V |log(|V | + |E|))(using Fibonacci heap), thereby resulting in the desired time


Figure 1: Example that multiple MSTs exist

Question 2 (Multiple MSTs, 40 points). (a) Give an example of a graph that has more than one minimum
spanning tree. [5 points]

(b) Show that for any graph G with minimum spanning trees T and T ′ that for each weight w, T and T ′

contain the same number of edges of weight w. Hint: Run an exchange-like argument to slowly turn T
into T ′ without changing the number of edges of any weight. [35 points]

Solution 2.

(a) Consider graph G shown in Figure 1. G consists of vertices A,B,C and edges e, f, g such that e.weight =
f.weight = g.weight = 1. Then we have three MSTs T1, T2, T3 where {e, f} ∈ T1, {e, g} ∈ T2 and
{f, g} ∈ T3. The sum of the weights of the edges in these three MSTs are all 2.

(b) Let T be the MST given by Kruskal’s algorithm. We want to construct a sequence of MSTs T ′ =
T0, T1, …, Tn = T where Ti contains at least the first i edges picked by the Kruskal’s algorithm. We want
to show that Ti+1 can be obtained from Ti by swapping out an edge for another edge of the same weight
for all i. For the base case, denote T0 as the MST that contains at least the first 0 edges of T (it doesn’t
necessarily need to contain any edge picked by the Kruskal’s algorithm). For the inductive step, let ei+1
be the (i + 1)st edge picked by the Kruskal’s algorithm. If it has already been included in Ti then there
is nothing else to be done. Otherwise, if we add ei+1 to Ti to construct Ti+1, a cycle will be formed
and we need to remove an edge from the cycle created. Here the cycle containing ei+1 cannot contain
only edges from e1, e2, …, ei because by the Kruscal’s algorithm, e1, e2, …, ei+1 is part of the MST thus
cannot form a cycle, so there must exist some other edges in the cycle. Suppose we remove an edge e′ in
the cycle that is not in e1, e2, …, ei. Since the Kruskal’s algorithm picked ei+1 as the lightest edge that
doesn’t create a cycle with e1, e2, …, ei, and since the edge e

′ that we will remove does not form a cycle
with e1, …, ei as well (before ei+1 is added), then |ei+1| ≤ |e′|. Also, if |ei+1| < |e′|, then replacing ei+1 with ei will decrease the total weight of the tree and this contradicts with the fact that Ti is a MST itself. As a result, the only possible case is |ei+1| = |e′|. So generally, Tn and Tn−1 should have the same number of edges of each weight and by induction, all the MSTs will have the same number of edges of each weight. Question 3 (LCSS without Double Letters, 30 points). Say that a string has a double letter if two consecutive letters in the string are the same. Give an algorithm that given two strings of length n, A = a1a2 . . . an and 2 B = b1b2 . . . bn, finds the longest sequence C = c1c2 . . . cm so that C is a subsequence of both A and B and has no double letters. For full credit, your algorithm should run in time O(n3) or better. Solution 3. Let C represent the set of possible letters for this problem, and note that C = O(n) (we only have to keep track of unique letters in either string). Call a subsequence with no double letters ”valid.” Clearly modifications to the LCSS algorithm from class are necessary here, since we need to keep track of not only the length of the longest valid common subsequence of the two prefixes A1...Ai, B1...Bj , but also the ending letter of that subsequence (to ensure that any future subsequences we build from are also valid). Furthermore, it is possible that for two prefixes, we have multiple valid longest common subsequences that all have maximum length but end in different letters, so we have to keep track of all of them in order to decide whether we can add the next letter or not. Thus, we need to keep track of the length of the longest subsequence for each prefix of A, prefix of B, and ending letter. We let T [i][j][c] represent the length of the longest subsequence of A1...Ai, B1...Bj that ends in c. Then for our base case, we simply have T [0][j][c] = T [i][0][c] = 0 for every i, j, c, and our recurrence for any other T [i][j][c] is as follows (this follows the description of LCSS from lecture): 1. If the longest valid common subsequence of A1...Ai, B1...Bj that ends in c does not use Ai, then it is actually the longest common subsequence of A1...Ai−1, B1...Bj that ends in c. Then we have T [i][j][c] = T [i− 1][j][c]. 2. If the longest valid common subsequence of A1...Ai, B1...Bj that ends in c does not use Bj , then it is actually the longest common subsequence of A1...Ai, B1...Bj−1 that ends in c. Then we have T [i][j][c] = T [i][j − 1][c]. 3. If the longest valid common subsequence of A1...Ai, B1...Bj that ends in c uses both Ai and Bj , then we must have Ai = Bj = c. In this case, we have T [i][j][c] = T [i− 1][j − 1][c′] + 1 for some c′ 6= c. Taking the maximum over all of these for each (i, j, c) gives us the length of the best subsequence for every prefix and non-ending character combination, and at the end of our algorithm, we simply return maxc∈C T [n][n][c], which gives us our desired result. In terms of runtime, the first two cases of our recurrence take constant time to compute for each character, and there are O(n) characters, so this sums up to O(n) per (i, j) pair. The third case takes linear time to compute when c = A[i] = B[j], but this only happens for one value of c ∈ C, so again, each (i, j) pair takes O(n) time in total. There are O(n2) possible pairs of (i, j), so our algorithm runs in O(n3), as required. We approach a proof of correctness by induction. Clearly the longest valid common subsequence of any prefix with an empty string is the empty string, so our base case is correct. Now, assume T [i′][j′][c] has been filled out correctly for all i′ ≤ i, j′ ≤ j, c ∈ C (except for T [i][j][c]). Then from our recurrence, we know that T [i][j][c] is always assigned the correct value, since our recurrence relation only relies on T [i− 1][j][c], T [i][j − 1][c], T [i− 1][j − 1][c′], which are all assigned correctly by assumption. Thus, T [n][n][c] must contain the length of the longest valid common subsequence of A,B that ends with c, and so taking the maximum over all c yields our desired result. Alternate solution. In our solution above, we claimed that ”it is possible that for two prefixes, we have multiple valid longest common subsequences that all have maximum length but end in different letters, so we have to keep track of all of them in order to decide whether we can add the next letter or not.” However, note that there is a more efficient way to store this information than to simply keep track of the LCSS for each ending character. Specifically, note that if there is only one valid LCSS with unique ending letter for prefixes A1...Ai−1, B1...Bj−1, then if Ai = Bj , we can use Ai in our new LCSS iff Ai is not the ending letter of the old LCSS. On the other hand, if there are multiple valid LCSS’s with unique ending letters for prefixes A1...Ai−1, B1...Bj−1, then if Ai = Bj , we can always use Ai in our subsequence (at least one of the subsequences is guaranteed to not end with Ai, and we simply pick that one). Thus all we need to store at i, j is simply the ending letter of the LCSS if there is only one unique ending letter, or a filler letter (e.g. ∅) indicating that there are multiple LCSS’s of A1...Ai, B1...Bj with unique ending letters. Let T [i][j] store 3 the length of the LCSS for A1...Ai, B1...Bj , and let C[i][j] store its ending letter (or ∅ if there are multiple unique ending letters). Then for our base case, we simply have T [0][j] = T [i][0] = 0, C[0][j] = C[i][0] = ∅ for every i, j, and our recurrence for any other T [i][j], C[i][j] is as follows (explanations abbreviated for simplicity): 1. Set T [i][j] = T [i− 1][j] and C[i][j] = C[i− 1][j]. 2. If T [i][j − 1] > T [i][j], then set T [i][j] = T [i][j − 1] and C[i][j] = C[i][j − 1]. Otherwise, if T [i][j − 1] =
T [i][j], then A1…Ai and B1…Bj could have more than one valid LCSS. Thus, if C[i][j − 1] 6= C[i][j],
then set C[i][j] = ∅.

3. If Ai = Bj 6= C[i− 1][j − 1], then compare T [i− 1][j − 1] and T [i][j].

(a) If T [i− 1][j − 1] + 1 < T [i][j], then clearly we do nothing. (b) If T [i − 1][j − 1] + 1 = T [i][j], then again, A1...Ai and B1...Bj have more than one valid LCSS. Thus, if Ai 6= C[i][j], then set C[i][j] = ∅. (c) Finally, if T [i− 1][j − 1] + 1 > T [i][j], then we have a new unique valid LCSS, so we set T [i][j] =

T [i− 1][j − 1] + 1 and C[i][j] = Ai.

There are O(n2) subproblems, and each subproblem takes constant time, so our algorithm is O(n2). A proof
of correctness can be achieved through induction similarly to above.