CS计算机代考程序代写 chain ###MH Examples: Logistic Regression

###MH Examples: Logistic Regression

library(mvtnorm) #mutivariate normal density function and random variate generation
library(LearnBayes) #laplace function
library(arm) #logit, invlogit, display and bayesglm functions
########## Logistic regression example #####################################

##If not using a Rstudio project, unhash the line below and change to the
##name of the folder you are using.


##read in additional functions to help with logistic
##The code below assumes a folder structure with sub-folders “R” for code
##and “data”. If you do not have this set-up you will need to modify
##the lines below appropriately.

readdata <- read.csv("data/nzis11-cart-surf.csv",header=TRUE) str(readdata) ##To check functions have been read in: logpost_logit_norm #code should appear in the console mylaplace #code should appear in the console ###set-up variables attach(readdata) highincome <- as.numeric(readdata$income > 1250)

agefactor <- relevel(as.factor(readdata$agegrp),"40") regfactor <- relevel(as.factor(readdata$lgr),"2") #Auckland as ref sexfactor <- relevel(as.factor(readdata$sex),"1") #male as ref qualfactor <- relevel(as.factor(readdata$qualification),"2") #school quals as ref table(qualfactor) occfactor <- relevel(as.factor(readdata$occupation),"1") table(occfactor) obshours_centred <- readdata$hours-mean(readdata$hours) obshours_cen40 <- readdata$hours-40 hourscut <- cut(readdata$hours,breaks=c(0,10,30,40,50,168), include.highest=TRUE,right=FALSE) table(hourscut) hoursfactor <- relevel(hourscut,"[0,10)") table(hoursfactor) ### Fit a basic version of your model #assuming uniform prors for beta parameter. You need to replace #the ... after ~ with your chosen model for the covariates. Check # the glm syntax if you need to (?glm). If your outcome variable is something #Other than highincome then that also needs to be replaced in the call to glm # logitmodel <- glm(highincome ~ ..., family=binomial(link="logit") ) summary(logitmodel) display(logitmodel) #Less cluttered display, without frequentist output # such as p-values ##Optionally fit another model in glm, e.g. explore impact of ## controlling for additional covariates ##re-fit controlling for occupation logitmodel2 <- glm(highincome ~ ... , family=binomial(link="logit") ) summary(logitmodel2) display(logitmodel2) ###Note the code below assumes the name of the model you are using for ##posterior inference is "logitmodel." If you actually prefer logitmodel2 ##You will either have to change the code below or set logitmodel ##to logitmodel2; e.g. logitmodel <- logitmodel2 ###Specify priors: ################################################################### ##Analysis with an informative prior ################################################################## ##obtain priors for parameters of your preferred logitmodel ##using the makepriorfunctions makepriorb0() and makepriorbreg() read in from #logisticregression_functions.r ##Intercept - specify prior interval on the probability scale ##makepriorb0 converts this to a prior on the logit scale for b0 ##You need to specify the lower and upper bounds of your prior credibility ##interval and the credibility you attach to the interval b0prior <- makepriorb0(low=...,high=...,credibility=...) b0prior ##logistic regression parameters ##specify prior on odds ratio scale; makepriorreg converts to prior #on the beta scale bhours10_30 <- makepriorbreg(low=...,high=...,credibility=...) bhours30_40 <- makepriorbreg(low=...,high=...,credibility=...) bhours40_50 <- makepriorbreg(low=...,high=...,credibility=...) bhours50pl <- makepriorbreg(low=...,high=...,credibility=...) ###add lines to set priors for additional parameters ###check a few of these b0prior bhours10_30 ##combine prior means into a vector and construct a #diagional prior variance matrix ##based on the prior standard deviations prior.matrix #First put everything in matrix - column1= priormeans, #column 2 = prior sd prior.matrix<- rbind(b0prior,bhours10_30,bhours30_40,bhours40_50, bhours50pl,... ) #... will correspond to the other parameters #in your model prior.matrix prior_mean_inf <- prior.matrix[,1] #prior mean vector prior_variance_inf <- diag((prior.matrix[,2])^2) #prior variance matrix ##print prior mean and covariance prior_mean_inf prior_variance_inf ############################################################# #Next step is build an approximation to the posterior #which we can use to generate starting values for the Markov Chains #We can also base the variance of the jumping density on an #approximation to the posterior variance #We will use a multivariate normal approximation centred on the # posterior model with variance determined by the curvature of the #log-posterior at the mode. The posterior mode and approximate variance #can be obtained using either the laplace() function or #bayesglm(), given appropriate specification of the prior in both cases ) ##test out the log posterior function: logpost_logit_norm() ##See logisticregression_functions.r for definition of this function ##Syntax is: ##logpost_logit_norm(beta=, ## prior_mean= ## prior_variance= ) ## model= ##where beta is parameter value at which we want to evaluate the ##unnormalised log posterior, prior_mean is the prior mean for the model ##parameter (a vector of the same length as beta); prior_variance is ##is the prior variance matrix for the parameters, a k by k matrix where k ##is the length of beta; model is the logistic model which should be the ##nme of a glm object from the preliminary fit of the model. bmle <- coef(logitmodel) #For convenience evaluate the unnormalised #log posterior at the mle of the basic model #called logitmodel testpost <- logpost_logit_norm(beta=bmle, prior_mean=prior_mean_inf, prior_variance=prior_variance_inf, model=logitmodel) testpost ##use laplace to find the posterior mode and a variance approximation ## first argument passed to laplace is the name of the log-posterior function, #then an initial guess at the mode --suggest using the mle from the glm); #then all the arguments required by the log posterior function need to be #explicitly passed to laplace() laplace_post <- laplace(logpost_logit_norm,mode=..., prior_mean=..., prior_variance=..., model=logitmodel) ##in the above call to laplace() the parameter mode just specified ##the starting values for the optimisation procedure; ideally an ##informed guessfor the posterior mode would be supplied #Check convergence for the laplace procedure; i.e convergence #of the numerical optimisation procedure for finding the mode. laplace_post$converge ##This should equal TRUE otherwise ##there is a problem. For a complex model the ##solution may simply be to increase the number ##of iterations in laplace. This can achieved ##using the mylaplace() function in place of ##laplace.This has the same syntax, except ##for an additional # parameter, maxiter. The default maximum number of iterations #in mylaplace is set to #1000, in contrast to laplace in which the maximium #number of iterations is set to 500. ##Assuming convergence is ok we can extract approximations to the ##prior mean and variance. mean_approx <- laplace_post$mode var_approx <- laplace_post$var sd_approx <- sqrt(diag(var_approx)) ###display mode and approximation to variance cbind(mean_approx,sd_approx) ##Obtain over-dispersed approx to variance vstart <- ... #Obtain jumping variance (Hint: use Gelman etal's suggestion) jumpcov <- ... ## ###Set-up the M-H procedure ###decide on number of chains and length of the chains nchains <- ... ##number of chains must be greater 1 but setting it too ##too high will slow computations between 3 and 5 is usually ##sufficient nsim <- ... ##simulation sample size ###Specify array to store sampled values storebeta <- array(NA,dim=c(length(mean_approx),nchains,nsim)) ##For each parameter we have a nchains by nsims matrix ##To pull out the simulated points for a parameter k use storebeta[k,,]; #i.e storek <- storebeta[k,,]. #nchains by nsim matrix of acceptance indicators ##use code like bksims <- storebeta[k,,] storeaccept <- matrix(NA,nrow=nsim,ncol=nchains) ###Start Metropolis-Hastings computations system.time ( #not necessary to enclose the M-H within a system.time #call but is of interest in the set-up phase for (j in 1:nchains) { ##draw starting value for this chain e.g use rmvnorm to draw from #a multivariate normal approximation ## oldbeta <- rmvnorm(n=1,mean=...,sigma=...) for (i in 1:nsim) { storebeta[,j,i] <- oldbeta ##assuming the current draw is called oldbeta; #generate a proposal from the jumping distribution - #make this symmetric by using a multivariate normal #using rmvnorm, with variance set to jumpcov newbeta <- rmvnorm(n=1,mean=...,sigma=...) ##if we are using a symmetric proposal distribution so the acceptance ratio is just ## the ratio of the posterior at newbeta to the posterior at oldbeta #on the logscale this is just the difference in the log posterior ##evaluate unnormalized posterior at proposal logpost_prop <- logpost_logit_norm(beta=..., prior_mean=..., prior_variance=..., model=logitmodel) ##evaluate unnormalized posterior at current value logpost_old <- logpost_logit_norm(beta=..., prior_mean=..., prior_variance=..., model=logitmodel) ##compute MH acceptance ratio or log MH acceptance ratio ##compute log MH acceptance ratio (log rMH) logrMH <- ... #decide whether to accept the proposal: create an acceptance indicator #called accept logU <- log(runif(1)) accept <- (logU < logrMH) storeaccept[i,j] <- as.numeric(accept) ###If jump accepted update oldbeta to newbeta if (accept) { oldbeta <- newbeta } ##else just stay at curent value of oldbeta } ###end loop over simulations } ###end loop over chains ) #end(system.time) #Rhat statistics ##Simply loop over the parameters and carry out the computations # as per Gelman et al #decide on burn-in period burnin <- ... npos <- nsim - burnin ##size of retained posterior sample in each chain #set-up a vector for storing the Rhat statistics rhat <- vector(mode="numeric",length=length(mean_approx)) #set-up a vector for storing the effective sample sizes neff <- vector(mode="numeric",length=length(mean_approx)) for (k in 1:length(bmle)) { ##subsets out values for ith parameter betak <- storebeta[k,1:nchains,((burnin+1):nsim)] ##subsets out post burnin sample for kth parameter chainmeans <- rowMeans(betak) withinsd <- apply(betak,MARGIN=1,FUN="sd") betweensd <- sd(chainmeans) B = npos*betweensd^2 W = mean(withinsd^2) varplus <- ((npos-1)/npos) * W + (1/npos)*B rhat[k] <- sqrt(varplus/W) neff[k] <- nchains*npos*(varplus/B) } rhat neff ##effective sample size ##Traceplots ##useful but optional for assignment use code like this ##Assumes 3 chains and looking at just the 2nd parameter ##Really needs to be repeated for each parameter. ##You may also want to exclude the burnin x <- seq(from=1,to=nsim,by=1) plot(x,storebeta[2,1,],col="black",type="l", main="Traceplot for hours10_30") lines(x,storebeta[2,2,],col="red") lines(x,storebeta[2,3,],col="blue") ###If satisfied about convergence use the post burn-in sample for posterior inference possamp <- storebeta[,,(burnin+1):nsim] # this is our sample from the posterior ##produce posterior density plot for at least one of the logistic regression coefficients ##credible interval; posterior probability > 0.
##To subset out the posterior for a single
##parameters use code like pos_betak <- possamp[k,,]; #Functions like summary() and quantile() can then be applied ##to pos_betak and work happily even though it is an #array rather than a vector ##Up to the user to know which parameters are of particular interest k <- ... #Integer representing the element of the parameter vector you #wish to focus on posk <- possamp[k,,] ##get posterior probability parameter k > 0

##Produce a density plot

##Produce a density plot on the odds ratios scale

##Obtain 90% credible interval odds ratio corresponding to parameter k