Predictive Analytics
Time Series Forecasting
Semester 2, 2021
Discipline of Business Analytics, The University of School
QBUS2820 content structure
1. Statistical and Machine Learning foundations and applications. 2. Advanced regression methods.
3. Classification methods.
4. Time series forecasting.
Readings: Chapters 1, 2 and 3 in
Time Series Forecasting
1. Problem definition
2. Time series patterns
3. Simple forecasting methods 4. Measuring forecast accuracy 5. Random walk model
Time series
A time series is a set of observations y1, y2, . . . , yt ordered in time. Examples:
• Weekly unit sales of a product.
• Unemployment rate in Australia each quarter. • Daily production levels of a product.
• Average annual temperature in Sydney.
• 5 minute prices for CBA stock on the ASX.
Example: visitor Arrivals in Australia
Example: AUD/USD exchange rate
Example: assaults in Sydney
A forecast is a prediction about future events and conditions given all current information, including historical data and knowledge of any future events that might impact these events.
The act of making such predictions is called forecasting. Forecasting informs business and economic decision making, planning, government policy, etc.
• Governments need to forecast unemployment, interest rates, expected revenues from income taxes to formulate policies.
• Retail stores need to forecast demand to control inventory levels, hire employees and provide training.
• Banks/investors/financial analysts need to forecast financial returns, risk or volatility, market ’timing’.
• University administrators need to forecast enrollments to plan for facilities and for faculty recruitment.
• Sports organisations need to project sports performance, crowd figures, club gear sales, revenues, etc. in the coming season.
Forecasting in business
Different problems lead to different approaches under the umbrella of forecasting.
• Quantitative (data based) forecasting (our focus in this unit).
• Qualitative (judgmental) forecasting.
• Common approach: judgmentally adjusted statistical forecasting.
Problem definition
Our objective is to predict the value of a time indexed response variable at a future point t + h, given the observed series until the present point t. That is, we want to predict Yt+h given
y1, y2, . . . , yt, where h is the forecast horizon.
We can extend this setting to allow for the presence of predictors x1, x2, . . . , xt, leading to a dynamic regression problem.
Decision theory
We denote a point forecast as Yt+h = f(Y1:t). As before, we assume a squared error loss function:
L(Yt+h,f(Y1:t))=(Yt+h −f(Y1:t))2
We use the slice notation Y1:t as a compact way to write Y1,…,Yt.
Point forecasting (key concept)
Using the arguments from earlier in the unit, the optimal point forecast under the squared error loss is the conditional expectation:
f(Y1:t) = E(Yt+h|Y1:t)
Our objective is therefore to approximate the conditional expectation of Yt+h given the historical data, possible for multiple values of h.
Interval forecasting (key concept)
Uncertainty quantification is an essential for business forecasting. A density forecast p(Yt+h|y1, . . . , yt) is an estimate of the entire
conditional density p(Yt+h|y1, . . . , yt).
An interval forecast is an interval (yt+h,L, yt+h,U ) such that P(yt+h,L < Yt+h < yt+h,U ) = 1 − α.
Fan chart (key concept)
• For consecutive forecast horizons, construct prediction intervals for different probability levels (say, 75%, 90%, and 99%) and plot them using different shades.
• The intervals typically get wider with the horizon, representing increasing uncertainty about future values.
• Fan charts are useful tools for presenting forecasts.
Example: fan chart
Time series patterns
Time series patterns (key concept)
We interpret a time series as
Yt =f(Tt,St,Ct,Et),
where Tt is the trend component, St is the seasonal component, Ct
is the cyclic component, and Et is an irregular or error component. Trend. The systematic long term increase or decrease in the series.
Seasonal. A systematic change in the mean of the series due to seasonal factors (month, day of the week, etc).
Cyclic. A cyclic pattern exists when there are medium or long run fluctuations in the time series that are not of a fixed period.
Irregular. Short term fluctuations and noise.
Examples: time series patterns
Example: cyclic series
Time series decomposition
Time series decomposition methods are algorithms for splitting a time series into different components, typically for purposes of seasonal adjustment and interpretation.
In the context of forecasting, decomposition methods are useful tools for exploratory data analysis, allowing us to visualise patterns in the data.
We won’t cover methodology for time series decomposition in the lecture, but students will learn how to use a package in tutorials.
Time series decomposition: visitor arrivals
Example: seasonal adjustment and trend extraction
Simple forecasting methods
Random walk
The random walk method (called the na ̈ıve method in the book) forecasts the series using the value of the last available observation:
y t + h = y t
Seasonal random walk
For time series with seasonal patterns, we can extend the random walk method by forecasting the series with the value of the last available observation in the same season:
yt+h = yt+h−m (if h ≤ m),
where m is the seasonal period. For example, m = 12 and m = 4
for monthly and quarterly data respectively.
The general formula is
yt+h = yt+h−km, k = ⌊(h − 1)/m + 1⌋.
Drift method
The drift method forecasts the series as the sum of the most recent value (as in the na ̈ıve method) and the average change over time:
yt+1=yt+t yi−yi−1 i=2 t−1
yt+h=yt+h×t yi−yi−1 i=2 t−1
Measuring forecast accuracy
Measuring forecast accuracy
We typically assume the squared error loss and compute the out-of-sample MSE to measure forecast accuracy.
However, it is useful to be familiar with other measures that are common in business forecasting:
• Percentage errors. • Scaled errors.
Percentage errors
• The percentage error is given by pt = 100 × ((yt − yt)/yt). It has the advantage of being scale-independent.
• The most commonly used measure is mean absolute percentage error
MAPE = mean(|pt|).
• Measures based on percentage errors have the disadvantage of being infinite or undefined if yt = 0 for any t in the period of interest, and having extreme values when any yt = 0 is close to zero.
• Percentage errors are only valid under a meaningful zero.
Scaled errors
• Hyndman and Koehler (2006) proposed scaling the errors based on the training MAE (or MSE) from a benchmark method (typically a simple model).
• For a non-seasonal time series, a useful way to define a scaled error uses na ̈ıve forecasts:
q t = y t − y t .
• Because the numerator and denominator both involve values on the scale of the original data, qj is independent of the scale of the data.
|yi −yi−1|
Mean absolute scaled error
The mean absolute scaled error is
MASE = mean(|qt|).
A scaled error is less than one if it arises from a better set of forecasts than the random walk method evaluated on the training data.
Example: Quarterly Australian Beer Production
The figure shows shows three forecasting methods applied to the quarterly Australian beer production using data to the end of 2005. We compute the forecast accuracy measures for 2006-2008.
Example: Quarterly Australian Beer Production
Mean method
Na ̈ıve method Seasonal na ̈ıve method
38.01 33.78 8.17 2.30 70.91 63.91 15.88 4.35 12.97 11.27 2.73 0.77
It is clear from the graph that the seasonal naive method is best for the data, although it can still be improved.
Random walk model
Random walk model (key example)
In this section, we use the random walk method to illustrate how to obtain point and interval forecasts for multiple horizons based on a time series model.
We assume the model
where εt is i.i.d with constant variance σ2.
Yt = Yt−1 + εt,
Random walk model
Since Yt = Yt−1 + εt, we can use back substitution to show that
Yt+1 = Yt + εt+1
Yt+2 = Yt+1 + εt+2 =Yt +εt+1 +εt+2
Yt+h = Yt+h−1 + εt+h
=Yt +εt+1 +...+εt+h
Point forecast
Yt+h = Yt + εt+i
Therefore, we obtain the point forecast for any horizon as
yt+h = E(Yt+h|y1:t)
=E Yt+εt+iy1:t
The conditional variance is
h Var(Yt+h|y1:t) = Var(yt + εt+i|y1:t)
i=1 = hσ2.
For density forecasting, we need to make further assumptions about the errors. If we assume that εt ∼ N(0,σ2),
Yt+h|y1:t ∼ N yt, hσ2 .
Forecast interval
Under the Gaussian assumption,
Yt+h|y1:t ∼ N yt, hσ2 , leading to the forecast interval
√ yt±zα/2× hσ,
2 Tt=2(yt − yt−1)2 σ= T−1 ,
and zα/2 is the appropriate critical value from the normal distribution.
Example: USD/AUD exchange rate
Forecast interval
Forecast interval based on the assumption of normal errors:
√ yt±zα× hσ
• This forecast interval is based on the plug-in method, as we replace the unknown σ2 with an estimate.
• The plug in method is a standard approach, but you should be aware that it ignores parameter uncertainty, leading to prediction intervals that are too narrow.
• If the errors are not Gaussian, you should use other methods such as the Bootstrap algorithm (not in the scope of our unit).
Review questions
• What is point and interval forecasting?
• What are the four time series components?
• Which diagnostics do we use for univariate time series models, and why?
• How to we conduct model validation for forecasting?
• How do we compute forecasts and prediction intervals for the random walk model?