编程辅导 CSC324 Assignment 3: Continuation Passing Style and Delimited Con- tinuatio

CSC324 Assignment 3: Continuation Passing Style and Delimited Con- tinuations
For all labs and assignments, remember that:
• You may not import any libraries or modules unless explicitly told to do so.
• You may not use the function “eval” for any lab or assignment unless explicitly told otherwise.

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• You may not use any iterative or mutating functionality unless explicitly allowed. Remember that a big goal of
this course is to learn about different models and styles of programming!
• You may write helper functions freely; in fact, you are encouraged to do so to keep your code easy to understand.
Breaking any of these above rules can result in a grade of 0.
• Code that cannot be imported (e.g., due to a syntax error, compilation error, or runtime error during import) will receive a grade of zero! Please make sure to run all of your code before your final submission, and test it on the Teaching Lab environment (which is the environment we use for testing).
• The (provide …) and module (…) where code in your files are very important. Please follow the instructions, and don’t modify those lines of code! If you do so, your code will not be able to run and you will receive a grade of zero.
• Do not change the default Haskell language settings (i.e. by writing an additional line of code in the first line of your file)
For this assignment, we will use the idea of continuations in a slightly different context, and explore a style of programming called the Continuation Passing Style (CPS). In the warmup task, we start by transforming recursive Haskell functions to use this programming style. In the main task, we will move on to transforming an interpreter to use CPS, so that continuations are accessible at each step of evaluation. We will use these continuations to implement Shift and Reset in this interpreter.
Starter code
• A3Types.hs
• A3StagShell.hs
• A3StarterTests.hs
You will only be submitting A3.hs and not any of the other files. Do not make any modifications to A3Types.hs. We’ll be supplying our own version to test your code. The file A3StagShell.hs is provided to you as a reference only.
Continuation Passing Style
Continuation Passing Style (CPS) is a style of programming where the control flow is made explicit. A function written in CPS takes its continuation as an extra parameter. When the function completes its computation, it
“returns” the output by calling the continuation with the computed result.
As an example, here is a function is3or5 written in direct style that checks if an integer is either a 3 or a 5.
is3or5 :: Int -> Bool
is3or5 x = (x == 3) || (x == 5)
In contrast, here is the function cpsIs3or5 that is the same function written in CPS. In other words, cpsIs3or5 is the CPS transformed version of is3of5. This new function takes an extra parameter, which represents the continuation: what to do after cpsIs3or5 is finished. The last thing that is done in cpsIs3or5 is to return the boolean value by calling the continuation (usually represented by a variable called k):
cpsIs3or5 :: Int -> (Bool -> r) -> r
cpsIs3or5 x k = k $ (x == 3) || (x == 5)
(Note about syntax: recall that in Haskell, the expression a $ b c is equivalent to a (b c))

If there is nothing else to do after cpsIs3or5, we can pass in the identity function as the argument to k and obtain the result:
Prelude> cpsIs3or5 4 (\x -> x)
Converting simple functions like is3or5 to use CPS is quite straightforward. However, converting recursive functions to CPS requires a bit more work. Consider this function, which inserts an element into a sorted list in the correct position:
insert :: [Int] -> Int -> [Int] insert [] y = [y]
insert (x:xs) y = if x > y
then y:x:xs
else x:(insert xs y)
To convert this function to use CPS, we need to work with the recursive call a little more carefully. In particular, in the recursive case, we will call cpsInsert, and give it the appropriate continuation that prepends x in the right place.
cpsInsert :: [Int] -> Int -> ([Int] -> r) -> r cpsInsert [] y k = k [y]
cpsInsert (x:xs) y k = if x > y
then k (y:x:xs)
else cpsInsert xs y $ \res -> k (x:res)
In the “then” branch, of this function, we first pre-pend y to the list (x:xs). Then, we call the continuation k with the result, since k is a function describing what to do after the computation.
In the “else” branch, we need to put x in front of the list that we get from inserting y into xs. In other words, we need to do some work after obtaining a result from recursively calling cpsInsert. Notice that the prepending operation x: is placed in the continuation argument (\res -> k (x:res)) of the recursive call.
Notice that in none of the cases do we ever allow a function to return to its caller. In other words, the last thing to happen in a function is either a call to the continuation, or a tail call. Nothing else can happen after the call to the continuation, or after a tail call.
Warmup Task. CPS Transforming
Write the following functions using CPS. You may find it helpful to start by writing the functions in direct style (without using tail recursion), and then writing the function again in CPS:
• cpsFactorial: to compute the factorial of a number
• cpsFibonacci: to compute the n-th Fibonacci number
• cpsLength: to compute the length of a list
• cpsMap: to apply a function (written in direct style) to every item of a list
• cpsMergeSort: to sort a function using merge sort. Your function must call the two helper functions cpsSplit
and cpsMerge
• cpsSplit: helper function for cpsMergeSort, to split a list into two lists. All list elements at even indices are
placed in one sub-list, and all list elements at odd indices are placed in the second sub-list.
• cpsMerge: helper function for cpsMergeSort, to merge two sorted lists.
Some of these warmup task solutions will be provided to you during the practical session in week 9 (Nov 9). Please include your warmup task code in your solutions, since some of the code may be graded.
Main Task. CPS Transforming The StagShell
For the second task, we will revisit the StagShell language that we wrote in Assignment 2. In particular, we will CPS transform an interpreter for StagShell, and introduce delimited continuations to StagShell.
An interpreter for StagShell is provided to you in A3StagShell.hs. Notice that in A3StagShell.hs, the Expr data type is identical to Assignment 2. Moreover, the Value data type now handles closures a little differently: closures are represented using a Haskell function. This Haskell function takes a list of arguments to be passed to the StagShell

function, and adds the parameter-to-argument bindings to the environment from when the Lambda was created. This definition of closures leverages Haskell’s static scoping to retain the reference to this environment.
Two functions are written for you in the A3StagShell.hs file:
• eval, which is an interpreter for the StagShell language. You should understand this interpreter.
• def, which takes a list of names to expression bindings and creates an environment. Although it is just meant
to make testing easier, it uses Haskell’s lazy evaluation in an interesting way to allow recursive definitions.
Like other functions we worked with in the warmup task, the interpreter eval is a recursive function that can be written in CPS! Your main task in this assignment is to do exactly that.
In A3.hs, write a function cpsEval, which is the function eval written in CPS (plus a bit more, which we’ll describe below).
The file A3Types.hs defines the data structures for the variation of StagShell language we will use for cpsEval. These type definitions are almost identical to that of A3StagShell.hs, but with two differences:
First, closures are represented differently. In particular, calling cpsEval on a Lambda expression will create closures represented as Haskell functions written in CPS. Please pay special attention to how we are representing closures.
Second, cpsEval can support two new expression types. Since cpsEval has access to a program’s continuation at any point, we can support two new expression types: Shift and Reset. The semantics of these expressions should be identical to the Racket counterparts:
• Shift takes a name and an expression. It binds the name to the current continuation delimited by the most recent enclosing Reset, then evaluates the body expression. The current continuation is not applied to the result.
• Reset takes an expression. It acts as a delimiter to Shift. Note that if no Shift is evaluated during the evaluation of the Reset expression, then that Reset doesn’t really do anything. If the body of a Reset evaluates to an error, then it should return the error with no further computation.
Your task is to complete the CPS version of the interpreter cpsEval. The behaviour of the CPS version of the interpreter should be identical (or almost identical) to eval. To help you get started, the (Literal v) and (Lambda params body) cases are provided to you.
The way that your CPS interpreter handles errors should be identical to Assignment 2 (except we can no longer check that the parameter and argument lengths are equal). One key difference between the CPS interpreter and the non-CPS counterparts is that propagation of errors is no longer necessary! In other words, if we encounter an error (e.g. attempting to call First on an expression that doesn’t evaluate to a list), we can return the error without calling the continuation! This is one of the advantages of modeling continuations directly.
Additional Hints:
• Start by looking at the different pattern matching cases in the implementation of eval in A3StagShell.hs. Start with the simplest ones: Literal, Plus, Times, etc. The last three cases are the most challenging. For If expressions, check if your solution is consistent with cpsInsert in this handout.
• When writing cpsEval, you may find evaluating function applications challenging. In particular, evaluating the list of arguments is tricky. You may find it helpful to write a helper function to evaluate the list of arguments. • If you are stuck on function application, start by assuming that functions will have at most 3 parameters. That
way, you can get partial credit even if you don’t figure out how to handle functions with an arbitrary number of arguments. (You may wish to move on to implementing Shift and Reset first.)