代写代考 CS2104 Programming Language Concepts

CS2104 Programming Language Concepts
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This paper comprises 24 multiple choice questions with upto 5 possible answers each, and 5 questions with written answers expected. The last option, None of the Above, of MCQ questions should be chosen if the answer cannot be found in the first four choices. Each question carries one mark, and there is no penalty for incorrect answers.
Consider the following code fragment in Haskell.
let x=5 in x*2
Question 1: 􏰃􏰀
1 􏰂A 􏰁 10 􏰃􏰀
1 􏰂B 􏰁 20 􏰃􏰀
1 􏰂C 􏰁 30 􏰃􏰀
1 􏰂E 􏰁 None of the Above
What result will be returned by the above code fragment?

Consider the following code fragment in Haskell.
let x = 5 in
let f y = x+y in
(f (f (x+1)))
Question 2: 􏰃􏰀
2 􏰂A 􏰁 5 􏰃􏰀
2 􏰂B 􏰁 10 􏰃􏰀
2 􏰂C 􏰁 15 􏰃􏰀
What result will be returned by the above code fragment?
2 􏰂E 􏰁 None of the Above
Question 3: 􏰃􏰀
3 􏰂A 􏰁 3 􏰃􏰀
3 􏰂B 􏰁 4 􏰃􏰀
3 􏰂C 􏰁 5 􏰃􏰀
3 􏰂D 􏰁 6 􏰃􏰀
How many additions will be performed by the same code fragment?
3 􏰂E 􏰁 None of the Above
Consider the following recursive function in Haskell.
if x==0 then y
else 1+(foo (x-1) (y*2))
Question 4: 􏰃􏰀
4 􏰂A 􏰁 5 􏰃􏰀
4 􏰂B 􏰁 10 􏰃􏰀
4 􏰂C 􏰁 15 􏰃􏰀
4 􏰂E 􏰁 None of the Above
What result will be returned by the call (foo 4 1)?

Question 5: 􏰃􏰀
5 􏰂A 􏰁 5 􏰃􏰀
5 􏰂B 􏰁 10 􏰃􏰀
5 􏰂C 􏰁 15 􏰃􏰀
5 􏰂D 􏰁 20 􏰃􏰀
What result will be returned by the following call (foo 5 0)?
5 􏰂E 􏰁 None of the Above
Question 6: Which of the following is incorrect about the foo method? 􏰃􏰀
6 􏰂A 􏰁 This method has an accumulating parameter. 􏰃􏰀
6 􏰂B 􏰁 This method terminates for n>=0. 􏰃􏰀
6 􏰂C 􏰁 This method uses tail-recursion. 􏰃􏰀
6 􏰂D 􏰁 This method may go into a non-terminating loop. 􏰃􏰀
6 􏰂E 􏰁 None of the Above
Consider the following recursive function in Haskell.
if x<=1 then 1 else goo (x-1) + (goo (x-3)) Question 7: 􏰃􏰀 7 􏰂A 􏰁 18 􏰃􏰀 7 􏰂B 􏰁 20 􏰃􏰀 7 􏰂C 􏰁 22 􏰃􏰀 7 􏰂E 􏰁 None of the Above What result will be returned by the following call (goo 8)? Question 8: How many distinct goo calls are made by (goo 8)? (For the distinct calls, each set of calls with the same arguments are to be counted once.) 􏰃􏰀 8 􏰂A 􏰁 6 􏰃􏰀 8 􏰂B 􏰁 7 􏰃􏰀 8 􏰂C 􏰁 8 􏰃􏰀 8 􏰂D 􏰁 9 8 􏰂E 􏰁 None of the Above Consider the following recursive function in Haskell. hoo g x = g x (hoo g x) Question 9: What is the most general type that could be inferred for the hoo function? 9􏰂A􏰁(a -> a) -> a -> a
9􏰂B􏰁(a -> b) -> a -> b
9􏰂C􏰁(a -> a -> a) -> a -> a
9􏰂D􏰁(a -> b -> b) -> a -> b
9 􏰂E 􏰁 None of the Above
Question 10: Which of the following statement is not true about the hoo function? 􏰃􏰀
10 􏰂A 􏰁 This method may go into a non-termination loop. 􏰃􏰀
10 􏰂B 􏰁 This method does not have a base-case. 􏰃􏰀
10 􏰂C 􏰁 This method is a higher-order function. 􏰃􏰀
10 􏰂D 􏰁 This method will cause stack overflow when it is supplied with its two parameters.
10 􏰂E 􏰁 None of the Above

Consider the following recursive function in Haskell.
koo g x = g x (koo g ((x::Int)-1))
Question 11: What is the most general type that could be inferred for the koo function?
11􏰂A􏰁(a -> a -> a) -> a -> a
11􏰂B􏰁(a -> b -> b) -> a -> b
11􏰂C􏰁(Int -> b -> b) -> Int -> b
11􏰂D􏰁(Int -> Int -> Int) -> Int -> Int
11 􏰂E 􏰁 None of the Above
Question 12: What result would be returned by the following code fragment which uses the earlier koo function?
let fact n = koo (\x y -> if x==0 then 1 else x*y) n
􏰃􏰀 12 􏰂A 􏰁 5
􏰃􏰀 12 􏰂B 􏰁 24
􏰃􏰀 12 􏰂C 􏰁 50
12 􏰂D 􏰁 120
12 􏰂E 􏰁 None of the Above
Question 13: What is the best explanation for your answer to Question 13? 􏰃􏰀
13 􏰂A 􏰁 The koo function has a parameter which decreases with each recursive call. 􏰃􏰀
13 􏰂B 􏰁 The fact function has a factorial-like computation. 􏰃􏰀
13 􏰂C 􏰁 The arguments of calls are evaluated based on strict evaluation. 􏰃􏰀
13 􏰂D 􏰁 The arguments of calls are evaluated based on lazy evaluation.
13 􏰂E 􏰁 None of the Above

Consider the following function in Haskell.
eoo x = [error ((show ((x::Int)+1)))]
Question 14: What is the most general type that could be inferred for the eoo function?
14 􏰂A 􏰁 (Int -> [Int])
14􏰂B􏰁(Int -> [a])
14 􏰂C 􏰁 (a -> [Exception])
14 􏰂D 􏰁 (Int -> [Exception])
14 􏰂E 􏰁 None of the Above
Question 15: Which of the following best describes the expected execution of the eoo method?
15 􏰂A 􏰁 The method returns a list of exceptions.
15 􏰂B 􏰁 The method returns a list of integers
15 􏰂C 􏰁 The method throws an exception that was subsequently caught within the same
15 􏰂D 􏰁 The method returns an empty list.
15 􏰂E 􏰁 None of the Above

Consider the following list-based function in Haskell.
loo xs w =
case xs of
[] -> (w,[])
let (c,cs)=loo ys w in
if y>0 then (1+c,y:cs)
else (c,cs)
Question 16: What value will be returned by the call loo [-1,2,3,0] 5. 􏰃􏰀
16 􏰂A 􏰁 (7, [2,3]) 􏰃􏰀
16 􏰂B 􏰁 (7, [-1,2,3,0]) 􏰃􏰀
16 􏰂C 􏰁 (5, [2,3]) 􏰃􏰀
16 􏰂D 􏰁 (7, [3,2]) 􏰃􏰀
16 􏰂E 􏰁 None of the Above
Question 17: Which of the following higher-order function could best be used to re- implement the loo method?
17 􏰂A 􏰁 map
17 􏰂B 􏰁 filter
17 􏰂C 􏰁 foldl
17 􏰂D 􏰁 foldr
17 􏰂E 􏰁 None of the Above

Consider the following higher-order function in Haskell.
gen_ho f n =
if n==0 then []
else (f n):(gen_ho f (n-1))
Question 18: What value will be returned by the call gen_ho (\ x -> x-1) 5. 􏰃􏰀
18 􏰂A 􏰁 [5,4,3,2,1] 􏰃􏰀
18 􏰂B 􏰁 [1,2,3,4,5] 􏰃􏰀
18 􏰂C 􏰁 [4,3,2,1,0] 􏰃􏰀
18 􏰂D 􏰁 [4,3,2,1,0,-1] 􏰃􏰀
18 􏰂E 􏰁 None of the Above
Question 19: Which of the following is not true about the gen_ho method in general? You may assume the use of suitable type-safe parameters when considering the scenarios described below.
19 􏰂A 􏰁 This function can be made to return a decreasing list of integers.
19 􏰂B 􏰁 This function can be used to return a list of strings.
19 􏰂C 􏰁 This function can be used to return a list with identical elements.
19 􏰂D 􏰁 This function can be used to return an empty list.
19 􏰂E 􏰁 None of the Above
Consider a lazy higher-order method in Haskell:
koo g x = g x (koo g (x-1))
Question 20: What result would be returned by the expression sum(take 4 (koo (\ x xs -> x:xs) 3))?
􏰃􏰀 20 􏰂A 􏰁 6
􏰃􏰀 20 􏰂B 􏰁 12
􏰃􏰀 20 􏰂C 􏰁 18
􏰃􏰀 20 􏰂D 􏰁 24
20 􏰂E 􏰁 None of the Above

Question 21: What result would be returned by the code following fragment: koo (\ x y -> if x=0 then 1 else x*y) 5
􏰃􏰀 21 􏰂A 􏰁 5
􏰃􏰀 21 􏰂B 􏰁 24
􏰃􏰀 21 􏰂C 􏰁 50
21 􏰂D 􏰁 120
21 􏰂E 􏰁 None of the Above
Question 22: Which of the following is not true about the evaluation mechanism used in Haskell?
22 􏰂A 􏰁 Lazy evaluation is the default evaluation mechanism in Haskell.
22 􏰂B 􏰁 We can force some parameters of Haskell method to be evaluated strictly.
22 􏰂C 􏰁 Lazy evaluation allows infinite list to be supported.
22 􏰂D 􏰁 Lazy evaluation is always result in better performance than strict evaluation.
22 􏰂E 􏰁 None of the Above
Consider the following lazy function in Haskell to return a list of prime numbers.
primes = sieve [2..]
sieve (x:xs) = x:(sieve [y | y<-xs, (mod y x)/=0]) Question 23: Which of the following is not true about this method. 􏰃􏰀 23 􏰂A 􏰁 The prime method returns an infinite list of primes 􏰃􏰀 23 􏰂B 􏰁 The expression take 100 primes terminates. 􏰃􏰀 23 􏰂C 􏰁 The expression head [i | i<-primes, i>1000] terminates. 􏰃􏰀
23 􏰂D 􏰁 The expression length [i | i<-primes, i>1000] terminates.
23 􏰂E 􏰁 None of the Above

Question 24: Which of the following is not true about input-output mechanism used in Haskell?
24 􏰂A 􏰁 Like C, the input/output mechanism of Haskell is based on imperative side-effects.
24 􏰂B 􏰁 Haskell uses monads to capture the effects of IO operations.
24 􏰂C 􏰁 The monad IO mechanism and lazy evaluation are orthogonal mechanisms.
24 􏰂D 􏰁 An IO procedure with the type Int -> IO String is essentially a function which
when applied to an integer may perform some IO operation, followed by the return of
a value of String type. 􏰃􏰀
24 􏰂E 􏰁 None of the Above
Question 25: Write down the full type of the bind operator >>= for the Monad class. Answer:

Question26: Theoperator>>hastypeMonad m => m a -> m b -> m b. Showhowthis is implemented in terms of >>=.
Question 27: Consider the following method:
perform2 m =
m >>= \ x1 ->
m >>= \ x2 -> [x1,x2]
Write down the full type of this method.
Question 28: Answer:
Question 29: Answer:
Rewrite the perform2 method with the help of do-notation.
What is the outcome of perform2 [1,3]?

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