代写代考 CSE 141L: Introduction to Computer Architecture Lab

CSE 141L: Introduction to Computer Architecture Lab
Pat Pannuto, UC San SE 141L CC BY-NC-ND Pat Pannuto – Content derived from materials from , , , and others

Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder

Logistics Updates
• Lab Hours
– InternalsignupsforCSEbasementlabsendtoday
– Expecttoposthoursbeginningofnextweek
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– ModelSimisdead,longliveQuesta[butModelSimisfinetoo] • When following tutorials, seems safe to s/ModelSim/Questa
• Vocabulary
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Logistics Update: Waitlists
• 24 people and counting who are in/finished 141 but waitlisted for 141L – Thisistoomanytojustleteveryonein
If you are considering dropping this course, please do so ASAP
• If you are far back on the waitlist for 141, then please make room in 141L
• 141 will be offered next quarter
– (I’mteachingit)
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CSE 141L CC BY-NC-ND Pat Pannuto – Content derived from materials from , , , and others
module adder( input output output
wire c0, c1, c2; FA fa0( A[0], B[0], FA fa1( A[1], B[1], FA fa2( A[2], B[2], FA fa3( A[3], B[3],
[3:0] A, B, cout,
[3:0] S ); 1’b0, c0,
S[0] ); S[1] ); S[2] );
c2, cout, S[3] );

What is SystemVerilog (SV)?
• In this class and in the real world, SystemVerilog is a specification language, not a programming language.
– DrawyourschematicandstatemachinesandthentranscribeitintoSV.
– WhenyousitdowntowriteSVyoushouldknowexactlywhatyouare
• We are constraining you to a subset of the language for two reasons – Thesearethepartsthatpeopleusetodesignrealprocessors
– Steeryouclearofproblematicconstructsthatleadtobaddesign.
CSE 141L CC BY-NC-ND Pat Pannuto – Content derived from materials from , , , and others

[System]Verilog is a Hardware Description Language (HDL)
• The other popular HDL is VHDL
• An HDL is not a programming language — it is an HDL!
• SystemVerilog is a new-ish improvement over Verilog
– Technically,it’sabackwards-compatiblesuperset
– Thiscanbetroublesome,asVerilogisearliertomakemistakesin:/
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SV Fundamentals
• What is System Verilog?
• Data types
• Structural SV • RTLSV
– CombinationalLogic – SequentialLogic
module adder( input output output
wire c0, c1, c2;
FA fa0( A[0], B[0], FA fa1( A[1], B[1], FA fa2( A[2], B[2], FA fa3( A[3], B[3],
[3:0] A, B, cout,
[3:0] S ); 1’b0, c0,
S[0] ); S[1] ); S[2] );
CC BY-NC-ND Pat Pannuto – Content derived from materials from , , , and others
c2, cout, S[3] );

Bit-vectors are the primary data type in Synthesizable SV
A bit can take on one of four values
0 Logic zero
1 Logic one
X Unknown logic value
Z High impedance, floating
In the simulation waveform viewer, Unknown signals are RED. There should be no red after reset.
CC BY-NC-ND Pat Pannuto – Content derived from materials from , , , and others
An X bit might be a 0, 1, Z, or in transition. We can set bits to be X in situations where we don’t care what the value is. This can help catch bugs and improve synthesis quality.

logic keyword denotes a hardware net that has a single driver but possibly multiple outputs
• It can be combinational or sequential – other syntax will tell which logic [15:0] instruction;
CC BY-NC-ND Pat Pannuto – Content derived from materials from , , , and others

wire keyword denotes a hardware net that has >=1 drivers, or that has unknown (or bi-) directionality
CC BY-NC-ND Pat Pannuto – Content derived from materials from , , , and others
wire [15:0] bus_A; wire [15:0] bus_B; wire [ 7:0] small_net;
Absolutely no type safety when connecting nets!

Bit literals
Underscores are ignored
Base format (d,b,o,h)
Decimal number representing size in bits
We’ll learn how to actually assign literals to nets a little later
• Binary literals
– 8’b0000_0000 – 8’b0xx0_1xx1
• Hexadecimal literals – 32’h0a34_def1 – 16’haxxx
• Decimal literals – 32’d42
CC BY-NC-ND Pat Pannuto – Content derived from materials from , , , and others

SV Fundamentals
• What is System Verilog?
• Data types
• Structural SV • RTLSV
– CombinationalLogic – SequentialLogic
module adder( input output output
wire c0, c1, c2;
FA fa0( A[0], B[0], FA fa1( A[1], B[1], FA fa2( A[2], B[2], FA fa3( A[3], B[3],
[3:0] A, B, cout,
[3:0] S ); 1’b0, c0,
S[0] ); S[1] ); S[2] );
CC BY-NC-ND Pat Pannuto – Content derived from materials from , , , and others
c2, cout, S[3] );

A SV module has a name and a port list
// HDL modeling of
// adder functionality
module adder( input [3:0] a_i,
input [3:0] b_i,
output cy_o,
output [3:0] sum_o );
Ports must have a direction and a bitwidth.
In this class we use _i to denote in port variables and _o to denote out port variables.
CC BY-NC-ND Pat Pannuto – Content derived from materials from , , , and others
Note the semicolon at the end of the port list!

A module can instantiate other modules
module adder( input [3:0] a_i, b_i, output cy_o,
output [3:0] sum_o );
logic c0, c1, c2; FA fa0( … ); FA fa1( … ); FA fa2( … ); FA fa3( … );
module FA( input a_i, b_i, cy_i output cy_o, sum_o);
// HDL modeling of 1 bit
// full adder functionality
CSE 141L CC BY-NC-ND Pat Pannuto – Content derived from materials from , , , and others

Connecting modules
module adder( input [3:0] a_i, b_i, output cy_o,
output [3:0] sum_o );
logic c0, c1, c2;
FA fa0( a_i[0], b_i[0], 1’b0, c0,
FA fa1( a_i[1], b_i[1], c0, FA fa2( a_i[2], b_i[2], c1, FA fa3( a_i[3], b_i[3], c2,
sum_o[0] ); sum_o[1] ); sum_o[2] );
CC BY-NC-ND Pat Pannuto – Content derived from materials from , , , and others
cy_o, sum_o[3] );
Carry Chain

Only connect ports by name and not by position.
Connecting ports by ordered list is compact but bug prone: FA fa0( a_i[0], b_i[0], 1’b0, c0, sum_o[0] );
Connecting by name is less compact but leads to fewer bugs. This is how you should do it in this class. You should also line up like parameters so it is easy to check correctness.
FA fa0( .a_i(a_i[0])
Connecting ports by name yields clearer and less buggy code. In the slides, we may do it by position for space. But you should do it by name and not position.
CC BY-NC-ND Pat Pannuto – Content derived from materials from , , , and others

SV Fundamentals
• What is System Verilog?
• Data types
• Structural SV • RTLSV
– CombinationalLogic – SequentialLogic
module adder( input output output
wire c0, c1, c2;
FA fa0( A[0], B[0], FA fa1( A[1], B[1], FA fa2( A[2], B[2], FA fa3( A[3], B[3],
[3:0] A, B, cout,
[3:0] S ); 1’b0, c0,
S[0] ); S[1] ); S[2] );
CC BY-NC-ND Pat Pannuto – Content derived from materials from , , , and others
c2, cout, S[3] );

: assign very straightforward mapping to hardware
variables are names of wires; operators are gates
assign z_o = (x_i | y_i) & z_i; z_o
Language-defined operators: | is ’OR’
& is ‘AND’
CC BY-NC-ND Pat Pannuto – Content derived from materials from , , , and others
parse tree
tree of gates

A module’s behaviour can be described in many different ways but it should not matter from outside
Example: mux4
CSE 141L CC BY-NC-ND Pat Pannuto – Content derived from materials from , , , and others

Using continuous assignments to generate combinational logic
module mux4( input a_i, b_i, c_i, d_i,
input [1:0] sel_i,
output z_o );
logic t0, t1;
A couple of combinational trees that
connect to each
assign z_o = ~((t0 | sel_i[0]) & (t1 | ~sel_i[0])); assign t1 = ~((sel_i[1] & d_i) | (~sel_i[1] & b_i)); assign t0 = ~((sel_i[1] & c_i) | (~sel_i[1] & a_i));
The order of these continuous assign statements in the source code does not affect functionality – they are just specifying a bunch of gates – a combinational cloud.
Any time an input to the combinational cloud changes, it propagates through the cloud
of gates and the outputs are updated. (Be careful not to create combinational cycles!)
CC BY-NC-ND Pat Pannuto – Content derived from materials from , , , and others

mux4: Using ? :
// Four input multiplexer
module mux4( input a_i, b_i, c_i, d_i,
input [1:0] sel_i,
output z_o);
assign z_o = ( sel_i == 0 ) ? a_i : ( sel_i == 1 ) ? b_i : ( sel_i == 2 ) ? c_i :
( sel_i == 3 ) ? d_i : 1’bx;
If sel_i is X or Z, without the 1’bX condition, it would get d_i in behavioural simulation but maybe not in timing. Bad!
Having the 1’bx will help make sure your timing simulation looks the same as your behavioural.
CC BY-NC-ND Pat Pannuto – Content derived from materials from , , , and others

Using combinational always_comb or always @(*) block
module mux4( input a_i, b_i, c_i, d_i,
input [1:0] sel_i,
output logic z_o );
logic t0, t1;
always_comb // system verilog; replaces always @(*)
t0 = (sel_i[1] & c_i) | (~sel_i[1] & a_i);
t1 = ~((sel_i[1] & d_i) | (~sel_i[1] & b_i));
t0 = ~t0;
z_o = ~( (t0 | sel_i[0]) & (t1 | ~sel_i[0]) );
Within the always_comb block, the synthesis tool synthesizes the lines in order.
Each L-value (variable to the left of =) creates a name for the wire that is at the top of a logic tree. If a variable is assigned again (like t0), then the mapping is updated – no cycles are created.
CC BY-NC-ND Pat Pannuto – Content derived from materials from , , , and others

always_comb permits more advanced combinational idioms
module mux4( input a_i,b_i,c_i,d_i
input [1:0] sel_i,
output logic z_o);
always @* begin
if (sel_i == 2’d0 ) z_o = a_i;
else if (sel_i == 2’d1) z_o = b_i;
else if (sel_i == 2’d2) z_o = c_i;
else if (sel_i == 2’d3) z_o = d_i;
z_o = 1’bx;
end endmodule
Good idea for avoiding behavioral versus timing mismatches.
If none of these match, behavioral will just use last value. Timing will give you an X probably.
always_comb begin
case ( sel_i ) 2’d0 : z_o = 2’d1 : z_o = 2’d2 : z_o = 2’d3 : z_o = default: z_o
endcase end
a_i; b_i; c_i; d_i;
CC BY-NC-ND Pat Pannuto – Content derived from materials from , , , and others

Synthesis of if/else
logic t0, t1, sel;
always_comb begin
if (sel) else
t0 = t1+1;
t1 = t0+1;
… t0 t1 end
Note: a mux is created for every L-value written by all branches of the if/else or case statement.
CSE 141L CC BY-NC-ND Pat Pannuto – Content derived from materials from , , , and others

Synthesis of if/else
logic t0, t1, sel;
always_comb begin
t0 = 1’b1;
if (sel) else
t0 = t0+1;
t1 = t0+1;
Note: no L-value should be undefined on any path; behavior is undefined; Verilog will create a latch (ugh)!
CSE 141L CC BY-NC-ND Pat Pannuto – Content derived from materials from , , , and others

Synthesis of if/else
logic t0, t1, sel;
always_comb begin
t0 = 1’b1;
if (sel) else
t0 = t0+1;
Is this example okay?
CC BY-NC-ND Pat Pannuto – Content derived from materials from , , , and others

What happens if the case statement is not complete?
module mux3( input a_i, b_i, c_i, input [1:0] sel_i,
output logic z_o );
CC BY-NC-ND Pat Pannuto – Content derived from materials from , , , and others
always @( * ) begin
case ( sel_i ) 2’d0 : z_o = a_i; 2’d1 : z_o = b_i; 2’d2 : z_o = c_i;
endcase end
If sel = 3, mux will output the previous value!
What have we created?

What happens if the case statement is not complete?
module mux3( input a_i, b_i, c_i input [1:0] sel_i,
output logic z_o ); always @( * )
CC BY-NC-ND Pat Pannuto – Content derived from materials from , , , and others
case ( sel_i )
We CAN prevent creating a latch with a default statement
2’d0 : z_o = a_i; 2’d1 : z_o = b_i; 2’d2 : z_o = c_i; default : z_o = 1’bx;
endcase end

What happens if the case statement is not complete?
module mux3( input a_i, b_i, c_i input [1:0] sel_i,
output logic z_o ); always @( * )
CC BY-NC-ND Pat Pannuto – Content derived from materials from , , , and others
case ( sel_i )
2’d0 : z_o = a_i; 2’d1 : z_o = b_i; 2’d2 : z_o = c_i; default : z_o = 1’bx;
endcase end
SystemVerilog will protect you!
Be wary, many examples online are still plain ol’ Verilog, and will work fine … until they don’tL

Parameterized mux4
module mux4 #( parameter width_p = 1 )
( input[width_p-1:0] a_i, b_i, c_i, d_i,
input [1:0] sel_i,
output[width_p-1:0] z_o );
wire [width_p-1:0] t0, t1;
assign t0 = (sel_i[1]? c_i : a_i);
assign t1 = (sel_i[1]? d_i : b_i);
assign z_o = (sel_i[0]? t0 : t1);
Parameterization is a good practice for reusable modules Writing a muxn is challenging, but can be done with “idiomatic” verilog.
default value
( .a_i (op1),
.b_i (op2),
.c_i (op3),
.d_i (op4),
.z_o(alu_mux_out) );
CSE 141L CC BY-NC-ND Pat Pannuto – Content derived from materials from , , , and others

SV Fundamentals
• What is System Verilog?
• Data types
• Structural SV • RTLSV
– CombinationalLogic – SequentialLogic
module adder( input output output
wire c0, c1, c2;
FA fa0( A[0], B[0], FA fa1( A[1], B[1], FA fa2( A[2], B[2], FA fa3( A[3], B[3],
[3:0] A, B, cout,
[3:0] S ); 1’b0, c0,
S[0] ); S[1] ); S[2] );
CC BY-NC-ND Pat Pannuto – Content derived from materials from , , , and others
c2, cout, S[3] );

Sequential Logic: Creating a flip flop
note: always use <= with always_ff and = with always_comb always_ff @( posedge clk ) q_r <= q_n; 4 1) This line simply creates two signals, one called q_r and the other called q_n. 2) always_ff keyword indicates our intent to create registers; you could use the always keyword instead, but this makes it clear what you want! 3) @( posedge clk ) indicates that we want these registers to be triggered on the positive edge of the clk clock signal. 4) Combined with 2) and 3), the <= creates a register whose input is wired to q_n and whose output is wired to q_r. Use _r to indicate a wire that comes directly out of a register, and _n (i.e., next) to indicate a wire that goes directly into one, and becomes the new output on the next cycle. logic q_r, q_n; 23 CSE 141L CC BY-NC-ND Pat Pannuto – Content derived from materials from , , , and others Sequential Logic: flip-flop idioms module FF0 (input clk, input d_i, output logic q_r_o); always_ff @( posedge clk ) begin q_r_o <= d_i; end endmodule module FF (input clk, input d_i, input en_i, output logic q_r_o); next_X clk CC BY-NC-ND Pat Pannuto – Content derived from materials from , , , and others always_ff @( posedge clk ) begin if ( en_i ) clk q_r_o <= d_i; end endmodule idiom: flip-flops with reset always_ff @( posedge clk) begin if (reset) Q <= 0; synchronous reset else if ( enable ) Q <= D; CSE 141L CC BY-NC-ND Pat Pannuto – Content derived from materials from , , , and others next_X clk Register (i.e. a vector of parallel flip-flops) module register#(parameter width_p = 1) ( input clk, input [width_p-1:0] d_i, input en_i, output logic [width_p-1:0] q_r_o ); always_ff @( posedge clk ) begin if (en_i) q_r_o <= d_i; end endmodule CC BY-NC-ND Pat Pannuto – Content derived from materials from , , , and others Implementing Wider Registers module register2 ( input clk, input [1:0] d_i, input en_i, output logic [1:0] q_r_o FF ff0 (.clk(clk), .d_i(d_i[0]), .en_i(en_i), .q_r_o(q_r_o[0])); FF ff1 (.clk(clk), .d_i(d_i[1]), .en_i(en_i), .q_r_o(q_r_o[1])); module register2 (input clk, input [1:0] d_i, input en_i, output logic [1:0] q_r_o always_ff @(posedge clk) begin if (en_i) q_r_o <= d_i; end endmodule Do they behave the same? yes CSE 141L CC BY-NC-ND Pat Pannuto – Content derived from materials from , , , and others Syntactic Sugar: always_ff allows you to combine combinational and sequential logic; but this can be confusing. more clear module accum #(parameter width_p=1) ( input clk, input data_i, input en_i, output logic [width_p-1:0] sum_o; logic [width_p-1:0] sum_r, sum_next; assign sum_o = sum_r; always_comb begin sum_next = sum_r; sum_next = sum_r + data_i; always_ff @(posedge clk) sum_r <= sum_next; module accum #(parameter width_p=1) ( input clk, input data_i, input en_i, output logic [width_p-1:0] sum_o; logic [width_p-1:0] sum_r; assign sum_o = sum_r; always_ff @(posedge clk) begin sum_r <= sum_r + data_i; CC BY-NC-ND Pat Pannuto – Content derived from materials from , , , and others Syntactic Sugar: You can always convert an always_ff that combines combinational and sequential logic into two separate always_ff and always_comb blocks. module accum #(parameter width_p=1) ( input clk, input data_i, input en_i, output logic [width_p-1:0] sum_o; logic [width_p-1:0] sum_r; assign sum_o = sum_r; always_ff @(posedge clk) begin sum_r <= sum_r + data_i; more clear module accum #(parameter width_p=1) ( input clk, input data_i, input en_i, output logic [width_p-1:0] sum_o; reg [width_p-1:0] sum_r, sum_next; assign sum_o = sum_r; When in doubt, use the version on the right. To go from the left-hand version to the right one: 1. For each register xxx_r, introduce a temporary variable that holds the input to each register (e.g. xxx_next) 2. Extract the combinational part of the always_ff block into an always_comb block: a. change xxx_r <= to xxx_next = b. add xxx_next = xxx_r; to beginning of block for default case 3. Extract the s 程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com