程序代写 Continuous Time Finance Course Project

Continuous Time Finance Course Project
Deadline: before class 8.
Submit the project report and presentation slides on Blackboard. Write ALL group member names on the report and slides.
1 Group Project

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The project requires each group to identify a problem of interest and locate data that are relevant to the problem. The task is to develop a series of research questions based on theory or past empirical evidence and then apply some of the techniques covered in class (or not covered) on such data for testing.
2 Data Sets
Students are encouraged to collect data by themselves. Students can collect data from any public sources. Be sure that if you are getting data from other sources that you have permission to use that information.
3 Analysis and Report
Students should work closely in a group on data collection, data analysis and the resulting interpretation. In the project report, students are to describe the results and conclusion of your analysis. Provide an appropriate title for your course project. Keep in mind that plots, tables and other visual representations are useful in conveying your conclusions. In addition, you may want to include the following parts in your reports.
1. Questions. Write the questions you want to explore with the data sets. After each question, state your expected answers, which may prove different from your conclusions because they are generated prior to your analysis.

2. Data Description. Describe the data sets. How was the data collected? What is the data, e.g., variables and results? Briefly summarize the data. Provide the URL link if available.
3. Methodologies. Write a complete, clear description of the analysis you performed. This section should tie your computations to your questions, indicating exactly what results would lead you to what conclusion.
4. Results and Conclusion. Discuss your results. Focus in particular on the results that are most interesting, surprising, or important. Discuss the consequences or im- plications. Interpret the results: if the answers are unexpected, then see whether you can find an explanation for them, such as an external factor that your analysis did not account for.
4 Presentation
Each group should present their projects in class. Each presentation should be 12 minutes, with 3 additional minutes for Q&A. The presentation slides should summarize the main points of your report, including motivation, research questions, and results.
During the presentations, all other students from different groups including the instructor should actively ask questions. Being able to handle tough questions is a coherent part of good presentation.
5 Project Submission
One submission per group. Project report and presentation slides in electronic form before class in week 8. Project report should be around 4 to 6 pages long with 12pt font size and 1.5 spacing. You can use additional pages for figures and tables.
6 Important Dates
􏰂 Before class 8: Project submission via Blackboard. 􏰂 Class 8: Project presentation in class.

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