程序代写 CS 61B Spring 2022

Project 2 | CS 61B Spring 2022

Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder

Course Info


Useful Links and Updates
Textual Input Language
The Commands:

Starting and Ending Games
Commands to Set Parameters
Entering and Undoing Moves
Miscellaneous Commands
Optional (Helpful) Commands To Add

Running the Program
Some Notes/Hints About the Skeleton
Checkpoint Grading Details
Grading Details
Extra Credit

Project 2: Ataxx


Useful Links and Updates
Textual Input Language
The Commands
Running The Program
Some Notes/Hints About The Skeleton
Checkpoint Grading Details
Grading Details
Extra Credit

Useful Links and Updates

Ataxx Introduction Video
Ataxx Skeleton Overview Video
Ataxx Introduction Slides
Unit Testing


Ataxx is a two-person game played with red and blue pieces on a 7-by-7
As illustrated below,
there are two possible kinds of moves:

Extending – you can extend from
a piece of your own color by laying down a new piece of
your color in an empty square next to that existing piece
(horizontally, vertically, or diagonally).
Jumping – you can jump by moving a
piece of your own color to an empty, non-adjacent square that is no
more than two rows and no more than two columns distant.

In either case, all opposing
pieces that are next to the previously empty destination square are
replaced by pieces of your color. Here is an example of a
starting position (in the
middle) and two possible moves with the same piece. Squares marked
×× show red’s other possible jumps with that piece:

Figure 1. Extends and jumps.

At the beginning of the game, we start with pieces in all four corners:

Figure 2. Initial position.

The red player goes first, and the two players alternate
until there are no more moves possible
or until there have been 25 consecutive jumps between both players.
You are allowed to skip a move (we will call this a pass) only
if you have at least one piece on the board, but
no legal move. The winner is the player who has the most
pieces at the end of the game; thus, you don’t automatically lose just
because you can’t move. The one exception to this condition
is if you have no pieces left on the board. In this case, you have no way of
winning, so you will automatically lose.
It is possible also to tie, when both sides end up with the same number of
pieces on the board and:

neither player can make a move, or
the maximum number of jumps (25 consecutive across both players) has been

We’ll denote columns with
letters a–g from the left and rows with numerals 1–7 from the
bottom, as shown in Figure 2.
An ordinary move consists of
two positions separated by a
hyphen in the format c0r0−c1r1c0r0−c1r1 (e.g., g1-f2).
The first position gives a piece owned by the current
player, and the second gives an empty square to which the piece
jumps or extends.
A single hyphen denotes a case where one
player has no move and must pass (it is only legal when there is no
other legal move).

To make things even more interesting, you can place a
set of blocks symmetrically about the center of the board before
playing. These are
pre-filled squares that may never be moved to (the blocks
themselves never move). Setting blocks is only possible
at the start of the game.
The illustration below is an example
of a starting configuration with 10 blocks. Each block is always
reflected across the
middle row and the middle column. In other words, there is symmetry both
horizontally and vertically for any block that is placed.
No block may be placed in the four corner squares, since the initial
configuration has pieces there.

For example, the configuration below may be described by listing three squares:
“b2”, “c3”, and “c4”; reflecting these three gives in addition
“f2”, “e3”, “e4”, “b6”, “c5”, “f6”, and “e5”.
Alternatively, the same configuration may be described as
“f2”, “c3”, and “e4”.

Figure 3. Blocks.

Textual Input Language

The players (we’ll simply call them Red and Blue) can each be either
a manual player, entering moves as input, or an automated player
(we’ll call it an
AI). Manual players
can talk to the program using either a textual interface,
described in this section, or (for extra credit) a GUI.

Your program should respond to the following textual commands (you may
add others). There is one command per line, but otherwise, whitespace
may precede and follow command names and operands freely. Empty lines
have no effect, and everything from a # character to the end
of a line is ignored as a comment.

The Commands:

Starting and Ending Games

new: Abandons the current game (if one is in progress),
clears the board to its initial configuration,
and starts a new game.
quit: Abandons any current game
and exits the program. The end of input has
the same effect.

Commands to Set Parameters

The following commands set various game

auto : Sets up the program so that player C (Red or Blue)
is an AI. By default, and after a clear command,
Red is a manual player and Blue is an AI.
Thus, the command auto Red (without any other specification for Blue)
causes both Red and Blue to be AIs, and
the machine will play a game against itself.
manual : Sets up the program so that player C (Red or Blue)
is a manual player. Thus, the command manual Blue causes both Red
and Blue to be manual players, if ran immediately after a clear() call or
at the beginning of the game. The two players would then presumably alternate
entering moves on a terminal).
block CR: Sets a block at square CR (e.g. block a1) and all
reflections of that square around the middle row and middle column,
as described in
Blocks. It is an error to
place a block (or one of its reflections) on a previously set up piece.
Blocks may not be placed after a piece move, until the board is
cleared again.
In case of any errors,
the command has no effect.
seed N: If your program’s AIs
use pseudo-random numbers to choose moves, this command
sets the random seed to N (a long integer). This
command has no effect if there is no random component to
your automated players (or if you don’t use them in a
particular game). It doesn’t matter exactly how you
use N as long as your automated player(s) behave(s)
identically in response to any given sequence of moves.
In the absence of a seed command, do what you want to
seed your generator.

Entering and Undoing Moves

The first and then every other move is for the red
player, the second and then every other is for blue, and the normal legality
rules apply to all moves.

c0r0-c1r1: Makes a move for the current player from location (c0, r0)
to location (c1, r1). This should automatically detect if the move was a jump
or an extend and behave accordingly (i.e. creating a new piece if the move was an
extend or moving an existing piece if it was a jump).
undo: Undoes the last move made (if there was one) and, if that makes
it an automated player’s turn, undo a second move as well.

Your program must reject illegal moves from any player (they have no effect
on the board; the
program should tell the user that there is an error and request
another move). An AI must not make illegal moves.

Miscellaneous Commands

help Print a brief summary of the commands.
dump This command is especially for testing and debugging.
It prints the board out in exactly the following format:

r – – – – – b
– – – – – – –
– – X – X – –
– – – – – – –
– – X – X – –
– – – – – – –
b – – – – – r

Here, – indicates an empty square, r indicates a
red square, b indicates a blue square, and X indicates
a block. Don’t use === markers anywhere else in your
output. This gives the autograder a way to determine the state of
your game board at any point.
It does not change any of the state of the program.

Optional (Helpful) Commands To Add

You might (optionally) consider a couple of other useful commands that
you will find in the staff solution. These may be useful in debugging and
improving the overall experience of the game:

board Prints out a board in something nicer than the dump format.
The staff’s version, for example, prints row and column designations along
the sides of the board.
verbose Causes the board to get printed (as for board) after
each move.
quiet Turns off verbose mode, so that the board no longer gets
printed after each move.

When either player enters a winning move, the program
should print one of the lines

* Red wins.
* Blue wins.

as appropriate. Use exactly those phrases, alone on their line.
Don’t use these phrases in any other situation.

Whenever a player is an AI, it should print out each move that it makes, using
one of the formats

* Red moves -.
* Blue moves -.
* Red moves C0R0-C1R1.
* Blue moves C0R0-C1R1.

(replacing C0R0-C1R1 with an actual move, of course.) Again, use exactly
those phrases, alone on their line.

Other than this, you may produce any additional user-friendly output
you choose, subject to a few restrictions:

Any input prompts you print must end in a colon (“:”).
Do not use the “===” marker except in the specified output from
the dump command.
Do not output any lines containing the words “passes”, “wins”, “Draw”,
or “moves”, except in the specified cases described above.

Running the Program

As usual, you’ll run the program with the command

java -ea ataxx.Main

Your AIs must make only legal moves. They are required to be somewhat smart:
they should be able to find a forced win that is within
four moves of the current position. A forced win is a situation where you
maneuver the opponent into a position in which they have no choice other than
to make losing moves; in other words, you force your opponent into losing
the game. Your AI should be able to look up to 4 moves ahead and find a forced
win, if one is available. Finally, there will be an (optional)
tournament at the end of the project so that you can challenge your AI against
AIs that other 61B students came up with!

We’ve provided an executable staff-ataxx in cs61b-software, which allows
you to run the staff’s solution and AI.
You can run staff-ataxx as follows:


After running the above line, you can begin entering the textual input commands
in the terminal to play the game.
If you’d like to run the staff solution with the GUI enabled, you can use:

staff-ataxx –display

To get this executable, cd into your cs61b-software directory and run

git pull origin master

Be aware, however, that the staff-ataxx program
does not define what you are supposed to do; this document does.
If you find a discrepancy between this specification and our program, tell us.
Please don’t assume that our program defines how your program is supposed to work.

Check out these testing videos for some explanations about the Ataxx testing framework!

Unit Testing

As with Projects 0 and 1, the command

will run all the unit tests, and the command

make acceptance

will run all the acceptance tests. If you try this on
the skeleton, you’ll see that, unsurprisingly, it fails all these tests, giving
you an indication of what needs to be changed. The unit and acceptance
tests provided with the skeleton are nowhere near comprehensive.
Passing the unit and acceptance tests included with the skeleton is not an
indication that your code is correct, you should write additional
tests to ensure correctness. Use the IntelliJ
debugger to assist in passing these test cases.

Usually, you will want to use the command make check for testing,
which runs both the unit and acceptance tests.
By the time you finish the project,
make check should report no errors. If your
python command is python rather than python3 you will need to use
make PYTHON=python check to run the acceptance tests.

Furthermore, to run individual acceptance tests, you can run the following
from the proj2 directory:

python3 testing/tester.py –show=1 testing/.in

where .in is an input file (e.g test01-1.in). The –show=1 option
here shows error output for the test that you are running. Finally, you can also run
the above command with the –keep option:

python3 testing/tester.py –show=1 –keep testing/.in

This will create two new files in the proj2 directory:

.out: This file contains the output generated by the input file that you provided to the test.
.err: This file contains any errors/exceptions that were thrown during the execution of this test.

Acceptance tests used in make check are stored under the
proj2/testing folder. If you would like to run an acceptance test
in IntelliJ so that you can use the debugger, use the following steps:

Navigate to the Main file in IntelliJ and open it.
Click on Run > Edit Configurations…
In the left sidebar of the pop-up window, under “Application”, select Main.
For “Program arguments”, put in testing/ where
is the name of the file of the aceeptance test you would like to run.

For example, if you would like to run acceptance test test01-1.in,
you should have testing/test01-1.in as your program arguments.
Now you can click Run > Run ‘Main’ or Run > Debug ‘Main’ to run and use the
debugger on the acceptance tests. Remember to set a breakpoint if you’re debugging!

Some tests play two programs against each other (the tests with a testX-2.in file).
When running these tests, you’ll have to pass both files as arguments.

Your job is to write a program that allows you to play a game of Ataxx, and also
an AI that you can play the game against. This will involve editing the functions/locations
labelled FIXME in Move.java, Board.java, and AI.java.

To obtain the skeleton files (and set up an initial entry for your
project in the repository), you can use the usual command sequence:

git fetch shared
git merge shared/proj2 -m “Get proj2 skeleton”

from your Git working directory. Should we update the skeleton, you can use
exactly the same sequence to update your project with the same changes.

Be sure to include tests of your program (this is part of the
grade, see Grading Details). The makefile we provide has
convenient targets for running unit and acceptance tests, and a
Python testing script for acceptance testing. See the testing/README
file for a description of the specification language used by this script.
Our skeleton directory
contains some trivial tests, but these do not constitute
an adequate set of tests!
Make up your tests ahead of time and update your makefile to run them.
To help with testing and debugging, we will provide our own version of
the program, so that you can test your program against ours (we’ll be
on the lookout for illegal moves). More details will follow.

Your AI should be able to find a forced win that is within
four moves of a given position. It must not use more than 10 seconds to
make any given move.

Some Notes/Hints About the Skeleton

The _notifier instance variable and the announce() method that
you see used
throughout Board.java is a mechanism for the GUI (see the Extra
section). If you aren’t working on the GUI, you can ignore this
mechanism entirely.
Our usage of the EXTENDED_SIDE class constant may confuse you; if
you don’t understand
the motivation for it, please read the lengthy comment above the
_board instance variable
at the bottom of Board.java.
The unrecordedSet() method in Board.java is a way for us to set
the PieceColor of a square
without marking the action as a move that can be undone. The set() method
is supposed to
set a square and mark the move as “undoable”; this may pose a
problem when we’d like to make
You shouldn’t be calling the Move constructor (it’s private!) whenever you
need to create a new Move object; instead, use the factory static method
Move.move() to get a Move object containing the move that you’d like to
represent. This method is optimized (see the Javadoc comment above the method)
in order for your AIs to run even faster, so you should use it whenever needed.
certain changes to the board that aren’t supposed to be undone by a player.
You’ll likely find that you’ll need to do some character arithmetic
while completing this project. Since chars are just integers underneath the
hood, we can do addition with them as follows:

‘a’ + 3 = ‘d’
‘g’ – 4 = ‘c’
‘1’ + 5 = ‘6’
‘b’++ is equivalent to ‘c’

“Linearized indices” is just a fancy way of stating that we
converted the standard 2D array
indexing with a row and column index into 1D array indexing. As a
visual example, in the 3×3 table
below we translate square (0, 0) to index 0, square (1, 0) to index
1, square (2, 0) to index 2, so on
and so forth. Then, we can store all the squares in the Board as a
1D array and refer to each square by its
new 1D index.

You are not required to use any part of our skeleton as long as your program
behaves as described in this document. However, don’t throw anything away
without understanding it; there’s something to learn from our code
even if you choose not to use it.

We suggest working first on the classes Move and Board, which allow you
to make moves and interact with the board.
Then you can tackle writing a machine player in AI.java.
For the AI, start with something really simple (perhaps choosing a legal move at
random) and introduce strategy only when you get everything working
properly. Random play will not reliably satisfy the requirement of finding
forced wins, so you will eventually have to do a real search.

Checkpoint Grading Details

By Friday, 3/18 at 11:59PM you must have
completed the following deliverables in order to receive 4 points.
The checkpoint is not extra credit, and will be factored
into your final project grade.

Pass all unit tests in MoveTest.java.
Pass all unit tests in BoardTest.java.
Pass acceptance tests 1-4 (a correct Move and Board
implementation will be able to pass these 4).

You will be able to
submit to the checkpoint autograder by committing
it and tagging it as follows
(the tag is proj2a not proj2):

git tag proj2a-0 # Or proj2a-1, etc.
git push –tags

On release, you will only be able to submit to the checkpoint
autograder once every 6 hours, and full error logs will be
displayed. Starting Monday 3/14, you will be able to submit
once every 3 hours. Finally, starting at 9:00PM PST on 3/18,
you will be able to submit as many times as you want.

Grading Details

Project 2 is due 4/1 at 11:59 PM PT. The project is
worth 24 points (the total score for this project is 28 points,
with the checkpoint included). Your score on Gradescope will be your final
score for the assignment.

The release date of the full Project 2 autograder will be announced soon.
The tests included in the skeleton code
are not the full suite of tests that will be run on your submission.
The intention is that you write tests for your code, and do not rely on
autograder submissions to debug problems. To encourage this, you will only
be able to submit to the autograder once every 6 hours, and limited error
output will be displayed.

Starting 3/18, the autograder will show more information about why
you are failing some tests, and what the tests that you are failing contain.
Starting on 4/1, you will be able to submit to the grader once every 3 hours,
and in the last hour before the deadline, you will be able to submit 4 times
to account for any technical difficulties or Git issues. Starting 4/2 (this
is after the official project deadline!), y

程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com