代写代考 OLSX 01

Panel Data and Diff-in-Diff
Chris Hansman
Empirical Finance: Methods and Applications
January 24-25, 2022

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Some Details
􏰀 First assignment released this week
􏰀 Posted on January 25th
􏰀 Due on February 8th.

􏰀 Last class: an introduction to causality
􏰀 This class: estimating causal effects with panel data 1. An introduction to panel data
􏰀 Multiple observations of the same unit over time 2. First difference and fixed effects estimators
􏰀 Estimating causal effects with fixed omitted variables
3. Difference-in-difference estimators
􏰀 A more robust method for estimating causal effects

Part 1: Introducing Panel Data
􏰀 Three common types of data 1. Cross-sectional
2. Time-series 3. Panel
􏰀 Estimating unit and time specific averages

Three common types of data:
(1) Cross-Sectional
􏰀 A single observation for each unit i in {1,2,··· ,N}
􏰀 e.g. test scores and study times for each individual in the class (2) Time Series
􏰀 Repeated observations from time t = 1, · · · , T for a single unit
􏰀 e.g. yearly GDP and unemployment in the UK
􏰀 Repeated observations over time for multiple units
􏰀 e.g. monthly market cap and leverage for every firm in the S&P

Cross-sectional data: One observation per unit

Time series data: One unit over time

Panel data: Multiple units followed over time

Panel data: Notation
􏰀 Panel data consists of observations of the same n units in T different periods
􏰀 If the data contains variables x and y, we write them (xit,yit)
􏰀 fori=1,···,N
􏰀 i denotes the unit, e.g. Microsoft or Apple
􏰀 andt=1,···,T
􏰀 t denotes the time period, e.g. September or October

Panel data: Multiple units followed over time
􏰑􏰓􏰹􏰙􏰭􏰓􏰑􏰗􏰕 􏰑􏱈􏰹􏰙􏰭􏰓􏰑􏰗􏰕 􏰗􏰕􏰹􏰙􏰭􏰓􏰑􏰗􏰕 􏰓􏰷􏰹􏰙􏰭􏰓􏰑􏰗􏰕 􏰑􏰗􏱉􏰨􏰚􏰓􏰑􏰗 􏰘􏰨􏰝􏰙
􏰿􏰤􏰭􏰨 􏰿􏰤􏱀􏰨 􏱊􏰤􏰥􏰹 􏰧􏰫 􏰾􏱁􏱋􏱁 􏱌􏰜􏱀􏰝􏰤􏰚
􏰑 􏰗􏰑 􏰓􏰑 􏰷􏰑 􏰔􏰑 􏰠􏰑

Panel data: Allows Averaging Within Units
􏰀 Because we see every unit multiple times: 􏰀 Can take unit specific averages
pricei = ∑Tt=1 priceit T
􏰀 Because we see many units at the same time period 􏰀 Can take time specific averages:
pricet = ∑Ni=1 priceit N
􏰀 The overall average is (of course):
price = ∑Tt=1 ∑Ni=1 priceit N×T

Panel data: Unit Specific Averages
􏰾􏱁􏱋􏱁 􏰿􏰤􏰭􏰨 􏰿􏰤􏱀􏰨 􏱊􏰤􏰥􏰹 􏰧􏰫 􏱌􏰜􏱀􏰝􏰤􏰚 􏰿􏰤􏰦􏰬􏰨􏰚􏰞
􏰑 􏰗􏰑 􏰓􏰑 􏰷􏰑 􏰔􏰑 􏰠􏰑

Panel data: Time Specific Averages
􏰑􏰓􏰹􏰙􏰭􏰓􏰑􏰗􏰕 􏰑􏱈􏰹􏰙􏰭􏰓􏰑􏰗􏰕 􏰗􏰕􏰹􏰙􏰭􏰓􏰑􏰗􏰕 􏰓􏰷􏰹􏰙􏰭􏰓􏰑􏰗􏰕 􏰑􏰗􏱉􏰨􏰚􏰓􏰑􏰗 􏰘􏰨􏰝􏰙
􏰑 􏰗􏰑 􏰓􏰑 􏰷􏰑 􏰔􏰑 􏰠􏰑

Calculating Unit Specific Averages With Regression
􏰀 Recall that dummy variables let you calculate these means
􏰀 Create dummy variables for each i (e.g. Company) omitting 1
􏰀 Lets call them D1,D2,··· ,DN
􏰀 And consider the following regression
yit = β0 + ∑ δi Di + vit
i=1 􏰀 Recall that we can then estimate
􏰀 Average for the omitted unit: βˆ0
􏰀 Average for any other i: βˆ +δˆ 0i

Residualizing to Remove Differences in Means
yit = β0 + ∑ δi Di + vit
􏰀 After estimating this regression, we can also compute the residuals: N−1
vˆ=y−βˆ− δˆD it it 0 ∑ii
􏰀 For any given i, this translates to: vˆ = y −βˆ −δˆ
􏰀 This is just yit −y ̄i
􏰀 The price minus the unit specific average
􏰀 Lets us compare changes over time
􏰀 Putting aside level differences

Residualizing Removes Group Specific Means
􏰑􏰓􏰹􏰙􏰭􏰓􏰑􏰗􏰕 􏰑􏱈􏰹􏰙􏰭􏰓􏰑􏰗􏰕 􏰗􏰕􏰹􏰙􏰭􏰓􏰑􏰗􏰕 􏰓􏰷􏰹􏰙􏰭􏰓􏰑􏰗􏰕 􏰑􏰗􏱉􏰨􏰚􏰓􏰑􏰗 􏰘􏰨􏰝􏰙
􏰿􏰤􏰭􏰨 􏰿􏰤􏱀􏰨 􏱊􏰤􏰥􏰹 􏰧􏰫 􏰾􏱁􏱋􏱁 􏱌􏰜􏱀􏰝􏰤􏰚
􏰑 􏰗􏰑 􏰓􏰑 􏰷􏰑 􏰔􏰑 􏰠􏰑

Residualizing Removes Group Specific Means
􏰑􏰓􏰹􏰙􏰭􏰓􏰑􏰗􏰕 􏰑􏱈􏰹􏰙􏰭􏰓􏰑􏰗􏰕 􏰗􏰕􏰹􏰙􏰭􏰓􏰑􏰗􏰕 􏰓􏰷􏰹􏰙􏰭􏰓􏰑􏰗􏰕 􏰑􏰗􏱉􏰨􏰚􏰓􏰑􏰗 􏰘􏰨􏰝􏰙
􏰿􏰤􏰭􏰨 􏰿􏰤􏱀􏰨 􏱊􏰤􏰥􏰹 􏰧􏰫 􏰾􏱁􏱋􏱁 􏱌􏰜􏱀􏰝􏰤􏰚
􏰟􏰠 􏰟􏰓􏰒􏰠 􏰑 􏰓􏰒􏰠 􏰠

Residualizing Removes Group Specific Means
􏰑􏰓􏰹􏰙􏰭􏰓􏰑􏰗􏰕 􏰑􏱈􏰹􏰙􏰭􏰓􏰑􏰗􏰕 􏰗􏰕􏰹􏰙􏰭􏰓􏰑􏰗􏰕 􏰓􏰷􏰹􏰙􏰭􏰓􏰑􏰗􏰕 􏰑􏰗􏱉􏰨􏰚􏰓􏰑􏰗 􏰘􏰨􏰝􏰙
􏰿􏰤􏰭􏰨 􏰿􏰤􏱀􏰨 􏱊􏰤􏰥􏰹 􏰧􏰫 􏰾􏱁􏱋􏱁 􏱌􏰜􏱀􏰝􏰤􏰚
􏰟􏰠 􏰟􏰓􏰒􏰠 􏰑 􏰓􏰒􏰠 􏰠

Calculating Time Specific Averages With Regression
􏰀 Can similarly calculate average for each time period with regression
􏰀 Create dummy variables for each t (e.g. Dec. 15) omitting 1
􏰀 Lets call them D1,D2,··· ,DT
􏰀 And consider the following regression
yit = β0 + ∑ τt Dt + vit
t=1 􏰀 Recall that we can then estimate
􏰀 Average for the omitted unit: βˆ0
􏰀 Average for any other i: βˆ +τˆ 0t

Part 2: Advantages of Panel Data for Causal Effects
􏰀 A simple approach using a panel: event study
􏰀 Two approaches to dealing with a fixed omitted variables
􏰀 First differences
􏰀 Fixed effects

A simple panel approach: Before vs. after
􏰀 Suppose we are interested in the causal effect of a particular event or policy
yit = β0 + β1 AfterEventit + vi
􏰀 Example: Impact of Brexit on UK firms 􏰀 Can we simply compare?
E [yit |Afterevent = 1] − E [yit |Afterevent = 0]

A simple panel approach: Before vs. after
2016m1 2016m4 2016m7 2016m10 2017m1 Month (t)

A simple panel approach: Before vs. after
2016m1 2016m4 2016m7 2016m10 2017m1 Month (t)

Before vs. after an event used frequently
􏰀 This tactic underlies an approach called event study
􏰀 Lots of different techniques/bells and whistles
􏰀 Chapter 4 of The Econometrics of Financial Markets (Cambell, Lo and MacKinlay) if you want more detail

Entrance into the S&P (Shleifer,1986; Harris and Gurel, 1986)
Source: Gompers, Greenwood, and Lerner’s Lecture Notes

When is an event study ineffective?
2016m1 2016m4 2016m7 2016m10 2017m1 Month (t)

Panel Data and Omitted Variables
􏰀 We will come back to this before vs. after strategy in a bit 􏰀 Lets reconsider our omitted variables problem:
yit =β0+β1xit+γai+eit 􏰀 Suppose we see xit and yit but not ai
􏰀 Suppose Corr(xit,eit) = 0 but Corr(ai,xi) ̸= 0
􏰀 Note that we are assuming ai doesn’t depend on t

Panel Data and Omitted Variables
􏰀 An example:
Leverageit = β0 + β1 Profitit + γ ai + eit 􏰀 Some potential (fixed) omitted variables
􏰀 Manager skill or risk aversion
􏰀 Cost of capital

Panel Data and Omitted Variables
􏰀 Suppose we are unable to observe ai yit=β0+β1xit+ vit
γ ai +eit 􏰀 If we estimate this regression, will we recover
􏰀 No! because
βols =β 11
corr(xit,ai) ̸= 0 ⇒ corr(xit,vit) ̸= 0
􏰀 Aside: Regression of this form are often called “pooled”
􏰀 Because they “pool” data across individuals and time periods

Panel Data and Omitted Variables
βOLS +βOLSX 01

Our first Mentis…
􏰀 Load the data panel example.csv
􏰀 What is the coefficient βˆols if we treat ai as unobserved?
yit =β0+β1xit+vit
􏰀 What is the coefficient βˆols if we observe and include ai in the 1
yit =β0+β1xit+γai+eit

First Difference Regression
yit=β0+β1xit+ vit 􏰎􏰍􏰌􏰏
􏰀 Suppose we see exactly two time periods t = {1, 2} for each i 􏰀 We can write our two time periods as:
yi,1 = β0 +β1xi,1 +γai +ei,1
yi,2 = β0 +β1xi,2 +γai +ei,2 􏰀 Then take the difference:
yi,2 −yi,1 = β1(xi,2 −xi,1)+(ei,2 −ei,1) ∆yi,2−1 = β1(∆xi,2−1)+∆ei,2−1

First Difference Regression
􏰀 Instead of regressing yit on xit , regress the change in yit on the change in xit
􏰀 Taking changes (differences) gets rid of fixed omitted variables ∆yi,2−1 = β1∆xi,2−1 +∆ei,2−1
􏰀 As long as ∆ei,2−1 is mean independent of ∆xi,2−1:
E[∆ei,2−1|∆xi,2−1] = E[∆ei,2−1]
􏰀 Note that this is not the same as:
E[eit|xit] = E[eit]
􏰀 Menti: What is the coefficient βˆFD from a first difference regression? 1

Fixed Effects Regression
yit =β0+β1xit+γai+eit
􏰀 An alternative approach:
􏰀 Lets define δi = γai and rewrite:
yit =β0+β1xit+δi+eit 􏰀 So yit is determined by
(i) The baseline intercept β0 (ii) The effect of xit
(iii) An individual specific change in the intercept: δi 􏰀 Intuition behind fixed effects: Lets just estimate δi

What is δi
yit =β0+β1xit+δi+eit
􏰀 δi is often referred to as i’s “fixed effect”
E[yit|xit = 0] = β0 +E[β1 ·0]+δi +E[eit|xit = 0]
􏰀 So δi is just the change in individual is intercept: δi = E[yit|xit = 0]−β0

Fixed Effects Regression: Estimating δi
y1t =β0+β1x1t+δ1+eit y2t =β0+β1x2t+δ2+eit
ynt =β0+β1xnt+δn+eit
􏰀 How do we estimate δ1,δ2,··· ,δn?

Fixed Effects Regression: Estimating δi
yit =β0+β1xit+δi+eit
􏰀 Simplest approach (to me): Dummy variables
􏰀 Construct N-1 dummy variables D1,D2,··· ,DN−1
􏰀 D1 =1 when i =1 and 0 otherwise
􏰀 D2 =1 when i =2 and 0 otherwise
􏰀 D3 =1 when i =3 and 0 otherwise
􏰀 And so on…
􏰀 DN−1 =1 when i =N−1 and 0 otherwise

Fixed Effects Regression: Implementation
yit = β0 +β1xit + ∑ δiDi +eit
􏰀 Note that we’ve left out DN
􏰀 βOLS is interpreted as the intercept for individual N:
βOLS=E[y|x =0,i=N] 0 itit
􏰀 and for all other i (e.g. i=2)
δ2 = E [yi |xit = 0, i = 2] − β0
􏰀 Menti: What is the coefficient βˆFE from a fixed effects regression? 1

Fixed Effects Regression: Intuition
􏰀 Any fixed characteristic of i is captured by the average of yit (for i)
􏰀 By using dummy variables for i, we can just estimate (and hence
account for) those averages.
􏰀 No longer have to worry about xit being correlated with a fixed component of eit

Why is This? Recall Regression Anatomy
βOLS = Cov(yit,x ̃it) 1 Var (x ̃it )
􏰀 Where x ̃it is the residual from a regression of xit on Di N
xit = α0 + ∑αjDj +εit j=1
x ̃ =x −(αOLS+αOLS) it it 0 i
􏰀 Subtracting (partialling out) the average xit for each i
􏰀 x ̃it is no longer correlated with eit

Fixed Effects Regression: Assumptions
􏰀 There is one important difference in the assumptions necessary for OLS to capture the causal effect:
􏰀 Before, we needed
􏰀 Now, we need:
E[eit|xit] = E[eit] E[eit|xi1,xi2,··· ,xiT ] = E[eit]

When Will Fixed Effects Not Be Enough?
E[eit|xi1,xi2,··· ,xiT ] = E[eit]
􏰀 But what if eit is growing over time?
􏰀 E.g. interest rates rising each quarter, influencing profits and leverage

Time Fixed Effects
􏰀 We so far have focused on controlling for entity i fixed effects
􏰀 What if xit is correlated with something that changes over time but
is fixed across individual units?
Leverageit = β0 + β1 Profitsit + τt + vit
􏰀 For example, many time-varying macro variables (e.g. monetary policy) might affect profits and leverage
􏰀 If these are constant for all firms than they will be captured by τt

Time Fixed Effects
yit =β0+β1xit+τt+eit
􏰀 Exact same approach as with entity fixed effects
􏰀 Construct T −1 dummy variables D1,D2,··· ,DT−1
􏰀 D1 =1 when t =1 and 0 otherwise
􏰀 D2 =1 when t =2 and 0 otherwise
􏰀 And so on…
􏰀 And then, omitting one time period, we can estimate T−1
􏰀 Whatisβ0?τt?
yit = β0 +β1xit + ∑ τtDt +eit t=1

Time Fixed Effects
􏰀 Time fixed effects do not deal with fixed individual characteristics 􏰀 What about combining both approaches?

Part 3: Difference-in-Difference
􏰀 An example: Bankruptcy Costs and Leverage 􏰀 The difference-in-difference framework
􏰀 Key assumption: Parallel Trends

Example: Bankruptcy Costs and Leverage
􏰀 What is the effect of a decline in bankrutpcy costs on leverage?
􏰀 Theory: Lower expected bankruptcy costs should increase leverage
􏰀 Ideal (impossible to conduct) experiment:
􏰀 Randomly select a subset of firms
􏰀 Reduce bankruptcy costs for these firms (e.g. streamline bankruptcy procedures)
􏰀 Compare leverage between this subset and the remaining firms

Example: Bankruptcy Costs and Leverage
􏰀 At the end of 1991 the state of Delaware passed a new law (“the reform”)
Significantly streamlined bankruptcy proceedings Reduced costs and time of litigation
we use this to learn something about our question?
Suppose we call the causal effect of the reform: β1 How do we recover this parameter?

Approach 1: Before vs. After
􏰀 Compare the average leverage of Delaware firms in 1991 vs. 1992 􏰀 Let Aftert be a dummy equal to 1 after the reform
􏰀 We would like to describe the relationship between the reform and leverage as:
Leverageit = β0 + β1 Aftert + vit
􏰀 Where vit contains all other time and firm specific factors that influence leverage

Approach 1: Before vs. After
􏰀 Suppose we regress Leverageit on our Aftert dummy: 􏰀 What is βOLS?
βOLS =E[Leverage |After =1]−E[Leverage |After =0] 1 it t it t
= β1 +E[vit|Aftert = 1]−E[vit|Aftert = 0] 􏰀 So β OLS = β1 (the causal effect of treatment) if
􏰀 Why might that fail?

Before vs. After
1991m7 1991m10 1992m1 1992m4 1992m7 Month (t)

When is Before vs. After Ineffective?
1991m7 1991m10 1992m1 1992m4 1992m7 Month (t)

When is Before vs. After Ineffective?
1991m7 1991m10 1992m1 1992m4 1992m7 Month (t)

Approach 1: Before vs. After
􏰀 βOLS is just the difference in leverage for 1992 Delaware firms 1
(“treatment”) relative to 1991 Delaware firms (“Control”)
􏰀 We require E [vit |Aftert = 1] = E [vit |Aftert = 0] for this to identify the causal effect of the reform
􏰀 Any time trend/other events in 1992 will cause vit for later observations to be different from vit for earlier observations
􏰀 e.g. tight credit in 1992 may have reduced debt (and hence leverage)

Approach 2: Cross Sectional
􏰀 Compare Delaware Firms (“Treatment”) vs. Non-Delaware firms (Control) in 1992
􏰀 Don’t need to worry about time trends
􏰀 Requires data from firms in surrounding states
􏰀 Let Di be a dummy equal to 1 if firm i is registered in Delaware
􏰀 We would like to describle the relationship between the reform and leverage as:
Leveragei =β0+β1Di+vi
􏰀 Where vi contains all other time and firm specific factors that influence leverage

Approach 2: Cross Sectional
􏰀 Suppose we regress Leveragei on our Di dummy:
βOLS = E[Leverage |D = 1]−E[Leverage |D = 0]
1iiii = β1 +E[vi|Di = 1]−E[vi|Di = 0]
􏰀 So β OLS = β1 (the causal effect of treatment) if 1
E[vi|Di] = E[vi]
􏰀 Do we expect everything else that impacts leverage to be the same in Delaware and other states?

When is Cross Sectional Approach Ineffective?
􏰀 Do we expect everything else that impacts leverage to be the same in Delaware and other states?
􏰀 What if firms in Delaware are more capital-intensive 􏰀 Typically capital intensivity ⇒ more leverage
􏰀 This is just an omitted variable:
Leveragei = β0 + β1Di + β2CIi + ei
􏰀 So if we omit CIi and estimate
Leveragei =β0+β1Di+vi
􏰀 Will βOLS be larger or smaller than β1? 1

When is Cross Sectional Approach Ineffective?
􏰀 Of course, we could measure and control for capital intensivity Leveragei = β0 + β1Di + β2CIi + ei
􏰀 Then our the assumption for β OLS = β1 becomes: 1
E[ei|Di,CIi] = E[ei|CIi]
􏰀 Beyond capital intensivity, do we expect everything else that
impacts leverage to be the same in Delaware and other states?
􏰀 Hard to control for everything

Difference-in-Difference Approach
􏰀 Let’s combine the positive features of the cross-sectional and before/after approaches
􏰀 Cross sectional avoided omitted trends
􏰀 Before/after avoided omitted (fixed) characteristics
􏰀 The difference-in-difference estimator does exactly this Leverageit = β0 + β1Di × Aftert + β2Di + β3Aftert + vit
􏰀 Here β1 is the causal effect of the reform in Delaware
􏰀 Requires data on firms in/out of Delaware before/after the reform

What Does Data Look Like for Difference-in-Difference
State Delaware Maryland Virginia Maryland Virginia
Year Leverageit (D/E) Di Aftert 1991 1.2 1 0 1991 3.1 0 0 1991 1.9 0 0 1991 0.9 1 0 1991 1.5 0 0 1991 1.1 0 0 1991 1.2 1 0 1991 1.6 0 0 1991 0.5 0 0
. . .. . . ..
Di ×Aftert 0
0 1 0 1 0 1
Maryland 1992 Delaware 1992 Virginia 1992 Delaware 1992 Maryland 1992 Delaware 1992
0.8 0 1 0.9 1 1 1.6 0 1 2.2 1 1 1.4 0 1 1.9 1 1

What Do the Difference-in-Difference Estimates Capture?
􏰀 Recall that when righthand side variables take discrete values, OLS perfectly captures the conditional expectation function:
E[Leverageit|Di,Aftert]=E[βOLS +βOLSDi ×Aftert +βOLSDi +βOLSAftert|Di,Aftert] 0123
􏰀 There are four groups:
1. Non-Delaware Before: {Di = 0, Aftert = 0}
2. Delaware Before: {Di = 1, Aftert = 0}
3. Non-Delaware After: {Di = 0, Aftert = 1} 4. Delaware After: {Di = 1, Aftert = 1}

What Do the Difference-in-Difference estimates Capture?
􏰀 Lets calculate conditional expectations for these four groups: 1. E[Leverageit|Di =0,Aftert =0]=βOLS
2. E[Leverageit|Di = 1,Aftert = 0] = βOLS +βOLS 02
3. E[Leverageit|Di = 0,Aftert = 1] = βOLS +βOLS 03
4. E[Leverageit|Di = 1,Aftert = 1] = βOLS +βOLS +βOLS +βOLS 0123

What Do the Difference-in-Difference estimates Capture?
􏰀 Lets calculate conditional expectations for these four groups: 1. E[Leverageit|Di =0,Aftert =0]=βOLS
2. E[Leverageit|Di = 1,Aftert = 0] = βOLS +βOLS 02
3. E[Leverageit|Di = 0,Aftert = 1] = βOLS +βOLS 03
4. E[Leverageit|Di = 1,Aftert = 1] = βOLS +βOLS +βOLS +βOLS 0123

Diff-in-Diff Solves Issues with Cross-Sectional Approach
􏰀 Cross Sectional: Compare averages In Delaware vs. outside, after the reform
E[Leverageit|Di =1,Aftert =1]−E[Leverageit|Di =0,Aftert =1] 􏰎 􏰍􏰌 􏰏􏰎 􏰍􏰌 􏰏
βOLS+βOLS+βOLS+βOLS (βOLS+βOLS) 0123 03
Cross-sectional Difference After
= β OLS + β OLS 12
􏰀 We worried about the possibility of some omitted difference between Delaware and other states (β OLS ̸= 0)
􏰀 Solution: Use the pre-reform difference to account for any fixed differences
E[Leverageit|Di =1,Aftert =0]−E[Leverageit|Di =0,Aftert =0] 􏰎 􏰍􏰌 􏰏􏰎 􏰍􏰌 􏰏
βOLS+βOLS βOLS 020
Cross-sectional Difference Before

Diff-in-Diff Solves Issues with Cross Sectional Approach
􏰀 Difference in Difference=
Difference After−Difference Before
􏰎 􏰍􏰌 􏰏􏰎 􏰍􏰌 􏰏
βOLS+βOLS βOLS 122

Diff-in-Diff Solves Issues with Before vs. After
􏰀 Before vs After: Compare averages before vs. after within Delaware: E[Leverageit|Di =1,Aftert =1]−E[Leverageit|Di =1,Aftert =0]
􏰎 􏰍􏰌 􏰏􏰎 􏰍􏰌 􏰏
βOLS+βOLS+βOLS+βOLS (βOLS+βOLS) 0123 02
Difference In Delaware
= β OLS + β OLS 13
􏰀 We worried about the possibility of some time trend 􏰀 Solution: Use other states to account for time trends
E[Leverageit|Di =0,Aftert =1]−E[Leverageit|Di =0,Aftert =0] 􏰎 􏰍􏰌 􏰏􏰎 􏰍􏰌 􏰏
βOLS+βOLS βOLS 030
Difference Out of Delaware

Diff-in-Diff Solves Issues with Before vs. After
􏰀 Difference in Difference=
Difference In Delaware−Difference Out of Delaware
􏰎 􏰍􏰌 􏰏􏰎 􏰍􏰌 􏰏
βOLS+βOLS βOLS 133

Difference in Difference Matrix
􏰀 Two ways to interpret the same estimator βOLS : 1
Delaware (Treatment) Other States (Control) Difference
Before After Difference βOLS +βOLS βOLS +βOLS +βOLS +βOLS =βOLS +βOLS
βOLS βOLS +βOLS =βOLS 0033
= βOLS = βOLS +βOLS = βOLS 2121

Diff-in-Diff Graphically
Treatment (Delaware)
Control (Non−Delaware)

Diff-in-Diff Graphically
Treatment (Delaware)
Control (Non−Delaware)

Diff-in-Diff Graphically
Treatment (Delaware)
Control (Non−Delaware)

Diff-in-Diff Graphically
Treatment (Delaware)
Control (Non−Delaware)

Diff-in-Diff Graphically
Treatment (Delaware)
Control (Non−Delaware)

Diff-in-Diff Graphically
Treatment (Delaware)
Control (Non−Delaware)

When Does Diff-in-Diff Identify A Causal Effect
􏰀 As usual, we need
E[vit|Di,Aftert] = E[vit]
􏰀 What does this mean intuitively?
􏰀 Parallel trends assumption: In the absence of any reform the
average change in leverage would have been the same in the treatment and control groups
􏰀 In other words: trends in both groups are similar

Parallel Trends
Treatment (Delaware)
Control (Non−Delaware)

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