CS代写 COMP 30080 Computer Systems

COMP 30080 Computer Systems
Assoc. Prof.
UCD School of Computer Science. Scoil na Ríomheolaíochta UCD.

Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder

What is this module about?
“People who are more than casually interested in computers should have at least some idea of what the underlying hardware is like. Otherwise, the programs they write will be pretty weird.”
Prof. , Stanford University
The Art of Computer Programming
1974 ACM Alan M. Turing Award
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Knuth was awarded the 1974 ACM Turing Award “for his major contributions to the analysis of algorithms, and in particular for his contributions to the ‘art of computer programming’ through his well-known books in a continuous series by this title.”
The New York Times referred to it as “the profession’s defining treatise”
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What is this module about?
Understanding the relationship between computer hardware and software
• Study design of real-world microprocessor (MIPS)
‣ Instructions
‣ Data path / Arithmetic Logic Unit ‣ Control Unit
• Other approaches
– Java Virtual Machine, Intel CPU Architecture
• Practical programming assignments • Build a mini processor
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• To understand what is actually going on in a computer
‣ What it can and can’t do
‣ Why things are done in a certain way
‣ The differences, strengths and weakness of various types of computer
• To write better software
‣ Faster, more efficient
‣ Essential for ‘low level’ programming, e.g. device drivers
• To design computers
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• Associate Professor @ School of Computer Science, UCD ‣ 81 peer-reviewed publications
‣ €1.7 million competitive grant income awarded
‣ 8 Ph.D. students graduated
• Director Consultant (part-time) @ Litigation Support Technology services, Ireland
‣ Corporate investigations, Malware analysis, E-discovery
• Invited Expert to INTERPOL Global Cybercrime Expert Group
• Former IT Security & Forensics Consultant @ Ernst & Young Ireland
• Former Software Engineer @ LAKE Communication Ltd.
• Ph.D. Computer Science, University College Dublin
• Primary Degree in Computer Engineering from Chelyabinsk State Technical University (Russia)
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Module page
• http://csmoodle.ucd.ie • Enrolment key: ?????? • READ THE FAQ!!!
• Recordings • Assignments • Submissions • Marks
• News items
• Self-enrolment
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• 70% final end-of-semester examination
• 30% assignments
– 5 assignments
– One assignment deadline every 2 weeks
– 1st assignment is self-assessed and does NOT count towards the final module grade
– Students are scheduled to attend one 2-hour lab session every week – online for now
– Labs start week 2
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• Four software assignments:
• Write MIPS32 assembly code programs using MARS
• One hardware assignment:
• Implement a mini MIP32 processor using Logisim • Run a machine code program on the processor
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Grade Mapping
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Course Text
Digital Design and Computer Architecture
Morgan-Kaufmann, Elsevier 2nd edition
ISBN: 9780123944245
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Course Text
. Patterson & . Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface
Morgan-Kaufmann, Elsevier 5th edition
ISBN: 9780124077263
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1. Introduction
2. MIPS Instructions
3. Single Cycle MIPS Processor 4. Microarchitecture
5. Memory Systems
6. Famous Processors
7. Java Virtual Machine
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What is this module about?
“Even if you never have to write fast software, even if you never have to write device drivers, even if you never have to design a processor, as a computer scientist,
you should still,
once in your life,
write some assembly code just so that you understand how computers actually work.”

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What is this module about?
“As a computer scientist, you should be able to read and understand the hardware specification for a computer.”
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UCD School of Computer Science. Scoil na Ríomheolaíochta UCD.

Professional behaviour in UCD Computer Science
• You are expected to behave professionally in any environment where you are acting as a member of the student body of the school of Computer science.
• This includes lectures, tutorials, and labs run by the school, and also environments not run by the school but informally connected to school membership (such as social media groups run by students for students in a certain stage, course, or module).
• Professional behaviour means following UCD’s student code of conduct and means
• Not disrupting others’ ability to learn by causing conflict or division, making distracting or upsetting comments, or making any student feel unwelcome in an environment which they attend as a member of the student body
• Enhancingothers’abilitytolearnbybeingsupportiveratherthandiscouraging,by being tolerant of difference, by sharing your insights rather than sharing your solutions, and by maintaining good attendance, communication and timekeeping
• The school will intervene in cases where unprofessional behaviour is affecting other students’ ability to learn.
UCD School of Computer Science. Scoil na Ríomheolaíochta UCD.

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