Analysis of Algorithms, I
CSOR W4231.002
Computer Science Department
Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder
Columbia University
The Union Find data structure
1 Recap: Kruskal’s algorithm for MSTs
2 A union-find data structure for disjoint sets
3 Fun combinatorics: #spanning trees in Kn
1 Recap: Kruskal’s algorithm for MSTs
2 A union-find data structure for disjoint sets
3 Fun combinatorics: #spanning trees in Kn
Minimum Spanning Trees (MSTs)
The Cut Property and greedy algorithms for MSTs
Prim’s algorithm
Kruskal’s algorithm
Counting the #MSTs in Kn
Kruskal’s algorithm: detailed description
Short description: at every step, add to ET the lightest edge that does not create a cycle with the edges already in ET
Alternative view of the algorithm: let T(v) be the tree where vertex v belongs; initially, every vertex forms its own tree.
1. Initialize ET = ∅
2. Sort the edges by increasing weight
3. For every edge e = (u, v) in order of increasing weight:
If u and v belong to the same tree, discard e
Else ET = ET ∪ {e}; merge T(u), T(v) into a single tree
Implementing Kruskal’s algorithm
Need a data structure that maintains a collection of disjoint sets (trees) and allows
1. to check if u, v belong to the same set (tree);
2. for updates to reflect the merging of two sets (trees) into
1. MakeSet(u): Given an element u, create a new set containing only u. Target worst-case time: O(1)
2. Find(u): Given an element u, find which set u belongs to. Target worst-case time: O(log n)
3. Union(u, v): Merge the set containing u and the set containing v into a single set.
Target worst-case time: O(log n)
(G = (V, E, w))
Sort(E) by w
for u ∈ V do MakeSet(u)
for (u, v) ∈ E by increasing w do
if Find(u) ̸= Find(v) then ET =ET ∪{(u,v)} Union(u, v)
end if end for
Running time: O((n + m) log n)
1 Recap: Kruskal’s algorithm for MSTs
2 A union-find data structure for disjoint sets
3 Fun combinatorics: #spanning trees in Kn
A Union-Find data structure that uses linked lists to represent each set (tree)
Each set is represented by a linked list.
The name of the set is the name of the first element in the list.
The set object contains:
1. the size of the set: this allows for faster Union: assign as the name of the set resulting from Union(a, b) the name of the larger set (weighted union heuristic);
2. the Tail pointer pointing to the last element in the list (this also allows for faster Union—how?);
3. the Head pointer pointing to the first element in the list (allows for Find in O(1) time).
Each node in the linked list contains an item, a Head pointer pointing to the set object and a Tail pointer, pointing to the next item in the linked list.
Example: maintaining the data structure during Kruskal’s algorithm
Example: maintaining the data structure during Kruskal’s algorithm
Union(1, 2)
Union(2, 3)
Example: maintaining the data structure during Kruskal’s algorithm
Union(4, 5)
Union(5, 6)
Example: maintaining the data structure during Kruskal’s algorithm
Union(1, 4)
Amortized analysis
Worst-case analysis: A single Union may still require Ω(n) time (why?).
Idea: Instead of bounding the max time spent on individual Find and Union operations, bound the time spent on a sequence of 2m Find and n − 1 Union operations.
Amortized analysis: consider the entire sequence of 2m Find and n − 1 Union operations.
O(n) time to update Tail pointers and size of sets
O(nlogn)updatesofHeadpointersforallelementsover entire sequence of operations
A tree data structure
Store a set of elements as a directed tree.
Nodes correspond to elements of the set (no particular
Each node has a parent pointer
If the root of the tree is element r, then the set is assigned the name r.
The root’s parent pointer is a self-loop. Every node has a rank.
rank(u) = height of u’s subtree
= # edges in longest path from a leaf to u
A set represented as a forest of directed trees
A set of 6 elements {u, v, x, y, z, w} maintained by 3 disjoint sets. Here elements {x, y} belong to tree v, while z belongs to tree u. The superscript next to each element is its rank.
Operations MakeSet(u), Find(u)
π(u) = u //π(u) is the parent of u
rank(u) = 0
Find(u) //returns the name of the set where u belongs
while π(u) ̸= u do u = π(u)
return u Running time?
Operation Union(u, v) constructs the tree
Union(u, v)
ru = Find(u)
rv = Find(v)
if ru == rv then
//merges the trees where u, v belong //find the root of u’s tree
//if u, v in the same tree, do nothing
if rank(ru) > rank(rv) then
π(rv) = ru //make the shorter tree point to the taller else
π(ru) = rv
//if trees equally tall, increase height of resulting tree if rank(ru) == rank(rv) then
rank(rv) = rank(rv) + 1 end if
Example: a sequence of Union operations
Starting from an empty data structure, make a set for each of the six elements {u, v, x, y, z, w} and then perform a sequence of 5 Union operations
Union(x, v), Union(x, y), Union(z, u), Union(y, u), Union(x, w). (Break ties by making the alphabetically smaller root the new root.
Example: a sequence of Union operations
Starting from an empty data structure, make a set for each of the six elements {u, v, x, y, z, w} and then perform a sequence of 5 Union operations
Union(x, v), Union(x, y), Union(z, u), Union(y, u), Union(x, w). (Break ties by making the alphabetically smaller root the new root.
Properties of rank
1. How do rank(u), rank(π(u)) compare?
2. How many ancestors of rank k does an element have?
3. Can subtrees of different rank k nodes overlap?
4. Lower bound on # nodes in a tree whose root has rank k? 5. Lower bound on # nodes in subtree of a node of rank k? 6. How many nodes of rank k can exist?
Properties of rank
1. rank(u) < rank(π(u)) by construction
2. Every element has at most one ancestor of rank k.
3. Subtrees of different rank k nodes are disjoint. (by 1.⇒)
4. # nodes in a tree whose root has rank k: ≥ 2k (by induction)
5. #nodesinthesubtreeofanodeofrankk: ≥2k
6. Ifxnodesofrankk,then≥x·2k nodesinthexsubtrees.
Max tree height and worst-case running time
Therefore, if we have n elements in total,
x·2k ≤n⇒atmost n nodesofrankk
the maximum rank is log2 n
Thus max tree height = log2 n
Hence worst-case running time for Find, Union = O(log2 n), and Kruskal’s algorithm takes O((n + m) log2 n) time.
What if edges are already sorted?
What if edge weights are already sorted?
Or, they are small enough, e.g., w(e) < m for all e ∈ E, so they can be sorted in linear time (e.g., using Bucketsort)?
Then the data structure is the bottleneck for the performance of Kruskal’s algorithm.
Goal: design a data structure that allows for linear (or almost linear) running time
Maintenance operations that pay off in the long run
Goal: maintain short trees since the time for Find(u) corresponds to u’s depth in the tree
Heuristic idea: when performing Find(u), update the parent pointers of every node x on the u-r path to point to r.
Why? All future Find(x) will start from much closer to the root (although x might not point to the root anymore –why?).
This motivates a different kind of analysis: consider sequences of Find and Union operations, and look at the average time spent per operation (amortized analysis).
Find(x) with path compression
Find with path compression
//returns the name of the set where u belongs //sets every node on the u-r path to point to r Find(u)
while π(u) ̸= u do π(u) = Find(π(u))
return π(u) Remark 1.
1. This procedure makes two passes on the find path.
2. It does not change the ranks of the nodes. However, the rank of a node no longer corresponds to the height of its subtree.
A Find may still take O(log n) time (exercise).
Instead of bounding the max time spent on individual Find operations, bound the time spent on a sequence of m Find operations.
If we perform a total of m Find operations, we want to spend linear or almost linear time for all of them.
Roadmap cont’d
1. Partition the nodes in a small number of carefully designed groups, depending on their ranks.
2. Recall that Find(u) traverses a sequence of pointers from u to the root r. Think of each pointer as belonging to one of two different types of pointers.
The type of the pointer from x to π(x) will be determined by the groups of x and π(x), for x on the u-r path.
Directly bound the time t1 spent by a single Find operation on pointers of type 1.
⇒ Total time spent by all Find’s on pointers of type 1 is mt1.
Carefully bound the total time spent by all m Find’s on pointers of type 2.
1. Partitioning nodes into groups
If there are n nodes, their ranks range from 0 to log n. Divide the nonzero ranks into groups as follows:
1. Group 0: [1]
2. Group 1: [2]
3. Group 2: [3,4]
4. Group 3: [5,16]
5. Group 4: [17, 216]
6. Group 5: [65537, 265537] 7. ...
[0 + 1, 20] [1 + 1, 21] [2+1,22]
[16 + 1, 216] [65536 + 1, 265537]
#nodes in group [k + 1, 2k]
log∗ n = #iterations of the log2 function on n until we get a number less than or equal to 1
Examples: log∗ 4 = 2, log∗ 16 = 3
Groupiisoftheform(2i−1,22i−1](exceptforgroup0). Forsimplicity,denotegroupsby[k+1,2k].
Total # groups: ≤ log∗ n (why?)
For all practical purposes, log∗ n ≤ 5 —else, n ≥ 265537 !
There are at most n nodes in group [k + 1, 2k ]. 2k
Creative accounting
Idea: assign 2k dollars (corresponding to units of time) to every node in group [k+1,2k].
By Fact 1, we are spending at most extra n log∗ n dollars for all nodes (this amount is “linear” in n).
We will spend these dollars to pay for the work required by Find operations that follow pointers between nodes whose ranks belong to the same group.
Types of pointers in a Find operation
Let v = π(u). Recall that Find(u) follows a sequence of pointers. We distinguish between two types of pointers.
1. Type 1: a pointer is of Type 1 if u and v belong to different groups, or if v is the root.
2. Type2: apointerisofType2ifuandvbelongtothe same group.
We account for the two types of pointers in two different ways:
1. Type 1 pointers are charged directly to the Find operation
2. Type 2 pointers are charged to u, who pays using its pocket money
Counting the work spent on Find(u) operations
Suppose u belongs to group [k + 1, 2k]. Let v = π(u).
1. Type 1 pointers: charged directly to the Find operation At most t1 = log∗ n pointers of Type 1 in each Find operation.
2. Type 2 pointers: recall that every node with rank in group [k + 1, 2k ] is given 2k dollars (units of time).
u pays a dollar for each of them using its pocket money.
Does u have enough money to pay for the Type 2 pointers in all m Find operations?
u’s allowance suffices for all m operations
Recall that
both u,v are in group [k+1,2k];
each Find(u) causes u to pay a dollar.
Key observation: each Find(u) causes π(u) to point to the root of u’s tree; so rank(v) increases by at least 1 (of course, rank(u) does not change).
How many times can v’s rank increase before u and v are in different groups?
Fewer than 2k.
Suppose we perform 2m Find operations.
Each Find is charged at most t1 = log∗ n dollars.
Hence all 2m Find require at most O(m log∗ n) time.
⇒ The total amount of time spent for a sequence of 2m Find and n − 1 Union operations is
O((n + m) log∗ n).
⇒ On average, every Find operation takes log∗ n time.
Final remarks
Amortized analysis: a tighter worst-case analysis
This is not average case analysis: no probability is involved; rather, the average cost of an operation is shown small, averaged over a sequence of operations (so a few individual operations may still be costly)
Other uses of Union-Find: maintain SCCs in dynamic graphs
1 Recap: Kruskal’s algorithm for MSTs
2 A union-find data structure for disjoint sets
3 Fun combinatorics: #spanning trees in Kn
Cayley’s formula
Let Kn be the complete graph on n vertices.
Let Tn = # spanning trees in Kn
Cayley’s formula: Tn = nn−2
Proof: via computing a quantity in two different ways to derive an expression for Tn.
Proof of Cayley’s formula: counting in 2 different ways
Recall that a directed tree is a rooted graph that has a simple path from the root to every vertex in the graph
A tree has n−1 edges.
The quantity we will compute in two different ways is the number ν of different sequences of directed edges that can be added to an empty graph on n vertices to yield a rooted tree.
1. A formula for ν that directly involves Tn
1. Start with a spanning tree on the empty graph (Tn choices)
2. Pick a root for the tree (n choices)
3. Given the root, the direction of every edge is fully determined (why?)
⇒ There are n − 1 directed edges to insert in any order in our graph ((n − 1)! ways to order them)
In total, there are Tn · n · (n − 1)! different sequences of directed edges to add in a graph so as to form a directed rooted tree; so
ν = Tn · n · (n − 1)!
2. Computing ν directly
Start with an empty graph on n nodes.
We will add n − 1 directed edges one by one so that we construct a rooted tree spanning the n nodes.
1. Ateverystepi=1,2,...,n−1,letni bethe#possible directed edges from which to choose the edge to add.
2. Then the #different sequences of directed edges that yield a rooted tree is simply the product of all ni.
Adding the first directed edge
#possible directed edges from which to choose at every step:
An edge is completely defined when its tail and head are picked.
Hence the #possible directed edges at every step is (#ways to choose a tail) · (#ways to choose a head)
Initially, we have a forest of n empty rooted trees.
1. Adding the 1st edge:
tail: pick any of the n vertices
head: direct the edge to any of the n − 1 other roots
⇒ α1 =n(n−1)waystochoosethe1stedge
Adding the second directed edge
The graph is now a forest with n − 1 rooted trees.
2. Choosing the 2nd edge:
tail: pick any of the n vertices
direct the edge to the root of any tree (so that the resulting
graph remains a rooted tree) except for the tree where the
tail belongs (why?)
⇒ α2 =n(n−2)waystochoosethe2ndedge
Adding the k-th edge
k. k-th edge: the reasoning is entirely similar. After addition of the (k − 1)-st edge, there are n − (k − 1) rooted trees in the forest (by construction, every edge we add reduces the number of trees by 1).
pick any of the n vertices as the tail of the edge
direct the edge to the root of any tree in the except for
the tree where the tail belongs
⇒ αk = n(n − k) ways to choose the k-th edge
n-1. n−1-st edge: αn−1 = n·1 ways to choose the n−1-st edge
In total, there are αi = nn−1(n − 1)! ways to add the
edges. Hence
ν = nn−1(n − 1)!
Equating the two expressions for ν, we obtain: Tn = nn−2
Arbitrary graphs: #spanning trees computable in polynomial time
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