CS代考 RV32 instrcution formats which has been covered in the lecture. The necessa

Project 1.2 – Computer Architecture I – ShanghaiTech University

Project 1.2: RVC instructions to RISC-V instructions in RISC-V

Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder

Computer Architecture I ShanghaiTech University

Project 1.1 Project 1.2 Project 2.1


The projects are part of your design project worth 2 credit points. As such they run in parallel to the actual course. So be aware that the due date for project and homework might be very close to each other! Start early and do not procrastinate.


In project 1.2, you will implement a translator that converts 16-bit RISC-V Compressed (RVC) instructions to equivalent 32-bit RISC-V instructions.
Instructions are provided and output in binary form. This project is easy if you gain sufficient understanding of RISC-V from the courses,
Lab 4 and its compressed instruction set extension from

To simplify the implementation, all RVC instructions map to a single existing RISC-V instruction. In this project, you only need to translate part of RVC instructions that are mentioned in Project 1.1. The instruction set is listed below.

The Instruction Set

c.add CR add rd, rd, rs2 R 0110011 000 0000000
c.mv CR add rd, x0, rs2 R 0110011 000 0000000
c.jr CR jalr x0, 0 (rs1) I 1100111 000  
c.jalr CR jalr x1, 0 (rs1) I 1100111 000  
c.li CI addi rd, x0, imm I 0010011 000  
c.lui CI lui rd, nzimm U 0110111    
c.addi CI addi rd, rd, nzimm I 0010011 000  
c.slli CI slli rd, rd, shamt I 0010011 001 0000000
c.lw CL lw rd’, offset (rs1′) I 0000011 010  
c.sw CS sw rs2′, offset (rs1′) S 0100011 010  
c.and CA and rd’, rd’, rs2′ R 0110011 111 0000000
c.or CA or rd’, rd’, rs2′ R 0110011 110 0000000
c.xor CA xor rd’, rd’, rs2′ R 0110011 100 0000000
c.sub CA sub rd’, rd’, rs2′ R 0110011 000 0100000
c.beqz CB beq rs1′, x0, offset SB 1100011 000  
c.bnez CB bne rs1′, x0, offset SB 1100011 001  
c.srli CB srli rd’, rd’, shamt I 0010011 101 0000000
c.srai CB srai rd’, rd’, shamt I 0010011 101 0100000
c.andi CB andi rd’, rd’, imm I 0010011 111  
c.j CJ jal x0, offset UJ 1101111    
c.jal CJ jal x1, offset UJ 1101111    

Although some of the RVC instruction can be expanded in different ways, we suggest you to follow the above translation or you will fail some testcases.

Instruction Formats

A detailed description of compressed instruction formats is provided for you. You can either refer to The RISC-V Instruction Set Manual, Chapter 16, or The RISC-V Compressed Instruction Set Manual Version 1.9. If there are any mistakes below, the document would prevail.

CR funct4 rd/rs1 rs2 opcode
Bits 4 5 5 2

C.ADD 1001 dest≠ 0 src≠ 0 10

C.MV 1000 dest≠ 0 src≠ 0 10

C.JR 1000 src≠ 0 0 10

C.JALR 1001 src≠ 0 0 10

CI funct3 imm rd/rs1 imm opcode
Bits 3 1 5 5 2

C.LI 010 imm[5] dest≠ 0 imm[4:0] 01

C.LUI 011 nzimm[17] dest≠{0,2} nzimm[16:12] 01

C.ADDI 000 nzimm[5] dest≠ 0 nzimm[4:0] 01

C.SLLI 000 shamt[5] dest≠ 0 shamt[4:0] 10

CL funct3 imm rs1′ imm rd’ opcode
Bits 3 3 3 2 3 2

C.LW 010 offset[5:3] base offset[2|6] dest 00

CS funct3 imm rs1′ imm rs2′ opcode
Bits 3 3 3 2 3 2

C.SW 110 offset[5:3] base offset[2|6] src 00

CA funct6 rd’/rs1′ funct2 rs2′ opcode
Bits 6 3 2 3 2

C.AND 100011 dest 11 src 01

C.OR 100011 dest 10 src 01

C.XOR 100011 dest 01 src 01

C.SUB 100011 dest 00 src 01

CB-TYPE1 funct3 imm rd’/rs1′ imm opcode
Bits 3 3 3 5 2

C.BEQZ 110 offset[8|4:3] src offset[7:6|2:1|5] 01

C.BNEZ 111 offset[8|4:3] src offset[7:6|2:1|5] 01

CB-TYPE2 funct3 imm funct2 rd’/rs1′ imm opcode
Bits 3 1 2 3 5 2

C.SRLI 100 shamt[5] 00 dest shamt[4:0] 01

C.SRAI 100 shamt[5] 01 dest shamt[4:0] 01

C.ANDI 100 imm[5] 10 dest imm[4:0] 01

CJ funct3 Jump target opcode
Bits 3 11 2

C.J 101 offset[11|4|9:8|10|6|7|3:1|5] 01

C.JAL 001 offset[11|4|9:8|10|6|7|3:1|5] 01

And recall the RV32 instrcution formats which has been covered in the lecture. The necessary knowledge for the project is provided below.
You can either consult The RISC-V Instruction Set Manual, Chapter 2,
or RISC-V Green Card for further information.

R funct7 rs2 rs1 funct3 rd opcode
Bits 7 5 5 3 5 7

I imm[11:0] rs1 funct3 rd opcode
Bits 12 5 3 5 7

S imm[11:5] rs2 rs1 funct3 imm[4:0] opcode
Bits 7 5 5 3 5 7

SB imm[12] imm[10:5] rs2 rs1 funct3 imm[4:1] imm[11] opcode
Bits 1 6 5 5 3 4 1 7

U imm[31:12] rd opcode
Bits 20 5 7

UJ imm[20] imm[10:1] imm[11] imm[19:12] rd opcode
Bits 1 10 1 8 5 7

In compressed RISC-V, Format CR, CI, and CSS can use any of the 32 RVI registers, but CIW, CL, CS, CA, and CB are limited to just 8 of them. The following table lists these popular registers specified by the three-bit rs1′,rs2′, and rd’ fields of these formats, which correspond to RISC-V integer registers x8 to x15.

RVC REGISTER NUMBER 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111
INTEGER REGISTER NUMBER x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15


Here is a simple template to begin with.

A reference input is already provided to you in the input.S file. The final tests’s input have the same format as the provided input except the number and contents of RVC codes.

# Constant integer specifying the lines of RVC codes

.globl lines_of_rvc_codes

# RVC codes, 16-bits instructions mixed with 32-bits instructions
# A 16/32-bits binary number represents one line of rvc code.
# You can suppose all of the input codes are valid.

.globl rvc_codes
.word 0b00000000000000000000001010110011
.half 0b0001010111111101
.half 0b1001001010101010
.half 0b0001010111111101
.word 0b11111110000001011101111011100011
.half 0b1000010100010110
.half 0b1000000010000010

You may assume that all the machine codes are valid.

To interact with the input file, you can use the global labels defined in input.S. For example, you can get the lines_of_rvc_codes with the following code:

la a0, lines_of_rvc_codes

The C extension allows 16-bit instructions to be freely intermixed with 32-bit instructions, with the latter now able to start on any 16-bit boundary, i.e., IALIGN=16. You should be able to handle the intermixed codes, 32-bit-only codes as well as 16-bit-only codes, converting them to all-32-bit codes.

Same as in Project 1.1, think about how the jump amount will need to be adjusted.

In this project, you need to output the results in binary form. For input.S, the output should be:


Exited with error code 0

It’s usually the duty of the supervisor (operating system) to deal with input/output and halting program execution. Venus, being a simple emulator, does not offer us such luxury, but supports a list of primitive environmental calls. Since Venus does not provide an environmental call to directly print binary, you may need to combine some of the environmental calls to achieve the above output. The following environmental calls could be helpful.

ID (a0) Name Description
1 print_int prints integer in a1
11 print_character prints ASCII character in a1
17 exit2 ends the program with return code in a1

Each line of instruction ends with a \n (ASCII: 10).
A snippet of assembly of how to exit with error code 0 is already provided to you in translator.S. The output line ‘Exited with error code 0’ is neccessary. So please use ID17(exit2) environmental environmental call instead of ID10(exit) environmental call.

The command that we use to test your program’s correctness is


You can also test your result using this command.

Make sure that venus-jvm-latest.jar, translator.S and input.S reside in the same directory. To run your program locally and write the output to translator.output, use the following command.

java -jar venus-jvm-latest.jar translator.S >> translator.output

To debug your program online, you might want to replace .import input.S in translator.S with the content of input.S.

You can use any risc-v instructions as long as the venus can recognize them.
Handwritten assembly are postfixed with extension .S to distinguish from compiler generated assembly .s
You can learn how to output a string, int or char from Lab 3 and Lab 4.
We will test your program using RISC-V emulator venus. Actually almost all things you need can be learnt from venus Wiki.
Learn save and load from memory using RISC-V.
Be careful about the calling convention, it will make life easier.
Write comments.
The test cases are very friendly! Don’t focus too much on the edge cases, focus on the correctness on the common cases.


You need to follow the RISC-V integer register convention and the RISC-V integer calling convention.
You need to have meaningful comments not less than 25% of the total lines of code you wrote.
A comment is defined by a sentence followed by #.
We will use gitlab with the according autolab.txt, as in Project 1.1. From your gitlab we will only use translator.S. Do NOT include venus or any other quite big files into the git – you are welcome to use the git to also share your test input and other small support files with your teammate.

程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com