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Data structures and Algorithms
Binary Search Trees [GT 3.1-2] [GT 4.2]
Dr. André van Renssen School of Computer Science
Some content is taken from material provided by the textbook publisher Wiley.
The University of 2

Binary Search Trees (BST)
A binary search tree is a binary tree storing keys (or key-value pairs) satisfying the following BST property
For any node v in the tree and any node u in the left subtree of v and any node w in the right subtree of v,
key(u) < key(v) < key(w) Note that an inorder traversal of a binary search tree visits the keys in increasing order. The University of Sydney © Goodrich, Tamassia, 3 BST Implementation To simplify the presentation of our algorithms, we only store keys (or key-value pairs) at internal nodes External nodes do not store items (and with careful coding, can be omitted, using null to refer to such) The University of Sydney © Goodrich, Tamassia, 4 Searching with a Binary Search Tree To search for a key k, we trace a downward path starting at the root To decide whether to go left or right, we compare the key of the current node v with k If we reach an external node, this means that the key is not in the data structure def search(k, v) if v.isExternal() then # unsuccessful search if k = key(v) then # successful search else if k < key(v) then # recurse on left subtree return search(k, v.left) #thatis k>key(v)
# recurse on right subtree return search(k, v.right)
The University of Sydney © Goodrich, Tamassia, 5

Example: Find 22
9 26 11 24
The University of 6

Example: Find 23
9 26 11 24
The University of 7

Analysis of Binary Tree Searching
Runs in O(h) time, where h is the height of the tree } worstcaseish=n-1
} bestcaseis h≤log2 n
Time per level
The University of Sydney
© Goodrich, Tamassia, 8
Total time: O(h)

To perform operation put(k, o), we search for key k (using search)
Ifkisfoundinthetree,replacethe corresponding value by o
If k is not found, let w be the external node reached by the search. We replace w with an internal node holding (k, o)
The University of 9

Example: Insert 23
Search for 23
9 26 11 24
The University of 10

To perform operation remove(k), we search for key k (using search) to find the node w holding k
We distinguish between two cases – whasoneexternalchild
– whastwointernalchildren
If k is not in the tree we can either throw an exception or do nothing depending on the ADT specs
The University of 11

Deletion Case 1
Suppose that the node w we want to remove has an external child, which we call z.
To remove w we
– removewandzfromthetree
– promotetheotherchildofwto take w’s place
This preserves the BST property
The University of Sydney © Goodrich, Tamassia, 12

Example: Delete 24
Search for 24
9 26 11 24
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Example: Delete 24
Remove z and w
22 z 29 31
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Example: Delete 24
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Example: Delete 24
Promote remaining child to take spot of w
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Deletion : Case 2
Suppose that the node w we want to remove has two internal children.
To remove w we
– find the internal node y following w in an inorder traversal (i.e., y has the smallest key among the right subtree under w)
Example: remove(3)
– we copy the entry from y into node w
– we remove node y and its left child z, which must be external, using previous case
This preserves the BST property
The University of Sydney © Goodrich, Tamassia, 17

Deletion algorithm
def remove(k)
w ← search(k, root) if w.isExternal() then
# key not found
return null
else if w has at least one external child external z then
promote the other child of w to take w’s place remove w
# y is leftmost internal node in the right subtree of w
y ← immediate successor of w
replace contents of w with entry from y remove(y)
The University of Sydney © Goodrich, Tamassia, 18

Consider a map with n items implemented by means of a binary search tree of height h:
– the space used is O(n)
– get, put and remove take O(h) time
The height h can be n in the worst case and log n in the best case.
Therefore the best one can hope is that tree operations take O(log n) time but in general we can only guarantee O(n). But the former can be achieved with better insertion routines.
The University of 19

Duplicate key values in BST
Our definition says that keys are in strict increasing order
key(left descendant) < key(node) < key(right descendant) This means that with this definition duplicate key values are not allowed (as needed when implementing Map) However, it is possible to change it to allow duplicates. But that means additional complexity in the BST implementation: • Allowing left descendants to be equal to the parent key(left descendant) ≤ key(node) < key(right descendant) • Using a list to store duplicates The University of Sydney © Goodrich, Tamassia, 20 Range Queries A range query is defined by two values k1 and k2. We are to findallkeyskstoredinTsuchthatk1 ≤k≤k2 E.g., find all cars on eBay priced between 10K and 15K. The algorithm is a restricted version of inorder traversal. When at node v: – if key(v) < k1: Recursively search right subtree – if k1 ≤ key(v) ≤ k2: Recursively search left subtree, add v to range output, search right subtree – if k2 < key(v): Recursively search left subtree The University of 21 Pseudo-code def range_search(T, k1, k2) output ← [] range(T.root, k1, k2) def range(v, k1, k2) if v is external then return null if key(v) > k2 then
range(v.left, k1, k2)
else if key(v) < k1 then range(v.right, k1, k2) range(v.left, k1, k2) output.append(v) range(v.right, k1, k2) The University of 22 Range queries S={2,3,5,9,11,12,20,22,24,26,29,30,31} The University of 23 Range queries S={2,3,5,9,11,12,20,22,24,26,29,30,31} Start search The University of 24 Range queries S={2,3,5,9,11,12,20,22,24,26,29,30,31} Q=[8,28] Is 12 in Q? 9 26 11 24 Yes, so 12 will be in the output and we continue the search in both subtrees The University of 25 Range queries S={2,3,5,9,11,12,20,22,24,26,29,30,31} Is 9 in Q? Yes, so 9 will be in the output and we continue the search in both subtrees The University of 26 Range queries S={2,3,5,9,11,12,20,22,24,26,29,30,31} Yes, continue search in right subtree. The University of 27 Range queries S={2,3,5,9,11,12,20,22,24,26,29,30,31} Yes, continue search in right subtree. 2 222931 20 The University of 28 Range queries S={2,3,5,9,11,12,20,22,24,26,29,30,31} Is node a leaf? Yes, return Æ. 30 9 26 11 24 The University of 29 Range queries S={2,3,5,9,11,12,20,22,24,26,29,30,31} Is 11 in Q? Yes, return 11 and continue the search in both subtrees. The University of 30 Range queries S={2,3,5,9,11,12,20,22,24,26,29,30,31} Is node a leaf ( ́2)? Yes, return Æ. 9 26 11 24 The University of 31 Range queries S={2,3,5,9,11,12,20,22,24,26,29,30,31} Is 26 in Q? Yes, return 26 and continue the search in both subtrees. The University of 32 Range queries S={2,3,5,9,11,12,20,22,24,26,29,30,31} Is 24 in Q? Yes, return 24 and continue the search in both subtrees. The University of 33 Range queries S={2,3,5,9,11,12,20,22,24,26,29,30,31} Is 22 in Q? Yes, return 22 and continue the search in both subtrees. 9 26 11 24 The University of 34 Range queries S={2,3,5,9,11,12,20,22,24,26,29,30,31} Is 20 in Q? Yes, return 20 and continue the search in both subtrees. 9 26 11 24 The University of 35 Range queries S={2,3,5,9,11,12,20,22,24,26,29,30,31} Is node a leaf ( ́4)? Yes, return Æ. 9 26 11 24 The University of 36 Range queries S={2,3,5,9,11,12,20,22,24,26,29,30,31} Yes, continue the search in left subtree. 9 26 3 1124 The University of 37 Range queries S={2,3,5,9,11,12,20,22,24,26,29,30,31} Yes, continue the search in left subtree. 2522 31 20 The University of 38 Range queries S={2,3,5,9,11,12,20,22,24,26,29,30,31} Is node a leaf? Yes, return Æ. 30 9 26 11 24 The University of 39 Range queries S={2,3,5,9,11,12,20,22,24,26,29,30,31} 9 26 11 24 The University of 40 Performance Let P1 and P2 be the binary search paths to k1 and k2 We say a node v is a: – boundary node if v in P1 or P2 – inside node if key(v) in [k1, k2] but not in P1 or P2 – outside node if key(v) not in [k1, k2] but not in P1 or P2 The algorithm only visits boundary and inside nodes and - |inside nodes| ≤ |output| - |boundary node| ≤ 2 * tree height Therefore, since we only spend O(1) time per node we visit, the total running time of range search is O(|output| + tree height) The University of 41 Maintaining a balanced BST We have seen operations on BSTs that take O(height) time to run. Unfortunately, the standard insertion implementation can lead to a tree with height n-1 (e.g., if we insert in sorted order) In the rest of today’s lecture we will cover much more sophisticated algorithms that maintain a BST with height O(log n) at all times by rebalancing the tree with simple local transformations This directly translates into O(log n) performance for searching The University of 42 Rank-balanced Trees A family of balanced BST implementations that use the idea of keeping a “rank” for every node, where r(v) acts as a proxy measure of the size of the subtree rooted at v Rank-balanced trees aim to reduce the discrepancy between the ranks of the left and right subtrees: – AVL Trees (now) – Red- (book) The University of 43 AVL Tree Definition AVL trees are rank-balanced trees, where r(v) is its height of the subtree rooted at v Balance constraint: The ranks of the two children of every internal node differ by at most 1. The University of 44 Height of an AVL Tree Fact: The height of an AVL tree storing n keys is O(log n). Proof (by induction): – LetN(h)betheminimumnumberofkeysofanAVLtreeofheighth. – WeeasilyseethatN(1)=1andN(2)=2 – ClearlyN(h)>N(h-1)foranyh≥2
– Forh>2,thesmallestAVLtreeofheighthcontainstherootnode, one AVL subtree of height h-1 and another of height at least h-2:
N(h) ≥ 1 + N(h-1) + N(h-2) > 2 N(h-2)
– Byinductionwecanshowthatforheven N(h) ≥ 2 h/2
– Takinglogarithms:h<2logN(h) – ThustheheightofanAVLtreeisO(logn) The University of 45 Insertion in AVL trees Suppose we are to insert a key k into our tree: 1. If k is in the tree, search for k ends at node holding k There is nothing to do so tree structure does not change 2. If k is not in the tree, search for k ends at external node w. Make this be a new internal node containing key k 3. The new tree has BST property, but it may not have AVL balance property at some ancestor of w since – some ancestors of w may have increased their height by 1 – every node that is not an ancestor of w hasn’t changed its height 4. We use rotations to re-arrange tree to re-establish AVL property, while keeping BST property The University of 46 Re-establishing AVL property – Let w be location of newly inserted node – Let z be lowest ancestor of w, whose children heights differ by 2 – Let y be the child of z that is ancestor of w (taller child of z) – Let x be child of y that is ancestor of w 32 50 88 48 62 before inserting 54 The University of 47 after initial insertion Re-establishing AVL property If tree does not have AVL property, do a trinode restructure at x, y, z It can be argued that tree has AVL property after operation The University of Sydney T0 T1 T3 Page 48 Augmenting BST with a height attribute But how do we know the height of each node? If we had to compute this from scratch it would take O(n) time Therefore, we need to have this pre-computed and update the height value after each insertion and rebalancing operation: – After we create a node w, we should set its height to be 1, and then update the height of its ancestors. – After we rotate (z, y, x) we should update their height and that of their ancestors. Thus, we can maintain the height only using O(h) work per insert The University of 49 Improving Balance: Trinode Restructuring Let x, y, z be nodes such that x is a child of y and y is a child of z. Let a, b, c be the inorder listing of x, y, z Perform the rotations so as to make b the topmost node of the three. Single rotation around b T0 T1 T2 T3 The University of 50 Improving Balance: Trinode Restructuring Let x, y, z be nodes such that x is a child of y and y is a child of z. Let a, b, c be the inorder listing of x, y, z Perform the rotations so as to make b the topmost node of the three. Double rotation around c and b T0 T1 T2 T3 The University of 51 Pseudo-code The algorithm for doing a trinode restructuring, which is used, possibly repeatedly, to restore balance after an insertion or deletion. def restructure(x): input A node x of a binary search tree T that has both a parent y and a grandparent z output Tree T after a trinode restructuring (which corresponds to a single or double rotation) involving nodes x, y, and z 1. Let (a,b,c) be the left-to-right (inorder) listing of the nodes x, y, and z, and let (T0,T1,T2,T3) be the left-to-right (inorder) listing of the four subtrees of x, y, and z that are not rooted at x, y, and z. 2. Replace the subtree with a new subtree rooted at b. 3.LetabetheleftchildofbandletT0 andT1 betheleftandright subtrees of a 4.LetcbetheleftchildofbandletT2 andT3 betheleftandright subtrees of c 5. Recalculate the heights of a, b, and c from the corresponding values stored at their children 6. return b The University of 52 Trinode Restructuring (when done by Single Rotation) Single Rotations: single rotation T3 T0 T1 T2 single rotation The University of 53 T0T2 T2T1T0 T1 Trinode Restructuring (when done by Double Rotation) Double rotations: double rotation c = z double rotation The University of 54 T T0 TT2TT 3T2 310 Performance Assume we are given a reference to the node x where we are performing a trinode restructure and that the binary search tree is represented using nodes and pointers to parent, left and right children A single or double rotation takes O(1) time, because it involves updating O(1) pointers. single rotation double rotation T2 Page 55 The University of 0 T1 T2 Removal in AVL trees Suppose we are to remove a key k from our tree: 1. If k is not in the tree, search for k ends at external node There is nothing to do so tree structure does not change 2. If k is in the tree, search for k performs usual BST removal leading to removing a node with an external child and promoting its other child, which we call w 3. The new tree has BST property, but it may not have AVL balance property at some ancestor of w since – some ancestors of w may have decreased their height by 1 – every node that is not an ancestor of w hasn’t changed its heights 4. We use rotations to rearrange tree and re-establish AVL property, while keeping BST property The University of 56 Re-establishing AVL property – Let w be the parent of deleted node – Let z be lowest ancestor of w, whose children heights differ by 2 – Let y be the child of z with larger height (y is not an ancestor of w) – Let x be child of y with larger height 17 62 w17 62 32 50 78 48 54 88 50 78 48 54 88 The University of Sydney before deletion of 32 after initial deletion Page 57 Re-establishing AVL property – If tree does not have AVL property, do a trinode restructure at x, y, z – This restores the AVL property at z but it may upset the balance of another node higher in the tree, we must continue checking for balance until the root of T is reached w17 62y 50 78 The University of 58 AVL Tree Performance Suppose we have an AVL tree sto 程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: