代写代考 COMP2017/COMP9017

Introduction to Dynamic Memory Management
Dr. COMP2017/COMP9017

Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder

• Memory is a long array of 8 bit pieces called bytes
• This array is indexed from 0 to the number of bytes in the memory
• Each index is a memory address 0 1 2 3 ……

Memory Areas
• Stack: local variables, function arguments, return addresses, temporary storage
• Heap: dynamically allocated memory
• Global/static: global variables, static variables
• Code: program instructions

Memory Layout
Free space
End of memory
static global

• In C, all variables local to a function and function arguments are stored on the stack
• To call a function the code does:
push arguments onto stack push return address onto stack jump to function code

• Insidethefunction,thecodedoesthefollowing:
increment the stack pointer to allow space for the local variables
execute the code
pop local variables and arguments off the stack push the return result onto the stack
jump to return address

Function call example
res = myfun(123);
123 1b345f0
Return Address

Function call example
int myfun(int a) {
int b = 5; …
123 1b345f0 5

Function call example
int myfun(int a) {
int b = 5; …

Memory may be dynamically allocated at run-time from an area known as “the heap”.
Unlike the stack, which meets the temporary storage demands associated with called functions, the heap is accessed under direct programmer control.

We request an allocation of memory from the heap.
If there is sufficient contiguous memory available, we are given the address of the start of the allocated memory.
newly allocated

Q: Where are parts of this program stored?
int main() {
p = malloc(…)
int doit(int c) {
static int d; }

int main() {
p = malloc(…)
int doit(int c) {
static int d; }

Q: What is the following Java code doing? myObject fred = new myObject();
A: Creating an object of type myObject. However, what you don’t see is the memory
allocation required to instantiate the object.
Java also hides the act of freeing memory via
automatic “garbage collection”.

Memory allocation is not difficult!
It only causes problems because novice programmers may not recognise the need to address it…
Java programmers are less likely to experience such problems simply because Java hides the need to deal with this whole issue.

Memory Management Functions

Memory allocation functions
Memory allocation functions return a “pointer to void”.
A “pointer to void” is used to represent a pointer with no scalar value.
The pointer must therefore be cast to a specific type.

Memory allocation functions: malloc
void *malloc(size_t size);
Requests size number of bytes of memory. Returns a pointer to the allocated memory, if
successful, or a NULL pointer if unsuccessful. 18
Typically defined as:
typedef unsigned int size_t;

A comment on the use of size_t:
Use of size_t replaces the use of more specific
types, such as int, short, etc. This allows the actual implementation to be system-specific.
The sizeof operator is of type size_t. This is often
used to specify memory requirements, so it makes
sense to have the size argument in memory allocation
functions of type size_t.

int * ptr;
ptr = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*20);
If an int is 4 bytes, then this call will request 80 bytes of memory from the heap.

void *calloc(size_t num, size_t size);
This is similar to malloc except that: • Ithastwoarguments:
– num specifies the number of “blocks” of contiguous memory
– size specifies the size of each block
• The allocated memory is cleared (set to ‘0’). 21

#include void free(void *ptr);
This is used to de-allocate memory previously allocated by any of the memory allocation functions.

int * ptr;
ptr = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*20);
free((void *)ptr);
Ptr = NULL;

void *realloc(void *ptr, size_t size);
This takes previously-allocated memory and attempts to resize it.
This may require a new block of memory to be found, so it returns a new void pointer to memory.
Contents are preserved.

int * ptr;
ptr = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*2);
ptr = (int *)
realloc(ptr, sizeof(int)*200);

int * ptr;
ptr = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*2);
ptr = (int *)
realloc(ptr, sizeof(int)*200);

Dynamically creating structures
struct thing * ptr;
ptr = (struct thing *)malloc(sizeof(struct thing));
/* Do stuff */
ptr->day = mon;
free((void *)ptr);
Ptr = NULL;
This is a some of what Java does “behind the scenes” on object creation.

Safety issues

Caution #1:
Safety issues
De-allocate memory that is no longer required.
While the system should de-allocate resources on termination, it is good practice to take control of this process.
In some Java programs there is a noticeable performance dip when the automatic “garbage collection” functionality kicks in.

Caution #2:
Safety issues
NEVER attempt to de-allocate memory that has not been allocated!
A common error is to try to free memory that has already been de-allocated, or was never allocated in the first instance.

Caution #3:
Safety issues
NEVER try to use memory that has been de- allocated.
This is also a common error leading to serious problems.

Caution #4:
Safety issues
Know your memory allocation requirements!
Use of the sizeof operator addresses the more obvious problems.
However, a common problem is to forget that a string includes a ‘\0’ terminating character.

Caution #5:
Safety issues
Check for success!
A failed memory allocation request can lead to disaster if it is simply assumed to be successful.
Previous examples here have made this assumption for convenience. This would NOT
qualify as bullet-proof code!

Safety issues
Typically, safe memory allocation is addressed by wrapping the relevant function in some additional code.
The following code* demonstrates an example using realloc.
* Adapted from Kay & Kummerfeld, C Programming in a UNIX environment 34

Safety issues
srealloc(void *ptr, size_t size) {
void *res;
if((res = realloc(ptr, size)) == (void *)0)
perror(“realloc()”); exit(1);
If the returned result is a NULL pointer, let the system print the appropriate error message via perror and then exit.
return res; }
Otherwise, return the pointer to memory.

Safety issues
• srealloc
• Test return value on malloc, realloc

üUnderstand the need for memory allocation and de-allocation
üBe able to use relevant C functions for achieving this
ü malloc ü calloc ü realloc ü free
üBe able to allocate and access memory safely

• Image sources: – zazzle t-shirt
– http://www.hazoment.com/Humor-Fasten_Safety_Belts.jpg
• Kay, J. & B. Kummerfeld (1989). C Programming in the UNIX environment. Addison-Wesley: Sydney.

程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com