代写代考 Sliding Window Protocol

Sliding Window Protocol
Timeline for Sliding Window Protocol

Sliding Window Protocol

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Timeline for Sliding Window Protocol

Sliding Window Protocol
Sender assigns a sequence number denoted as SeqNum to each frame.
Assume it can grow infinitely large
Sender maintains three variables
Sending Window Size (SWS)
Upper bound on the number of outstanding (unacknowledged) frames that the sender can transmit
Last Acknowledgement Received (LAR)
Sequence number of the last acknowledgement received
Last Frame Sent (LFS)
Sequence number of the last frame sent

Sliding Window Protocol
Sender also maintains the following invariant
Sliding Window on Sender

Sliding Window Protocol
When an acknowledgement arrives
the sender moves LAR to right, thereby allowing the sender to transmit another frame
Also the sender associates a timer with each frame it transmits
It retransmits the frame if the timer expires before the ACK is received
Note that the sender has to be willing to buffer up to
SWS frames

Sliding Window Protocol
Receiver maintains three variables
Receiving Window Size (RWS)
Upper bound on the number of out-of-order frames that the receiver is willing to accept
Largest Acceptable Frame (LAF)
Sequence number of the largest acceptable frame
Last Frame Received (LFR)
Sequence number of the last frame received

Sliding Window Protocol
Receiver also maintains the following invariant
Sliding Window on Receiver

Sliding Window Protocol
When a frame with sequence number SeqNum arrives, what does the receiver do?
If SeqNum ≤ LFR or SeqNum > LAF
Discard it (the frame is outside the receiver window)
If LFR < SeqNum ≤ LAF Now the receiver needs to decide whether or not to send an ACK Sliding Window Protocol Let SeqNumToAck Denote the largest sequence number not yet acknowledged, such that all frames with sequence number less than or equal to SeqNumToAck have been received The receiver acknowledges the receipt of SeqNumToAck even if high-numbered packets have been received This acknowledgement is said to be cumulative. The receiver then sets LFR = SeqNumToAck and adjusts LAF = LFR + RWS Sliding Window Protocol For example, suppose LFR = 5 and RWS = 4 (i.e. the last ACK that the receiver sent was for seq. no. 5) If frames 7 and 8 arrive, they will be buffered because they are within the receiver window But no ACK will be sent since frame 6 is yet to arrive Frames 7 and 8 are out of order Frame 6 arrives (it is late because it was lost first time and had to be retransmitted) Now Receiver Acknowledges Frame 8 and bumps LFR to 8 and LAF to 12 Issues with Sliding Window Protocol When timeout occurs, the amount of data in transit decreases Since the sender is unable to advance its window When the packet loss occurs, this scheme is no longer keeping the pipe full The longer it takes to notice that a packet loss has occurred, the more severe the problem becomes How to improve this Negative Acknowledgement (NAK) Additional Acknowledgement Selective Acknowledgement Issues with Sliding Window Protocol Negative Acknowledgement (NAK) Receiver sends NAK for frame 6 when frame 7 arrive (in the previous example) However this is unnecessary since sender’s timeout mechanism will be sufficient to catch the situation Additional Acknowledgement Receiver sends additional ACK for frame 5 when frame 7 arrives Sender uses duplicate ACK as a clue for frame loss Selective Acknowledgement Receiver will acknowledge exactly those frames it has received, rather than the highest number frames Receiver will acknowledge frames 7 and 8 Sender knows frame 6 is lost Sender can keep the pipe full (additional complexity) Issues with Sliding Window Protocol How to select the window size SWS is easy to compute Delay  Bandwidth RWS can be anything Two common setting No buffer at the receiver for frames that arrive out of order The receiver can buffer frames that the sender transmits It does not make any sense to keep RWS > SWS

Issues with Sliding Window Protocol
Finite Sequence Number
Frame sequence number is specified in the header field
Finite size
3 bit: eight possible sequence number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
It is necessary to wrap around

Issues with Sliding Window Protocol
How to distinguish between different incarnations of the same sequence number?
Number of possible sequence number must be larger than the number of outstanding frames allowed
Stop and Wait: One outstanding frame
2 distinct sequence number (0 and 1)
Let MaxSeqNum be the number of available sequence numbers
SWS + 1 ≤ MaxSeqNum
Is this sufficient?

Issues with Sliding Window Protocol
SWS + 1 ≤ MaxSeqNum
Is this sufficient?
Depends on RWS
If RWS = 1, then sufficient
If RWS = SWS, then not good enough
For example, we have eight sequence numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
RWS = SWS = 7
Sender sends 0, 1, …, 6
Receiver receives 0, 1, … ,6 Receiver acknowledges 0, 1, …, 6 ACK (0, 1, …, 6) are lost
Sender retransmits 0, 1, …, 6 Receiver is expecting 7, 0, …., 5

Issues with Sliding Window Protocol
To avoid this,
SWS < (MaxSeqNum + 1)/2 Issues with Sliding Window Protocol Serves three different roles Preserve the order Each frame has a sequence number The receiver makes sure that it does not pass a frame up to the next higher-level protocol until it has already passed up all frames with a smaller sequence number Frame control Receiver is able to throttle the sender Keeps the sender from overrunning the receiver From transmitting more data than the receiver is able to process 程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com