CS代考 Question 1

Question 1
1. As a user, I want to register account so that user can use the application
2. As a user, I want to login with my own password so that I can use the system.
3 As a user, I want to change password so that I can change it easily.

Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder

4 As a user, I want to User are able to log out account so that user can exit the application
5. As a user, I want create project so that i can work project
6. As a user , I want to import project so that i can use source from external
7 .As a user, I want to edit the project so that I can amend it
8 .As a user, I want to delete the project so that I can quit it
9. As a user, I want to download the project so that I can save it
10. As a user, I want to search my project so that i can find it

Name: Log in
Usecase No. #2

Stakeholders and goals: user – able to log in

Description: Use can log in account so that user can use the application

Actors: user

Trigger: Log in button in application

Normal flow:
1. User opens application for use
2. User input account name
3. user input password
4. user logs in

1. user can input account name and password when log in account

Alternative/Exceptional flows:
· user can use change password options if the password is forgotten

Question 2
Ross (Support) – Wireframing, User Test Data/Bug report Generation, Finalization of Report, Requirements Traceability Matrix
Rachel (Support) – Sequence Diagrams, Use case diagram, BCE Class Diagrams, Use Case Descriptions, User Stories
Chandler (Develop) – Back/Front End Programmer, Database Variable
Phoebe (Develop) – Test Function, Bug Lifecycle Management
Monica(Develop) – Back/Front End Programmer, Database Variable
Joey(Project leader) – Documentation, Meeting Minutes document, SCRUM master, Quality Check ,Workflow management

1.Investor/user/market/BOSS proposes requirements
2.Po (product owner) sorts the demand pool and makes demand pk (determine which requirement should be prioritize)
3.Iteration plan (determine the goal of each iteration)
4.sprint backlog (list of sprints)
5.Iterative execution (including possible N sprints, daily stand-up,review yesterday, clarify today’s work, and assign tasks)
6.Deliver product increments
7.Iterative review (acceptance by po and other stakeholders)
8.Iteration review (master and team participation)
9.Go back to the demand pool and start the next iteration

I plan the iteration period is 1 week (5 days) It is based on team capacity (the amount of work that team can complete in one iteration).Need to finish the sprints task and delivery operational software in weeks
I will start a 15-minute stand-up meeting every morning to follow up on the progress of the project . Every team member need to talk about their task and completion status on yesterday . Also need to talk today’s task so that ensure the normal progress of iteration plan. Whether they have encountered any problem, whether problem will affect other related tasks or other members, Ensure we can avoid risks timely. If the requirement was changed significantly, I need to hold a team meeting to discuss solutions. As time changes, problems are discovered, new requirement are solved and tasks are completed, I will adjust and modify the Sprint Backlog constantly .

Question 3.
Maturity Level 3 in CMMI for Development – Defined , The process below is for the CMMI for Development model – Validation and Verification
we need to conduct static verification and dynamic verification for our system .
static verification -The purpose of static code analysis techniques is to improve the quality of code without executing it.For example we need to perform syntax check ,linting check , cross-clock domain check and formal verification for system .
Dynamic verification is performed during the execution of software, and dynamically checks its behavior; it is commonly known as the Test phase. Verification is a Review Process. Depending on the scope of tests, we can categorize them in three families:
Test in the small: a test that checks a single function or class
Test in the large: a test that checks a group of classes, such as Module test (a single module) , Integration test (more than one module) ,System test (the entire system)
Acceptance test: a formal test defined to check acceptance criteria for a software
Functional test
Non functional test (performance, stress test)
The aim of software dynamic verification is to find the errors introduced by an activity (such as a stress test for a web server, i.e. check if the current product of the activity is as correct as it was at the beginning of the activity).
In simple terms, test cases for each functionality are created and tested first and if the test fails then the new code is written in order to pass the test and making code simple and bug-free.
1.Add a test.
2.Run all tests and see if any new test fails.
3.Write some code.
4.Run tests and Refactor code.

程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com