
15-213 Recitation 5
Attack Lab and Stacks
Monday, September 27th, 2021

Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder

OH Etiquette
• In Person vs Remote: Students must add the remote tag if you are joining OH over zoom. If you fail to, you may be frozen / kicked from the queue.
• Check Piazza for new OH rooms! Rooms for evening OH sessions have been updated to clusters in Wean.

■ Attack Lab Overview
■ Stacks Review
■ Activity 1
■ Procedure Calling Review
■ Activity 2

Learning objectives
By the end of this recitation, we want you to know:
■ Stack discipline and calling conventions
■ How to perform a simple buffer overflow attack
Refer to Lecture from Thursday:
Machine-Level Programming V: Advanced Topics

Reminders and Lab Overview

■ Attack Lab is due this Thursday, Sept. 30
■ C Review Bootcamp this Sunday, Oct. 3 from 7-9pm in Rashid
■ Will be very useful for cachelab coming up!
■ Details will be on piazza

Attack Lab overview
■ Attack programs by crafting buffer overflow attacks that hijack the control flow
■ Provide inputs to the rtarget and ctarget programs that cause them to call certain functions
■ Unlike in bomblab, the targets don’t explode!

Stacks Review

Manipulating the stack
What instructions do we typically use to change the stack pointer, %rsp?
Growing the stack: Shrinking the stack:

Manipulating the stack`
What instructions do we typically use to change the stack pointer, %rsp?
Growing the stack: Shrinking the stack:
■ sub $0x28, %rsp ■ push %rbx
■ callq my_function

Manipulating the stack
What instructions do we typically use to change the stack pointer, %rsp?
Growing the stack:
■ sub $0x28, %rsp ■ push %rbx
■ callq my_function
Shrinking the stack:
■ add $0x28, %rsp ■ pop %rbx

x86-64 Stack Frames
What kinds of data are stored on the stack?

x86-64 Stack Frames
What kinds of data are stored on the stack?
■ Saved registers
■ Local variables
■ Arguments (7+)
■ Saved return address

Which way does the stack grow?
■ Down? ■ Left?

Which way does the stack grow?
It depends on how you draw it! The stack always grows towards
lower addresses in x86-64. (Informally, this usually means “down”.)
Be aware of this possible ambiguity when reading diagrams.

Drawing memory
Stack diagrams Everything else
Addresses are displayed increasing to the left, and then upwards.
Addresses are displayed increasing to the right, and then downwards.

■ Describes how integers are represented as bytes.
■ Little-endian means that the least-significant 8 bits of an integer are stored at the lowest address.
A[0] A[1] A[2] A[3]
32-bit integer
0x01020304 “Big end” “Little end”
Little-endian Big-endian Middle-endian

■ Describes how integers are represented as bytes.
■ Little-endian means that the least-significant 8 bits of an integer are stored at the lowest address.
A[0] A[1] A[2] A[3]
0x04 0x03 0x02 0x01
0x01 0x02 0x03 0x04
32-bit integer
0x01020304 “Big end” “Little end”
Little-endian Big-endian

Activity 1

Part 1: Introduction to solve()
Let’s look at solve() in the src/activity.c file.
What is it doing?
Is it possible for the program to call win()?
void solve(void) { long before = 0xb4; char buf[16];
long after = 0xaf;
if (before == 0x3331323531) win(0x15213);
if (after == 0x3331323831) win(0x18213);

Part 1: The gets() function
char *gets(char *s);
■ gets() reads from standard input and writes
characters into s until it reaches a newline.
■ Since it has no information about the size of the buffer s, its design is fundamentally flawed. Never use gets() yourself!
■ Gets() is a CS:APP wrapper function that checks for errors, and exits if it encounters any.

Part 1: Activity setup
■ Split up into groups of 2-3 people
■ One person needs a laptop
■ Log in to a Shark machine, and type:
$ wget https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~213/activities/rec5.tar
$ tar xvf rec5.tar
■ Take a look at the code in src/activity.c.

Part 1: Diving into assembly
■ Look at the disassembly of solve().
■ Try drawing a stack diagram.
■ How large is the stack frame?
■ Where is the saved return address?
■ Where are before, buf, and after?
■ Which variable will be overwritten if we perform a buffer overflow, before or after?

Part 1: Drawing the stack diagram
=> 0x4006b5 <+0>: sub $0x38,%rsp
return address
Addresses increase towards the top of the slide

Part 1: Drawing the stack diagram
return address
0x4006b5 <+0>: sub $0x38,%rsp
=> 0x4006b9 <+4>: movq $0xb4,0x28(%rsp)
Addresses increase towards the top of the slide

Part 1: Drawing the stack diagram
return address
0x4006b5 <+0>:
0x4006b9 <+4>:
=> 0x4006c2 <+13>:
sub $0x38,%rsp
movq $0xb4,0x28(%rsp)
movq $0xaf,0x8(%rsp)
Addresses increase towards the top of the slide

Part 1: Drawing the stack diagram
return address
0x4006b5 <+0>:
0x4006b9 <+4>:
0x4006c2 <+13>:
0x4006cb <+22>:
=> 0x4006d0 <+27>:
sub $0x38,%rsp
movq $0xb4,0x28(%rsp)
movq $0xaf,0x8(%rsp)
lea 0x10(%rsp),%rdi
callq 0x40073f
Addresses increase towards the top of the slide

Part 1: Drawing the stack diagram
return address
0x4006b5 <+0>:
0x4006b9 <+4>:
0x4006c2 <+13>:
0x4006cb <+22>:
0x4006d0 <+27>:
sub $0x38,%rsp
movq $0xb4,0x28(%rsp)
movq $0xaf,0x8(%rsp)
lea 0x10(%rsp),%rdi
callq 0x40073f
=> 0x4006d5 <+32>: mov 0x28(%rsp),%rdx
Addresses increase towards the top of the slide

Part 1: Comparing with GDB output
Let’s compare the stack diagram we drew with the actual values on the stack after Gets() returns.
0x4006d0 <+27>: callq 0x40073f
=> 0x4006d5 <+32>: mov 0x28(%rsp),%rdx
(gdb) break *0x4006d5
Starting program: act1
(gdb) x/8gx $rsp
(gdb) x/64bx $rsp
return address

Part 1: Comparing with GDB output
(gdb) x/8gx $rsp
0x602020: 0x0000000000000000 0x00000000000000af
0x602030: 0x6867666564636261 0x3837363534333231
0x602040: 0x0000000000000000 0x00000000000000b4
0x602050: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000400783
(gdb) x/64bx $rsp
0x602020: 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00
0x602028: 0xaf 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00
0x602030: 0x61 0x62 0x63 0x64 0x65 0x66 0x67 0x68
0x602038: 0x31 0x32 0x33 0x34 0x35 0x36 0x37 0x38
0x602040: 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00
0x602048: 0xb4 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00
0x602050: 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00
0x602058: 0x83 0x07 0x40 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00
return address
increase towards
bottom of the slide
increase towards
top of the slide

Part 1: Exploitation
■ Try to find an input string that wins 1 cookie!
■ What do we need to overwrite before with if we want to have before == 0x3331323531?
■ Constructing an exploit
■ gets() stops reading once it sees a newline. In the buffer, it
replaces the newline with a null terminator.
■ gets() does not stop reading at a null terminator.

Part 1: Recap
■ Buffer overflows can overwrite parts of the stack frame, including other local variables
■ Stack frames may include padding, so looking at the assembly is crucial to drawing a correct diagram
■ GDB prints output starting at the lowest address, whereas our stack diagrams start at the highest

Procedure Calling Review

Call and return instructions
Which registers do callq and retq change?

Call and return instructions
Which registers do callq and retq change?

Stack/Procedure Review
%rsp 0x120 %rip 0x400544
0000000000400540 :
=>400544: callq 400550
400549: mov %rax,(%rbx)
0000000000400550 :
400550: mov %rdi,%rax
400557: retq

Stack/Procedure Review
%rsp 0x120 %rip 0x400544
What happens next?
0000000000400540 :
=>400544: callq 400550
400549: mov %rax,(%rbx)
0000000000400550 :
400550: mov %rdi,%rax
400557: retq

Stack/Procedure Review
0000000000400540 :
400544: callq 400550
400549: mov %rax,(%rbx)
%rip 0x400550
Return addr pushed onto stack
%rip set to arg
0000000000400550 : =>400550: mov %rdi,%rax
400557: retq

Stack/Procedure Review
%rsp 0x118 %rip 0x400557
0000000000400540 :
400544: callq 400550
400549: mov %rax,(%rbx)
0000000000400550 :
400550: mov %rdi,%rax
=>400557: retq

Stack/Procedure Review
%rsp 0x120 %rip
Stack pop to %rip
0000000000400540 :
400544: callq 400550 =>400549: mov %rax,(%rbx)
0000000000400550 :
400550: mov %rdi,%rax
400557: retq

Let’s Rewind…
%rsp 0x118 %rip 0x400557
What if we mess up the return address?
0000000000400540 :
400544: callq 400550
400549: mov %rax,(%rbx)
0000000000400550 : 400550: mov %rdi,%rax • ?????
=>400557: retq

Activity 2

Part 2: Exploitation
■ Hijacking control flow
■ Is it possible to overwrite after? If not, what parts of the stack frame can we overwrite?
■ Is there anywhere we could jump to call win(0x18213)?
■ Constructing an exploit
(runs hex2raw)
48 65 6c 6c 6f 20 31 35
32 31 33 21 # comment
Hello 15213!

Part 2: Recap
■ retq always jumps to the saved return address,
which it pops off the stack (at rsp).
■ Overwriting the saved return address on the stack allows us to “fool” retq, and transfer control to an arbitrary instruction.

Attack Lab Tools
■ $ gcc –c test.s
$ objdump –d test.o
Compiles the assembly code in test.s, then shows the disassembled instructions along with the actual bytes.
■ $ ./hex2raw < exploit.txt > exploit.bin Convert hex codes into raw binary strings to pass to targets.
■ (gdb) display /12gx $rsp (gdb) display /2i $rip
Displays 12 elements on the stack and the next 2 instructions to run GDB is also useful to for tracing to see if an exploit is working.

If you get stuck
■ Please read the writeup carefully. Not everything will make sense on the first read-through.
■ Other resources you can make use of:
■ CS:APP Chapter 3
■ Lecture slides and videos
■ x86-64 and GDB cheat sheets under Resources

程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com