CS代考 SWEN90016 Software Processes and Project Management – 2 – IT ALL STARTS HER

Individuals, Motivation and Teams
Andrew of Computing and Information Systems The University of Melbourne
Copyright University of Melbourne 2018 – 2022
2022 – Semester 1 Week 7

Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder

Intended Learning Objectives
Individuals, Motivation and Teams.
1. Individuals & motivation.
2. Organisational theory and motivation.
3. Project Management & Leadership.
4. Teams why we use them and their value.
5. Teams forming and performing.
6. Team structures.
7. Advantages & disadvantages of teams.
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Individuals and Motivation
So why is this important to Project Management?
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Individuals and Motivation
…….and even more critical in an agile world!
A “Scrum Master” represents a pattern known as Servant Leadership. They manage teams not by telling them what to do, but by removing impediments that get in their way and by coaching them in best practices.
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Individuals and Motivation
• Motivation is derived from the word ‘motive’
• It is the driving force within individuals that propels them
into action
Motivation can inspire, encourage, and stimulate individuals and project teams to achieve great accomplishments. Motivation can also create an environment that fosters teamwork and collective initiatives to reach common goals or objectives.
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Individuals and Motivation
• Motivation is derived from the word ‘motive’
• It is the driving force within individuals that propels them into action
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Individuals and Motivation
• Motivation is derived from the word ‘motive’
• It is the driving force within individuals that propels them into action
What motivates you?
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Individuals and Motivation
• Motivation is derived from the word ‘motive’
• It is the driving force within individuals that propels them into action
What motivates you?
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Intended Learning Objectives
Individuals, Motivation and Teams.
1. Individuals & motivation.
2. Organisational theory and motivation.
3. Project Management & Leadership.
4. Teams why we use them and their value.
5. Teams forming and performing.
6. Team structures.
7. Advantages & disadvantages of teams.
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Organisational Theory & Motivation
Organisational theory consists of approaches to organisational analysis. Organisations are groups of individuals that are structured and managed to meet a need, or to pursue collective goals.
Some well used approaches:
• Maslow Hierarchy of Needs • Hertzberg
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Organisational Theory & Motivation
Maslow Hierarchy of Needs:
• Proposed by in 1943 and still widely used today
• A key tool used by managers in how individuals are motivated
• Focuses on a 5 tier model of human needs
• Describes humans are motivated to achieve certain needs
• Needs take precedence over others and the basic needs must be more or less met before higher needs
• Individual behaviour is multi-motivated and stimulated by more than one need
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Organisational Theory & Motivation
Hertzberg Two Factor Theory:
• ProposedbyFredrickHertzbergin 1959 and still widely used today
• Asked people to describe situations when they felt really good and really bad about their jobs
• There are a set of factors in the workplace that cause satisfaction
• And a separate set of factors that cause dissatisfaction
• Remedying the causes of dissatisfaction will not create satisfaction
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Intended Learning Objectives
Individuals, Motivation and Teams.
1. Individuals & motivation.
2. Organisational theory and motivation.
3. Project Management & Leadership.
4. Teams why we use them and their value.
5. Teams forming and performing.
6. Team structures.
7. Advantages & disadvantages of teams.
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Project Management & Leadership
Project Management & Leadership – motivates and demotivates the team!
• ProjectManagersmustManage&Lead – Thesearenotthesamething
• Managementistheprocesswhereresourcesareusedanddecisionsmadeinordertoachievethegoal • Managerssetobjectivesanddecidehowtoachievethem
• Leadershipistheabilitytoinfluenceanddirectpeopletoachieveacommongoal
• Leadersinspireandmotivatepeopletomeetgoals
Team Member
Development Goal
Motivation Drivers – Employee wants/needs
How to apply motivational driver
Project Management
Formal training and recognition
Sponsor Marion in Melbourne Uni Masters program

Gold Coast
Detailed Technical knowledge
Work Life Balance
Allow 4 day per week work in line with Project activity
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Project Management Common Motivational Mistakes
Avoid Assumptions such as:
• Whatever motivates me will motivate others.
• People are motivated primarily by money.
• Team members love to receive formal awards.
• Give them a rally slogan.
• The best project leader is a strong cheerleader.
• These people are professionals. They don’t need motivating.
• I’ll motivate them when there is a problem (i.e. only being reactive)
• I’ll treat everyone the same. People like that, and it will motivate them.
Reference: Flannes, S. W. & Levin, G. (2005). Essential People Skills for Project Managers. Vienna, VA: Management Concepts, Inc.
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Project Management & Leadership Summary
• Individuals are individuals and we are all motivated by different means
• Projects succeed / fail because of people so manage, lead and motivate them to increase success
• Leadership and Management are different. Consciously select the style that is right for the situation
• The biggest impact you can have is by managing yourself take the necessary step to achieve this
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Intended Learning Objectives
Individuals, Motivation and Teams.
1. Individuals & motivation.
2. Organisational theory and motivation.
3. Project Management & Leadership.
4. Teams why we use them and their value.
5. Teams forming and performing.
6. Team structures.
7. Advantages & disadvantages of teams.
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Teams and Teamwork

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Teamwork in the workplace is an critical factor
for project success. As a result, developing an effective project team is one of the primary responsibilities of a project manager. Teamwork creates human synergy.
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What is a Team
• An individual is a person with a unique set of skills
• A Group is a collection of people working together who do not necessarily work collectively toward the same goal
• A Team is two or more individuals consciously working together to achieve a common objective
• A Group becomes a Team when members demonstrate a commitment to each other and to the end goal toward which they are working
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1. Very few (if any) individuals possess all the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to accomplish all tasks.
2. Complementary teamwork skills are one of the most commonly required skills in the work environment.
3. Substantial benefits to the organisation and to the team members.
4. Shared accountability increases likelihood of success.
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Why Teams – Benefits
1. Enhanced Opportunities: Individuals & organisation.
2. Greater Productivity: Leverage the strengths and skills of the collective group.
3. Increased Ownership & Accountability: Multiple people collectively owning the activity and the outcome.
4. More Creativity and Innovation: Individuals build upon one another’s ideas with solutions going beyond one person’s vision of what’s possible.
5. Greater Joy and Satisfaction Among Team Members: A space for people to socialise, connect and be part of something bigger.
6. Broader Perspective: Ability to leverage the collective perspective of all team members.
7. Increased Representation: Involvement of multiple stakeholders groups and their input.
8. Increased Equality: Individuals across all levels can more freely offer their ideas, knowledge and concerns.
9. More Dialogue: Teams offer a site where people can voice their feelings, disagreements, opinions and ideas.
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Intended Learning Objectives
Individuals, Motivation and Teams.
1. Individuals & motivation.
2. Organisational theory and motivation.
3. Project Management & Leadership.
4. Teams why we use them and their value.
5. Teams forming and performing.
6. Team structures.
7. Advantages & disadvantages of teams.
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How Teams Form & Perform
Tuckman’s Team Development Model
• First proposed by in 1965.
• Elegant and simple explanation of team development.
• Initial model focused on 4 stages.
1. Forming, 2. Storming, 3. Norming, 4. Performing
• Tuckman stated that all phases are necessary and inevitable if a team is to grow, face up to challenges, tackle problems, find solutions, plan work and deliver results.
• He found that it was critical for team to go through an Adjourning stage which was added in the 70’s.
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How Teams Form & Perform
Tuckman’s Team Development Model
• As teams develop maturity and ability, leadership styles change and behaviors change
• Tuckman also found that Team Effectiveness changed over time with the team experiencing initial decline in performance after Stage 1 – Forming
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How Teams Form & Perform
High dependency on the leader
Leader coaches and support
Leader moves to facilitator and enabler
Leader delegates and oversees
Leader acknowledges, recognises and directs
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Is the Team Effective or Not
Positive signs
• Clear communication
• Regular brainstorming with all members participating
• Consensus among team members
• Problem solving done by the group
• Commitment to the project outcomes and the other team members
• Regular team meetings are effective and inclusive
• Timely hand off from team members to others or early advise if this won’t happen
• Positive, supportive working relationships
Not so Positive signs
• Lack of communication
• No clear roles and responsibilities
• Work is “thrown over the wall”, with lack of concern for timelines or work quality
• Team members work alone, rarely sharing information and offering assistance
• Blame for what goes wrong, no one accepts responsibility
• Lack of support for others
• Frequently absent impacting time and creating additional work for others
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Personality Style Surveys
• This is being mentioned here so you at least know these exist, as you may encounter these at some stage.
• These surveys are questionable in how accurate they are at mapping a person to a leadership style.
– There is limited research evidence to support they work as intended.
• Myers- Indicator
– Tries to map a respondent to one of 16 personality types
• ‘s Leadership Styles Framework
– Tries to map respondent to one of 3 leadership styles
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Intended Learning Objectives
Individuals, Motivation and Teams.
1. Individuals & motivation.
2. Organisational theory and motivation.
3. Project Management & Leadership.
4. Teams why we use them and their value.
5. Teams forming and performing.
6. Team structures.
7. Advantages & disadvantages of teams.
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Teams Structures
Controlled Centralised
• Leader coordinates tasks and directs work
• Communication and Control are vertical
• Very hierarchical
• Sub-teams with leaders to direct and guide sub-groups
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Team Structures
Scrum Team
• Used in Agile
• Structure is a lot more flat
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Intended Learning Objectives
Individuals, Motivation and Teams.
1. Individuals & motivation.
2. Organisational theory and motivation.
3. Project Management & Leadership.
4. Teams why we use them and their value.
5. Teams forming and performing.
6. Team structures.
7. Advantages & disadvantages of teams.
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Teams Advantages / Disadvantages
• Provides a larger pool of ideas – creative & collective problem solving
• Interaction enhances the knowledge of the whole team
• Individuals working together can stimulate performance, motivation and output • Provides continuity across the tasks if people leave
• Increased ownership of the overall outcome & not just the individual component
• It take time, effort and great skill to effectively manage
• Some individuals find it difficult and may become overshadowed / overwhelmed • Unequal involvement – Some people may not pull their weight
• One person can demoralise the whole team
• Social loafing
• Group think
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