CS代写 IFN647 Tutorial (Week 7): Evaluation

IFN647 Tutorial (Week 7): Evaluation
Task 1. Understand the definitions of Precision, recall and F measure. You may discuss these measures with your classmate or your tutor if you have any questions.
𝑨 is set of relevant documents (e.g., a benchmark, or relevance judgments),

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𝑩 is set of retrieved documents (e.g., the output of an IR model, a binary output)
F-Measure (F1),
where 𝑅 is Recall, 𝑃 is Precision.
The IR model can also return a list of ranked documents (in descending order by the document weight or score). At each position n, we have the following definition of precision (recall) at position n:
is the set of top-n documents in the output of the IR model.
|𝐴 ∩ 𝐵 | !
Task 2: read a topic-doc-assignment file (e.g., relevance_judgments.txt, the benchmark) and a retrieved topic-doc-assignment file (e.g., binary_output.txt, the output of an IR model for query R105); calculate the IR model’s Recall, Precision, and F-Measure (F1).

• Please download two topic-doc-assignment files and save them is a folder (e.g., “rel_data”). The two files are in format of “topic documentID Relevance_judgment (or Relevence_value (1 or 0))”. For the file “relevance_judgments.txt”, relevance_judgment = “1” indicates relevant and “0” means non-relevant. For the file “binary_output.txt”, it provides a set of retrieved documents whose relevance-value are labeled as ‘1’ by the IR model.
• Define a function rel_setting(inputpath), which reads the two topic-doc- assignment files in the folder inputpath, and returns a pair of dictionaries {documentID: Relevance_judgment, …} and {documentID: Relevance_value, …} for all documents in “relevance_judgments.txt”, and “binary_output.txt”, respectively.
• Define a main function to call function rel_setting(), calculate Recall, Precision, and F-measure and display the result.
Example of output
The number of relevant documents: 16
The number of retrieved documents: 14
The number of retrieved documents that are relevant: 11
recall = 0.6875
precision = 0.7857142857142857
F-Measure = 0.7333333333333334
Task 3: Read the ranked output file (“ranked_output.txt”, the ranked output of the IR model for query R105), and calculate its average precision.
• Please download the ranked output file and save it in the same folder you created for Task 2.
• Extend function rel_setting(inputpath) to return 3 dictionaries (two for task 2 and one for task 3). The dictionary for task 3 should have the format of {rankingNo:

documentID, …}, and it only includes top-10 documents (ranked in descending
order), where rankingNo = 1, 2, …, 10.
• Extend the main function to calculate Recall and Precision at the rank positions
where a relevant document was retrieved, and then calculate the average precision, and print out the result.
Example of output
At position 1docID: 2493, precision= 1.0
At position 2docID: 3008, precision= 1.0
At position 3docID: 5225, precision= 1.0
At position 4docID: 5226, precision= 1.0
At position 5docID: 15744, precision= 1.0
At position 7docID: 40239, precision= 0.8571428571428571
At position 8docID: 48148, precision= 0.875
At position 9docID: 49633, precision= 0.8888888888888888
At position 10docID: 51493, precision= 0.9
The average precision = 0.9467813051146384

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