Quantum Programming Implementation: Interpreters
Feb 22, 2022
Quantum Programming, by Outline Implementation: interpreters; 100 minutes; Feb 22, 2022
Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder
Hook: How do quantum simulators work? Which aspects are tricky and which ones are hard to scale? We have tried a few quantum simulators already and now the time has come to look under the hood.
Purpose: Persuade you that you can write your own quantum simulator in a day.
1. We can pick a universal gate set and write a grammar.
2. We can build a convenient program representation.
3. We can represent quantum states and implement gate operations and measurement.
Transition to Body: Let us first design the quantum language.
Main Point 1: We can pick a universal gate set and write a grammar.
[Let us go with a small, universal set of gates]
[Our grammar can make programs look like they are out of a textbook] [We should support comments and spacing]
Transition to MP2: We can do a lot of work up front to make simulation easy.
Main Point 2: We can build a convenient program representation. [We can generate a parser automatically]
[We can generate a syntax tree automatically]
[We can map a syntax tree into a convenient data structure]
Transition to MP3: Let us call a simulator what is really is: an interpreter.
Main Point 3: We can represent quantum states and implement operations and measurement. [We can represent a quantum state as a weighted sum of kets]
[We can implement each gate with a small piece of code]
[We can use a random-number generator to help implement measurement]
Transition to Close: So there you have it.
Review: We can implement a quantum simulator using classical principles for implementing interpreters. The grammar, the parser, and the program representation require little work, and the rest is straightforward implementation of well-understood operations.
Strong finish: Quantum simulators are essential for developing and debugging quantum pro- grams. They need worst-case exponential time in the number of qubits and have so far scaled to 70 qubits.
Call to action: Apply all your CS knowledge to help build more scalable quantum simulators.
Detailed presentation
Hook: How do quantum simulators work? Which aspects are tricky and which ones are hard to scale? We have tried a few quantum simulators already and now the time has come to look under the hood.
Purpose: Persuade you that you can write your own quantum simulator in a day.
1. We can pick a universal gate set and write a grammar.
2. We can build a convenient program representation.
3. We can represent quantum states and implement gate operations and measurement.
Transition to Body: Let us first design the quantum language. Main Point 1: We can pick a universal gate set and write a grammar.
[Let us go with a small, universal set of gates]
We know from the fourth lecture on foundations that for quantum computing, {CNOT , H, T } is a universal set of gates. Here
We will use Deutsch-Jozsa as the main benchmark for the simulator and we know that CNOT and H will be useful for that. However, Deutsch-Jozsa starts with the helper qubit as |1⟩, which we can get as X|0⟩. So, let us add X to the gate set. The result is that we want our gates to be {CNOT,H,T,X}.
[Our grammar can make programs look like they are out of a textbook]
Let us write a grammar that can support programs exactly in the style we want to write them.
Program ::= circuit : n qubits Instruction∗ measure i .. j Instruction ::= H(i) | T (i) | X(i) | CNOT (i, j)
Notice that we specify the number of qubits up front; this is helpful both for the reader and for the interpreter. Notice also that we specify a range of qubits to be measured; this is sufficient for our benchmark programs.
Now we can write programs according to the grammar, such as the following implementation of the Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm.
// Deutsch-Jozsa for one of
// the balanced f : {0,1}^2 -> {0,1}^2
circuit: 3 qubits
measure 0..1
[We should support comments and spacing]
Notice that the program uses comments and spacing. I achieved that by modifying a full-fledged grammar for a different language that supports comments and spacing. The grammar is in JavaCC notation.
Transition to MP2: We can do a lot of work up front to make simulation easy. Main Point 2: We can build a convenient program representation.
[We can generate a parser automatically]
Once we have a grammar in JavaCC notation, we can use javacc to generate a parser. Given an input, the parser tells whether the input is a program according to the grammar, or where to find syntax errors.
[We can generate a syntax tree automatically]
We can combine the use of javacc with JTB, which enables the parser to build a syntax tree.
jtb quantum.jj
javacc jtb.out.jj
javac Main.java
java Main < dj2-bal1.q
Here quantum.jj contains the above grammar in JavaCC notation, while dj2-bal1.q contains the above program. The Main.java program calls the generated parser, which in turns maps dj2-bal1.q to a syntax tree. Then Main.java goes on process that syntax tree.
The generated parser is written in Java, the syntax tree is represented as a Java object, and all processing of the syntax tree is done in Java.
We have gotten to this point with just few keystrokes. 4
[We can map a syntax tree into a convenient data structure]
JTB generates a directory of classes that the parser uses to represent a syntax tree. For example, one of those classes is the following one, here in excerpt.
* Grammar production:
* f0 -> OneQubitGate()
* f1 -> “(”
* f2 -> IntegerLiteral()
* f3 -> “)”
public class OneQubitInstruction implements Node {
public OneQubitGate f0;
public NodeToken f1;
public IntegerLiteral f2;
public NodeToken f3;
public OneQubitInstruction(OneQubitGate n0, IntegerLiteral n1) {
f1 = new NodeToken(“(“);
f3 = new NodeToken(“)”);
public void accept(visitor.Visitor v) {
The generated syntax tree supports the Visitor pattern via the accept method. The Visitor pattern enables us to write code that processes a syntax tree without requiring us to edit or recompile classes such as the one above.
I wrote a visitor (152 lines of well-commented code) that maps a syntax tree into the following Java data structure, here in excerpt.
public class Program {
int measureLo;
int measureHi;
The class Operation represents the application of a gate to its arguments. The code for Program, Operation, and two other classes is 73 lines.
The big win here is that the key data is readily available and that the list of operations is an ArrayList, which enables convenient processing.
Notice that we can easily extend the list of supported gates by expanding the grammar and adding to the mapper from a syntax tree to a Program.
Transition to MP3: Let us call a simulator what is really is: an interpreter.
Main Point 3: We can represent quantum states and implement operations and measurement.
[We can represent a quantum state as a weighted sum of kets] A quantum state with n qubits can be written in the following form:
Σx∈{0,1}n ax |x⟩
The order of the components ax|x⟩ is unimportant. Let us represent each ax|x⟩ as a WeightedKet,
here in excerpt.
public class WeightedKet {
public int size;
public Complex amplitude;
BitSet ket;
public WeightedKet(int size) {
this.size = size;
this.amplitude = new Complex(1.0,0.0);
this.ket = new BitSet(size);
Now we can represent a quantum state as an ArrayList.
public void run() {
this.state.add(new WeightedKet(this.p.getSize()));
for (Operation op : p.getOps()) {
state.sort(new MyComparator());
measure(); }
The initial state is is |0n⟩. The main loop executes the operations in order, with three things to be done for each operation:
1. execute the operation on every WeightedKet in the state; 2. sort according to the bit pattern in each ket.
3. combine kets with the same bit pattern.
For example, consider the following state before the final H(1) in the program above: 0.5 × |100⟩ − 0.5 × |101⟩ + 0.5 × |110⟩ − 0.5 × |111⟩
= 0.5 ×|100⟩− 0.5 ×|101⟩− 0.5 ×|110⟩+ 0.5 2222
× |111⟩ + ×|101⟩
× |101⟩ − ×|111⟩
after applying H (1):
after sorting:
after consolidating:
[We can implement each gate with a small piece of code]
for (WeightedKet wk : state) {
if (op1.gate.equals(“X”)) {
if (op2.gate.equals(“CNOT”)) {
if (wk.ket.get(op2.arg1)) {
0.5 ×|110⟩− 0.5 ×|111⟩+ 0.5 ×|100⟩− 0.5 2222
= 0.5 ×|100⟩+ 0.5 ×|100⟩− 0.5 ×|101⟩− 0.5 2222
0.5 ×|110⟩+ 0.5 ×|110⟩+ 0.5 ×|111⟩− 0.5 2222
= √1 × |100⟩ − √1 × |101⟩ 22
Here we see how to implement that X flips a qubit, while CNOT does a conditional flip.
[We can use a random-number generator to help implement measurement]
For measurement, generate a random number r between 0 and 1, and in the state Σx∈{0,1}n ax|x⟩, sum up |ax|2 until the sum goes above r. For the ax that pushed the sum above r, output x as the measurement. The simulator is 196 lines of code.
Transition to Close: So there you have it.
Review: We can implement a quantum simulator using classical principles for implementing interpreters. The grammar, the parser, and the program representation require little work, and the rest is straightforward implementation of well-understood operations.
Strong finish: Quantum simulators are essential for developing and debugging quantum pro- grams. They need worst-case exponential time in the number of qubits and have so far scaled to 70 qubits.
Call to action: Apply all your CS knowledge to help build more scalable quantum simulators. 7
程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com