CS代考 Discrete-event models part 2:

Discrete-event models part 2:
Dr. Bystrov
School of Engineering Newcastle University
Discrete-event modelspart 2:

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– Concurrency
Independent processes are concurrent.
Everything in nature is related to some extent. . . Is there true concurrency somewhere?
Have you seen our EM shielded room?
On the other hand. . . does a complete order exist in nature?
Concurrency is an abstraction opposed to the abstraction of order.
The execution of concurrent processes may overlap in time.
Please give me a better/your definition!
Discrete-event modelspart 2:

– Petri nets
Intuition: Petri nets are similar to FSM graphs.
e d c − states −transitions
e d c Petri net
−places −transitions init. marking
−init. state FSM graph a..e −labels
a..e −labels
Transitions labels in FSM graphs can be associated with logic expressions “guards” controlling the transition.
Petri nets can have several “tokens” present at a time. Petri nets are designed to capture concurrency. . .
Discrete-event modelspart 2:

Petri net definition
PN is a tuple Σ = ⟨P,T,F,M0⟩ PN is a directed graph
PN has 2 types of nodes
places P = {p0, …, pk} transitions T = {t0, …, tn}
Flow relation F ⊆ (P × T ) ∪ (T × P ); Initial marking is a mapping
M0 : P → N |N = {0, 1, 2, …}; 1-safe PNs: place capacity=1,
for 1-safe PNs N = {0, 1}, “1” for a token in the place We will be using 1-safe PNs only!!!
Discrete-event modelspart 2:

use 1-safe PNs only:
Rules of the token game
Tokens move by “firing” transitions, leading to new markings – token game.
amarkingisamappingM 😛 →N; preset of node x: •x = {y |(y,x) ∈ F}; postset of node x: x• = {y |(x,y) ∈ F};
transition t ∈ T is enabled if •t →M 1; the enabled transition is denoted as t∗;
enabled transitions may fire (or may not);
firing enforces •t →M 0 and t• →M 1, leading to a new marking M′. …actually •t →M −1, t• →M +1.
Discrete-event modelspart 2:

Playing the token game
Do you play board games?
Bare bones of a PN.
Should we inject some life in it?
Discrete-event modelspart 2:

Playing the token game
Do you play board games?
It is a different model!
Two tokens are injected, thus forming the initial marking. Red transitions are enabled.
They can fire any time (immediately or a year after the next year…)
The continuously enabled transition will eventually fire.
Discrete-event modelspart 2:

Playing the token game
Do you play board games?
Both fired in the same time.
. . . can happen, but very unlikely in real life.
Discrete-event modelspart 2:

Playing the token game
Do you play board games?
“Join” transition performs synchronisation between threads. It becomes enabled only after all input tokens have gathered together in its predecessors.
It is similar to “AND” operation.
Discrete-event modelspart 2:

Playing the token game
Do you play board games?
Now the atomic (unsplittable) token must decide which way to take.
It is making its “choice”.
Once it is gone, both transitions become disabled.
One of them will be disabled without firing – potential hazard!!!
Discrete-event modelspart 2:

Playing the token game
Do you play board games?
“Merge” place is awaiting for at least one predecessor to fire.
It is similar to “OR” operation.
It may exceed its capacity if both predecessors fire (“unsafe net”)!!!
This should not happen in a correct 1-safe PN.
Discrete-event modelspart 2:

Playing the token game
Do you play board games?
This is how we multiply tokens. . .
Discrete-event modelspart 2:

Playing the token game
Do you play board games?
Keeping firing in no particular order.
Marked places are concurrent and hence independent.
Discrete-event modelspart 2:

Playing the token game
Do you play board games?
Dough!!! We’ve missed the initial marking!
We may arrive to it after the next cycle or after a couple of cyclesor… never.
However, it is clearly reachable.
That is why we call it a “reachable marking”.
Discrete-event modelspart 2:

Master process
Slave Process
Simple communication example
Two processes are given.
They are very similar and independent for now.
How to make them play the roles of a Master and a Slave?
Discrete-event modelspart 2:

Master process
Slave Process
Simple communication example
After Master finishes (produces data), Slave starts (consumes data).
This is the producer-consumer relationship. What is the trouble here?
Discrete-event modelspart 2:

Master process
Slave Process
Simple communication example
Preventing Master from flooding Slave with tokens. Feedback.
Request-acknowledgement handshake. Delay-insensitive interface.
Token game begins!
Discrete-event modelspart 2:

Master process
Slave Process
Simple communication example
Master process is finished.
Request is issued by Master.
Request input of Slave is enabled and about to fire.
Discrete-event modelspart 2:

Master process
Slave Process
Simple communication example
Slave request has fired. Slave process has started.
Slave acknowledgement is enabled, it will fire after Slave process finishes.
Discrete-event modelspart 2:

Master process
Slave Process
Simple communication example
Slave acknowledgement has fired.
Master acknowledgement is enabled and is about to fire.
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Master process
Slave Process
Simple communication example
Master acknowledgement has fired. Master starts the new process.
We have arrived back to the initial marking.
Discrete-event modelspart 2:

Next: Building blocks for Petri net modelling
Concurrency concept
Petri net definition, 1-safe PN model Examples
Discrete-event modelspart 2:

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