IT代考 ECE 374 A (Spring 2022) Homework 9 Solutions

CS/ECE 374 A (Spring 2022) Homework 9 Solutions
Problem 9.1: We are given a weighted DAG (directed acyclic graph) G with n vertices and m edges with m ≥ n, where each edge weight may be positive or negative (you may assume that no edge has weight zero). We are also given two vertices s, t ∈ V .
(a) (35 points) Describe an efficient algorithm to determine whether there exists a path from s to t such that the number of positive-weight edges is strictly more than the number of negative-weight edges in the path.
[Hint: there is an O(m + n)-time solution (but some partial credit will still be given for an O(mn)-time solution). One approach is to use dynamic programming, but a simpler approach is to just run a known algorithm from class on a new weighted graph.]

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(b) (65 points) Describe an efficient algorithm for determining whether there exists a path from s to t such that the number of positive-weight edges is strictly more than the number of negative-weight edges in the path and the total weight of the path is negative. [Hint: there is an O(mn)-time solution. One approach is to use dynamic programming; another approach is to run a known algorithm on a new graph.]
(a) Define a new weighted DAG G′ as follows:
􏰁 The vertices and the edges are the same as the given DAG G.
􏰁 For each edge (u,v) ∈ E, if (u,v) has positive weight in G, define the weight of
(u, v) in G′ to be −1, otherwise define the weight of (u, v) in G′ to be 1.
We compute the shortest path from s to t in G′. The answer is yes iff the shortest path
has strictly negative weight.
Justification. The weight of any path in G′ is equal to the number of negative-weight edges minus the number of positive-weight edges along the corresponding path in G. Thus, the shortest path weight in G′ is strictly negative iff there is a path where the number of negative-weight edges is strictly less than the number of positive-weight edges.
Run time analysis. The graph G′ has n vertices and m edges, and can obviously be constructed in O(m + n) time. As explained in class, there is a single-source shortest path algorithm for DAGs which works even when there are negative weights and run in O(m + n) time.
(b) Let G = (V, E) be the given weighted DAG. Define a new weighted DAG G′ as follows: 1

􏰁 For each vertex v ∈ V and for each number i ∈ {−(n−1),…,n−1}, create a vertex (v, i) in G′.
􏰁 For each edge (u, v) ∈ E with weight w(u, v) and for each number i ∈ {−(n − 1),…,n+1}, create an edge ((u,i),(v,i+1)) in G′ with weight w(u,v) if w(u,v) > 0, andanedge((u,i),(v,i−1))inG′ withweightw(u,v)ifw(u,v)<0. 􏰁 Create a new vertex t′ in G′ and add an edge from (t, i) to t′ of weight 0 for every i ∈ {1, . . . , n − 1}. We compute the shortest path from (s,0) to t′ in G′. We return true iff the shortest path has strictly negative weight. Justification. A path π from s to u in G corresponds to a path from (s, 0) to (u, i) of the same total weight in G′, where i equals the number of positive-weight edges minus the number of negative-weight edges along π in G (this can be formally proved by induction). Thus, the shortest path from (s, 0) to t′ in G′ corresponds to the shortest path from s to t in G such that the number of positive-weight edges is strictly greater than the number of negative-weight edges. This shortest path has negative weight iff there exists a path from s to t in G such that the number of positive-weight edges is strictly greater than the number of negative-weight edges and the total weight of the path is negative. Run time analysis. The graph G′ has N = O(n2) vertices and M = O(mn) edges, and can be constructed in O(mn) time. As explained in class, there is a single-source shortest paths algorithm for DAGs that run in O(M + N ) = O(n2 + mn) = O(mn) time. (Note. Alternatively, the extra vertex t′ could be avoided since the DAG shortest path algorithm computes the shortest paths from (s, 0) to all (u, i).) Problem 9.2: We are given a weighted directed graph G = (V, E) with n vertices, where all edge weights are positive. Each edge is colored red or blue. We are also given an integer k ≤ n. We want to compute the shortest closed walk that contains at least one blue edge and does not have k consecutive red edges. Describe an efficient algorithm to solve this problem. (For example, if k = 4, a walk with color sequence blue-red-red-blue-red-red-red-blue-blue-red- red-blue is allowed, but not blue-red-red-blue-red-red-red-red-blue. For motivation, imagine that traveling along blue edges lets you recharge. We don’t want to travel too long without using a blue edge.) [Hint: it might be helpful to solve the following all-pairs variant of the problem first: for every pair u, v ∈ V , find the shortest walk from u to v that does not have k consecutive red edges. One approach is to define a new graph and run a known algorithm on the graph.] [Note: a correct solution with O(k2n3) time will get you 90 points; a correct solution with O(kn3 log n) or O(kn3) time will get you 100 points (full credit); and a solution with O(n3 log n) time or better will receive 15 more bonus points!] Solution: Let G = (V, E) be the given weighted directed graph with n vertices and m ≤ n2 edges. Let w(u, v) denote the weight of the edge (u, v) in G. Define a new weighted directed graph G′ as follows: 􏰁 Foreachv∈V andi∈{0,...,k−1},createavertex(v,i)inG′. 􏰁 For each red edge (u,v) ∈ E and each i ∈ {0,...,k−2}, create an edge ((u,i),(v,i+1)) in G′ with weight w(u, v). 􏰁 For each blue edge (u,v) ∈ E and each i ∈ {0,...,k − 1}, create an edge ((u,i),(v,0)) in G′ with weight w(u, v). For every u ∈ V, find the shortest path weight dG′((u,0),(v,i)) from (u,0) to all vertices (v, i) in G′. We find the blue edge (u∗, v∗) ∈ G and an index i∗ ∈ {0, . . . , k−1} that minimizes dG′ ((v∗, 0), (u∗, i∗))+ w(u∗, v∗). We return the closed walk formed by concatenating the edge (u∗, v∗) with the walk from v∗ to u∗ that corresponds to the shortest path from (v∗,0) to (u∗,i∗) in G′. Justification. A walk from (u, 0) to (v, i) in G′ corresponds to a walk from u to v in G that does not have k consecutive red edges and ends with i consecutive red edges, for any i ≤ k − 1 (this can be formally proved by induction). We want a shortest closed walk that contains a blue edge and does not contain k consecutive red edges. We can guess a blue edge (u∗, v∗) in the solution, and the rest of the walk must then be a shortest walk from v∗ to u∗ without k consecutive red edges, which has weight mini∗ dG′ ((v∗, 0), (u∗, i∗)). Run time analysis. The graph G′ has N = O(kn) vertices and M = O(km) edges. For each u ∈ V , all shortest paths from (u, 0) can be found by running Dijkstra’s single-source shortest paths algorithm, which takes O(N log N +M) = O(kn log n+km) (since log(kn) ≤ log(n2) = O(log n)). Since we run Dijkstra’s algorithm n times (one for each (u, 0)), the total time is O(kn2 log n + kmn). In the final step of computing u∗,v∗,i∗, we loop through O(n2) choices for (u∗,v∗) and k choices for i∗. This step takes O(kn2) additional time. Overall run time: O(kn2 log n + kmn), which is at most O(kn3). (Note. if instead of Dijkstra’s algorithm we run Floyd and Warshall’s all-pairs shortest paths algorithm, the running time would be O(N3) = O(k3n3), which is slower. If we run Dijkstra’s algorithm from all sources, the running time would be O(N ·(N log N +M)) = O(k2n2 log n+ k2mn) ≤ O(k2n3), which is also slower.) Sketch of a Better Solution (worth bonus points): Define R(u, v, l) to be the weight of the shortest path from u to v that uses only red edges and have length at most l. First stage. We first use dynamic programming to compute R(u, v, k − 1) for all u, v ∈ V . (This part is similar to the “repeated squaring” method for APSP, on the subgraph formed by the red edges.) For the base case, we have R(u,v,0) = ∞ if u ̸= v, and R(u,v,0) = 0 if u = v, for each u, v ∈ V . For the recursive formula, we have  min (R(u, x, l/2) + R(x, v, l/2)) R(u,v,l) =  x∈V  min (R(u,x,l−1)+w(x,v)) x∈V : (x,v) is a red edge foreachu,v∈V andeachl≥1. if l is even if l is odd Observe that in computing R(u, v, k − 1), we only need to generate R(·, ·, l) for a sequence of O(log k) many l’s. Thus, the number of subproblems needed is O(n2 log k), and each subproblem takes O(n) time. The total time of the first stage is O(n3 log k). Second stage. We now solve the original problem. Define a new weighted directed graph G′ as follows: 􏰁 Foreachv∈V,createvertices(v,0)and(v,1)inG′. 􏰁 Foreachu,v∈V,createanedge((u,0),(v,1))inG′ withweightR(u,v,k−1). (Note that in particular, there will be an edge from ((u, 0), (u, 1)) with weight 0.) 􏰁 For each blue edge (u, v) ∈ E, create an edge ((u, 1), (v, 0)) in G′ with weight w(u, v). Note that G′ has 2n vertices and O(n2) edges, and can be constructed in O(n2) time using the R(·, ·, k − 1) values computed from the first stage. We run Floyd and Warshall’s all-pairs shortest paths algorithm on G′. This takes O(n3) time. To finish, we find the blue edge (u∗, v∗) ∈ G that minimizes dG′ ((v∗, 0), (u∗, 1)) + w(u∗, v∗). This takes O(n2) additional time. The total run time over both stages is O(n3 log k). 程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: