编程代考 ######################################################################

# This file copyright the Georgia Institute of Technology
# Permission is given to students to use or modify this file (only)
# to work on their assignments.

Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder

# You may NOT publish this file or make it available to others not in
# the course.

from DualRotor import DualRotor
from DroneListener import DroneListener
from drone_pid import pid_thrust, pid_roll
import traceback

import numpy as np

class DroneSimulator:
def __init__(self):
self.listeners: list(DroneListener) = []
self.bad_listeners = []

def initialize(self, test_thrust = False, test_roll=False, target_elevation: list = [],
target_x: list = [], simulation_length=300, target_hover_time=10, supply_params=False,
drone_mass=500, drone_rpm_error=0, target_elev_error = 0.0067,
target_x_error = 0.00, wind_factor = 0.0, wind_speed_x = 0.0, test_integral = False,
plan:dict = {}, ignore_collision = True,

self.test_thrust = test_thrust
self.test_roll = test_roll
#self.target_xy = target_xy
self.target_elevation = target_elevation
self.target_x = target_x
self.drone_mass = drone_mass
self.simulation_length = simulation_length
self.target_hover_time = target_hover_time
self.supply_params = supply_params
self.target_elev_error = target_elev_error
self.target_x_error = target_x_error
self.drone_rpm_error = drone_rpm_error
self.wind_factor = wind_factor
self.wind_speed_x = wind_speed_x
self.test_integral = test_integral
self.plan = plan
self.ignore_collision = ignore_collision

self.drone_rpm_left = []
self.drone_rpm_right = []

self.drone = None
self.drone_max_vel = 0

self.drone_x = []
self.drone_y = []

# Actual time steps taken by drone to reach targets
# Stored in the sequence of targets defined in self.plan
self.actual_time = []

self.hover_error = 0
self.path_error = 0
self.velocity_error = 0
self.total_osc = 0 # total oscillations

self.score = 0

def add_listener(self, listener: DroneListener):

def run(self, thrust_params: dict = {},
roll_params: dict = {},
DEBUG = None,

if DEBUG == None:
if VISUALIZE == None:

self.drone = DualRotor()
drone = self.drone
drone.mass = self.drone_mass
drone.RPM_ERROR = self.drone_rpm_error
drone.WIND_FACTOR_STD = self.wind_factor
drone.WIND_SPEED_X = self.wind_speed_x

for l in self.listeners:
if l not in self.bad_listeners:
l.initialize(self.target_elevation, self.target_x, self.simulation_length, self.plan[‘path’])

osc = 0 # osciallations per segment
errors = []
self.hover_error = 0
self.path_error = 0
self.velocity_error = 0
self.drone_max_vel = 0
self.total_osc = 0 # total oscillations
prev_sign_y = None
prev_sign_x = None
thrust = 0
roll = 0
data_thrust = dict() #{‘max_rpm’: drone.MAX_PROPELLER_SPEED*2}
data_roll = dict() #{‘max_roll_angle’: drone.MAX_ROLL_ANGLE, ‘max_rpm’: drone.MAX_PROPELLER_SPEED*2}

self.drone_x = []
self.drone_y = []

for t in range(self.simulation_length):

if self.test_thrust:
if self.test_integral:
# test integral only uses student supplied gain values

thrust, data_thrust = pid_thrust(self.target_elevation[t], drone.get_elevation(),
thrust_params[‘tau_p’], thrust_params[‘tau_d’],
thrust_params[‘tau_i’], data_thrust)
# roll, data_roll = part_3_pid_roll(target_x, drone.get_x_coord(), roll_params[‘tau_p’], roll_params[‘tau_d’], roll_params[‘tau_i’], data_roll)

# data_thrust[‘prev_thrust’] = thrust
# if thrust_params.get(‘tau_i’, 0) != 0 and \
if drone.is_max_rpm_reached(): # and \
# thrust > 0:

data_thrust[‘max_rpm_reached’] = True
# thrust = 0
data_thrust[‘max_rpm_reached’] = False

elif self.supply_params:
thrust, data_thrust = pid_thrust(self.target_elevation[t], drone.get_elevation(),
thrust_params[‘tau_p’], thrust_params[‘tau_d’],
thrust_params[‘tau_i’], data_thrust)
except Exception as e:
print(“There is an error in the pid_thrust function.”, e)

if self.test_roll:
if self.test_integral:
# Roll is not tested for integral at this time

data_roll[‘prev_roll’] = roll
#if roll_params.get(‘tau_i’, 0) != 0:
if (drone.roll_angle == drone.MAX_ROLL_ANGLE and roll > 0) or \
(drone.roll_angle == -drone.MAX_ROLL_ANGLE and roll < 0): data_roll['control_saturated'] = True data_roll['control_saturated'] = False #elif self.supply_params: roll, data_roll = pid_roll(self.target_x[t], drone.get_x_coord(), roll_params['tau_p'], roll_params['tau_d'], roll_params['tau_i'], data_roll) except Exception as e: print("There is an error in the pid_roll function.", e) data_roll['prev_roll'] = roll #if roll_params.get('tau_i', 0) != 0: #if (drone.roll_angle == drone.MAX_ROLL_ANGLE and roll > 0) or \
# (drone.roll_angle == -drone.MAX_ROLL_ANGLE and roll < 0): # data_roll['control_saturated'] = True # data_roll['control_saturated'] = False drone.update_rotor_speed(thrust, roll) drone.move() if drone.velocity > self.drone_max_vel:
self.drone_max_vel = drone.velocity

# If collision check is on and collision is detected,
# then end simulation
if not self.ignore_collision and self.detect_collision(drone):
for l in self.listeners:

if drone.get_x_coord() >= self.target_x[t] and \
drone.get_elevation() >= self.target_elevation[t]:


y_error = 0
x_error = 0

if self.test_thrust:
y_error = (self.target_elevation[t] – drone.get_elevation())

#if t >= 1:
#y_change = (drone.get_elevation() – self.drone_y[t-1])

if abs(y_error) >= 0.001: #1e-2:
sign = y_error/abs(y_error)

if prev_sign_y != None and sign != prev_sign_y:

prev_sign_y = sign

if self.test_roll:
x_error = (self.target_x[t] – drone.get_x_coord())

#if t >= 1:
#x_change = (drone.get_x_coord() – self.drone_x[t-1])

if abs(x_error) >= 0.001: #1e-2: # != 0:
sign = x_error/abs(x_error)

if prev_sign_x != None and sign != prev_sign_x:

prev_sign_x = sign

error = abs(y_error) + abs(x_error)


if self.target_x[t] != self.target_x[t-1] or \
self.target_elevation[t] != self.target_elevation[t-1]:

self.total_osc += osc
osc = 0
prev_sign_y = None
prev_sign_x = None

if DEBUG==2:
print(“Step ” + str(t) + \
“: y, x, roll, propeller_speed, thrust, weight = “, \
drone.get_elevation(), drone.get_x_coord(), drone.roll_angle, drone.propeller_speed, \
drone.thrust, drone.weight)

for l in self.listeners:
if l not in self.bad_listeners:
l.update(drone.get_x_coord(), drone.get_elevation(), drone.roll_angle, thrust, roll, \
drone.propeller_speed[1], drone.propeller_speed[2],{‘pid_thrust’:thrust_params, ‘pid_roll’:roll_params})


for l in self.listeners:
if l not in self.bad_listeners:

self.total_osc += osc # last sgement’s oscillations are not added inside the loop, so add them here

print(“thrust params: “, thrust_params)
print(“roll_params: “, roll_params)
self.calculate_errors(errors, self.total_osc, DEBUG)

return self.hover_error, float(self.plan.get(‘max_velocity’, 0)), self.drone_max_vel, self.plan[‘max_oscillations’], self.total_osc

def calculate_errors(self, errors, total_osc, DEBUG=False):

errors = np.array(errors)
self.hover_error = self.get_hovering_error(errors, DEBUG)
self.path_error = self.get_path_error(DEBUG)

print(“path_error, hover_error, max_vel, total_osc = “, self.path_error, self.hover_error, self.drone_max_vel, total_osc)

def get_hovering_error(self, errors, DEBUG=False):
hover_error = 0
segment_len = 0
for i in range(len(self.plan[‘target_time’])):
hover_time = self.plan[‘hover_time’][i] * 10
segment_len += (self.plan[‘target_time’][i] * 10) + hover_time
segment_errors = errors[segment_len-hover_time:segment_len]
if len(segment_errors) > 0:
hover_error += sum( abs(segment_errors) ) / segment_errors.shape[0]

print(“segment_len, hover_time”, segment_len, hover_time)

return hover_error

def get_path_error(self, DEBUG=False):
path_error = 0
prev_x = 0
prev_y = 0

segment_start = 0
for i in range(len(self.plan[‘target_time’])):
segment_len = (self.plan[‘target_time’][i] + self.plan[‘hover_time’][i]) * 10
x = self.plan[‘path’][i][0]
y = self.plan[‘path’][i][1] #[‘y’][i]

if y != prev_y: #y changed
# measure error in x
segment_drone_x = self.drone_x [
segment_start : \
segment_start + segment_len
segment_error = [x – x2 for x2 in segment_drone_x]
path_error += sum(segment_error)

if x != prev_x: #x changed
# measure error in y
segment_drone_y = self.drone_y [
segment_start : \
segment_start + segment_len
segment_error = [y – y2 for y2 in segment_drone_y]
path_error += sum(segment_error)

prev_x = x
prev_y = y
segment_start += segment_len

return path_error

def detect_collision(self):
path = self.plan[‘path’]
for i in range(1, len(path)): #path[‘x’])):
#if self.path[‘x’][i-1] == self.path[‘x’][i]:
if path[i-1][0] == path[i][0]:
x2 = path[i-1][0] + 2
x2 = path[i][0]

if path[i-1][1] == path[i][1]:
y2 = path[i-1][1] – 2
y2 = path[i][1]

if path[i-1][0] <= self.drone.x <= x2 and \ self.path[i-1][1] >= self.drone.y >= y2:

return True

return False

程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com