HDAT9700: Assessment 1A – Chapters 1-2
### Submission instructions
Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder
This is an R Markdown document, an example of *literate programming*
which allows users to interweave text, statistical output and the code
that produces that output.
To complete your assignment:
– Edit this file directly, interweaving text and R code as appropriate
to answer the questions below. Remember to `Knit` the file to make
sure everything is running smoothly. Detailed information on R
Markdown is available
[here](https://rmarkdown.rstudio.com/lesson-1.html), and there is a
useful cheat sheet
– Use Git to `commit` changes you make in this repo locally.
– `Push` the repo, together with this edited `.Rmd` file, the
corresponding `.md` file and any other relevant files to GitHub.
– Note that the output format is specified as `github_document` in the
chunk above. The advantage of this is that your submitted assessment
can be viewed directly in GitHub. However, if you are using an R
package that produces HTML output, you can change the output format
to `html_document`.
You can `commit` and `push` as often as necessary—your assessment will
be graded on the most recent version of your repo at the assessment due
Good luck!
### Overview
In this assessment you are provided with observational data on the
health and smoking habits of 654 youth in the `lungcap` dataset shipped
with the `GLMsData` package. If you don’t have `GLMsData` installed you
will need to install it. Your aim is to estimate the total causal effect
of smoking on lung capacity. You will draw a DAG and undertake a
matching analysis for this simple dataset.
When drawing your DAG you can use whatever tool you prefer. Options
include `ggdag()` in R, [daggity.net](http://dagitty.net/dags.html), a
screenshot from a DAG drawn in MS Word etc, or even an embedded picture
of a DAG drawn with pen and paper.
The `lungcap` dataset is drawn from [Tager et al
*Longitudinal Study of the Effects of Maternal Smoking on Pulmonary
Function in Children*. More details on the use of this dataset as a
teaching dataset can be found in [Kahn, M. (2003) Data Sleuth, STATS,
37, 24.](https://www.causeweb.org/cause/filebrowser/download/353).
Below is a brief description of the available variables, taken from the
R help documentation. More information can be found by entering
`?lungcap` at the console (provided the `GLMsData` pacakge is installed
and loaded).
– **Age** the age of the subject in completed years; a numeric
– **FEV** the forced expiratory volume in litres, a measure of lung
capacity; a numeric vector
– **Ht** the height in inches; a numeric vector
– **Gender** the gender of the subjects: a numeric vector with females
coded as 0 and males as 1
– **Smoke** the smoking status of the subject: a numeric vector with
non-smokers coded as 0 and smokers as 1
### Assessment questions
Answer the questions below with reference to the `lungcap` dataset. Your
aim is to estimate the total causal effect of smoking on lung capacity.
1) Draw a DAG to represent the causal relationship between smoking and
lung capacity. Write a brief descriptive paragraph that highlights
any backdoor path(s) and the observed variables that might be useful
to close the path(s). The DAG should be plausible but doesn’t have
to include every single possible relevant variable; \<10 most
relevant nodes should be adequate. (25%)
*Hint: Not all variables that appear in the dataset need to be on
your DAG and not all nodes that are on your DAG will necessarily be
observed variables.*
2) Match smokers to non-smokers using a matching method of your choice
and matching variables that are consistent with your DAG. Briefly
summarise the balance in both cases, drawing on appropriate
numerical and graphical summaries. (25%)
3) Fit the model `FEV ~ Smoke` in (i) The raw data and (ii) the matched
data. Briefly describe the model results. How does the estimated
effect for smoking change and why? (25%)
4) Briefly discuss any limitations of the model 3(ii) and argue whether
or not the assumption of exchangeability is likely to hold. (25%)
### Solution
### Student declaration
***Instructions: Indicate that you understand and agree with the
following three statements by typing an x in the square brackets below,
e.g. \[x\].***
I declare that this assessment item is my own work, except where
acknowledged, and has not been submitted for academic credit elsewhere
or previously, or produced independently of this course (e.g. for a
third party such as your place of employment) and acknowledge that the
assessor of this item may, for the purpose of assessing this item: (i)
Reproduce this assessment item and provide a copy to another member of
the University; and/or (ii) Communicate a copy of this assessment item
to a plagiarism checking service (which may then retain a copy of the
assessment item on its database for the purpose of future plagiarism
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I certify that I have read and understood the University Rules in
respect of Student Academic Misconduct.
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I have a backup copy of the assessment.
- [ ] I understand and agree
程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com