CSE 330 Project 2 Test
./test.sh 10 5 1 0 25
The number of items produced should be equal to the buffer size 5 (3 pts) Module should exit without error (2 pts)
./test.sh 10 5 0 1 25
Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder
Consumer should consume nothing (2 pts) Module should exit without error (3 pts)
./test.sh 10 50 1 1 25
The total number of produced items should be equal to 12
Each process should be produced and consumed only once (4 pts) CPU time should match with ps command (4 pts)
Module should exit without error (2 pts)
./test.sh 100 50 1 1 25
The total number of produced items should be equal to 102
Each process should be produced and consumed only once (6 pts) CPU time should match with ps command (6 pts)
Module should exit without error (3 pts)
./test.sh 1000 50 1 1 100
The total number of produced items should be equal to 1002
Each process should be produced and consumed only once (6 pts) CPU time should match with ps command (6 pts)
Module should exit without error (3 pts)
Bonus Test Case
./test.sh 100 50 1 2 25
The toal CPU time calculated by 2 consumer thread should match with ps command Module should exit without error
module_init parses all four arguments (2 pts) and initializes all three semaphores (3 pts)
Producer thread creation (2 pts) and consumer thread creation (2 pts)
Producer uses empty semaphore (2 pts), mutex semaphore (4 pts), and full semaphore (2 pts) correctly
Consumer uses empty semaphore (2 pts), mutex semaphore (4 pts), and full semaphore (2 pts) correctly
Producer iterates the task list (3 pts), and find the matching processes (3 pts)
Consumer retrives the elapsed time of each matching process (3 pts) and calculates the total elapased time (2 pts)
Producer uses kthread_should_stop (2 pts); Consumer uses kthread_shoud_stop (2 pts)
module_exit wakes up producer and consumer threads (5 pts) and stops producer and consumer threads (5 pts)
Readme file does not exist or does not include all the group members (name and ASU ID)
Binaries are submitted
Submission Bonus
If you submit the completed project 1 week before the deadline.
If you make any submission after ¡°TBD¡±; you are not eligible for these bonus points.
程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com