CS代写 2/28/22, 12:37 PM

2/28/22, 12:37 PM
1. Week 01 – Introductions
1. Introductions, get to know your classmates and tutor 2. Form project groups
3. Set-ups

Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder

1. VS code
2. Command prompt 3. Git
4. Git Exercise
Week 01 – Introductions
Watch the lectures on git before coming to class if you are not comfortable with using git!
Introductions, get to know your classmates and tutor
Ice-breaker (suggestion):
Either go around as a whole class or split into groups/breakout rooms of ~5 people.
Share the following information:
Fun fact about yourself
Form project groups
5 students per group
If you have a group smaller than 5 (or no group) tutors will match you up with others. Form a mini-group of 1, 2, 3 or 4, give the list to your tutor, and the tutor will match these up into groups of 5.
Project groups must be finalized by the end of week 2.
Join a breakout room with your project group.

If you don’t have a group just yet, don’t stress! Groups only need to be
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finalised end of week 2. But the earlier the better! Set-ups
Install vscode
At some point, it will be useful to install some plugins which will make VS code more helpful. Click bottom icon in VS code sidebar to do so. Some that I recommend:
Git Extension Pack (for git management)
Git Graph (to visualise git graph)
Visual studio IntelliCode (for code completion) npm Intellisense
Command prompt
Standard command prompts: macos: terminal
linux: shell/terminal
windows: command prompt/powershell running linux on windows: wsl
learn to navigate command prompt for macos and linux learn to navigate command prompt for windows
Install git
This is an excellent and thorough guide to git.
Super useful for team-based software development, version control, sharing code and more
Used in pretty much every in software/dev industry.
Git Exercise 2 / 4

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We will practise some git basics.
1. Make a new folder called git_demo
2. Navigate to that folder in command line: cd git_demo
3. Initialise it as a git repository: git init
This creates a subdirectory called .git. This contains all the necessary files that git needs to manage your version control. You will almost never need to look at these, so I would just ignore them.
4. Add a new file to this folder called helloworld.txt
5. To see the current change status of you repository type: git status
helloworld.txt is currently untracked because it has just been added to your repository.
This essentially means that git sees the file, but it doesn’t have a previous version to compare it to (because it is new)
6. To stage your changes type: git add helloworld.txt
This puts your changes into the staging area. This is git pergatory! The changes have been added and therefore ready for a commit, but not yet commited.
You can always remove these changes or make more changes before properly commiting them to the git history of your repository.
7. To commit the change type: git commit -m “first commit”
This creates a snapshot of your current repository (including all the added changes in staging).
This snapshot is a permanent record of what your repository was at this stage.
If we make changes in the future that we no longer want, we can always go back to this snapshot exactly as it was at this time!
the -m is a flag to say, add a message. The “first commit” is the message that you add.
Messages are important! Particularly when collaborating, messages communicate to your team members what your change is. Try to keep them brief but informatative. It is a short summary of what is in your commit!
8. Make some more changes to you repository (add a new line to helloworld.txt or more files to the repository) and go through the same process (check the status, add the changes, commit the changes). This is the git workflow. You will be doing this process a lot!
9. Remember, you can always use git status to view your current
uncommited changes and git log to view your git history.

tasks.md 2/28/22, 12:37 PM

程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com