# fjdriver.py for Fork/Join pool projects
# Written by Godmar Back and for CS 3214
Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder
# https://git-scm.com/docs/pretty-formats
version = “$Format:%H committed by %cn$”
import getopt, sys, os, subprocess, signal, re, json, resource, time, socket
from datetime import datetime
from collections import namedtuple, defaultdict
# add location of this script to python sys.path
# add directory in which script is located to python path
script_dir = “/”.join(__file__.split(“/”)[:-1])
if script_dir == “”:
script_dir = “.”
script_dir = os.path.realpath(script_dir)
if script_dir not in sys.path:
from fjtests import load_test_module
src_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))) + “/tests”
results_file = “full-results.json”
filelist = src_dir + “/FILELIST”
timestamp = str(datetime.now()).replace(” “, “_”)
workdir = “fj_testdir_” + timestamp
poolfile = “./threadpool.c”
verbose = False
silent = False
list_tests = False
grade_mode = False
benchmark_runs = 1
# Benchmark info
# Times of serial runs for benchmarked tests
# XXX these are out of date currently and ultimately not used.
benchmark_times = {
‘nqueens 14’: 17.158,
‘quicksort large’: 19.81442,
‘mergesort large’: 22.33417,
‘fibonacci 41’: 5.000,
tests = load_test_module(‘standard’)
# look for threadpool.c in current dir, or point at with flag
def usage():
print (“””
Usage: %s [options]
-v Verbose
-V Print Version and exit
-a Run benchmark anyway even if machine is not idle
-r Only run required tests.
-h Show help
-l List available tests
-t Filter test by name, given as a comma separated list.
e.g.: -t basic1,psum
“”” % (sys.argv[0]))
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], “Varvhlp:t:o:B:gL”, [“verbose”, “help”, “list-tests”])
except getopt.GetoptError as err:
print (str(err)) # will print something like “option -a not recognized”
runfilter = lambda test : True
ignore_if_not_idle = False
for opt, arg in opts:
if opt == “-r”:
oldrunfilter = runfilter
runfilter = lambda test: test.is_required and oldrunfilter(test)
elif opt == “-V”:
print (“Version”, version)
elif opt == “-a”:
ignore_if_not_idle = True
elif opt == “-v”:
verbose = True
elif opt in (“-h”, “–help”):
elif opt == ‘-p’:
poolfile = arg
elif opt == ‘-l’:
list_tests = True
elif opt == ‘-o’:
results_file = arg
elif opt == ‘-B’:
benchmark_runs = int(arg)
elif opt == ‘-g’:
grade_mode = True
elif opt == ‘-t’:
filtered = arg.split(‘,’)
for _filter in filtered:
for test in tests:
if _filter == test.name:
print (‘Unknown test: %s. Use -l to list test names.’ % _filter)
oldrunfilter = runfilter
runfilter = lambda test: test.name in filtered and oldrunfilter(test)
assert False, “unhandled option”
if list_tests:
print (‘Available tests (with applied filters):’)
print (80 * ‘=’)
for test in tests:
if runfilter(test):
print (‘%s: %s’ % (test.name, test.description))
def copyfile(src, dst):
cmd = “cp %s %s” % (src, dst)
if verbose:
print (cmd)
ex = os.system(cmd)
def setup_working_directory():
if verbose:
print (“Creating working directory”, workdir)
if verbose:
print (“Copying files”)
if not os.access(poolfile, os.R_OK):
print (“I cannot find %s” % poolfile)
copyfile(poolfile, workdir + “/threadpool.c”)
flist = open(filelist, ‘r’)
for file in flist:
if file.startswith(“#”):
file = file.strip()
copyfile(src_dir + “/” + file, workdir)
if verbose:
print (“Copying %s” % poolfile)
if os.system(“make -j 20”):
if grade_mode:
op = open(results_file, ‘w’)
op.write(json.dumps({‘error’: ‘did not compile’}))
raise Exception(“make failed, run ‘make’ in %s to see why” % workdir)
def check_software_engineering(objfile, allowedsymbols):
hex = “[0-9A-Fa-f]{8,16}”
if verbose:
print (“Performing some checks that %s conforms to accepted software engineering practice…” % objfile)
symbols = subprocess.Popen([“nm”, objfile], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)\
for sym in symbols:
if sym == “” or re.match(“\s+U (\S+)”, sym):
m = re.match(hex + ” (\S) (\S+)”, sym)
raise Exception(“unexpected line in nm:\n” + sym)
if m.group(1).islower(): # local symbols are fine
if m.group(1) == “T”:
if m.group(2) in allowedsymbols:
if grade_mode:
op = open(results_file, ‘w’)
op.write(json.dumps({‘error’: ‘defines global function %s’ % m.group(2)}))
raise Exception((“%s defines global function ‘%s’\n”
+”allowed functions are: %s”) % (objfile, m.group(2), str(allowedsymbols)))
if grade_mode:
op = open(results_file, ‘w’)
op.write(json.dumps({‘error’: ‘defines global symbol %s’ % m.group(2)}))
raise Exception((“%s must not define any global or static variables”
+”, but you define: %s”) % (objfile, m.group(2)))
allowedsymbols = [ “future_free”, “future_get”,
“thread_pool_new”, “thread_pool_shutdown_and_destroy”,
“thread_pool_submit” ]
# build it (like check.py)
def count_number_of_processes():
proc = subprocess.Popen([“ps”, “ux”, “-L”], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
stdout, stderr = proc.communicate()
# -2 for ps and header
return len(stdout.decode().strip().split(‘\n’)) – 2
def get_load_average():
Returns tuple nproc, loadavg where nproc is the current number of
running threads (minus 1) and loadavg is the load average
# 0.57 0.65 0.54 1/426 28121
with open(“/proc/loadavg”) as f:
c = f.read().strip()
m = re.match(r'(\S+) \S+ \S+ (\d+)/\d+ \d+’, c)
load = float(m.groups()[0])
nprocs = int(m.groups()[1])
return nprocs – 1, load
def wait_for_load_to_go_down():
while True:
nprocs, load = get_load_average()
if nprocs == 0 and load < 1.0:
print ("Warning. There are other %d processes running on this machine, loadavg %f." % (nprocs, load))
print ("Sleeping for 1 second. Use the -a switch to run the benchmarks regardless.")
# run tests
# echo test:
# progname + set of inputs/cmdline parameters
# each should support -n
# result: expected output + exit code(?)
def set_threadlimit(nthreads):
def limit_threads():
resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_NPROC, (nthreads, nthreads))
return limit_threads
def run_single_test(test, run, threads):
cmdline = [‘timeout’, str(run.timeout), test.command, ‘-n’, str(threads)] + run.args
rundata = {
‘command’ : ‘ ‘.join(cmdline),
‘nthreads’ : threads
def addrundata(d):
for k, v in d.items():
rundata[k] = v
if not silent:
print (‘Running:’, ‘ ‘.join(cmdline), end=’ ‘)
infile = None
if run.input_file:
infile = open(run.input_file, ‘r’)
# preexec_fn sets the system-wide NPROC for this user.
# we set it to #threads + 1 (for the main thread)
# plus existing procs
starttime = time.time()
preexec_fn=set_threadlimit(threads + 2 + number_of_existing_processes) if test.limit_threads \
else (lambda : None)
proc = subprocess.Popen(cmdline, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=infile,
stdout, stderr = proc.communicate()
if grade_mode:
stdout = stdout[:100]
stderr = stderr[:100]
runningtime = time.time() – starttime
if infile:
signames = dict((k, v) for v, k in signal.__dict__.items() if v.startswith(‘SIG’))
signum = proc.returncode – 128
if proc.returncode < 0:
signum = -proc.returncode
if proc.returncode >= 128 or proc.returncode < 0 and signum in signames:
timeoutmsg = ''
if runningtime >= run.timeout:
timeoutmsg = ‘\nProgram ran and most likely timed out at %.3fs’ % (runningtime)
error = “””\
Program terminated with signal %d (%s) %s
Program output:
StdErr output:
“”” % (signum, signames[signum], timeoutmsg, stdout.decode(), stderr.decode())
‘error’: error
if not silent:
print (‘[ ]’)
if verbose or grade_mode:
print (error)
elif proc.returncode > 0:
# non-zero exit code
timeoutmsg = ”
if proc.returncode == 124:
timeoutmsg = ‘\nProgram ran and most likely timed out at %.3fs’ % (runningtime)
error = “””\
Program exited with non-zero exit status %d. %s
Program output:
StdErr output:
“”” % (proc.returncode, timeoutmsg, stdout.decode(), stderr.decode())
‘error’: error
if not silent:
print (‘[ ]’)
if verbose or grade_mode:
print (error)
if not silent:
print (‘[+]’)
outfile = ‘runresult.%d.json’ % (proc.pid)
addrundata({‘stdout’: stdout.decode()})
if len(stderr) > 0:
addrundata({‘stderr’: stderr.decode()})
if not os.access(outfile, os.R_OK):
‘error’: ‘The benchmark did not create the expected result file %s’ % outfile
with open(outfile, ‘r’) as f:
data = f.read()
return rundata
def average_run(runs):
‘nthreads’: runs[0][‘nthreads’],
‘command’: runs[0][‘command’]
totalrtime = 0.0
totalstime = 0.0
totalutime = 0.0
error = None
passed = 0
for run in runs:
if ‘error’ in run:
error = run[‘error’]
passed += 1
totalrtime += run[‘realtime’]
totalstime += run[‘ru_stime’]
totalutime += run[‘ru_utime’]
if error or passed != len(runs):
data[‘error’] = error
data[‘run_count’] = len(runs)
data[‘passed’] = passed
data[‘realtime’] = totalrtime / len(runs)
data[‘cputime’] = (totalstime + totalutime) / len(runs)
data[‘ru_stime’] = totalstime / len(runs)
data[‘ru_utime’] = totalutime / len(runs)
data[‘run_count’] = len(runs)
data[‘passed’] = passed
return data
def benchmark_speedup(data, testname):
if ‘realtime’ not in data or ‘cputime’ not in data:
serial_time = benchmark_times[testname]
data[‘speedup’] = serial_time / data[‘realtime’]
data[‘cpu_overuse’] = data[‘cputime’] / data[‘realtime’]
def run_tests(tests):
results = defaultdict(dict)
summary = {}
for test in tests:
if not runfilter(test):
if verbose:
print (‘Skipping test: ‘ + test.description)
if not silent:
print (”)
print (‘Starting test: ‘ + test.description)
print (‘=’ * 80)
results[test.name] = {}
for run in test.runs:
perthreadresults = []
results[test.name][run.name] = perthreadresults
for threads in run.thread_count:
if grade_mode:
repeats = benchmark_runs if test.is_required or run.is_benchmarked else 1
for repeat in range(repeats):
runs.append(run_single_test(test, run, threads))
rundata = average_run(runs)
rundata[‘runs’] = runs
if run.is_benchmarked:
benchmark_speedup(rundata, run.name)
runs = [run_single_test(test, run, threads)]
rundata = average_run(runs)
rundata[‘runs’] = runs
return results
def print_results(results):
print (json.dumps(results, indent = 4, sort_keys = True, separators = (‘,’, ‘: ‘)))
# try pretting printing errors for better readability
def print_info(o):
for k in [‘error’, ‘stderr’, ‘stdout’]:
if k in o:
print (o[k])
for test, r in results.items():
for rr in r.values():
for o in rr:
if ‘runs’ in o:
map(print_info, o[‘runs’])
except Exception as e:
def write_results_to_json(filename):
jfile = open(results_file, “w”)
print (json.dumps(results, indent = 4, sort_keys = True, separators = (‘,’, ‘: ‘)), file=jfile)
def find_thread_run(perthreadresults, threadcount):
return next(filter(lambda result: result[‘nthreads’] == threadcount, perthreadresults), None)
def print_grade_table(results, tests):
# report the results of running each tests with
thread_headers = [1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32]
print (”)
print (‘Test name:’ + (16 * ‘ ‘) + ”.join(map(lambda x: ‘%-10s’ % str(x), thread_headers)))
print (‘=’*80)
minimum_requirements = True
for test in tests:
if not runfilter(test) and test.is_required:
if not silent:
print (‘WARNING: Skipping minimum requirement test (%s), will not say you passed!’ % test.name)
minimum_requirements = False
if not runfilter(test):
if not test.name in results:
print (‘%s: could not find test data!’ % test.name)
res = results[test.name]
print (‘%s:’ % test.name.upper() + ‘ ‘ + test.description)
passed = True
for run in test.runs:
statuses = []
for threads in thread_headers:
thread_run = find_thread_run(res[run.name], threads)
if not thread_run:
statuses.append(”) # MISSING
elif ‘error’ in thread_run:
passed = False
statuses.append(‘[ ]’)
elif run.is_benchmarked:
statuses.append(‘[%.3fs]’ % thread_run[‘realtime’])
print (‘ %-23s’ % (run.name) + ”.join(map(lambda x: ‘%-10s’ % x, statuses)))
if not passed and test.is_required:
minimum_requirements = False
print (‘=’*80)
if minimum_requirements:
print (‘You have met minimum requirements, your performance score will count.’)
print (‘You did not meet minimum requirements; your performance score will be zero.’)
check_software_engineering(“threadpool.o”, allowedsymbols)
number_of_existing_processes = count_number_of_processes()
if verbose:
print (“There are %d process currently running for user %s” % (number_of_existing_processes, os.getlogin()))
if not ignore_if_not_idle:
results = run_tests(tests)
if verbose:
if not silent:
print_grade_table(results, tests)
print (“Wrote full results to %s/%s” % (workdir, results_file))
程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com