CS代考 CS 162 Operating Systems and Systems Programming Spring 2021 Midterm 1

CS 162 Operating Systems and Systems Programming Spring 2021 Midterm 1
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For questions with circular bubbles, you should select exactly one choice. # You must choose either this option
# Or this one, but not both!
For questions with square checkboxes, you may select multiple choices. 2 You could select this choice.
2 You could select this one too!
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Exam generated for 2
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This exam has 6 questions of varying difficulty and length. Make sure you read through the exam completely before starting to work on the exam.
We will overlook minor syntax errors in grading coding questions. You do not have to add necessary #include statements.
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Exam generated for 3 1. (10.0 points) True/False
Please EXPLAIN your answer in TWO SENTENCES OR LESS (Answers longer than this may not get credit!). Answers without any explanation GET NO CREDIT.
(a) (2.5 points) i.
Performing a syscall requires a transfer from user mode to kernel mode. True
# False ii.
This is true because a syscall is a request for a service from the kernel. Since these services are privileged and can only be executed by the kernel, there must be a transfer from user mode to kernel mode.

Exam generated for 4
(b) (2.5 points) i.
A syscall can be successfully completed without a transfer from user mode to kernel mode. # True
This is false because a syscall is a request for a service from the kernel. Since these services are privileged and can only be executed by the kernel, there must be a transfer from user mode to kernel mode.

Exam generated for 5
(c) (2.5 points) i.
This program will print “Hello World”.
void func_name(int special_int) {
if (special_int == 1) {
void *run(void *arg) {
pthread_mutex_t *mutex_ptr = (pthread_mutex_t *) arg;
return NULL;
int main() {
pthread_mutex_t mutex;
pthread_t thread;
pthread_mutex_init(&mutex, NULL);
pthread_create(&thread, NULL, run, &mutex);
pthread_join(thread, NULL);
printf(“Hello World”);
# True False
The run thread acquires the mutex before the main thread does, then the run thread will exit (via func_name) without releasing the mutex, and the main thread will hang.

Exam generated for 6
(d) (2.5 points) i.
The file descriptor table resides in kernel memory. True
# False ii.
Files are a resource managed by the kernel.

Exam generated for 7
(e) (2.5 points) i.
The file descriptor table resides in user memory. # True
Files are a resource managed by the kernel.

Exam generated for 8
(f) (2.5 points) i.
Calling lseek() on an open socket file descriptor results in an error. True
# False ii.
Socket FDs are abstractions of network connections. Even though you can interact with them like files, they aren’t actually files on disk. As a result, lseek does not work.

Exam generated for 9
(g) (2.5 points) i.
Calling lseek() on an open socket file descriptor does not result in an error. # True
Socket FDs are abstractions of network connections. Even though you can interact with them like files, they aren’t actually files on disk. As a result, lseek does not work.

Exam generated for 10 2. (12.0 points) Multiple Choice
In the following multiple choice questions, please select all options that apply. Answering a question instead of leaving it blank will NOT lower your score (the minimum score for a single question is 0, not negative).
(a) (2.0 pt)
Which of the following situations correctly describe instances of user mode transfer or kernel mode transfer? 􏰁 The timer interrupt interrupts a user program.
􏰁 A user program attempts to access unmapped memory and triggers a page fault.
2 A bug in the kernel’s scheduler algorithm causes a segmentation fault.
􏰁 One process sends a signal to another process.
2 None of the above.
Safe control transfer involves switching from user mode to kernel mode or vice versa. User to kernel mode transfer include user-mode interrupts and exceptions (not errors that occur in kernel mode). Signals are handled by the kernel, so two mode transfers are necessary.
(b) (2.0 pt)
Which of the following correctly describe the instruction to return from an interrupt (iret)? 2 Is executable in user mode
􏰁 Atomically modifies multiple registers
􏰁 Is used in kernel mode transfer or user mode transfer
2 May modify data on the user stack
2 None of the above
The iret instruction to return from an interrupt is a privileged instruction (not executable in user mode) that atomically switches from kernel mode to user mode and positions the program counter. It does not touch the stack (though subsequent instructions might).

Exam generated for 11 (c) (2.0 pt)
In the below program, several threads are created. Which of the following statements in foo always print the same memory address when evaluated by different threads in the same process?
int global;
void* foo(void* arg) {
printf(“%p\n”, &foo);
printf(“%p\n”, &global);
printf(“%p\n”, &arg);
printf(“%p\n”, arg);
return NULL;
int main() {
void* hmem = malloc(1);
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { pthread_t pid; pthread_create(&pid, NULL, foo, hmem); 􏰁 printf("%p\n", &foo) 􏰁 printf("%p\n", &global) 2 printf("%p\n", &arg) 􏰁 printf("%p\n", arg) 2 None of the above Threads in the same process share the same address space, so foo and global are the same across all threads. The same argument is given to each thread, so arg stays the same. Each thread has its own stack, so the location of the argument (&arg) is different. (d) (2.0 pt) Let’s assume that there are three threads, Threads A, B, and C, running in Process Z. For which of these synchronization scenarios would you utilize a single semaphore initialized with a value of 2 (as opposed a semaphore initialized to some other value)? 2 Ensuring that Thread A completes before Thread B 􏰁 Preventing more than 2 of the threads from running function f() simultaneously 2 Ensuring that Thread A runs after Thread B and Thread C have both completed 2 Preventing Thread A or B from running function f() simultaneously 2 None of the above Semaphores, unlike locks, do not have a concept of ownership – any thread can up() or down() the semaphore. This means that we cannot enforce some strict ordering with a single semaphore. With a single semaphore initialized to 2, we can only sure that some resource (the function f()) has up to two concurrent usages. Exam generated for 12 (e) (2.0 pt)
Let’s assume that there are three threads, Threads A, B, and C, running in Process Z. For which of these synchronization scenarios would you utilize a single semaphore initialized with a value of 2 (as opposed to a semaphore initialized to some other value)?
2 Ensuring that Thread B completes before Thread A
􏰁 Preventing more than 2 of the threads from running function f() simultaneously 2 Ensuring that Thread C runs after Thread A and Thread B have both completed 2 Preventing Thread B or C from running function f() simultaneously
2 None of the above
Semaphores, unlike locks, do not have a concept of ownership – any thread can up() or down() the semaphore. This means that we cannot enforce some strict ordering with a single semaphore. With a single semaphore initialized to 2, we can only sure that some resource (the function f()) has up to two concurrent usages.
(f) (2.0 pt)
Assume we have an empty file called red.txt. Consider the following code:
int main() {
int red = open(“red.txt”, O_RDWR);
if (fork() == 0) {
int status;
char* str = “blue”;
write(red, str, 4);
What could be the contents of red.txt after we run this code? 􏰁 blue
􏰁 The file is still empty
2 The program is guaranteed to error
2 None of the above
Closing a file descriptor in one process does not affect the file descriptor in another process, since the file descriptor mapping was copied when we forked. Regardless, the write() call may write “blue”, “blu”, or nothing, as low-level I/O does not guarantee full writes and can error.

Exam generated for 13
(g) (2.0 pt)
Which of the following statements about files are true?
􏰁 Within a single process, calling open() twice on the same file with the same permissions will return two different file descriptors.
2 fwrite uses a buffer in kernel space to store data before data is written to disk.
􏰁 A child process created using fork() will have the same set of open file descriptors as its parent process
immediately after fork().
􏰁 Threads in the same process will always share the same file descriptors.
2 None of the above.
The file descriptor table is per-process, so threads share file descriptors, while creating a new process with fork() copies the file descriptor table. You can open a file multiple times in the same process. fwrite is a library function that uses a buffer in user space.

Exam generated for 14
3. (28.0 points) Short Answer
(a) (4.0 pt)
Explain dual-mode operation and describe its main purpose.
(b) (4.0 pt)
Is it possible for busy waiting to perform better than conventional blocking synchronization in certain cases? Explain the conditions when this would occur, or explain why this impossible.
(c) (4.0 pt)
Explain the difference between the fork() syscall in Linux and the exec() syscall in PintOS.
(d) (4.0 pt)
When implementing the Project 1 syscalls, forgot to check for invalid memory accesses. Given this vulnerability, a malicious program wants to view kernel data at physical address 0xC0A1E5CE. Explain how the malicious program could accomplish this. Hint: Think about which syscall(s) would be useful here.
(e) (4.0 pt)
Process A and B each have open file descriptors equal to 162. Is it possible that these file descriptors correspond to different files? Explain the conditions when this would occur, or explain why this impossible.
Dual-mode operation is when the hardware provides (at least) two modes: user mode and supervisor/kernel mode. Certain operations can only be executed in supervisor mode whereas other operations can be executed in either user or supervisor mode. Having dual-mode operation allows for protection between different programs as well as operating system protection from malicious users.
Yes, putting a thread to sleep and waking it up could take more CPU cycles than busy waiting.
fork() spawns a new process, and copies the entire address space and file descriptors of the parent process. exec() spawns a new process, but loads an entirely new program/process image.
Process A can invoke the write syscall and pass in the kernel address 0xC0A1E5CE as the buffer. Without memory access checks, the kernel will blindly copy data from kernel memory into a file that the user can then access and read.
Yes. File descriptors are separate per process. For example, we can fork, then open different files in the parent and child.

Exam generated for 15 (f) (4.0 pt)
In general, why is it faster to have inter-process communication using a pipe over using a file?
(g) (4.0 pt)
Fawful is implementing locks using futex’s. The implementations of lock_acquire and lock_release are given below (we will use the signatures for test_and_set and futex given in lecture):
int futex(int *uaddr, int futex_op, int val, const struct timespec *timeout);
int test_and_set(int *val);
void lock_acquire(int *lock) {
while (test_and_set(lock)) {
futex(lock, FUTEX_WAIT, 1, NULL);
void lock_release(int *lock) {
*lock = 0;
futex(lock, FUTEX_WAKE, 1, NULL);
Assuming we have two threads A and B in a single process Z, let’s assume that the futex(lock, FUTEX_WAIT, 1, NULL) function call in lock_acquire ALWAYS puts the thread to sleep rather than conditionally putting the thread to sleep. Explain why this would not yield a correct implementation of a lock.
Pipes exist in memory, whereas files exist on disk. Pipes have less overheard so would be better in situations where efficiency is important.
If the lock is released between test_and_set and FUTEX_WAIT, then the acquiring thread will be put to sleep but there will be no thread to wake it up.

Exam generated for 16 4. (10.0 points) Koopalings Castle
Eek! There’s only 1 castle left in the Mushroom Kingdom for the Koopalings and the Goombas to use, as the rest have been freed from their rule. The Koopalings (Larry, Morton, Wendy, Iggy, Roy, Lemmy, and Ludwig) each want to use the castle to practice their own stomping, while the Goombas want to use the castle to hold a party together. We’ve attempted to write a program to manage this resource.
• If either Koopalings or Goombas can enter the castle, Koopalings should be let in. • Koopalings cannot be in the castle at the same time as Goombas.
• There is a maximum of 1 Koopaling in the castle at any given time.
• There is a maximum of 24 Goombas in the castle at any given time.
#define LIMIT 24
pthread_cond_t koopaling_cv, goomba_cv;
pthread_mutex_t lock;
int activeKoopalings, activeGoombas;
int waitingKoopalings, waitingGoombas;
void koopaling_stomp(void) {
if (activeKoopalings + activeGoombas > 0) {
pthread_cond_wait(&koopaling_cv, &lock);
if (waitingGoombas == 0 && waitingKoopalings > 0) {
} else if (waitingKoopalings > 0) {
} else if (waitingGoombas > 0) {
void goomba_party(void) {
if (activeKoopalings > 0 || activeGoombas == LIMIT) {
pthread_cond_wait(&goomba_cv, &lock);
if (activeGoombas == 0 && waitingKoopalings > 0) {

Exam generated for 17
} else if (waitingGoombas > 0) {
(a) (3.0 pt)
Does the above code satisfy the given constraints assuming Mesa semantics? Explain.
(b) (3.0 pt)
Does the above code satisfy the given constraints assuming Hoare semantics? Explain.
(c) (4.0 pt)
Eek! The Koopalings and Goombas aren’t cooperating, and they’ve decided to each use their own lock. In other words, every lock in koopaling_stomp will be replaced with koopaling_lock, and every lock in goomba_party will be replaced with goomba_lock. Describe a possible race condition that might result from this.
No. The pthread_cond_wait calls are wrapped in if blocks, not while loops, so the code does not handle spurious wakeups.
No. The above code does not enforce the constraint that there is a max of LIMIT Goombas in the room at one time. If using Hoare Semantics, when all the Goombas on the queue are broadcasted by the Koopaling, there is no second check after the Goombas wake up that ensures the room capacity stays <= LIMIT. Thus, it’s possible for more than LIMIT Goombas to be sleeping on the condition variable queue and for all of them to enter the room during a broadcast. The castle is currently empty. At the same time, a Koopaling and a Goomba decide they want to enter the castle. Because each grab their own lock, it is possible both check their respective ‘if’ conditions at the same time, see there are no activeGoombas or activeKoopalings, and enter the castle. This violates the constraint that both parties cannot be in the castle at the same time. Other race conditions involve potential interleavings of one thread trying to read the values for waitingX/activeX while another thread is trying to increment / decrement those values. Exam generated for 18 5. (20.0 points) Beaver Bother Logs
You are writing a program for the beavers of Beaver Bother that will automatically sort log entries into separate log files based on a simple protocol: the first character of each log entry will be a digit representing the index of the destination log file. For example, the entry 2 – Beaver Bother will be saved to log2.txt, while the entry 0 – Bothering Beavers will be saved to log0.txt. Log entries will be collected from standard input. You’ve written a function, get_entry, to get one log entry from stdin and save it to a null-terminated buffer. IMPORTANT: Even though each entry is null-terminated, the null terminator should not be written to the log file.
You also decide that the main process of the program should spawn a child process for each log file (to handle file IO), and you plan to use pipes to forward log entries to each child process. Fill in the missing code below to finish your program! We recommend writing down your answers on scratch paper first, then filling in the input boxes.
NOTE: You should only use one line per blank. Extra lines will not be graded.
#define BUFFER_LEN 1024
int get_entry(FILE* infile, char* buf, size_t buflen) {
size_t index = 0;
char ch = fgetc(infile);
int log_index = ch – ‘0’;
buf[0] = ‘\0’;
while ((index < buflen - 2) && (ch != '\n')) { buf[index++] = ch; buf[index] = '\0'; ch = fgetc(infile); buf[index++] = '\n'; buf[index] = '\0'; return log_index; typedef struct pipe_fds { int fds[2]; 程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com