CS代考 CS 162 Solutions Summer 2022

CS 162 Solutions Summer 2022
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Midterm Exam

Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder

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For questions with circular bubbles, you should select exactly one choice. 􏰫 You must choose either this option
􏰫 Or this one, but not both!
For questions with square checkboxes, you may select multiple choices. 􏰬 You could select this choice.
􏰬 You could select this one too!

This is a proctored, closed-book exam. You are allowed 1 page of notes (both sides). You may not use a calculator. You have 110 minutes to complete as much of the exam as possible. Make sure to read all the questions first, as some are substantially more time-consuming.
If there is something about the questions you believe is open to interpretation, please ask us about it.
We will overlook minor syntax errors when grading coding questions. There is a reference sheet at the end
of the exam that you may find helpful. (a) Name
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(e.g. textbooks), or the internet in constructing my answers.”
Write your full name below to acknowledge that you’ve read and agreed to this statement.

1. (12 points) True/False
Please explain your answer in TWO SENTENCES OR LESS. Longer explanations may get no credit.
Answers without an explanation GET NO CREDIT. (a) (2 points)
i. In Pintos the virtual address 0xc0000008 refers to the same physical address no matter which process we are in.
􏰪 True. 􏰫 False.
ii. Explain.
(b) (2 points)
After a multi-threaded process returns from main, the process will continue running until all threads call pthread_exit (assuming no errors).
􏰫 True. 􏰪 False.
Aside: When a thread returns from the function it began running due to pthread_create, pthread_exit is implicitly called. Regardless, the exit syscall does not wait for all threads to gracefully exit.
Addresses above PHYS_BASE are mapped to the same location in phsyical memory.
Returning from main results in the exit syscall being called. exit shuts down the entire process immediately, without waiting for threads to finish.

(c) (2 points)
i. A thread can modify the stack variables of another thread in the same process.
􏰪 True. 􏰫 False.
ii. Explain.
Threads in the same process share the same address space.
(d) (2 points)
i. It is possible to create a lock without trapping into the kernel.
􏰪 True. 􏰫 False.
ii. Explain.
Locks can be implemented using atomic operations, such as test&set or compare&swap. These operations generally do not require trapping into the kernel.

(e) (2 points)
i. fork() is slow in Linux because it has to copy the entire address space of a process.
􏰫 True. 􏰪 False.
ii. Explain.
fork can use copy-on-write, so the operating system does not need to copy the entire address space.
(f) (2 points)
i. To maximize throughput, one should use FCFS instead of SRTF.
􏰪 True. 􏰫 False.
ii. Explain.
Clarification: throughput refers to CPU throughput in this question.
FCFS results in fewer context switches, so the total time to complete all jobs will be lower. SRTF has a better response time, but a worse throughput due to context switching when new jobs arrive.

2. (18 points) Multiple Choice Choose ALL that apply.
(a) (2 pt) Which of the following x86 instructions can you NOT execute in user mode? 􏰬 pushl
􏰬 addl $16, %esp
􏰬 int $0x30
􏰬 None of the above.
You can only return from interrupt if you are in kernel mode. The int $0x30 instruction can be performed from user mode – it is how PintOS user programs issue syscalls.
(b) (2 pt) Which of the following are part of the kernel? 􏰬 C standard library
■ Device drivers
■ Scheduler
􏰬 None of the above.
The shell is a user program; the C standard library is linked to user programs. Device drivers and the scheduler are typically part of the kernel.
(c) (2 pt) How does the Pintos kernel find the struct thread of the currently running kernel thread? 􏰬 The address is stored in an intr_frame.
􏰬 The kernel scans a global array of struct threads.
􏰬 The address is stored in the upper 12 bytes of %eax.
■ The kernel rounds down %esp to the nearest page.
􏰬 None of the above.
Each struct thread is at the bottom of the page that its corresponding kernel stack is on.
(d) (2 pt) Which of the following will ALWAYS lead to a transfer from user mode to kernel mode? ■ A process opens a file.
􏰬 A process adds two large numbers, leading to integer overflow. ■ A process tries to dereference a NULL pointer.
􏰬 A process reads a file with fread.
􏰬 None of the above.
A: The OS must check permission when opening a file, so the kernel must be involved. B: Integer overflow need not trap to the kernel. C: Dereferencing a NULL pointer will result in a memory access violation, which typically results in the kernel shutting down the process. D: fread doesn’t always go to the kernel. See https://stackoverflow.com/a/9587245.

(e) (2 pt) Which of the following are TRUE about syscalls?
􏰬 Forked processes share a single address space.
􏰬 Pipes are two-way communication channels between processes on the same physical machine. ■ Open file descriptors are preserved across the (Linux) exec syscall.
􏰬 The dup2 syscall allows a file descriptor to point to multiple entries in the kernel file table. 􏰬 None of the above.
A: Processes do not share an address space. B: Pipes are one-way; there is a read-end and a write-end. C is true: That’s why we call dup2 before fork in the shell homework. D: A file descriptor only ever points to 1 entry in the kernel file table. It is possible, however, to have multiple file descriptors refer to a single file.
(f) (2 pt) What are the disadvantages of disabling interrupts to serialize access to a critical section? ■ This technique does not work with a multiprocessor.
􏰬 Disabling interrupts will turn off the hardware timer.
■ The computer can miss critical events when interrupts are disabled. ■ User code cannot disable interrupts.
􏰬 None of the above.
A: False, disabling interrupts does not help prevent multiple processors from accessing the same critical section. B: False, the hardware timer usually generates non-maskable interrupts, which are not ignored even if other interrupts are disabled. C: True, important interrupts may be ignored if interrupts are disabled. D: True, it would be dangerous if user programs had the ability to disable interrupts.
(g) (2 pt) Which of the following MUST occur during a context switch between two threads of different processes?
􏰬 Computational registers are saved in user memory. 􏰬 The user stack is saved to the kernel stack.
􏰬 The file descriptor table is saved to the kernel heap. 􏰬 Buffered data in memory is flushed to disk.
■ None of the above.
A: Registers are saved in kernel memory. B: The page table base register would be set to point to the second process’s page tables, not a default value. C: The file descriptor table is already in memory; nothing extra needs to be saved. D: Buffered data is not necessarily flushed to disk during a context switch.
(h) (2 pt) Which of the following are a result of the “everything is a file” paradigm? 􏰬 All kernel data structures are stored as files.
■ User processes interact with I/O devices as if they are files.
􏰬 Everything stored on disk is part of a file.
■ One can read and write to a pipe using file syscalls.
􏰬 None of the above.
A: Kernel data structures may be stored in memory. B: True; you can use read and write to read from disk/keyboard/mouse. C: Not everything on disk is a file. The boot loader and free map are examples in PintOS. D: True; you operate on pipes using read and write.

(i) (2 pt) Which of the following scheduling algorithms may cause starvation? 􏰬 Linux CFS
􏰬 Round robin
􏰬 None of the above.
A: CFS always runs the thread that has run for the least amount of time, guaranteeing that all threads run for approximately equal amounts of time. B: FCFS can cause starvation since it does not pre-empt threads that run for an indefinite amount of time. C: Round robin scheduling guarantees that a new thread runs in each quanta. D: MLFQS can cause starvation for threads in lower priority queues since threads in higher priority queues can remain there for indefinite amounts of time.

3. (21 points) Short Answer
Please answer in THREE SENTENCES OR LESS. Longer explanations may get no credit.
(a) (3 pt) In Pintos, what does _start do besides setting up arguments and calling main?
(b) (3 pt) Describe one important difference between read and fread. How are they related?
_start ensures that exit is called with the return code from main.
Important differences (only one needed): read is a syscall and fread is a high-level C library function. fread maintains a user-level buffer, while read does not. read may not read the desired number of bytes while fread does (assuming EOF is not reached).
How they are related: read is called by fread.
(c) (3 pt) Explain the steps needed to establish a pipe between a parent and a child process.
Call the pipe syscall, then call the fork syscall. Finally, close one end of the pipe in the parent process and close the other end in the child process.

(d) (3 pt) Describe a key difference between Hoare and Mesa semantics.
(e) (3 pt) What role does the Interrupt Vector Table play in protecting the kernel?
With Hoare semantics, the signaling thread immediately transfers the lock and control of the CPU to the waiting thread. With Mesa semantics, the waiting thread will be woken up after being signaled, but may only be scheduled to run at a later time.
The interrupt vector table (IVT) ensures that we only start executing kernel code at predefined entry points.
(f) (3 pt) Why might the lottery scheduler be a bad choice for real-time scheduling?
Real-time schedulers must be predictable; lottery scheduling is not pre- dictable. With lottery scheduling, we cannot guarantee that a task will be run by its deadline.

(g) (3 pt) Rahul plays StarCraft (a computer game). He discovers that inserting printf statements into StarCraft code makes StarCraft run faster on his computer. Explain why this happens.
Rahul’s computer may use a MLFQS. Inserting print statements causes StarCraft to give up the CPU earlier (due to I/O), which will cause StarCraft to run in a higher priority queue.

4. (18 points) Parallel File Copy
For online exam takers: you may find it useful to read this problem in a separate PDF instead of scrolling back and forth.
You are making a backup copy of your entire hard drive, but you find that copying a single file at a time takes too long. You decide to put your CS 162 knowledge to good use, and copy multiple files in parallel.
Your program takes in a non-negative integer n and two lists of strings, both of length n. The first list, in_files, contains a list of source files; the second list, out_files, contains the corresponding destination file names. Write a program to copy each source file to the corresponding destination. You must create a separate process to copy each file. The files should all be copied concurrently.
The main (parent) process must wait for all the files to be copied, and all child processes to exit, before exiting.
Fill in the blanks below to implement your parallel file copy program. You must use the low-level I/O API shown in the reference sheet. You may assume calls to read and write never error. Do NOT assume they read/write the full amount.
NOTE: You should only use AT MOST one line per blank. Extra lines will not be graded. Your solution does not need to use all the blanks. You may use loops, conditional statements, and other control structures in your solution as you see fit.
#define BUFSIZE 2048
void copy_file(char* src, char* dst) {
char buf[BUFSIZE];
int srcfd = open(src, O_RDONLY);
int dstfd = open(dst, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0644);
int chunk;
int total;
while (______________[A]_______________) {
void copy(int n, char** in_files, char** out_files) {
pid_t children[n];
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { ______________[C]_______________ ______________[C]_______________ ______________[C]_______________ ______________[C]_______________ ______________[C]_______________ ______________[C]_______________ ______________[C]_______________ ______________[C]_______________ ______________[C]_______________ ______________[C]_______________ ______________[C]_______________ ______________[D]_______________ ______________[D]_______________ ______________[D]_______________ ______________[D]_______________ ______________[D]_______________ int main(int argc, char** argv) { // Example usage: int n = 2; char* in_files[] = { "test1.txt", "test2.txt" }; char* out_files[] = { "copy1.txt", "copy2.txt" }; // test1.txt should be copied to copy1.txt // test2.txt should be copied to copy2.txt copy(n, in_files, out_files); (a) (2 pt) [A] (max 1 line) (chunk = read(srcfd, buf, BUFSIZE)) > 0
Other solutions are possible.
(b) (6 pt) [B] (max 6 lines)
total = 0;
while (total < chunk) { total += write(dstfd, &buf[total], chunk - total); (c) (7 pt) [C] (max 11 lines) pid_t child = fork(); if (child > 0) {
children[i] = child;
} else if (child == 0) {
copy_file(infiles[i], outfiles[i]);
perror(“fork failed”);
(d) (3 pt) [D] (max 5 lines)
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { waitpid(children[i], NULL, 0); 5. (25 points) Channels For online exam takers: you may find it useful to read this problem in a separate PDF instead of scrolling back and forth. We’ve seen how locks can be used to synchronize access to shared data. Channels are an alternative model to synchronization. When using channels, one or more threads produce data that is sent through the channel. Other threads then read the data that was sent to the channel. A buffered channel is one that maintains an internal buffer of a given size. As long as the buffer has space, calls to send should complete quickly (they should just put the new value in the buffer, possibly acquiring some locks if necessary). If the buffer is full, send should wait until space becomes available, unless the caller indicates they do not want to wait (in which case the send operation should do nothing). The recv method reads values from the channel in the order in which they were put in the buffer. In this problem, you will implement a buffered channel that transports integers between multiple threads in the same process. This is the interface you must implement: #include
#include typedef struct chan {
/* TODO: add fields here. */
// Initializes a channel with buffer size `size`.
void chan_init(chan_t* chan, size_t size);
// Sends a value through the channel.
// If wait is true, wait for space in the channel if necessary.
// If wait is false, no waiting is permitted. It is OK to acquire
// locks, but you must not wait for some other thread to call send/recv.
// Returns true if the send was successful; false otherwise.
bool send(chan_t* chan, int value, bool wait);
// Receive a value from the channel, storing the result in *dst.
// If wait is true, wait for a value to become available.
// If wait is false, no waiting is permitted. It is OK to acquire
// locks, but you must not wait for some other thread to call send/recv.
// Returns true if the receive was successful; false otherwise.
bool recv(chan_t* chan, int* dst, bool wait);
// Frees all memory allocated by chan_init.
// You can assume that this will only be called by a single thread,
// and that no threads will be waiting due to calls to send/recv.
void chan_free(chan_t* chan);
Please be sure to read the descriptions of each method, as they contain important details.
Your implementation should be thread-safe. That is, it should behave correctly regardless of the number of threads concurrently calling send and recv. You can assume that chan_init is called and completes before any concurrent use of the channel.
To make your implementation simpler, you may assume you have access to a circular buffer that stores integers. The interface presented by the buffer is shown below:
// A circular buffer of fixed size.
// The provided methods are NOT thread-safe.

typedef struct circ_buf {
} circ_buf_t;
// Initializes a circular buffer of the given size.
void circ_buf_init(circ_buf_t* buf, size_t size);
// Puts a value into the buffer.
// Panics if the buffer is already full.
void circ_buf_put(circ_buf_t* buf, int value);
// Gets and removes a value from the buffer.
// Panics if the buffer is already empty.
int circ_buf_get(circ_buf_t* buf);
// Returns the number of entries in the buffer.
size_t circ_buf_len(circ_buf_t* buf);
// Returns the capacity of the buffer.
// Will always equal the size used to initialize the buffer.
size_t circ_buf_capacity(circ_buf_t* buf);
// Frees all resources allocated by `circ_buf_init`.
// You must not use the buffer after calling this method.
void circ_buf_free(circ_buf_t* buf);
The buffer implementation is NOT thread-safe; it is your job to synchronize access to the buffer.
Using the provided buffer API, as well as pthread locks, semaphores, and/or condition variables, implement the required channel methods by filling in the blanks below. You may find the reference sheet useful.
NOTE: You should only use AT MOST one line per blank. Extra lines will not be graded. Your solution does not need to use all the blanks. You may use loops, conditional statements, and other control structures in your solution as you see fit.
#include “channel.h”
typedef struct chan {
circ_buf_t buf;
void chan_init(chan_t* chan, size_t size) {

bool send(chan_t* chan, int value, bool wait) {

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