import socket
import signal
import sys
import argparse
Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder
# Saved information on the room.
description = ”
items = []
connections = []
# List of clients currently in the room.
client_list = []
# Signal handler for graceful exiting.
def signal_handler(sig, frame):
print(‘Interrupt received, shutting down …’)
# Search the client list for a particular player.
def client_search(player):
for reg in client_list:
if reg[0] == player:
return reg[1]
return None
# Search the client list for a particular player by their address.
def client_search_by_address(address):
for reg in client_list:
if reg[1] == address:
return reg[0]
return None
# Add a player to the client list.
def client_add(player, address):
registration = (player, address)
# Remove a client when disconnected.
def client_remove(player):
for reg in client_list:
if reg[0] == player:
# Summarize the room into text.
def summarize_room():
global name
global description
global items
# Pack description into a string and return it.
summary = name + ‘\n\n’ + description + ‘\n\n’
if len(items) == 0:
summary += “The room is empty.\n”
elif len(items) == 1:
summary += “In this room, there is:\n”
summary += f’ {items[0]}\n’
summary += “In this room, there are:\n”
for item in items:
summary += f’ {item}\n’
return summary
# Print a room’s description.
def print_room_summary():
# Process incoming message.
def process_message(message, addr):
# Parse the message.
words = message.split()
# If player is joining the server, add them to the list of players.
if (words[0] == ‘join’):
if (len(words) == 2):
print(f’User {words[1]} joined from address {addr}’)
return summarize_room()[:-1]
return “Invalid command”
# If player is leaving the server. remove them from the list of players.
elif (message == ‘exit’):
return ‘Goodbye’
# If player looks around, give them the room summary.
elif (message == ‘look’):
return summarize_room()[:-1]
# If player takes an item, make sure it is here and give it to the player.
elif (words[0] == ‘take’):
if (len(words) == 2):
if (words[1] in items):
return f'{words[1]} taken’
return f'{words[1]} cannot be taken in this room’
return “Invalid command”
# If player drops an item, put in in the list of things here.
elif (words[0] == ‘drop’):
if (len(words) == 2):
return f'{words[1]} dropped’
return “Invalid command”
# Otherwise, the command is bad.
return “Invalid command”
# Our main function.
def main():
global name
global description
global items
global connections
# Register our signal handler for shutting down.
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler)
# Check command line arguments for room settings.
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument(“port”, type=int, help=”port number to list on”)
parser.add_argument(“name”, help=”name of the room”)
parser.add_argument(“description”, help=”description of the room”)
parser.add_argument(“item”, nargs=’*’, help=”items found in the room by default”)
args = parser.parse_args()
name =
description = args.description
items = args.item
# Report initial room state.
print(‘Room Starting Description:\n’)
# Create the socket. We will ask this to work on any interface and to use
# the port given at the command line. We’ll print this out for clients to use.
room_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
room_socket.bind((”, port))
print(‘\nRoom will wait for players at port: ‘ + str(room_socket.getsockname()[1]))
# Loop forever waiting for messages from clients.
while True:
# Receive a packet from a client and process it.
message, addr = room_socket.recvfrom(1024)
# Process the message and retrieve a response.
response = process_message(message.decode(), addr)
# Send the response message back to the client.
if __name__ == ‘__main__’:
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