代写代考 CISC 204, you searched (manually) for proofs using both forward and backwar

Notes for Lecture 19 (Fall 2022 week 9 part 2):
More on Prolog queries; arithmetic in Prolog

Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder

November 6, 2022

Code for this lecture is in lec19.pl.

1 Backwards proof search

1.1 Analogy to 204

In CISC 204, you searched (manually) for proofs using both forward and backward reasoning. For
example, to prove the sequent

p, q, q → r ⊢ p∧ r
you could work backwards, writing ∧i as the last step, then trying to prove p and r:

To prove p, we notice that we have p as a premise. Then to prove r, you could notice that q → r
is a premise and prove q.

1 p premise
q → r premise

p∧ r ∧i 1,

1 p premise
2 q → r premise
3 q premise
4 r →e 2,3
5 p∧ r ∧i 1, 4

This is backwards reasoning: we looked at our goal (what we want to prove), p∧r, and decided
to use ∧i as the last step. That gives us two new goals: p and r.

Alternatively, we could observe that q and q → r are premises, and prove r even before we
decide to use ∧i. That would be reasoning forward.

1 q premise
2 q → r premise
3 r →e 1,2

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Prolog is based on backward reasoning. (So is the “Tiny Theorem Prover” on assignment 3.)
When you enter a query into Prolog, that is the goal. Prolog looks for a clause (fact or rule) that
matches the goal. If the matching clause is a fact, the query is true. (Imagine trying to prove q∨¬q
in 204. As soon as we realize that we can use LEM, we are done. The LEM “rule” has no premises,
so it is like a Prolog fact.)

If the matching clause is a rule, the situation is similar to using the ∧e rule: the “body” of the
Prolog rule—its premises, after the symbol :-—become our new goals.

In 204, reasoning (backwards or forwards) was done using a fixed set of rules: ∧i, ∨e, →i, and
so on. In Prolog, the set of rules is not fixed: it depends on which .pl file you’ve loaded.

For example, if we are representing provability with a predicate provable and conjunction
formulas using the constructor conj, we can model the ∧i rule

as a Prolog rule:

provable(conj(Phi1, Phi2)) :- provable(Phi1), provable(Phi2).

Exercise 1. Write one or two Prolog rules to model the ∨i1 and ∨i2 rules, as we modelled ∧i

(Writing one rule requires using ; within the head of the rule. It’s fine to write two rules.)

1.2 Prolog goes in order

Prolog always looks for matching clauses in order: it checks the first clause in the file first, then
the second, and so on. So, as with Haskell’s pattern matching, the order in which we write clauses

For example, the Haskell functions f and g have the same clauses, but they are written in a
different order, so they behave differently: f True returns True, but g True returns False. The
wildcard pattern in g _ = False matches True, so we return False and never reach the second
clause g True = True.

f True = True

f _ = False

g _ = False

g True = True

(Haskell will warn you about g because the second clause is never reached, but it is just a
warning, not an error.)

Translating the above Haskell functions to Prolog predicates leads to two predicates that behave
differently, because Prolog also goes in order:

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f(true, true).

f(_, false).

g(_, false).

g(true, true).

Results of queries (typing . to get only the first result):

?- f(true, Answer).

Answer = true .

?- g(true, Answer).

Answer = false .

But the story is a little more complicated for Prolog. As indicated above, I typed a period
because I only wanted the first answer. If I had typed a semicolon, Prolog would have kept looking
for more answers:

?- f(true, Answer).

Answer = true % I typed a semicolon here

Answer = false.

?- g(true, Answer).

Answer = false % I typed a semicolon here

Answer = true.

This isn’t really what I wanted—Haskell functions always return the same result, so if I’m trying
to faithfully translate f and g to Prolog, they should only give me one answer, not two.

(Mathematically, a binary relation R is a function if and only if, whenever (arg, answer1)
and (arg, answer2) are both in R, answer1 = answer2: given the argument arg, a mathematical
function can’t return answer1 sometimes, and answer2 other times. In this sense, Haskell functions
are closer to mathematical functions than functions in many languages.)

There are several ways to fix this in the Prolog code and get Prolog predicates that really do
correspond exactly to the Haskell code.

One way is to change the patterns in the Haskell code, before we translate, in a way that does
not change the behaviour of the Haskell code, but makes the order of clauses irrelevant. Doing this
for the Haskell function f, and calling the new function f2, we get:

f2 True = True

f2 False = False — pattern was _, but we only reach this clause

— when the argument does not match True,

— so the pattern False is equivalent

When we translate f2, we get only one answer to our query:

f2(true, true).

f2(false, false).

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?- f2(true, Answer).

Answer = true. — Prolog noticed that there were no more matching

— clauses, and didn’t even wait for me to type . or ;

Exercise 2. Translate g to g2.
Hint: When Haskell is looking at the pattern in the first clause, which Bool values match that

The second way to do this is to leave the Haskell code alone, and do “the same thing” to the
Prolog code: change the pattern to true. This would give us the same predicate f2.

There is a third way, called a cut, but we will not cover that right now.

2 Arithmetic

2.1 Dear Prolog, please do arithmetic

I hope the earlier notes have at least conveyed the idea that functions in Prolog don’t look much
like functions in other languages: we have to model functions as predicates.

Arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, and multiplication are functions—we often
write them differently (for example, they are usually infix, like 1+2, rather than prefix, like + 1 2),
but they are essentially functions.

If Prolog functions don’t look like Haskell functions, then we shouldn’t be too surprised if Prolog
arithmetic doesn’t look like Haskell arithmetic. Confusingly, some of it looks like Haskell arithmetic,
but getting Prolog to do arithmetic requires care.

To extract from Prolog the result of the function f2, we translate f2 to a predicate and then ask:
“Does there exist Answer such that f2, Answer is true?”

So we might expect that, if we ask, “Does there exist N such that N = 2 + 2?”, we would get 4.
We would be wrong:

?- N = 2 + 2.

What is going on here?
Prolog does not really have functions, so it is not going to just see 2 + 2 and convert it to 4.

When it sees 2 + 2, it thinks of that as data—as a tree:

This tree has one branch node, +, and two leaves, 2 and 2. If you saw this in a data structures
course, it would not make sense to say this is really the tree

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because those are two different trees—they don’t even have the same number of leaves.
Here is the ArithExpr data type and Haskell calc function from lec8.hs. It’s been a while, so

you’ll probably want to go back to that file and remind yourself of how calc works:

— Data type representing “arithmetic expressions”,

— which are also trees of a particular kind.

data ArithExpr = Constant Integer

| Negate ArithExpr

| Add Arith Expr

| Subtract Arith Expr

deriving (Show)

— calc :: ArithExpr -> Integer

— “Calculate” the result of an ArithExpr.

— Examples:

— calc (Negate (Constant (-5))) should step (eventually) to 5

— calc (Negate (Negate (Constant (-5)))) should step (eventually) to -5

— calc (Add (Constant 3) (Constant 4)) should step (eventually) to 7

calc :: ArithExpr -> Integer

calc (Constant k) = k

calc (Negate e) = 0 – (calc e)

calc (Add e1 e2) = (calc e1) + (calc e2)

calc (Subtract e1 e2) = (calc e1) – (calc e2)

The function calc takes an ArithExpr, and returns an Integer. To give a relevant example,
calc (Add (Constant 2) (Constant 2)) returns 4.

This is not quite the same as how we wrote the tree in Prolog: I would draw (Add (Constant 2) (Constant 2))

Constant Constant

which doesn’t look exactly like

But the differences are minor: in Prolog, we don’t need to write Constant, and we write +
instead of Add.

If writing 2 + 2 makes Prolog generate a tree, how do we tell Prolog to do the kind of thing
that calc does?

For reasons unclear to me, calc in Prolog is spelled “is”. If we write is instead of =, Prolog will
do arithmetic:

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?- N is 2 + 2.

Maybe Prolog uses “is” because people say things like “two plus two is four”? However, “is” only
works in one direction: if we put the 2 + 2 on the left, and the N on the right, we get an error.

?- 2 + 2 is N.

ERROR: Arguments are not sufficiently instantiated


ERROR: [8] 2+2 is _3378

ERROR: [7]

Rant: I find it really annoying that Prolog makes you write the result N to the left of the input 2 +
2. Translating functions to predicates with the argument first, and the result second, is consistent
with how we usually represent functions as sets in mathematics. We haven’t covered lists yet, but
putting the result last is also consistent with how Prolog implements the ‘append’ function on lists;
try ?- append([1, 2], [3], Answer). So if Prolog actually had a function called calc, I’d expect
to write calc(2 + 2, N).

To summarize: to make Prolog do what calc does, use is, with a variable to the left of is.

2.2 More arithmetic in Prolog

For some more arithmetic in Prolog, see lec19.pl.

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Analogy to 204
Prolog goes in order

Dear Prolog, please do arithmetic
More arithmetic in Prolog

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